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54.05% The Empire of Titans / Chapter 40: A Soldier or A Warrior

Chapitre 40: A Soldier or A Warrior

Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'


The Following 15 chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 41 (A Signal in The Sky), Chapter  42 (The Traitors of Humanity), Chapter 43  (The Clash of Titans),  Chapter 44 (A Dream of Joy), Chapter 45 (His Name is Eren Yeager),  Chapter 46 (Mikasa's Love),  Chapter 47 (A Knife in The Back), Chapter  48 (Annie's Fate), Chapter 49 (The 'Devils of  Paradis'), Chapter 50  (Followers of Eren Yeager), Chapter 51 ('I Wanted to be A Hero'),  Chapter 52 (The Yeagerists), Chapter 53 (A Giant Man, A Small Shadow), Chapter 54 (A Night of Pleasure), and Chapter 55 (Reaching Wall Rose) are already available for Patrons.

As the deafening roar of the Titans filled the battlefield, Eren's adrenaline surged through his veins. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he pulled the trigger, releasing his grappling hook from his ODM gear. The hook shot through the air, latching onto a nearby building, and with a burst of gas, he propelled himself forward towards the massive Boulder that loomed ahead. His squad followed closely behind, their own ODM gear whirring loudly as they raced toward their target. As they closed in on the Boulder, Eren could feel his heart pounding in his chest, knowing that the fate of humanity in the Walls rested on their success in this mission.

"Indeed, it may seem extraordinarily small when compared to what humanity has given up this far! However! For humankind, that single, small step will be a great leap forward!"

As Eren Yeager propelled himself downwards with the aid of the ODM Gear, his muscles strained with the weight of his mission to save humanity from the Titans that threatened their existence. His agile frame passed through the narrow gaps of a bridge; his eyes focused on the towering boulder that obstructed his path.

With a swift movement of his hand, he launched another grappling hook, the metallic cord whistling through the air before latching onto the top of a tower. With a burst of compressed gas, Eren propelled himself upwards, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he closed in on his target. His eyes locked onto the colossal boulder that stood between him and his goal. As he bit down on his hand, his teeth sinking into flesh and bone, Eren felt the familiar surge of power coursing through his veins. And he was not alone. Ymir, his trusted ally, stood twenty meters away, her own hand clamped tightly in her teeth as she, too, drew upon the power of the Titans.

Suddenly, two bolts of golden lightning ripped through the sky, illuminating the darkest corners of the city and drawing the attention of every nearby Titan. The lightning seemed to be drawn to Eren and Ymir, striking them with an intensity that caused the ground to tremble beneath their feet.

The atmosphere was tense as the garrison soldiers and the cadets stood in awe, witnessing the magnificent transformation of The Jaw and Attack Titans right before their very eyes. The ground shook with the force of the colossal Ymir's Jaw Titan as it gracefully landed on a nearby rooftop, causing the entire building to tremble and creak under the weight of its eleven-meter body. The onlookers' hearts raced with excitement as they stared in amazement at the ferocious Jaw Titan, whose deafening roar echoed through the skies, sending shivers down their spines.

Suddenly, a loud rumble shook the ground, and within seconds, a massive figure emerged from thin air, towering over the small houses. Attack Titan stood 21 meters tall, his body radiating immense power. The Attack Titan formed near a house, making the whole structure crumble as if it were made of toothpicks. Debris flew everywhere. Eren let out a deafening roar as if to assert his dominance over the town and the Titans.

Mikasa and Armin quickly noticed that Eren was shorter; they quickly realized that he should have rested for a bit longer before turning a second time after being a Titan for over an Hour.

The sun was shining down on Commander Pyxis as he stood on top of Wall Rose, its warmth and light reflecting off his golden eyes, causing them to glitter like precious gems. He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction in his heart, something that he had not felt in a long time. The victory was finally within reach, and it was all thanks to the young warrior, Eren. Despite his attempt to hide his smile, it was clear to anyone looking at him that he was overjoyed. For once in his long and storied life, Pyxis felt like they were on the winning side of this battle, and it was a feeling he hoped would last.

Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie stood frozen in their tracks; their eyes transfixed on the towering figure before them. The silence was palpable, as they suspected Ymir had the power of the Jaw Titan. However, nothing could have prepared them for the sheer size of her Titan form - a colossal 11 meters tall, with rippling muscles and razor-sharp claws. As they gaped in fear at the beast before them, the trio couldn't help but notice the uncanny resemblance between Ymir's gaping maw and that of a ferocious tiger, capable of tearing through flesh and bone with ease.

