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93.47% In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System / Chapter 43: The Humiliation of Kurotsuchi

Chapitre 43: The Humiliation of Kurotsuchi

I... woke up.

"W- Wha...?"

"What happened?"

"Ow, why are the seats so damn hot!?"

"Holy shit, Tony's on fire!!!"

"Gyaddamn, where'd this bitch's clothes go!?"

"I dunno but I ain't complaining!"

The sounds of numerous people waking up hit my unconscious ears as my eyes snapped open.

I managed to regain consciousness and looked around with an expression of genuine confusion.

'What the hell? Why am I sleeping in the middle of a fight...?' I asked myself, catching the sight of Kurotsuchi who also seemed to be waking up.

'Ugh, I don't remember drinking...' I chuckled to myself, rubbing my forehead and dizzily standing up.

I scanned the environment to gather some information and watched as everyone woke up and conversed with each other.

I also seemed to be experiencing a sensation of phantom pain, as though I should be in agony... but was perfectly fine.

I couldn't see or feel any real injuries on me, but it felt like I was supposed to be in incredible pain.

I was also shirtless for some reason.

At least, I assumed so. I didn't have a mirror so it was kind of up for debate whether I was genuinely okay.

Not that a mirror was necessary, it's just that my eyes seem to be barely working properly and I'm practically blind right now.

One thing was for certain though. My head... was most definitely not doing okay.

I had a horrible headache that was stabbing my brain with white-hot pain as every little movement sent waves of excruciating, searing agony shooting through my mind.

It was as though multiple hammers were crashing down on my head with the sole intent of causing as much stress as possible.

It wasn't even physical pain that was assaulting my mind. Straight-up damage seemed to be affecting my brain heavily, likely the reason for my wonky eyesight right now.

Basically... my brain is completely fucked up... Likely from having my skull shoved repeatedly into a wall.

So the only physical damage which I'm pretty sure I have is my brain, and the rest of me is doing okay.

Then again, my surroundings didn't look exactly clean and healthy even through my blurry eyes. Which wasn't a good sign as to how I was doing.

"What happened...?" I muttered in confusion at the destroyed environment as I got an idea as to how I could find out.

'Hey, symbiote, do you know what the hell happened? I just remember getting my head slammed into the wall and then... nothing,' I asked.

I waited silently as the symbiote gave a strangely cute confused squeak, 'Hm? Oh, you mean when you passed out?' It asked innocently.

'Yes, exactly,' I agreed with narrowed eyes as the symbiote hummed.

A few seconds of silence passed as I was quiet, waiting for the symbiote to respond.

And then, as I was beginning to get impatient, the symbiote gave me its answer.

'Nothing happened.'

I didn't really believe its words but I had a more pressing issue to deal with in the current moment.

Kurotsuchi seemed to be regaining consciousness and was beginning to stand up.

Whatever the hell happened, all that mattered was that my fight wasn't over and I needed to finish it.

"Hey Kurotsuchi!" I shouted as the dazed woman stood up from the ground and shook herself out of her trance.

The moment her eyes landed on me, she jumped back and got into a fighting posture, a posture that was quickly broken as she stumbled from her exhaustion.

"Y- You...! I'll beat your... ass..." Kurotsuchi shouted despite her exhaustion as she somehow managed to coat her leg in stone, forming a blade.

However, once again, her jutsu broke and she hobbled backwards, incredibly dizzy from the overuse of chakra.

"Damnit... Don't attack... me!" She muttered through dazed breaths as I gave a look to the nearby ref, "We can continue fighting, correct?"

"Th- The fight still continues...!" The announcer said in response to my look and question as I nodded.

I was still confused and nervous about what happened while I was seemingly knocked out, but I needed to do this.

My own suspicion and nerves didn't matter in the face of finally getting vengeance.

Vengeance? Huh? I mean, getting to humiliate her.

"Good! Now, watch as I cause your downfall Kurotsuchi!" I declared to Kurotsuchi as I breathed in a deep breath.

Then, I raised my arm and began concentrating my chakra into my open palm.

However, while I was occupied with activating my skill on the dazed Kurotsuchi, everyone in the crowd was more focused on just what was happening.

They couldn't really tell anything. One moment Kurotsuchi was practically slaughtering me, and the next... she was struggling to stay conscious.

