One clan after another perished just like that.
In the midst of the deaths of countless creatures, the sky rained black and crimson, as if Heaven and Earth themselves were weeping.
"What on earth is happening? Why has it come to this? Why is the Doomsday Era proclaimed by the Theological Alliance so terrifying?"
New humans attired in Perfect Level Mech Armor, proud of their great military strength, had emerged from the Underground Great Wall days ago, only to now face the land of death!
As meteors rained down from the sky, he fled in terror, wailing all the while!
He had no idea what had transpired in this world. The skies had been clear yesterday, so why had today dawned with a scene where all life was on the brink of annihilation?
"Ah!! Why is this happening? Is it the will of the Earth seeking annihilation, or is it the same extraterrestrial force that obliterated our kind and the age of dinosaurs?"