Reiner's mind raced with fear and uncertainty as he realized the devastating truth - Ymir was the one who had killed Marcel. His heart pounded in his chest, and beads of cold sweat trickled down his face as he struggled to come to terms with this unexpected turn of events. He had thought that kidnapping both Eren and Ymir would be a simple task once they grew tired of using their Titan Shifting abilities, but as he gazed upon their towering Titan forms, he realized that his plan was far easier said than done. Reiner's eyes widened as he took in the sheer size of both Eren and Ymir in their Titan Forms. They were much larger than they should have been, and he couldn't fathom why. The mystery only added to his already mounting anxiety, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something much larger was at play here.

Reiner, with his sharp gaze, intently studied every detail of Ymir's Jaw Titan, taking note of its unique features. Her razor-sharp fangs, both upper and lower jaw, were completely encrusted with crystal, enhancing her already lethal abilities. As he looked on, his mind wandered, and he couldn't help but wonder what Marcel would have done if he had been in his shoes. It was a perplexing and daunting thought that left him feeling uneasy and unsure of himself. Struggling to find an answer, he shifted his focus to a new threat, Eren's Titan Form, looming ominously in the distance.

Bertholdt's eyes darted across the rooftop as he nervously whispered to his comrades, "There's something off here." With a hushed tone, he pointed his finger toward The Jaw Titan, hoping no one could hear them speak. The three warriors were standing on the rooftop, their hearts racing with adrenaline as they scanned their surroundings, making sure that no one was eavesdropping on their private conversation. Meanwhile, the other cadets were scattered around the area, too far away to hear their discussion. Bertholdt's intuition had led him to believe that something was amiss, and his gut feeling was rarely wrong.

"What is it?" Reiner asked, a little confused, as was Annie, who couldn't see what was off about Ymir's Jaw Titan besides her size!

As they exchanged puzzled glances, Bertholdt's voice quivered as he posed the question that was on his mind, "The Tallest Jaw Titan recorded by Marley is only 7 meters tall, but why is she 11 meters tall?" The air was filled with tension as the group tried to make sense of this anomaly, and Bertholdt's breaths came in rapid succession as cold sweat dripped down his face, betraying his fear and anxiety.

As Bertholdt uttered those words, Reiner and Annie's eyes widened in utter disbelief, and they turned their gaze back towards the Jaw Titan. The Titan's unusual size was now more apparent than ever, and what's more, Annie could discern from her vantage point the glint of crystallized fangs and a jaw that was unlike any she had ever seen.

As Annie's mind wandered through her memories, she couldn't help but recall the dread-inducing sight of Marcel's Jaw Titan. She had only seen it three times, but each time left an indelible mark on her consciousness. The sheer power of the Titan was terrifying, and she remembered how Marcel's fangs, while sharp and deadly, were not made of crystal. This realization only added to her confusion as she pondered why Ymir's Jaw Titan had the ability to form crystal fangs, a feat she had never heard of before.

Meanwhile, Reiner's anxiety was growing with each passing moment. The situation seemed spiraling out of control, and the chances of their victory were rapidly diminishing. He knew that the Armoured Titan was vulnerable to the Jaw Titan, but this particular Titan seemed to be much stronger than any he had encountered before. The thought of the Jaw Titan easily biting through the Armoured Titan sent shivers down his spine.

Bertholdt's voice shook as he stuttered out, "D-do you think that perhaps...they're Blessed Eldians?" His question immediately earned a sharp gasp from both Annie and Reiner, who were equally taken aback by the mere suggestion. They had been bracing themselves for all sorts of challenges and obstacles, but the idea of having to fight Blessed Eldians never even crossed their minds. After all, the Blessed Eldians had all but disappeared since the Eldian Empire fell over a century ago, and it was widely believed that they were no longer a force to be reckoned with.

As Reiner stood beside Bertholdt. Reiner almost opened his mouth to tell Bertholdt to shut up and keep quiet, but he quickly remembered that he wasn't in Marley right now. In Marley, the mere mention of that phrase could get an Eldian and their entire family charged with treason and sent to Paradis Island to be turned into Titans. The word itself was considered a crime against the state, and even someone as powerful as Zeke would never dare to utter it in public.

Reiner gulped loudly, looking back at Eren and Ymir; he could see it now, Eren's Titan was way taller than expected, and Ymir's Jaw Titan was also taller, and her Titan body was quite different from a normal Jaw Titan.

Even if Annie and I ambush them, there's a chance that we won't win. No, we need to delay this. If Bertholdt could turn into the Colossal Titan, he could have easily just blasted the whole area. Still, we need to wait until tomorrow, Reiner thought, deciding to wait until they had a better chance, perhaps on their first expedition outside the Wall.