To the audience, the moment my killing intent was set loose, they could barely remember any of my rampage.

Just brief moments of fire, darkness, and explosions.

However, none of that would matter once I used my special skill.

With this final attack from me, Kurotsuchi's fall and humiliation as the Tsuchikage would begin.

I would win.

I would be superior.

And so, with a toothy grin that stretched beyond the realms of my face, the chakra in my palm concentrated into a pinkish-purple hue and formed a sigil-like shape.

I was going to activate [Cloth Reaper] and humiliate her.

"EVERYONE!" I called out to the audience, drawing their attention.

As I prepared to begin my speech to the masses, my symbiote did as planned and began to access every single fragment within every single villager.

"Every civilian and shinobi within the village of Iwagakure! Pay attention to this!" Kurotsuchi, Onoki, and every single person watching from all over the village started focusing on my next action.

"Just what is that Jutsu..." Onoki muttered to himself before concentrating on me, 'This is it, Hokage's boy... What will you do...?'

The symbiote finished its preparations and was beginning its usage of psychokinesis.

I heaved in a big breath and used my other hand to point at the crowd.

"Watch in horror and pleasure as your Tsuchikage is defeated! This is for all of you in the crowd, boys!" I proclaimed proudly.

And then, with that final declaration, I began dashing at Kurotsuchi who was about to completely recover from my mental blow.

"Wha... What the hell happened...?" She muttered dizzily as she shook herself out of her trance and caught sight of me running towards her.

Her face immediately became serious and she used another earth jutsu on her right leg.

I and Kurotsuchi ran at incredible speeds at each other, one with an earth kick and one with a horny skill.

In one final push, Kurotsuchi jumped toward me and sent out a powerful kick that seemed to eviscerate the very air it travelled through.

I knew if I got hit by that attack, I'd be screwed. Which is why I wasn't going to be hit.

Just as Kurotsuchi's leg was about to implode my face, my reliable spider-sense instinctively took control and made my body go limp, ducking under the kick.

'What? He keeps evading everything...!' She noted herself, spotting my wide grin as I prepared to hit her with my skill.

Finally, with Kurotsuchi passing over me, I used my skill-infused hand and hit her full force with the skill.

A bright pink flash erupted from our position as I landed a few meters away after our collision.


The audience reered back at the bright light but quickly looked back at the arena as the light faded away.

There, now standing in the middle of the field with a confused expression, was a bewildered Kurotsuchi.

And then I snapped my fingers to complete the skill.


Within a single second, everyone in the audience either froze in horror, screamed in shock, gasped in disgust, or had dropped jaws with faces of amusement and joy.

A pink light travelled throughout all of Kurotsuchi's clothing and coated it completely, forming a seal-like marking all over her clothing.

"What the--"

Suddenly, Kurotsuchi's energy-infused clothing shattered, breaking apart into nothing but tiny pieces of fabric which were sent flying through the air.

When the smoke from the clothing's destruction settled, Kurotsuchi was revealed... this time wearing absolutely nothing, her naked body completely bare for everyone within Iwagakure to lay their eyes on.

As the audience silently gazed in shock and awe at her shapely body and Kurotsuchi herself remained frozen in complete and utter bamboozlement, I smiled.

Kurotsuchi finally snapped out of her daze and let out an embarrassed and angry scream as she covered herself as best she could.

""HELL YEAH!"" Multiple men within the audience hollered, giving me a thumbs up which I reciprocated.

Kurotsuchi was a rather well-developed, tall woman, with long, thick, and smooth, milky white legs, a naturally curvy and slightly toned body with details in all the right areas, which was topped with a generous pair of medium-sized boobs and an impressively plump and large ass.

All of which was on full display in front of everyone in the village, including me and her own grandfather.

"W- Wha...! How DARE you!" Kurotsuchi shrieked at me as she sat on the ground and desperately tried hiding her special places.

"I am the Tsuchikage, you brat! How dare you humiliate me in front of my village!? I'll send every damn shinobi in this village after you!" She ranted in embarrassment as rage consumed her mind and she wrapped her arm in Earth Chakra once more.

In a fit of rage, Kurotsuchi dashed at me still naked and was about to pummel me with every ounce of anger and embarrassment within her.

However, her attack failed to land as I raised my hand and once more snapped my fingers.

