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55.55% The Guild of Gamers: The Tamer / Chapter 10: Sleeping Giant

Chapitre 10: Sleeping Giant

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.
Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old Man of the Mountain, TheDonFluffles, Malcolm Tent, Mike, God of Lore and Beans.

The Guild of Gamers: The Tamer
Chapter 09: Sleeping Giant

Emergency Quest Added
[The Sleeping Giant!]
Objective: Survive Snorlax's rampage
Optional Objective: Slay or Tame Snorlax
Reward: ???

Before it can attack again, I summon one of my Tauros to grab Melissa and toss her onto its back, sending it running away at top speed as I give Yu a serious nod.

This fucker could Kaijuify at any moment, especially now that we've accidentally woken it up; we need to at least make it burn off some of its energy.

Primate doesn't need more than a telepathic nudge as he leaps forward, slamming his fists into the massive body of Snorlax, watching as the fat jiggles.

I can tell it's hurting the beast, even as I make my move, but it's barely hurting the ginormous creature. Snorlax has ridiculous amounts of defence, barely caring as Blue sprays it with acid.

It goes to fire its fucking laser eyes at me again, but Yu tackles it, having rapidly grown to match its size.

She probably thought its impressive girth meant it was slow, being surprised as Snorlax grabs her tightly and simply falls onto its back, pulling her down with it.

Then, it keeps rolling backwards, pinning Yu under it as it ruthlessly blasts her in the face with its hyper-beam.

Or it would have, had the vines not grabbed its head and snapped it to the side, the deadly beam barely missing Yu as Shaymin saves the day.

I'm not idle either, shifting into the form of a Mankey and leaping forward, kicking the chubby bastard in the face as Yu manages to dislodge him.

This is the girl who carried a angry Kaiju through the city, but she barely manages to throw the big fucker off of her.

Snorlax rises again with an annoyed grumble, a lazy swipe of its massive paws sending Primeape flying. Annoyed, not angry or threatened, it's just mildly annoyed that its next meal isn't lying down and dying.

But then it pauses, spotting Shaymin standing a short distance away, its mouth salivating at the sight of the legendary monster.

It's hungry because it knows it's going to evolve, and Shaymin has so much energy within her little body.

If Snorlax manages to feed on her, it will absolutely have enough energy to become a Kaiju, and then we're all fucked.

The vines grow around it, trying to hold Snorlax in place, but Snorlax just walks out of the bindings, tearing them as it moves towards its meal.

Not that the rest of us are going to let it turn Shaymin into fast food, me and Primeape deliver powerful kicks and punches to Snorlax's body, Blue sprays it with acid, and Yu grabs it from behind and tries to toss it away from Shaymin.

Between me, Primeape and Yu, we actually manage to throw the massive body back as Snorlax makes a deep rumbling sound, looking up at us with rage.

It didn't care before; we were just an afternoon snack, but now we're getting in between it and the greatest meal it's ever seen.

And it's pissed.

With far more speed than any of us expected, it leaps into the air, going much higher than any creature that size has the right to, and as I watch the body grow, I realise I am still underestimating it.

It didn't have enough power to force a kaijuification, but it had enough to do something as I watch the beast grow until its ungodly large body blots out the sun.

Objective Updated
[Slay or Tame the Mega-evolved Snorlax]

Oh, for fucks-

Shifting into a slime, I pray for the first time as I hope the slime's physical resistance is enough to save me.

— Kuro —

Huh, that's new.

What would make Kaito turn to religion? Hey, I'm a God, so praying to me counts as religion. Ask my many, many cults and priestesses.

Oh yeah, the Mega Snorlax.


— Primeape —

The fat thing made the world shake, the large girl going flying as Shaymin tried to protect them with loads of green stuff, going flying as its tiny body smashed through the dislodged trees.

Blue and Blue-boss got squashed, but they started to regrow slowly as the big boss turned back into his fleshy normal form, groaning as he stopped moving.

His mate, who turned big sometimes, shrunk back to her normal size, also not moving as the red stuff leaked from her. Tch, the boss needed to get stronger mates.