The deafening roar of Ymir's Jaw Titan form echoed through the air, causing the garrison soldiers nearby to tremble in fear. Some of them clenched their swords tightly, their hands shaking with the anticipation of an attack. As they backed away, Ymir slowly turned her massive head to face them, her eyes scanning their ranks with a mischievous glint. For a moment, she was tempted to lunge at them, to see the fear in their eyes as they scattered in chaos. However, she quickly decided to bide her time, knowing that there would be plenty of opportunities to wreak havoc at a later date.

"Listen closely," Ymir spoke with a very deep voice in her Titan Form; this made all the garrison soldiers nearby gasp in shock; the last thing any of them expected was a Titan that could speak.

Mitabi was the first to break the stunned silence, his voice raising in a shout of disbelief, "You can talk!" Ymir let out a chuckle of amusement, clearly enjoying the reaction she was getting from the soldiers. It was as if they had never seen a Titan that could speak before, and the novelty of the situation was not lost on Ymir.

With a fierce determination in her eyes, Ymir looked confidently at her comrades and spoke in a commanding tone, "Yes, stand behind me. I will easily deal with the Titans." Her voice echoed through the streets, sending shivers down the spines of her comrades. She stood tall and proud, ready to take on any challenge that came her way. With a quick jump, she launched herself from rooftop to rooftop, her front, and back legs propelling her with incredible speed and agility. As she soared through the air, her eyes never strayed from her target, her determination unwavering. 

Without hesitation, Ymir launched herself into the air, her powerful legs propelling her toward her unsuspecting foe. With a deafening roar, she descended upon the Titan, her razor-sharp claws slicing through its flesh like a hot knife through butter, sending blood and gore splattering in every direction. But Ymir was not content with just one kill. With a fierce determination burning in her eyes, she set about systematically hunting down and dispatching every Titan in her path, her deadly claws leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. As the Garrison soldiers looked on in stunned disbelief, they were unsure how to react - should they join the fight or simply stand back and watch in awe as Ymir single-handedly decimated their enemies? Regardless of their indecision, Ymir showed no signs of slowing down, her movements fluid and seamless as she continued to cut a swath through the Titan horde.

Eren reached down, his massive hands gripping the boulder so tightly that small bits of dirt and stone crumbled off and fell to the ground. With a mighty heave, he hoisted the boulder up and onto his shoulder, feeling his arms strain with the weight of it. Undeterred, he began his march forward, his feet pounding the ground with each step as he made his way toward the gaping hole in the Wall. The task ahead of him was daunting, but with a steadfast resolve, Eren pressed on, ready to do whatever it took to protect his home and the people he loved.

Eren trudged forward towards the gaping hole, his every step causing the ground to tremble and the stone street to crack under his immense weight. As he continued on this perilous journey, his mind could not help but ponder on the weight of the boulder he was carrying, feeling the strain on his muscles with each passing moment. Yet, he remained steadfast and determined to fulfill his mission, with his squad following closely behind him. Mikasa, in particular, dispatched a Titan with ease that dared to come too close to Eren, her swift movements a testament to her unwavering loyalty to her lover and comrade.


Bertolt's tone was incredulous as he jutted his chin toward the commotion below. He and Reiner were perched atop a rooftop, transfixed by the thick, ominous plumes of black smoke billowing from several houses. "They're going to plug the hole with that?" he asked, unable to hide his disbelief.

Reiner's heart was racing as he observed the scene unfolding before him. He couldn't believe his eyes as he watched Eren turn into a Titan for the second time. The sheer power and strength that Eren possessed was simply mind-boggling.

"It's insane that Eren could turn a second time, and Ymir is easily dealing with the Titans. If they do get exhausted, I can perhaps step in." However, that wasn't the only thing that caught Reiner's attention. Ymir was also in the thick of the action, taking down Titans easily and gracefully. Despite the fact that Eren and Ymir were making light work of the Titans, Reiner knew that they couldn't keep it up forever. The constant fighting and battling would eventually take its toll on them. That's when Reiner decided that he would step in if needed. He had trained for years to become a warrior, and he would do whatever it took to protect his people.

Reiner chimed in with a hint of uncertainty in his voice, "I might be able to do something with my Titan." Bertholdt could sense the hesitation in Reiner's words, but he understood the pressure they were under. The mission to retrieve the Founding Titan was already complicated enough, but the sudden appearance of Ymir added an unforeseen obstacle to their already daunting task. Bertholdt couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the gravity of their situation.