This time, all the accumulated chakra which my implanted bit of chakra was feeding on, shot out of her body in rope-like forms.

'Binding Chakra,' I called out within my mind as a mix of mine and Kurotsuchi's own chakra wrapped around her.

The tall woman tripped over the bindings and went tumbling across the arena, shouting as the chakra ropes wrapped themselves around her bare body.

The chakra bindings tied her arms together behind her back, restrained her torso by wrapping around her tits and stomach, immobilized her by tying her legs and hips up, and completing the binding by making a rope wrap tightly over her ass/pussy and tying up her neck, sending pangs of pleasure through Kurotsuchi at any slight movement.

As the skill finally finished, Kurotsuchi lay on the ground, completely wrapped up tightly by dozens of chakra bindings.

This time the crowd went crazy, thinking, 'How many of these jutsus does this kid have!?'

Meanwhile, my comrades were having a slightly different reaction.

Onoki was simply staring at the scene before him with a hand over his face in shame while Sayuri was nowhere to be found.

"Everyone watching this show tonight! Is this truly the person you want leading your village!?" I inquired loudly as the crowd narrowed their eyes.

"You're the one doing this to her!" Someone in the crowd shouted as I rolled my eyes.

'Symbiote? Did you forget one?' I asked as the symbiote chuckled, 'Sorry. I'll fix it.'

"Really? Do you really think that a damn Kage would be unable to break out of these weak bindings!?" I spoke as the woman who spoke sat back down.

"That's right! She should easily be able to get out of these bindings but here she is! I'm willing to bet that she's enjoying being in this position right now!"

As I said those words, I approached her bound body and stepped on her head casually.

"Again, let me repeat! Do you really want someone who so easily falls into the clutches of sexual depravity to be the 'Kage' leading the village? I sure wouldn't!" I proclaimed as Kurotsuchi gained a dreadful expression.

Kurotsuchi couldn't help feeling fear as she saw the people of her village seemingly agree with me.

He could see some smiling and nodding, some shrugging in agreeance, and even some cheering.

"Hey! My shinobi, why the hell aren't you helping me!?" Kurotsuchi yelled at the shinobi standing on the edge of the arena who flinched at her shouts.

"S- Should we...?"

"Maybe... but..."

Kurotsuchi got upset, "What are you doing!? Get over here! This cheater set a trap in this fight and should be disqualified!" She told the hesitant ninja.

The ninja turned to each other and nodded before walking up to us. But then memories of how she acted in the fight resurfaced.

She had a confident expression, expecting me to be dealt with swiftly, but quickly froze in horror as they stopped walking and moved back to their positions.

"W- What...? Hey, what are you--?" She muttered, a nervous smile on her wide-eyed face.

"Oh, little Kurotsuchi, you didn't think you would be let off the hook, did you?" I joked, recalling her proclamation about me cheating.

"Also... Cheating? All I'm doing is using a jutsu, how is that unfair?" I said with a roll of my eyes as the humiliated Kurotsuchi turned to me in dread.

"All you're doing is humiliating me, dammit! This isn't a fight and shouldn't be allowed!" She whined desperately, her breathing displaying panic as she felt every single person nearby abandon her.

Seeing this amusing sight, I simply reached into my pouch.

Kurotsuchi watched in abject horror as I pulled a familiar photo camera out of the seal in my pocket.

The exact same camera that I used against Sakura way back when. Ahh, the nostalgia.

"We agreed on no-holds-barred, didn't we? Anything goes is what you said. In fact, I clearly remember you saying that anyone attempting to swindle their way out of the fight would be disqualified so..."

My words were relaxed as I calmly took pictures of the wonderful sight before me.

Upon hearing the word 'disqualified' Kurotsuchi gained a deathly look, dreading what would happen if she lost.

She was very familiar with the marriage practices in Iwa and was swallowed in quiet despair at what she might have to do.

She dreaded the fate that awaited her when she became my wife.

A look which made me happy to see.

This is where I had initially intended to end the fight and win. With Kurotsuchi humiliated and the entire village seeing her defeated.

However, that woman had decided to pummel me relentlessly a moment ago and I was still pretty damn heated at that offence.

So instead of ending everything here and finishing the fight...

I will take it a step further.