He was the smart one, having climbed the trees and jumped up towards the fat thing and scurried his way onto the fucker's back, riding it down.

Still, the ride made his head spin as he watched the giant fat thing lumber towards Shaymin.

Somewhere in his mind, he started to realise the seriousness; the boss was worried about Shaymin getting munched, but the boss wasn't moving.

Blue was still trying to pull itself together; the stupid jelly wasn't going to help.

The thing picked Shaymin up, the tiny one waking up from its nap and squealing as the enemy opened its maw.

This was bad; the boss didn't want this to happen.

The boss was hurt. Why wasn't he getting back up?

Looking at the boss, Primeape paused as it saw the weird way his lungs were twisted, something in its head clicking.

The boss was hurt, badly hurt.

The tiny one was going to get eaten, and the boss was hurt. He thought he knew anger before, but something deep down awakened within his heart.

Under all that anger was… so much more anger, only now it was directed entirely at one thing.

So Primeape did the only thing that made sense, and with a challenging bellow, it leapt towards the giant as it lifted Shaymin towards its mouth.

Snorlax barely acknowledged the challenge, a mistake it soon regretted as Primeape's fists started to glow (not that Primeape noticed), slamming into Snorlax's stomach with enough force to make the beast's stupid eyes widen as it let out a confused grunt.

More importantly, it dropped the little one, Shaymin falling towards the floor until the vines caught it.

Again, Primeape didn't notice as it continued to pound into the massive body, actually knocking the giant back with each pummel, Primeape's fury in every strike.

It blasted him away with its flashy eyes, but Primeape ignored its wounds and lunged forward again.

— Shaymin —

Unlike Primeape, Shaymin actually understood the seriousness of the situation.

She couldn't beat Snorlax; despite being a higher-ranking monster, she was not made for combat, while Snorlax was a complete beast with entirely too much energy.

Looking around, she knew Yu was dead; Kaito was fortunately just unconscious, the sheer amount of damage having forced him out of his slime form.

Blue was slowly recovering, its slime sent in every direction, but while Primeape was doing shockingly well, dodging Snorlax's enraged swipes, Primeape wasn't going to last.

Shaymin couldn't risk being eaten. She knew the risks, so the course was clear. Her body started to glow with golden light, and with a cry, she let out a far smaller wave of pure energy, enough to return her friends to full health for the upcoming fight.

As she turned to golden motes of light, she saw Kaito start to rise and smiled slightly. Her master would handle the rest; she had faith in him. Her master would find a way, and everything would turn out fine.

But for now, she had to sleep once more.

— Kaito —

The golden glow tells me exactly what happened: misshapen limbs forced back into shape as I rise once more.

Yu rises slower; I'm pretty sure she died.

Shaymin saved our asses, but I already know the real saviour as I watch my extremely angry monkey scale Snorlax with surprising grace and kick it in the eye.

Crazy little fucker saved all our asses.

But that still leaves us dealing with the largest monster I've ever seen, and now that Shaymin has vanished, it is furious.

Yu blinks, looking down at herself in shock. I suppose returning from the dead would do that to you.

"What do we do? Can we even hurt this thing?" Yu asks, professional despite the shakiness of her voice.

Staring at Snorlax as he backhands Primeape into a tree, I focus as I study the massive beast for any kind of weakness, anything we can use. After a moment, I smile making Yu blink.

"We can't really hurt it, but we can win," I swear, making her blink. "It forced itself to evolve into its Kaiju form early out of sheer rage; it simply doesn't have the energy to sustain this form. We don't need to kill it; we just need to get it to burn off all that energy, and it'll collapse. Whatever we do, we can't let that fucker eat, that's how it regains its energy."

This isn't a matter of dealing damage; it's an endurance battle. We just need to outlast Snorlax, who is already burning off an immense amount of energy just trying to maintain his Kaiju form.

Primeape dives at the fat bastard again, getting a hyper-beam to the face for his efforts. I'm genuinely shocked that he's still alive, but I think he's just too angry to die as he bellows in rage, fur scorched from the heat.

