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97.27% Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic] / Chapter 214: CHAPTER {336-338}

Chapitre 214: CHAPTER {336-338}


~~Greengrass Family Manor~~

"So what do you think?" Daphne asked smugly while staring at Hermione, who was looking around their Family library, looking completely awestruck. "Impressive, right?" Daphne asked when Hermione finally stopped looking around and stared at Daphne. The Hogwarts Library was obviously much bigger, but the Greengrass Library was still big enough for a family library.

"Yes, this is impressive" Hermione admitted with a dumbstruck look on her face. She couldn't even imagine the amount of gold the Greengrass had to spend to collect so many books. Some of the books were even original copies, which meant they must have cost a fortune.

"I have heard that the Black Family Library is more impressive than this, but I haven't seen it myself" Daphne revealed with a smile on her face as she walked up to Hermione. The bushy-haired teen turned toward Daphne and stared at her with a frown.

"Sirius Black was absolved of his crimes, wasn't he?" Hermione asked.

"Yes" Daphne nodded her head before a thought appeared in her mind. "I have heard that he has a soft spot for Muggleborns, so you reach out to him and ask him if he could let you access his Family Library" Daphne explained with a thoughtful look on her face.

However, Hermione looked skeptical instead of looking excited or happy. "Really? He is a Pureblood, is he really going to let me into his Family Library without anything in return?" Hermione asked in a doubtful tone.

"I am not sure, but I have heard that he wanted nothing to do with his Family legacy before he was wrongfully imprisoned. However, if you decide to reach out to him, you need to be very careful. He is really close to his Godson, Harry Potter" Daphne warned the older teen.

"Aren't you already working for him?" Hermione asked with a frown.

"Yes, but I had no other choice" Daphne answered with a grimace. "However, you do have a choice, so think carefully before making a choice" Daphne rubbed her hand where the Sigil of Lost was supposed to be. "Regardless of what you choose, our deal is going to stand. We will provide you with all the education and the resources you need and in return, you will be working for our family" Daphne decided to remind her.

Hermione nodded her head in understanding… She already knew what she was getting into. However, after spending three and a half years in the Wizarding World, she knew how amazing of a deal she was getting…

~~Malfoy Manor~~

"The two of you stay here" Harry ordered two of his followers as he arrived outside the cell where the vampires were being kept. He didn't even bother to keep them in separate cells as he didn't want to waste too many resources on Vampires and it would have taken him a lot of time to Ward all the cells. The members of the Lost Garden nodded their heads in understanding.

Harry unlocked the cell with a snap of his finger and just like he expected, two shadows lunged at him but never managed to get close to him as the two Vampires were stopped and held afloat by an invisible force. "Please… Don't harm them" Someone requested from inside and Harry was surprised to find that one of the Vampire was still lucid and now that he looked carefully, she wasn't the only one. 

A few Vampires were still lucid and they were holding back the other Vampires from attacking him, which was quite surprising since he expected all of them to have lost their minds due to their thrust, but he was proven wrong…

"Some of you are still lucid? Fascinating!" Harry said with a grin as he stepped inside the cell. The cell wasn't completely dark as the ceiling was providing a mild glow. That was how the cells were charmed since the Malfoys were used to keeping prisoners and they didn't want to use torches or anything like that for the cells. "Color me impressed" Harry said with a nod of his head as he looked around.

The lucid Vampires were obviously in a weaker state since Harry had starved them for more than a week, but they were still strong enough to hold back the frenzied Vampires and even though frenzied Vampires lacked sanity, they were much faster and stronger than lucid Vampires.

"Blood… Please, we need blood" The same female Vampire spoke again. 

"And why would I do that?" Harry asked with a confused look on his face. Yes, it was wrong to starve your prisoners, but it was also wrong to join a terrorist like Voldemort.

The female Vampire grimaced… "I will willingly cooperate with you. Please give us some blood" The Vampire requested again and even though it wasn't much, Harry decided to accept the deal. 

"Come in" Harry called out and the two members of Lost Garden who were waiting outside the cell entered the cell carrying a couple of bags in their hands. "Give them the blood and bring her to meet me when they are done" Harry ordered while looking at the two Vampires before he turned back toward the female Vampire. "I hope you don't try anything foolish or the fate of your group is going to be quite grave" Harry warned. 

The female Vampire didn't say anything and simply looked away as the frenzied Vampires were starting to struggle even more since now they could sense the blood inside the bags… Harry exited the cell followed by the two members of the Lost Garden, who decided to stand outside and guard the cell until the Vampires finished drinking the blood.

However before Harry could leave, Alef appeared beside him with a pop and held out a letter for him. "Master Hadrian, this letter be here for you" The elf explained.

Harry accepted the letter and saw that it was from Emanuel and a smile bloomed on his face. "Thank you, Alef. You may leave now" Harry waved off the house elf and the house elf disappeared with a soft pop. Harry gently opened the letter as he started to climb the stairs. His smile simply widened as he read the contents of the letter.