"You know what? You don't get to be disqualified. Our fight will continue!" I spoke, Kurotsuchi not getting her hopes up for fear of what I was planning, "Consider yourself lucky..."

Oh, how excited I am to see her life crumble before her very eyes.

'With this, I will destroy her...' I muttered in anger as the symbiote suddenly spoke.

'Do you feel rage--?' The symbiote began speaking before I blocked it from my mind using Psychokinesis.

'Shut the hell up. I'm trying to have some fun,' I chuckled and smiled.

I could barely hear the symbiote sigh disappointedly as I turned back to Kurotsuchi's trapped form.

Kurotsuchi shivered in dread as she saw the dark look that was flaring up within my eyes... Literally.

Dark Determination, much like my Sharingan, was seemingly activated on its own and now blazing furiously within my eyes.

One small difference though. The Sharingan was also blinking in and out of activation due to my emotions and mixing with my Dark Determination to form a twisted red-purple flame within my eyes.

Each ability was feeding the other, creating a loop of infinite negativity that was filling me with hateful strength and radiating pure dread to everyone nearby.

I hadn't activated a single one of these skills but who cares? I was too busy being in the moment.

And so, as I approached Kurotsuchi who was wriggling in her sensual bindings like a desperate worm, she couldn't help but shudder in fear.

"Hey, I suggest you just enjoy the process," I warned with a smile as I grabbed her by the hair and started moving.

"Agh! Let... go!" Kurotsuchi screamed from the pain of my grabbing her head, the hand-shaped imprint on full display on her face.

Everyone wondered what I was doing as I walked up to a nearby rock, still holding Kurotsuchi by the hair.

"Everyone...!" I began, pulling Kurotsuchi over my knees on her stomach, "Behold! Your Tsuchikage being punished!"

Kurotsuchi squirmed on my logs, confused by why I put her in this position before freezing as she felt a hand touch her ass.

"Wait, wait, wait..." Kurotsuchi muttered despairingly as she realized just what I was about to do, "Please--!"

Everyone in the crowd watched curiously as they saw me raise my right hand and take aim at a certain something.

'Wait, he's not gonna... Is he...?' Everyone in the crowd thought before their jaws dropped.

My hand came down at immense speeds and, as Kurotsuchi pleaded for mercy, I crisply spanked her on her plump butt, generating a pleasing sound that mixed with Kurotsuchi's voice.

"Aaaah!" She screamed from the pain and, strangely, pleasure as the crowd laughed and cheered-- all under the influence of slight bits of psychokinesis and the symbiote.

The panic and humiliation on her face was accentuated by the lustful blush covering her terrified expression.

That pleasure in question was the result of the increasing doses of Love Chakra which would increase in intensity the more I hit her.

I suppose one could guess where this was going.

Once again, I raised my arm and slapped her jiggling asscheek, garnering another scream from Kurotsuchi.

More Love Chakra was transferred into her system, causing her to feel even more pleasure and lust.

"Everyone, she's been such a bad girl, right?" I questioned my adoring audience as the snivelling Kurotsuchi tried worming her way out of my grip only to be stopped by the chakra bindings getting strengthened.

She looked at the crowd, 'They wouldn't... no...' She thought to herself only to come to a despairing conclusion.

""Yeah!"" The audience replied with fervour as I shrugged and propped up Kurotsuchi's large cake, prepping for another assault of spanks.

"Ngh! Ngh! Ah! P- Please...!" She moaned in pleasure in between every love-chakra-filled spank, still trying to resist the affects of my skills.

The mark imprinted onto the right side of her face glowed lightly in response to the love chakra as I continued the assault on her cheeks.

Multiple people in the crowd whistled loudly as they enjoyed the sight of Kurotsuchi moaning and screaming as I slapped her.

"Come on, future wife, keep squirming. Enjoy the process!" I mocked, generating a paddle-shaped symbiote tendril.

I controlled the paddle to spin around rapidly as I began rapidly smacking Kurotsuchi's ass and even pussy with it, causing her to spasm and moan loudly, tensing up as she shivered from the pleasure.

"Nyahhh...!" She moaned with a mouth drooling saliva as I allowed a couple other symbiote tendrils to wrap around her titties and begin groping them sensually.


"""Yeah, baby!"""

"""Fuck yeah, show us her titties!"""

'Man, the confidence is inspiring,' I thought to myself.

