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53.48% The Conqueror of The Shinobi World / Chapter 46: Chunin Exams Preparations

Chapitre 46: Chunin Exams Preparations


Team 10 was now doing their weekly exercises with Asuma. Ever since Sarutobi saw what his Genin Team were capable of, he decided to intensify their training a little.

Ino even asked Asuma to help teach her some new Katon Jutsus. So far, she only knew the Phoneix Flower and Running Fire. Asuma knew that Ino's chakra reserves is fairly large for a Genin, and her chakra control was now near perfect.

She really wanted to learn his Burning Ash Jutsu, but he decided that she wasn't ready for such a dangerous technique yet. It was considered a B-Rank Jutsu for a reason since it could potentially damage the user as well.

So for now, he only taught her two new Katon Jutsus.

1) Flame Bullet / C-Rank / Offensive = This technique is executed by the user gathering oil in their mouth which is created by chakra, spitting it out, and igniting it. This technique simply shoots a flame bullet at the enemy. If the amount of oil that is prepared is kept down, the time it takes to invoke the technique is reduced. This allows the enemy to be stricken unaware, allowing the oil-containing flame bullet to burn them up completely. It is also possible to shoot out a series of flame bullets by partitioning the oil, or a continuous flamethrower.

2) Demon Lantern / C-Rank / Offensive = This technique releases many floating fireballs around the user, which take the shape of ghosts at the final stage of the technique. After performing the required hand seal, they attack the opponent in swarms. Each fireball creates a huge flame at the moment of impact.

While Asuma trained Ino with her new Katon Jutsus, he instructed Naruto and Shikamaru to run several laps around the training ground. He wanted Shikamaru to improve his stamina, and he wanted Naruto to help him in any way he could. While the Blonde Uzumaki was running circles around the Lazy Nara, Shikamaru was panting like crazy.

And he was slightly annoyed when Naruto kept lapping him. As they run, Naruto would often say...

"On your left," Naruto smugly said when he passed by Shikamaru.

"Yeah, on my left. Got it," Shikamaru replied lazily while rolling his eyes. After a while, Naruto eventually lapped Shikamaru again.....and again....and again....aaaannnd again. Shikamaru was starting to feel frustrated, probably for the first time in his life. He never once cared about his training due to his laziness. But Naruto is making it look so easy. Too easy. And it was pissing him off.

When Naruto was about to pass by him again, Shikamaru started to sprint a little faster, trying to get ahead for once, but it was all in vain. "Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say....."

"On your left."

"COME ON!" Shikamaru yelled out as he tried to chase the blonde, but he eventually had to stop, as he could feel his legs were about to give, and his lungs were about to explode. The Nara then went to sit down against a tree as he was clenching his chest, panting like he had forgotten to breathe. He then heard Naruto approaching him, barely winded and hardly sweating. "Need a medic?" Naruto asked with a smirk.

"I need a new set of lungs. How do you do it, Naruto? You just ran six laps, and you barely look exhausted." Shikamaru asked as he continued to pant. "I don't know...how do you sleep so easily after just a minute?" Naruto answered his question with his own question.

".....That's for me to know and for you to find out," Shikamaru said with a smirk.

'Damn, I really want to know!' Naruto thought as he whin. Naruto then went to sit down next to Shikamaru as they watched Ino train with Asuma. They rested in silence for several minutes until Shikamaru wanted to ask his blonde best friend a long waited question.

"Naruto, what does Uzumaki in your name actually means?" Shikamaru asked, suddenly looking at his friend, who frowned. For a moment, Shikamaru thought that perhaps he shouldn't have asked that question.

"Not much... at least not anymore. Uzumaki clan came from Uzushiogakure Village; they were powerful allies to Konoha; up until the second Shinobi War, Kumo, Kiri, and Iwa suddenly attacked them with all their might. My people were known to be peaceful people, but they fought until the End for their own people. Despite being attacked by three villages, Uzushiogakure managed to destroy over fifty percent of all of their forces, resulting in one of the bloodiest battles in Shinobi History. That's why it is still said that the water around Uzushiogakure is still red with blood to this day; some call it 'The Village of Blood,' that day over a million people died, and one percent of them were Uzumaki," Naruto explained with a frown, his eyes suddenly darkened.

Shikamaru gulped slightly; his blonde friend always knew how to be scary when he wanted. But then he suddenly remembered something that his father had told him.

"Wait, wasn't The First Hokage's wife, an Uzumaki?" Shika asked, confused.

"Yes, Mito Uzumaki, one of the strongest Uzumaki and excellent in the Art of Blood Sword," Naruto answered, a Jutsu like that to make the sword a force of Nature.