Primeape immediately dives at Snorlax again because if it didn't work the first time, why not just try again? Fortunately for my dumb monkey, he's not alone as Blue lunges forward and engulfs Snorlax's leg, the fatty tissue steaming as Blue tries to melt the entire limb, distracting Snorlax from the incoming monkey for just a moment.

Snorlax remembers real quick as Primeape's foot collides with his face, the force of the blow enough to send Snorlax onto its back, the entire forest shaking as the massive body hits the ground.

Getting an idea, I start running towards it as I summon every Tauros from my pocket dimension, turning into one of them myself as we charge the downed Snorlax, two dozen angry bulls slamming into its side, my plant control causing vines to grow up and try and bind the fat bastard, while Yu leaps into the air and slams down on Snorlax's stomach (bouncing off, but not without dealing some serious damage).

As they hit the bastard, I send them back home so they get out of the way, the entire herd colliding with the fat fucker as their horns tear into the wannabe Kaiju's side, sure a single charge doesn't really hurt him, but twenty sets of horns all stabbing into the same side is going to mess up anything, even someone as durable as this.
I hit Snorlax last, the final Tauros disappearing as I gore Snorlax's side with my own horns, making it bellow in rage as it starts to tear the vines away and tries to rise, getting kicked in the face by a fully-grown Yu and knocked right back on its ass.

The damage we've done would kill a lesser monster fifty times over, and yet I can tell we're just annoying the fat fucker, but that's our best bet at the moment. We're just making it too angry to give a shit about energy conservation, sending hyper beams in every direction as Snorlax roars in rage at us insects biting it; I shift back to my human form and pull out my dagger, stabbing it directly into the closest gory wound.

It finally rises to its feet, managing to catch Yu with a direct hyper beam to her chest, sending her flying back as it tears off a large chunk of Blue's goop, tossing the acidic slime away.

In the back of my mind, one of my monsters reaches out to me with a plan, making me blink at the insanity of it before I shrug. Well, I'm sure she knows what she's doing as Metapod appears in my hands.

Using her like one of those weird egg-shaped balls I've seen people throwing on the internet (I like the version where the players just tackle each other), I toss Metapod into the air as Snorlax roars in indignation.

Godspeed, you crazy bug.

– Metapod –

Her time was now.

She had trained so hard for this day, this exact moment; well, okay, it wasn't exactly for this, but she knew she was training for something. She didn't have the almighty power of Shaymin, the might of Blue, the… something of Primape, but she had something that nobody else in this fight had.

She had sticky webs.

Her String Shot flew from the bottom of her new hardened form, letting her swing with a kind of grace and skill that none of her master's other monsters possessed as she took aim, deliberately sending her body into a wild spin as she flew to her target, the giant gaping maw of the oversized fool who thought it was a match for her (and her master, and maybe the others as well but they were really just an afterthought).

As large as the creature was, she easily fit into its mouth as she spun wildly, immediately starting to spray her almighty web in every direction, making the beast finally notice that it had been outsmarted.

Her master didn't want this fool to eat, and she would make it so. Spraying more webbing than she ever had before, she completely gunked up the throat and mouth of her victim, layer after layer of webs making it harder and harder for the creature to even open its mouth as it tried to reach in and tear her out.

Did it want revenge? Fool. Her body hardened, shining as she repeatedly used her new skill to make her shell harder and harder, still spraying webs like her life depended on it (not that such a glutton posed a threat to her); she could feel the behemoth's body shake as her lessers attacked it from the outside, inefficiently, and the giant tongue lashed around trying to dislodge her, but it had to wade through an ocean of sticky webs, and she was too nimble for its pathetic attempts.

She was simply too smart for this worm; oh wait, she was the worm.

– Kaito –

With the Snorlax's mouth utterly jammed by sticky webs, the risk of it being able to eat anything has dropped considerably, and it opens up some more possibilities. My horde of Rattatas climb the Snorlax's body and gnaw at its flesh. They might die, but they can't be eaten without me having plenty of time to send them away, the same with my Tauros who repeatedly charge them, even if their numbers drop with every charge, beams of energy obliterating them.

Yu is badly injured, but I'm not going to insult her by trying to tell her to leave, not with so much on the line. She's a professional hero; she knows the risks.