As Bertolt pointed out the potential success of their plan, they fell into a tense silence, the weight of their mission pressing heavily on their minds. "It'll plug the hole we finally opened," emphasizing the gravity of their situation. Reiner, who had been quiet until now, jolted from his thoughts and nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.

Reiner's heart was racing as he watched Ymir's Titan in action, slashing through the air with such ferocity that it seemed nothing could stand in her way. Yet, despite the spectacle before him, his mind was elsewhere, focused on the words that had just left his lips. "It doesn't matter," he had said, his voice low and strained with emotion. "We've been searching for a clue these past five years, and we finally found it."

"Hey...you guys?" Marco called out softly from behind, causing the two individuals to jump in surprise and freeze in their tracks. In a moment of hesitation, they slowly turned their heads to look behind them, wondering who could possibly be sneaking up on them.

With a dumbfounded look, Marco asked the question that had been burning inside him, "What...were you just talking about?" His eyes narrowed as he noticed cold sweat rolling down their faces, causing him to feel a sense of unease. As if sensing his suspicion, Marco's voice shook slightly as he continued, "What did you mean by 'my Titan,' Reiner? What's this about 'The hole we opened,' Bertolt?" His heart was racing as he waited for their response, unsure of what to expect.

As Titans wandered around in the distance, their heavy footsteps echoing throughout the air, Reiner approached his comrade, Marco. "Marco," he began, his voice shaky and uncertain. "That conversation just now...was a joke."

Marco, who was already on edge due to the presence of the Titans, snapped at Reiner and his fellow soldier, Bertholdt. "H-Have you guys lost it? This isn't like you!" he exclaimed, his eyes darting between the two. "Focus on the mission!" As if to emphasize his point, he pointed toward the Titans. "Look, the Titans are coming! Let's go!" With that, he ran off, his ODM Gear propelling him forward as he jumped away, leaving Reiner and Bertholdt behind to contemplate the gravity of their situation.

As Marco soared above the bustling city street, his heart thumped with a mix of fear and adrenaline. His eyes darted back to his two companions, who trailed closely behind him, also equipped with their powerful ODM Gear. The thought of Titans, both friend, and foe, filled his mind as he tried to focus on the task at hand. Eren transformed into a towering Titan, reminding Marco of the terrifying reality that humans could become Titans too. This realization sent a shiver down his spine as he landed on a nearby rooftop, scanning the area for any signs of danger. Marco's mind raced with the possibilities of where the enemy Titans could be hiding; it was possible that they were disguised as humans. His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of ODM Gear approaching, causing him to snap back into action.

The sound of the ODM Gear's gas hissing loudly caught Marco's attention, causing him to turn his head in the direction of the noise. As he did, he saw Reiner soaring towards him, his face set in a determined expression. "Reiner!" Marco called out. However, his joy was short-lived as Reiner crashed into him with tremendous force, sending Marco tumbling backward onto the rooftop. Before he could even regain his composure, Reiner had grabbed hold of him, pressing his face down onto the rough tiles. Bertolt, who had been following closely behind, landed nearby, his face drenched in sweat from the intense heat of the sun overhead. "R-Reiner! What are you doing?!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear and confusion.

As Marco winced in pain, his arms twisted behind his back, he couldn't believe what was happening. Reiner had him pinned down, not allowing him to move, and the confusion and fear in his mind were palpable. "Reiner?!" he exclaimed, hoping his friend was playing a cruel joke on him. But the look in Reiner's eyes told him otherwise. There was a small hint of hope in Marco's voice as he asked, "This is a joke, right?!" His eyes were turning red with unshed tears, and he was desperately trying to make sense of the situation.

Reiner's voice was laced with anger and sorrow as he responded to Marco's plea. "No, Marco... The problem is you're too damn sharp," he said, his tone betraying the sadness he felt at what he had to do. Reiner had no choice but to subdue him to ensure their mission would not be compromised.

"Someone Help-" With his voice strained and his body pinned down, Marco's cry for help pierced through the air, reverberating off the walls of the houses. However, before he could finish his plea, Reiner's hand quickly muffled his mouth, silencing him.

Just as Marco's eyes darted toward his captor, a loud thud echoed through the air, and a pair of sturdy boots landed before him, sending shivers down his spine. Marco's heart raced with relief as he recognized the newcomer - it was Annie. With a hopeful grin on his face, he struggled against Reiner's grip, hoping that Annie would come to his aid. "Annie! Help me out!" he begged, his voice trembling with fear and desperation.