Mito Uzumaki wasn't a SS Rank Shinobi for naught; her skill in Swordfighting and eventually creating the Sword of Blood were known around the Shinobi World.

But the Jutsu 'Rivers of Blood' created by Mito Uzumaki was something feared by everyone; it was said that one slice, one contact with the victim's blood was enough to cause the blood to go crazy, resulting in various different horrifying deaths.

"That means you're Royalty in a way," Shikamaru said, knowing someone like Naruto should have been raised in a more suitable place rather than the apartment he lives in.

Naruto chuckled at Shika's words; he didn't consider himself that. "Well, maybe, but there's no need for you to bow your head or call me 'Sama,' " Naruto japed, earning an eye roll from Shika.

"I see," Shikamaru simply said. The Nara was truly amazed with Naruto's family history. He was never the type to take interest in other people's business since it's too troublesome, but the blonde Uzumaki has always been a mystery to him. He can be a ruthless Ninja one day and a kind-hearted guy the next. But then Shikamaru remembered a small detail he had learned about the blonde. He had been keeping it to himself for a long time, but since Naruto was being honest with him, he realized he should return the favor.



"Why did you never say anything that you have the Nine-Tails?" Shikamaru asked carefully.

It was a moment of intense silence between the two. Naruto's eyes were widened as he looked at his Nara friend. This was the moment that he feared the most. Not many people his age knew about his burden.

"What's there to tell? Many people already hate me for that.... You hate me too?" Naruto asked hesitantly. But Shikamaru's response gave him a sense of relief.

"...It's troublesome to hate you, Naruto. Besides, I know you're not really the Nine-Tails. You're too kind and too annoying to be that Giant Fox." Shikamaru said with a soft smile.

"Hahaha...so, I guess you knew since the mission in Taki?" Naruto asked curiously. Fuu had kinda said out loud that he and she were Jinchuuriki.

"Nope. I knew the truth before that," Shikamaru revealed, actually surprising Naruto.

"I've known since we were kids. You're one of my best friends, Naruto. Do you really think I wouldn't have noticed the way the adults looked at you when you, me, and Ino were walking down the village?" Shikamaru stated.

"I guess not. But that still doesn't explain how you found out." Naruto said.

"People whisper, and I listen. Plus, I was snooping around until my dad caught me. When I asked him about you, he said he couldn't say anything due to a law created by Lord Third. THAT was when I got even more curious. It took me a while, but I managed to piece it all together. And I came to the conclusion that you are somehow connected to the Nine-Tails." Shikamaru stated.

"I didn't realize you're quite a detective, Shikamaru. And more importantly, I'm surprised you actually invested a lot of your time into this. I figure you would think it was too troublesome." Naruto said with a smirk.

"It WAS troublesome. But when it comes to my friends, my curiosity always got the best of me." Shikamaru said honestly.

"Hahaha.....you truly are an enigma, Shikamaru Nara," Naruto said with awe for his friend.

"I'm not the one clouded in mystery, Naruto," Shikamaru said with a lazy smile. Naruto was glad to have Shikamaru as a friend. He may be incredibly lazy, but he is a very understanding guy who doesn't just jump to conclusions. Naruto then realized that he can trust the pineapple-haired Nara with the whole truth. He never really liked keeping secrets, especially from the people he cared about.

"Well.....in full disclosure, Shika, I am a Jinchuriki. It means human sacrifice. When I was a baby, I was chosen to be the Nine-Tail's keeper. To protect the village from him, and at the same time maintain the power status of Konoha, since the Nine-Tails is considered to be the Village's ultimate weapon." Naruto stated.

"But that doesn't make any sense. If that is true, why does the villagers hate you?" Shikamaru asked, feeling that Naruto should have been treated like a hero or something. Naruto never liked that particular question. He probably asked himself that a thousand times already. He especially never likes answering it.

"....Ignorance and fear can bring out the worst in people. Not everyone could grasp the complexity of Fuinjutsu. After the Nine-Tails was sealed within me, rumours started to spread. Instead of seeing me as the Nine-Tail's keeper, they see me as the Nine-Tails himself." Naruto said sadly.

"...So everything you said to Inari that night.....it was all true?" Shikamaru remembered that very intense night during their mission at the Land of Waves. Naruto couldn't help but let a single tear fell at this.

"....I wasn't even human in their eyes...I was nothing more than a scapegoat, for them to take out all of their hate and anger on. Even when I was a child, they would beat me. Even when I was hungry, they would starve me... These people call me a Demon, Shika...but what kind of person, does that to a child?" Naruto asked sadly. Now even Shikamaru couldn't help but let a single tear fell, after hearing all of that.