Primeape finally goes down as he gets hit with a hyper beam and then belly-slammed. My angry monke vanishes under the massive bulk of Snorlax as I finally feel him be sent home, the ground shaking as I almost lose my footing.

The ground around us is shattered, and most of the trees have been felled. It's getting harder and harder to fight him here, but we need to stay close because those beams are its most dangerous weapon. We try to relocate, and we'll get hyper beams to the backs. It's predictable; I've managed to dodge every beam so far, but I can't do that while I'm running away.

So even as I watch it reduce my Tauros herd to zero with a single intense beam of energy, blackening the ground where they had been charging, I just charge myself, using my whip like a grappling hook (totally copying Metapod) to swing myself into the air.

This one is for Primeape; as the head turns towards me, its eyes start to glow.

But I've been watching; it can't use Hyper Beam twice back to back. It has a short delay, and the light dims as I land on Snorlax's face, stabbing down into its eye with my dagger, immediately being shaken off as Snorlax roars in true rage.

Landing on my back, I roll backwards and rapidly rise to my feet. Knowing how to fall is an important skill, one my mother happily taught me by making sure I was very used to falling. Sometimes from very high heights.

I think Snorlax might actually be approaching Primeape levels of rage as it looks around wildly, its one good eye glaring at us.

Me, Yu, Blue (heavily reduced in size), Raticate and a dozen Rattatas, that's what is left standing in his way. Well, that and Metapod still hiding in its mouth. With a thought, I summon Eevee, Slakoth and Midnight's Ekans to my side.

Eevee panics, but I just grab it by the scruff of its neck and toss it towards Snorlax. It freezes before it looks up at Snorlax, eyes wide as it tries to use puppy-dog eyes on the beast, briefly making Snorlax pause before it simply stomps on Eevee.

Serves you right, you little bastard.

With a bellow, Snorlax slams its hands against its belly, making me pause as I watch its energy rapidly deplete before my eyes widen. Oh fuck.

Belly Drum; a move that massively increases a monster's attack power in exchange for doing damage to the monster.

"Watch out, its attacks are much stronger now!" I warn, moving into action as I toss Slakoth into the air; the lazy bastard flies at Snorlax with its vicious claws extended, but Snorlax ignores it even as Slakoth stabs into his stomach and gores him, slicing through the thick fat as it clings to Snorlax and just keeps slashing (before taking a break to regain its energy).

Snorlax doesn't care. His one good eye lights up as it stares at me, making me prepare for evasive manoeuvres, not seeing the bluff until its too late. At the last second, its head snaps towards Yu, her eyes widening, entirely too big to dodge the deadly blast that strikes her dead centre, blasting through her without even the slightest hint of resistance, leaving a hole through her chest big enough for me to jump through.

Yu's eyes widen as she looks down at the perfectly circular hole right where her stomach and organs should be before she starts to rapidly shrink, collapsing onto her front.

Yu is one of my girls, and this fat fucking bastard just killed her, even smirking through a bloodied face at me as it stomps on Raticate, squashing Slakoth with an idle slap.

Charging towards Snorlax, I grab my dagger and prepare to rip the other eye right out of its socket. As it turns to me, briefly freezing as Ekans glares at it, I change to the shape of my Skylark, flying towards it and switching back so I can land on its face, stabbing it over and over again with my dagger, anything I can get within arm's reach as it rumbles in pain. I'm barely managing to damage it as Snorlax places one hand over his good eye to protect it from my dagger, but I don't care.

I don't even notice as Ekans slithers up its body and wraps around Snorlax's throat, constricting as it sprays Midnight's gas into Snorlax's face.

Snorlax has had enough of my shit as it grabs me, tossing me at a nearby tree with a sickening thud, revealing its already glowing eye as the beam hits me before I can even land on the ground, my clothes being reduced to nothing as my flesh burns.

But I am blessed by the rage of Primeape, and I'm not going fucking anywhere,

[Primeape - Too Angry to Die]
While angry, you gain damage resistance and increased strength equal to your rage. If you are in a true fury, you will not go unconscious, no matter how much damage you take. However, you are still taking the damage and may just fall over and die when you calm down.

