Allison Dawson
I don’t like it, but what choice do I have? Tonight, we leave this rotting island. The ship with God’s Shadow reinforcements arrives any hour now. Christopher says it’ll stay docked all day, offloading soldiers and their families. I’ll help Christopher commandeer a rowboat; from there we can smuggle ourselves and Orion aboard the ship before it sails back to England. It’s a plan—And it’s all we have to work with as far as escaping Belzaar.
My part in all of this is to absorb as much energy as I can from the sacred forest that my coven’s temple hides in. For as long as I can remember, none of my people have taken from the forest. Purity lives within the trees, the flowers, and even the ground hold much power. Time for us to find out if the woods will rejuvenate itself, or will I leave my people defenseless? No, I won’t take all of it, just enough to help my family leave this war zone.