I complied with the audience's request and lifted Kurotsuchi up by a tendril wrapped around her waist as a tendril slapped, flicked, and squeezed her breasts, putting on a show for the cheering crowd.

Yet another tendril grabbed her legs, pulled them apart, and then began teasing, flicking, and striking her in her vulnerable pussy which continued to squirt.

'No, no, no... Please, stop doing this!' She begged within her mind, unable to scream as a biomass mask covered her mouth.

Kurotsuchi squirmed from the humiliation and pleasure which only filled her with more lust as her restraints grated against her exotic places. The bindings themselves also seemed to be filling her with desire, as though simply being restrained was giving her pleasure.

As my tendrils carried Kurotsuchi sensually, I grabbed one bouncing ass cheek, squeezing it and fondling her luscious legs while spanking her other jiggling cheek with my open hand.

The crowd was clearly loving the show.

Just a little intoxicating psychokinesis and suddenly everyone has turned their backs of Kurotsuchi, leaving her completely at my mercy.

All it took was a little push for this situation to come about.

With the sound of the cheering crowd echoing endlessly, her bindings restraining her lustful self, the various tendrils pleasuring her body, and me playing with her lower body... Kurotsuchi was reaching the limit.

And as the overwhelming amount of pure lust completely overloaded Kurotsuchi's mind, she exploded.

"Aghh! NYAAAGH!" She wailed climactically as her body shuddered violently before trembling from her orgasm, her orgasmic pussy juices dripping down her leg and creating a thick puddle under her held-up body.

I and the audience basked in the sight of the Tsuchikage's quivering form which was vibrating from her incredible climax with a slutty smile on her drooling and flushed face.

My symbiote tendrils retracted back into my body, dropping the barely conscious Kurotsuchi onto a puddle of her own bodily fluids, still having a dazed expression of perverted pleasure.

Her body twitched helplessly, reeling from her depraved orgasm as I took in a deep breath of relaxation and rested my foot on her propped-up ass.

"Well?" I said, looking at the shinobi referee who was standing there with a deep blush, "Start the countdown."

She snapped out of it, "O- Oh right... 5, 4, 3... two... one... zero!" She declared, waving the red flag.

"Akuto Uzumaki WINS!" She announced loudly, the crowd erupting into booming cheers as many men ran into the arena area.

"Hell yeah, man, you're a damn hero!" One man proclaimed as he lifted me up and placed me on his shoulders.

"You're welcome, you're welcome. You guys don't need to be kept restrained, with me as your new leader, we'll be able to do whatever the hell we want," I declared to my fellow men who grinned and stared down in contempt at the shivering Kurotsuchi.

"What do we do with this loser then?" One man said as he almost greedily grabbed her ass only for me to stop him.

"Hold up there, this body is mine. She is my wife from now on so don't go and touch her without my permission," I chuckled with a depraved smile as I flexed my privilege by stroking her ass.

He raised his hands in defeat, "Alright, alright..." He muttered as I and the numerous men began conversing, slowly funnelling out of the building with the rest of the civilians and shinobi.

I snapped one more alluring photo with Kurotsuchi in her defeated, bent-over cat position on the ground before meeting up with the crowd of men.

After a couple minutes, everyone exited the arena, leaving the pathetic Kurotsuchi to remain posed on the ground, alone.

"Seeya, Kurotsuchi. Oh yeah, could someone clean up this mess for me?" I requested a nearby group of shinobi who hesitantly walked over to Kurotsuchi's naked form.

The Iwa ninjas approached Kurotsuchi and picked her up together, walking away as one of them was left to clean up after Kurotsuchi.

Meanwhile, I began making my way towards the Tsuchikage tower, prepared to gain control.

'Finally, my first village secured... And the first Kage of many...' I thought to myself with a smirk.

Just a little longer and everything would be set in place for Iwagakure to become mine fully.


"Hm?" I hummed, 'What is it this time...?'

[New Mission!]


[Claim the Tsuchikage!]

[Details: Claim Kurotsuchi as your consort in an official marriage and then have sex with her to leave your mark]

Rewards: [Female Outfit Kit], [Random Companion Consumable]

Punishment: [Get kicked in the balls by Kevin Hart]


Damn... It's been a while since I got one of these things, hasn't it?

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