I'm not mindless in my rage, anger is a tool as long as you can control it, and I know we've made this fucker waste most of its energy already; it won't be long now as it stomps on me, bones creaking and snapping as its massive foot crushes my body.

It doesn't let up, stomping down on me again and again, even as Blue tries to shield me from the blow, but I refuse to fall until this fat fuck is dead or under my control. I won't. Not to this thing, not to anything.

It's hard to keep track of what is going on as Snorlax repeatedly tries to finish me off, leaving me a mess of broken bones and blood, but as it finally stops, I watch through bloodied eyes as it stumbles back and starts to shrink, beyond even the form it had when we first saw it.

It's not just reverting. It's devolving as I struggle to rise to my feet. From a biological standpoint, I shouldn't be able to move, let alone stand, but when has a Guild member given a fuck about doing things normally?

Metapod finally gets dislodged and spat out, feeling awfully smug as it lands a few feet away from me, glowing briefly before her shell bursts open to reveal a beautiful purple butterfly, which immediately glows again and grows even larger as she evolves twice back to back. Did she take most of the energy for this?

[Mega-Butterfree, the Butterfly Pokémon - Rank A]
Tamer's Might Skill Granted
[Mega-Butterfree - Powder Production]
Allows you to create a variety of powders, such as poison and sleep powders, breathing them out. It also makes you massively resistant to powder-based attacks.

Shrinking until it is smaller than even me, the creature blinks in confusion before it is immediately bound by Ekans, who starts to glow and shift as she evolves, growing longer with a hood-like head,

[Arbok, the Cobra Pokémon - Rank C]

And finally, the fucker himself.

[Munchlax, the Big Eater Pokémon - Rank D]

All that damage, and now the fucker can't even break free of Arbok, who is just bullying the fat little bastard as I stumble towards it, glaring at Munchlax as it freezes, my hand extended.

Munchlax Tamed!
Quest Complete! Dungeon Boss Tamed! Dungeon Captured!

[Dungeon Controls] Added!

My rage is subsiding, and I know the moment it fully wears off, I'm going to collapse, so I have one last thing I need to do first. Stumbling over to Yu, I end up falling before I can make it, though the ever-dutiful Blue catches me and jiggles me over to her as I place a hand on her head, glowing with golden light as her wound rapidly closes.

Seeing her take a deep breath, I smile slightly as my eyes darken and I collapse.

– Eevee (Untamed) –

Now was her time to strike; the intruders were beaten and weak; even if they'd somehow managed to take down the almighty eater, the leader of the pack was weakened and dying, its slimy friend reduced to a mere fraction of its size.

This victory was his, it would pay for capturing his mate!

Charging forward, the long purple snake glared at him, and he felt his body freeze up, paralysed with fright as the giant butterfly just shook its admittedly beautiful wings and put him to sleep with mocking ease.

Falling to the ground, Eevee grumbled in its mind; the interloper would pay later. Now, he needed a nap.

– Kaito – Later –

I know I'm dreaming, standing in a void as I look around in confusion. My body doesn't hurt, and I'm fairly certain I didn't die, but this doesn't feel like a regular dream as the void shifts, leaving me seated on a throne made from the bones of some great beast.

My mother has a throne similar to it, though the one I'm sitting on seems to be made of the skull of some kind of serpent, not a dragon skull like my mother's throne, with faceless figures gathering before me. One of the figures approaches, her features forming and becoming undeniably feminine, her fit but curvy body barely covered by the bra and loincloth made of the hide of some beast; I don't even need to look at her face to know it's my mother approaching me.

This feels familiar but different as she gives me a proud smile. Normally, she's the one on the throne, and I'm the one approaching her.

"You did well, Kaito. I had my doubts about your plans, but you are growing into a fine hunter," Olympia says, placing a hand on my cheek.

"Is this real?" I ask, confused by the shifting surroundings as she laughs.

"It's in your head, but that doesn't mean it is not real," she replies, which doesn't exactly clear things up as she gives me a smile. "Consider this a reward for your success. You aren't the first to have the Tamer system, but your predecessor failed against a far weaker foe, but then he isn't of my bloodline. I've been watching you; it's been a good show."