Naruto is his best friend. How could the villagers do that to him? He didn't deserve any of that. "I....I'm so sorry Naruto." Shikamaru said sadly. "Hahaha it's not your fault, Shika. Besides, everything that has happened to me, had made me who I am today. And I am proud, to be the person that I have become" Naruto said with a weak smile.

"Naruto....you are the strongest person I know. Not only that, but you are a VERY good guy. You help people wherever you go, and you make them feel better...if you ask me.....this village doesn't deserve you." Shikamaru said coldly.

"Maybe.....maybe not. But I will not let the actions of few, determined my judgement. There are still good people in this village. People like my friends, and the family that I grew to care. Kakashi is like a brother. Asuma Sensei is like my cool uncle, old man Teuchi and Ayame-chan are my ramen loving family. You are the closest thing I have to a brother." Naruto said with a bright smile. And you Itachi

"Naruto..." Shikamaru said with admiration in his voice.

Shikamaru honestly didn't know what to say. How could Naruto be so good, despite every bad thing that has happened to him. He honestly won't blame him, if he decided to destroy Konoha one day.

But knowing what kind of person Naruto is, that possibility was very slim. "I'll always have your back, Naruto. I want you to know that." Shikamaru said to his blonde best friend.

"Thanks Shika. But I hope you won't come to regret it later. Cause there's always going to be a target on my back. And if I decide to do something a little dramatic, there's going to be a bigger one" Naruto stated with a smirk.

"Sigh....I'm regretting it already" Shikamaru said with a tired sigh. The Uzumaki and Nara both shared a small laugh after that. Naruto felt like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. His 'circle of trust' just got a lot bigger thanks to the Nara, and it felt good. Shikamaru will always be, his most loyal friend.

As they were resting, Shikamaru noticed Naruto's smile turn to a frown; the blonde could see something that Shikamaru couldn't.

"Tell me, Shikamaru, what do you think about the quote 'The End Justifies The Means' ?" Naruto asked, standing up, his eyes lingering at the Hokage monuments.

His eyes see visions of a destroyed village instead of the one in front of him. How far should I go?

Shikamaru was caught off guard by his question, wondering where it came from, putting his hand on his chin.

"I'm... Not sure, Naruto, it depends on what cause," Shikamaru replied, seeing Naruto looking at the village almost in sadness.

"The future of our world. How far can you go?" Naruto asked but not looking at Shika as he talked, his voice sounding tired all of a sudden and a bit different, his eyes looking at a figure standing in front of him, a figure that Shikamaru couldn't see.

"How far would you go so the next generation won't know the Cruelty of War?" Naruto asked. The figure disappeared as if it was a ghost.

Before Shikamaru could answer or ask if he was okay, they heard a voice. "Oj Naruto-Kun,"; Turning around to see Ino and Asuma-sensei.

Ino and Asuma joined them after her training was finally done for the day. Ino's face is completely covered in ash due to the many Katon Jutsus she had practice with the Sarutobi. She then dropped down on the grassy floor, and lay her head on Naruto's lap.

"Whiskers. Ino tired. Need kisses." Ino could feel Naruto chuckle at how childish she sounded. "How about later, Ino-chan? I don't want to get ash all over my face." Naruto said, while brushing her platinum blonde hair. "P-P-Pweeaase Whiskers. Ino needs kisses." Ino said with her biggest puppy dog eyes. Despite her face covered in ash, she is still cute as hell. And it was very hard to resist. "Oh fine. You're such a baby...." Naruto said with a laugh, as he leans his head down, and kissed her lips.

After he pulled away, his lip area was now covered in ash. "....But you're my baby" Naruto declared, as he took out a piece of cloth from his back pouch, and began to clean her ash covered face. She looked at him with a soft smile, and giggled at how sweet her boyfriend was.

"Tee-hee" "You guys make me want to barf" Shikamaru said, slightly grossed-out at how lovey-dovey his two teammates can be, despite him being around.

"Oh come on Shika. When you find your own blonde, you'll understand." Naruto said with smirk. "What makes you think the girl I want to be with, is blonde? The only blondes I know are you two, and you're both troublesome." Shikamaru said as a matter of fact.

"Because you're a blonde magnet, Shika. Out of all people, you happened to be on the same team with the only two blondes in our class. What does that say?" Naruto stated smugly.

"I bet his future wife, is going to be a blonde." Ino said with a smirk. "Doubtful." Shikamaru denied. "Alright guys, I need to talk to you all about something serious." Asuma said with his no-bullshit tone, that immediately caught the three Genin's attention.