Annie's expression turned sour as she looked at the three of them, wondering why there was so much commotion. Marco was frantically trying to push Reiner away, who seemed to be acting erratically. "What's this all about?" she asked, hoping to get an answer that would make sense of the chaos.

"Reiner's acting crazy! Help me!" Panicking, Marco begged for help. Reiner, on the other hand, remained calm and composed as he disclosed the reason behind his sudden outburst.

"He heard our conversation," Reiner said, his voice eerily tranquil. "We can't let him live," he added, his tone becoming slightly grave towards the end.

Annie's expression twisted into distress, the corners of her mouth turned downwards in a frown, and her eyes narrowed with anger. "You're shitting me... You asshole!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with venom. Tears threatened to burst out, and she struggled to contain them, but they soon spilled over, rolling down her cheeks like raindrops.

Marco looked up at Annie, his face paling, turning white like snow as he realized the gravity of the situation. "W-What?" he asked, his voice trembling with fear and disbelief. He couldn't believe what he had just heard, and the shock had left him speechless. Suddenly, the ground beneath them shook violently, causing everyone to lose balance.

Bertolt's eyes widened in terror as he saw a Titan approaching their roof, its massive form looming over them like a dark cloud. "A Titan! It's coming this way!" he exclaimed, his voice rising in panic. He looked at Reiner, who was still holding Marco down, hoping he had a plan to deal with the situation.

Reiner's heart raced as he pulled Marco up to his feet, his mind racing with fear and panic. The Titan was getting closer, its thunderous footsteps echoing throughout the street. He could feel Marco's body trembling with fear as he tried to free himself from Reiner's grasp, but he held him tightly, not willing to let him go.

"Annie!" he barked, turning his attention to the blonde girl. "Take off Marco's ODM gear! We need to get out of here now!"

Annie's eyes widened in confusion and hesitation as she looked at Reiner over Marco's shoulder. "Why? J-just let him go. Can we talk this out?" she almost pleaded, desperation and fear creeping into her voice.

But Reiner was resolute. "Back there, you risked your life for Connie, didn't you?" he said, thinking back to when Annie had saved Connie's life during a Titan attack. "Why did you put yourself in danger? Have you become attached to this evil race or something?" His tone was accusatory, laced with a hint of fury.

As the Titan drew closer, Reiner's grip on Marco tightened. "Annie, we need to know the truth," he said, his eyes fixed on hers. "Why did you save Connie? And what is your connection to these Devils?"

Annie stood in silence as she listened to Reiner's outburst, her mind in turmoil as she struggled to come up with a response that would satisfy him. She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the intensity of his words and the anger that seemed to be emanating from him. Her heart raced as she tried to process everything that was happening around her, weighing her options carefully as she considered what to do next. "If I'm wrong, prove it to me right now! If you and your father waiting for you to come home are any different than this filthy race, prove it right now!" Reiner shouted at Annie, who so far had stood frozen in her place.

As Reiner uttered those piercing words, Annie felt a wave of anger and frustration building up inside her. She had tried to hold back her emotions for so long, but this was the final straw. With a sudden burst of energy, she launched towards Reiner, her leg extended in a powerful kick that caught him off guard. The impact was so forceful that Reiner's face twisted in agony, blood and teeth spilling out of his mouth like a grotesque fountain. Annie watched in satisfaction as he tumbled backward, his body hurtling through the air before crashing onto the hard pavement below.

As soon as Annie screamed, "Marco, Run Away!" in a tone that was filled with fear and urgency, Marco's heart started to race, and his mind went into overdrive. Annie was looking down at Reiner, who was glaring at her with blood rolling down from his mouth and forehead. The scene was chaotic, and Marco knew he had to act fast to save himself.

Without hesitation, Marco activated his ODM Gear and leaped from the rooftop, his heart pounding in his chest. As he flew through the air, he looked back at the scene, wondering what would happen next. He could see Bertholdt looking between Reiner and Annie pleadingly.

Bertholdt was in a state of panic as he witnessed the two people he once considered his friends, Reiner and Annie, prepare to turn into Titans.

Tears were streaming down his face as he pleaded with them to stop. "Annie, Reiner, please stop. W-we are friends!" he begged, his voice cracking with emotion.

But his desperate pleas fell on deaf ears as golden electricity started to burst out from their bodies, a clear indication of their transformation.

Despite Bertholdt's desperate pleas, Reiner and Annie seemed not to hear what he was saying.

Annie, in particular, appeared remorseful as she apologized, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry, Bertholdt," she said, not daring to look at him. But before she could say anything else, two bolts of golden lightning struck both her and Reiner, triggering their transformation into Titans.

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