\Meet me at the last meeting spot at 5 pm. The ICW is willing to negotiate\ 

There wasn't much written in the letter, but for Harry that was more than enough…



"Welcome, please have a seat" Harry offered when the female Vampire finally entered the room. He was waiting for her in his office and she was being led by one of the Lost Garden members so that she wouldn't get lost on the way, either intentionally or unintentionally. "And you may leave" Harry instructed the follower.

The man simply bowed his head and walked away without saying anything else while the latex-clad woman simply stared at the man before she turned back toward Harry. "What are you? You are not a human" The woman said as she took a step back. 

"Hoh?" Harry asked, looking curious and interested. "Why would you think that?" Harry asked without any hint of malice or threat in his voice.

However, the woman still gulped before she finally decided to answer his question. Even though he was only a 14 year old boy and he was trying to act as casually as possible, she was feeling like she was standing in front of some Ancient Deity. 

Vampires couldn't use Magic as Wixen, but they were very attuned to Magic. They could smell it in the air and the amount she could smell from the boy sitting in front of him was simply mind-boggling. When she saw him the first time, she wasn't in the right state of mind and she was busy holding back her subordinates from attacking him, but now that her mind was calm, she could smell it from the basement.

The amount of Magic he possessed was so incredible that she couldn't fathom how it was possible for a human to possess so much Magic in their body. That was why she thought he wasn't a human, to begin with. Humans were incredible… They were probably the most versatile and adaptive race to ever walk on earth, but there was an undeniable fact about them.

Their bodies were weak…

So, even though Wixen were supposedly stronger than normal humans, no Wixen should be able to contain so much raw Magic inside their bodies. Magic capacity was a basic fundamental limit of Wixen, so throughout the years a lot of Wixen had tried to increase the amount of raw Magic inside their bodies through various means, but after exceeding a certain limit, their bodies exploded since they couldn't handle the quantity.

"How can you possess so much Magic?" The woman finally asked. She would have been sweating if Vampires could sweat.

Harry rubbed his chin thoughtfully before he shrugged his shoulders. "Even I am not sure myself" Harry answered dismissively. He obviously knew why, but he wasn't going to tell her that. "However, I can assure you that I am a human and I have been one since I was born" Harry assured her with an amused grin on his face. "Now, please have a seat" Harry offered and this time she accepted the offer.

"I am Selene" The woman introduced herself while acting all prim and proper.

"Can I offer you something, maybe blood?" Harry offered.

"I am sorry, but I prefer not drinking blood in front of people" Selene politely denied. 

"I see… No problem" Harry didn't mind and decided to move on. "So the Vampires have decided to support Voldemort?" Harry asked and Selene quickly shook her head. "Really? I have you guys and then there were a few more of you guys helping him" Harry asked with a frown on his face.

"Before I answer your question, what do you know about our society?" Selene asked.

"Not much, to be honest" Harry admitted honestly.

"Then let me explain. All of our covens are under the command of Vampire elders. There are three Vampire elders and at a time only one of them is awake to prevent any kind of friction in the chain of command. Currently, Vampire Elder Amelia is in control, but the leader of my Coven went behind her back and decided to help the Dark Lord" Selene explained.

"I see… So this Amelia knows nothing of this alliance?" Harry asked and Selene shook her head in denial. "Then how important are you to this Amelia?" Harry asked and this time Selene clutched her hand rest tightly in fear. Was Harry planning to use her to blackmail Amelia or something? Selene knew that Viktor loved her as a daughter, but Amelia was not like that. 

"There is no need to be afraid, I have no intentions of attacking this Amelia since she never supported Voldemort, but I would like to negotiate a deal with her and also negotiate the release of prisoners" Harry explained calmly and Selene simply bit her lips in frustration. This was what she was worried about… The reputation of her team was going to drop immensely if Harry really decided to contact Amelia.

However, she was completely powerless to stop him…

"You may leave now, enjoy the hospitality for the time being" Harry decided to dismiss her since he didn't have any more questions for her. Yes, it was true that he wanted to kill the leader of her coven, but right now he was busy with other stuff. He didn't have the time to go after someone hiding in another country right now. Selene clutched her hands tightly as she stood up and left.

"Don't get lost in the way" Harry announced loudly when she was about to walk out of the doorway and for a moment she froze. The threat was clear and she wasn't planning to do that even though the choice of running away had crossed her mind. 

Without saying anything else, Selene silently left and Harry walked up to the window so that he could pet Hedwig who was perched on the window frame. 

|I think you went easy on her| Lily huffed, sounding annoyed.

|She is inconsequential… If the leader of her Coven could order her to accept a suicide mission then she is really low on the pecking order| Harry decided to dismiss the woman and her importance and even if she or her group was important, Harry wasn't worried since Vampires were no threat to even a barely trained Wixen. However, he still needed to reach out to this so-called Vampire elder.