"What is it, Asuma Sensei?" Naruto asked. "Earlier today, all the Jonin Senseis, including myself, were summoned to the Hokage Tower, to discuss about the upcoming Chunin Exams. And I nominated all three of you, to participate." Asuma said with a smirk.

This immediately surprised the Three Genins. Are they truly ready to be Chunin?

"Chunin Exams? We've only been a Team for 5 and a half months, and you're already tired of us, Asuma Sensei?!" Ino asked with sad anime tears. She didn't like the idea of the team being separated.

"No! Nothing like that, Ino. We are still Team 10, even if you are all Chunins. It just means that I won't be your Sensei anymore. So during our missions, you'll be my teammates, instead of subordinates. And on the plus side, no more D-Rank Missions." Asuma said with a smile at the end, trying to explain that it won't change that much.

"But there is a chance we could get separated, Asuma Sensei. Chunins tend to lead their own teams, and go on missions with different teams." Naruto stated."I am aware. But it won't be always. We are still a team. All four of us. And the majority of the missions we'll take, we'll take it together. I promise." Asuma ensured.

All Shikamaru could do, was raised an eyebrow at this discussion. "We speak like becoming Chunins is a guarantee. I heard those exams can be brutal. Plus, we're still considered rookies, since we haven't been a team for a year." Shikamaru state with a lazy sigh. "I know, Shikamaru. But as your Sensei, I am very confident in your abilities. Each of you showed great promise, and I KNOW you'll succeed." Asuma said with a confident tone, that his Genin Team will no doubt pass the exam. Naruto, Ino and Shikamaru were very happy that their Sensei believes in them. It was a good confidence booster, despite still being a rookie. But then they remembered a certain habit about their Sensei, which made all of them raised an eyebrow at him.

"...you bet on us, did you?" Ino asked with a monotone voice. All Asuma did, was smirk at this accusation. "Hell yeah, I did! And you guys are going to make me rich!" Asuma said with a laugh.

'Such a role model.' All three Genins thought sarcastically. Asuma then reached into his back pouch, and took out three pieces of paper. He then handed them each to his Genins. "Alright, here are your application forms. That being said, the nomination is not compulsory. If you guys feel that you are not ready, then you are free to decide whether to take the Exam or not. But if you DO sign those forms, come to Room 301 at the Academy by 3:00 pm, five days from now." Asuma instructed.

"You got it, Sensei." All three said in unison. "You're all dismissed. No training for the meantime. I'll see you all in five days." Asuma said, as he gave half salute and Shunshin away from the training ground.

Now it was only the three young Genins that remained, wondering if they should enter the exams or not. But luckily, it was an easy decision for one of them.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm definitely going to that Exam. I bet it'll be fun" Naruto said with a soft smirk. "You're crazy, Naruto-kun...if you think I'm not going with you" Ino said with her own smirk.

"Sigh...troublesome.....well, if you guys are going, I guess I have to go too." Shikamaru with a tired sigh. "Hell yeah! Team 10 is going to dominate that Exam!" Ino said proudly, as she pumps her fist in the air.

"Don't jinx us, Ino" Shikamaru said with a groan. "Hahaha it's going to okay, Shika. As long as the three of us are together, we can do anything." Naruto stated with a confident smile. "Damn straight!" Ino agreed

"Sigh....I'll guess we'll see" Shikamaru said with some doubt in his voice, but eventually he was starting to believe in his blonde teammate's words. "You guys want to get some lunch? Cause I'm starving" Naruto said, feeling his stomach was about to cry out.

"It's not going to be ramen again, is it?" Shikamaru asked with a raised eyebrow. Naruto wanted to defend his precious ramen, but surprisingly someone else did it instead. "What do you have against ramen, Shika?" Ino asked with a defensive tone, and narrowed eyes.

'Gasp...I made a believer. Praise the Ramen Gods!' Naruto thought with glee. "Its fine, Ino-chan. I'm actually craving for some barbeque. Let's go to Yakiniku-Q. My treat." Naruto said with a bright smile. He wanted to have their lunch at the same place, where Team 10 started.

"YAY! FREE FOOD!" Ino yelled out happily, as she wraps her arm around Naruto's, and leans her head on his shoulder. "Geez don't yell it out loud, Ino...Choji might've heard that" Shikamaru said with a smirk when he saw Naruto turn slightly pale, as he looked around cautiously, feeling that his chubby friend can sense the promise of free food.


Somewhere, deep beneath Konoha, was a large underground base. It was dark, cold, devoid of any sense of joy or light. It was filled with shinobis, all dressed in identical hooded cloaks, and wearing what seems to be ANBU Masks, but completely blank, just like the life in their eyes, and tone of their voices.