Somehow, I'm not surprised she's been keeping an eye on me.

"So allow me to give you a good show in turn," she whispers, her hides fading away to expose her utterly naked body, my own clothes vanishing as she leans forward and places a kiss on my lips, surprisingly gentle for such a rough woman.

Before I can speak, the scene shifts again, not much changing but how she is standing, now between my legs, as I groan from the feeling of her lips sliding along my cock, her eyes staring up at me as she worships my manhood, one hand fondling my testes as she easily deepthroats me.

She's good, making Nemuri seem like a blushing virgin as all I can do is grip the arms of my throne and try and hold back my release, a battle against the inevitable as she wraps my shaft between her bosom and swirls her tongue around the tip of my cock, bobbing her head slightly.

Groaning, I lean back in pleasure before the scene changes, suddenly laying on my back atop some furs as she rides me with a lewd smile.

"Don't hold back, Kaito, release your seed inside me," Olympia demands, her inner walls tightening down on my cock unlike anything I've ever felt before, and even with my experience I can't stop my climax as I burst inside, her unnaturally tight pussy, making her grin. "Good boy. You leaving left me down a tribe member, but this will make up for it. She'll be a fine warrior, just like her father," she whispers, kissing me as she rises, my seed leaking from her stretched slit. "Keep going, Kaito, grow even stronger, stronger than me like you were always supposed to be."

My vision goes black, and when it clears, I wake up in a considerable amount of pain; I take it as a good sign that I can feel anything at all, my body aching as I feel a tiny nose poke against my cheek. Shaymin squeaks rapidly, attracting attention as I try to sit up, immediately getting pushed back down by vines.

Shaymin's squeaks vaguely translate for me, telling me that she doesn't have enough energy to fully heal me, apologising as I stroke her fur and mentally reassure her that she did a brilliant job.

I don't even want to try to work that little dream encounter out right now. Mom is a mystery even to me.

Some commotion attracts my attention as doctors and nurses I don't recognise rush around what I think is the U.A. hospital, Nemuri pushing through them to rush over to me, capturing my lips in a possessive kiss as I give her a grin.

"Hey," I say simply, making her chuckle as Arbok slithers behind her, now too big to be carried since it can rise to her height and then some.

"How are you feeling?" Nemuri asks as I spot Yu behind her.

"Like an overgrown fat bastard blew me up, then repeatedly stomped on me, but I'm alive, and the fucker is my bitch now, so I win," I say smugly, giving her ass a squeeze as she rolls her eyes in amusement. "Hey, Yu. Still alive?"

"Back alive, actually, twice over unless I'm mistaken," Yu corrects with a wince. "We did good, huh?"

"Kicked ass, took names, made that dungeon our bitch," I agree, raising a fist for her to bump.

"Heh, damn right," Yu agrees, fist-bumping my offered hand. "And thank you, seriously. When I find out who the fuck claimed that dungeon was cleared before we went in, I'm going to show them what it feels like to be repeatedly stomped on by a giant."

"You won't need to; that team are currently sitting in a prison cell answering some very pointed questions from Nezu," Nemuri scoffs, clear anger on her face.

"Sucks to be them," I say with a painful shrug. "Oh, Yu. Here, take a monster; hell, take two." I say, summoning two monsters as Yu's eyes widen before she pauses, staring into the baleful eyes of Slakoth. Munchlax doesn't make eye contact as it kicks the ground awkwardly.

I wanna see them become giants because I think it'll be cool.

"Seriously?" Yu asks, blinking.

"What, you don't want them?" I ask, making her roll her eyes.

"Of course I do, even if they are little bastards. Could be worse, it could be Eevee," Yu says with a grin, making me nod. Something in the back of my mind tells me that the second Eevee is currently tied up in one of my pocket biomes, literally. I'll tame it later. "Just so you know, if you weren't so badly injured, I'd be riding you until the bed broke, audience be damned."

"I can take i-"

"No, you certainly can't," Recovery Girl shouts, giving us a dirty look.