'Jacky, I have a task for you' Harry sent a message and decided to trust Jacklyn with the said task…




"I hope you didn't have to wait for long" Harry called out with a smile as he arrived at the meeting spot with a soft crack. Emanuel, who was standing near the cliff, simply waved his hand dismissively as he gestured his guards to take a walk. He had no need for them and if Harry wanted to hurt him then there was nothing the two of them could do to protect him.

"No. You are right on time" Emanuel answered back with a smile. Emanuel stared at Harry for a few more seconds before he sighed tiredly and began to speak. "The ICW has decided to negotiate. After discussing much, the ICW has realized that you are right… The Goblins have too much power. The armors and weapons you sent obviously helped" Emanuel quickly explained.

"I am glad that you guys can finally see the truth" Harry smiled brightly.

"However, there is a problem…" Emanuel trailed off and at Harry's urging look, Emanuel decided to continue. "The ICW is a huge organization, it can't function without the daily supply of gold. We need to show the Goblins that we are doing something so that we can cut a temporary deal with them" Emanuel explained nervously and Harry nodded his head in understanding.

Harry was already expecting something like this… Even if the ICW agreed with his plan, they would need to buy some time since it was simply impossible for Harry to attack and liberate all the Gringotts' branches within a short amount of time and he couldn't be at all the places at the same time…

"Alright. Do what you need, but remember to treat her nicely. She is a goddamn hero!" Harry reminded the man and he raised his hands in the air in surrender. Even though Emanuel never outright mentioned it, he knew what the man was talking about.

"Don't worry, she is going to be treated properly" Emanuel happily agreed. There were a lot of extremists within ICW, but they never acted since they never got the chance. However, Connie Hammer has finally given them a chance to act and destroy the Goblins along with their monopoly in one fell swoop, they wanted her to be treated like a freaking hero.

"Good" Harry nodded his head with a smile.

"Now, just to be clear, the ICW wants you to deal with either the Spain branch or the Polland branch and after that, we leave it to your discretion. We don't care which branch you attack after that as long as the Goblin Nation falls" Emanuel explained and Harry nodded his head in understanding. "So, what's the price?" Emanuel finally asked, deciding to deal with the elephant in the room.

"A complete pardon for me and all of my followers along with the legal authority for Lost Garden to work in all countries" Harry revealed his demands and Emanuel immediately frowned at his words.

"We can pardon all of you except for Grindelwald. We cannot pardon him and as for your second demand… I do not know" Emanuel answered honestly. Harry nodded his head in understanding. He wasn't expecting them to pardon Grindelwald and some of his followers, to begin with, but he was pleased to know that only Grindelwald wasn't going to be pardoned.

"Take your time" Harry answered with an understanding look on his face. "Oh and don't forget the ransom and all the information you have on the Guild" Harry decided to remind the man.

"We already have the ransom and the information ready, so we can get it out of the way at your earliest convenience" Emanuel answered in return. 

"How about the day after tomorrow?" Harry suggested and Emanuel nodded his head in agreement. 

"If that is all then I need to get going. I still need to visit the ICW to tell them about your demands" Emanuel said, but before he could leave, Harry stopped him.

"There is something else we need to discuss" Harry called and at Emanuel's questioning look Harry decided to elaborate. "Greyback and his pack are on the way to Britain" Harry revealed and Emanuel seemed to pale at his words.

"Really?" Emanuel asked, looking worried and afraid. Thankfully, the Dementor attack fiasco was covered up by the Muggles so they didn't have to get their hands dirty, but now that Greyback was coming here with his pack, he started to wonder how the ICW is going to deal with the cover up. It was going to be a nightmare.

The Muggles couldn't see the Dementors so it was easy to think of it as a chemical or a biological attack and call it day, but with Greyback and his merry band of cannibals, they couldn't do that… It would be impossible to cover up the bite marks since Greyback and his pack had a habit of committing dine and dash.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Emanuel cursed under his breath before he glanced toward Harry with a grave look on his face. "Can I trust Lost Garden to deal with this matter?" Emanuel asked gravely, making Harry smile.

"I was thinking you would never ask" Harry beamed with a bright smile on his face. "Prepare the bounties as I don't intend to let them leave Britain alive" Harry assured the man, earning a stiff nod from Emanuel. His guards were standing at some distance and as soon as they saw Emanuel walking away from Harry, they returned to Emanuel and activated a Portkey to leave.

Harry stared at the spot where they were standing for a moment before he turned toward the sea… He knew that the ICW also wanted Voldemort gone, but decided to not to put a price on top of his head because the matter between them was a lot more personal and Harry didn't want anyone to think that he only dealt with Voldemort because of the deal. 

It was true that he never cared what the others thought about him, but this time, it was different… It was a matter of principle. "Soon…" Harry mumbled under his breath as he stared at the sun before he too disappeared with a soft pop…


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