They were all kneeling before a single figure, who was currently sitting on a throne. The figure appears to be a frail, old man, who is holding a cane in his hand. He had black, shaggy hair, his right eye was bandaged and on his chin is an x-shaped scar. He wore a white shirt, with a black or dark grey robe over the top of it covering from his feet, to just over his right shoulder. The robe conceals his right arm which was bandaged, and covered with three large golden braces.He had a strong aura of darkness around him.

As he opens his only visible eye, he then addressed the young ANBU shinobi, that was currently kneeling before him.

"Report" The old man ordered with a cold tone.

"Yes Danzo-sama. 'Weapon RD' is almost complete. Our scientist confirmed, that it will be combat-ready before the year ends."

The ROOT Agent answered, with a lifeless voice.

"Excellent. What about 'Project Nue?'" The now identified Danzo, asked his loyal subordinate.

"Unfortunately, the progression of Project Nue has been delayed. We require more Hashirama Cells, since we used most of it on Weapon RD." The Agent answered, once more with a lifeless voice.".....That is unfortunate. Project Nue was supposed to be my grand-equalizer if Konoha should turn on me, and only Orochimaru has access to those cells. Speaking of whom, have you made contact with his spy" Danzo asked with an annoyed tone.

"Yes, Danzo-sama. We have received confirmation that Orochimaru plans to infiltrate the upcoming Chunin Exams." The young ANBU said.

"For what purpose?" Danzo asked. "According to the spy, Orochimaru plans to attack Konoha, and assassinate the 'False' Hokage." The Agent answered. "...I see.....anything more?" Danzo asked, surprisingly taking the news of his village about to be attack, without a care in the world.

"Nothing further, my Lord." The Agent answered. Danzo then used his fingers to stroke his scarred chin. "Hmmmm this attack...could be beneficial for my goals. With Hiruzen gone, I'll finally become Hokage like should have been, and make the Kyuubi boy my weapon. But I doubt Orochimaru doesn't have another agenda. I have a feeling; he might go after Sasuke as well." Danzo said, with a sinister smirk.

"What are your orders, Danzo-sama?" The Agent asked. "For now, we do nothing. But I want to place some eyes and ears in this exam. I don't want to leave anything to chance. Bring me Shin and Sai, and a third young ROOT agent." Danzo ordered.

"My Lord, I'm afraid Shin is still recovering from his last mission. His current health will be a liability to this task. I respectfully volunteer myself." The loyal Agent requested boldly.

But this bold action, made Danzo narrowed his eye at the young Agent."...Are questing me, Agent?" Danzo asked, with his narrowed eye, and a threatening tone.

".....No my lord. I simply suggest...."

"You are not supposed 'suggest' anything. In ROOT, you have no identity, no will, no past. The only thing that matters, is the mission. Your purpose; is to serve me, and me alone. And forfeit your lives, if the village demands it.....This is the way." Danzo reminded firmly.

"THIS IS THE WAY" All the other kneeling Agents repeated.

".....This is the way." The young Agent repeated as well.Danzo never liked when his agents questioned him. But this agent in particular was very intelligent, and Danzo knew that he is one of his most faithful loyalist. And what he brought up, was not entirely wrong. Shin has been under medical care for some time now. And it's only a matter of time, before he and Sai will go through the 'Initiation Test'.

".....Your 'suggestion' however, is noted. This is no simple reconnaissance mission after all, and the consequences of failure is unacceptable.....very well, Tanuki. You and Sai, will proceed with the mission. As for your third teammate, I want you to take our newest recruit." Danzo ordered.

"As you command, Danzo-sama." The now identified Tanuki obediently said, before he shunshin away, to find his two teammates for the exams.After he left, Danzo was now smirking with satisfaction. 'The village will suffer, there's no doubt about it. But it's a small price to pay, for me to become Hokage. Your time in the sun is almost over, Hiruzen. Soon, I will rise from the darkness, and bring forth a new era for Konoha. This is the way.' Danzo thought, with the evil smirk never leaving his face.

NOTE: I have some questions;

1) Since Kushina gave birth to Naruto, who at the time, was Kurama's current Jinchuriki, Naruto was given the famous whisker marks. And they were eventually passed down onto his children; Boruto and Himawari (minus one whisker). I guess my question is, since Mito Uzumaki was Kurama's Jinchuriki as well, does that mean Tsunade's father/mother have them too? And if so, shouldn't Tsunade and her brother have them as well?

2) Is Kisame Hoshigaki human? Or does his appearance is the result of some sort of Kekkei Genkai?

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