Yu mouths 'later' as Nemuri sits on the bed, stroking my hair. This hero biz ain't so bad.

— Bonus Scene — Nezu

It was safe to say that a shitstorm had been dropped into his hands with this little nightmare.

The dungeon was supposed to be mostly cleared; even just the Tauros would have been bad enough, but a fucking Kaiju!? The team that claimed to have cleared it had apparently lost to the Tauros herd and didn't want to admit it, wanting the bounty money, so they just lied, hoping that the dungeon's sheer size would help hide their crimes.

So because of human greed, U.A. had sent the world's silver bullet into a death trap, which the other governments were trying to use as a reason to remove him from Japan, though Japan was fighting them off.

To make it worse, Shaymin had used every drop of energy she had, and who knew how long it would take for her to reclaim it? She couldn't even fully heal Kaito; there would be no miracles at the next Kaiju attack.

Still, this also had some very silver linings. Kaito had been carrying a micro-camera the entire time (until it was destroyed by the hyper beam, fortunately Melissa had the storage unit it was broadcasting to), and that meant, for the first time in history, they had video evidence of a monster becoming a Kaiju. Kaito's theory was proven fact, and better yet, the Snorlax was slain before it could truly become a Kaiju; he could imagine how dangerous a fully-Kaijuified Snorlax would have been, appearing in the middle of Tokyo.

Kaito and Yu's stars had skyrocketed from this; Yu had even made her way onto the top ten list despite having two appearances. Taking the number seven spot from Endeavour, she was a legend already. A two-man Kaiju battle ending with no deaths was always going to be such a massive boost to anyone's fame.

That Snorlax wasn't a true Kaiju didn't matter; he was about to become one, and Kaito and Yu stopped that. If Kaito had been a fully registered hero already, he'd probably be in the top three, but they decided not to place a student on the top ten list.

He was basically guaranteed a spot when he graduated, probably All Might's spot at the rate he was going.

In addition, something bizarre happened after Yu carried Kaito out of the dungeon. The dungeon sealed itself; nobody could get in, and it seemed entirely inactive. This could be bad, but he remembered Kaito's words about the Venusaur that was the 'dungeon boss' of the first dungeon he went to.

Snorlax was the boss, and he was tamed. What this meant, nobody knew, but for the first time, people saw a dungeon be closed. Whenever a dungeon appeared, at the very best case, it meant a lot of time, manpower and resources being used to keep it under control; if Kaito could close or even control the dungeons, he would be able to demand anything and get it without so much as a complaint.

He needed to talk to Kaito and find out what was going on with that dungeon, but for the first time since this hell began, Nezu felt hope growing in his chest. The Symbol of Victory, indeed.

Checking the cameras, he paused as he watched Kaito get a double blowjob from Yu and Nemuri. Humans. Making a note to add some designated sex rooms around the campus, he swore to himself that these rutting animals would not violate the sanctity of his desk. He'd pimp out every female student and let Kaito fuck them in every room of the school before he let those beasts mate on his desk. Sometimes, an enhanced sense of smell was a curse.

DarkWolfShiro DarkWolfShiro

Author’s Note: I’m basically merging Gigantimax into Mega Evolutions; honestly, they should have just kept to Megas instead of adding a new form every game. Mega-evolution was better than anything that followed.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster.

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Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

If it says it’s expired, it is probably your account being unable to join NSFW servers, and you’ll need to fix that. If you fix that and it still says it’s expired, add me (ThePumpkinKing), and I’ll invite you myself.

I’ve finally put my Pat reon to use after months of procrastinating. My Pat reons now have the ability to vote for which fics they’d like to see updated more during the next chapter cycle. The winner of the normal tier poll gets one extra chapter per cycle, the second tier poll gets two extra chapters, and the highest tier pat reons can pick a fic that will get three extra chapters per cycle. The current cycle is probably going to last until early-mid January, so voting is open until then. I’ll also be starting the actual early access chapters around the same time, so if you want a fic to get some extra love, feel free to check it out.

Link: Pat reon .com/ TheDarkWolfShiro

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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  • Stabilité des mises à jour
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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Stone -- Pierre de Pouvoir
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