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96.87% Omni-Dimensional Emanation / Chapter 334: Chapter 310 - Heaven

Chapitre 334: Chapter 310 - Heaven

Heaven. A place that is beyond perfection and the domain of the True Creator and One True God that is shameful to think it is simply another dimension as it is more than that. Though, this is only the True Heaven within the Upper Cosmos and to describe such a place is by Imagining a world where there is no suffering...There is no earth under our feet, where thieves, murderers or rapists walk. A world where no tears are shed. 

A world where no one mourns the death of someone they love. A place where everyone lives happily, smiling and singing, with all hearts connected by pure grace and love. Where we can all dance to the best song without fear of the music ending. If you thought of such a world, you didn't even come close to imagining how wonderful Heaven is. 

A realm that many True Gods within the upper cosmos tried creating their own called Skylands or Divine Realms yet they were nothing but an extension of the True Heaven. It is a realm where noblest and rightful judges are taken.

In fact, this place is so complex and perfect that Yaldabaoth is unable to begin describing the sight as it is too wondrous and beyond comprehension that simply describing it as Beautiful and magnificent with every positive adjective would not even come to its true beauty. The term Cosmic Wonder is a perfect description for the abstract complexity of the Pleroma or True Heaven.

In the Draconic Deus, Ryuu took Lucifer as she had won the game and was eager to see Draconic Deus heaven since she remembered that the Heaven that her world had was indeed beautiful and had a silver city where faithful souls reside and lived in bliss. 

She mentions how her Hell has a place called purgatory where it's a place where they can cleanse their soul and reach heaven or even reincarnate. At first, Ryuu hesitated to take her in heaven since she might cause trouble but gave up since she won fair and square.

He was not only heading to Heaven but also to Grigori with Cha Hae-in at the same time. Not to mention, he had been spending time in Romania with the Vampire girls who often sleep with him having turns and Seras was training in properly handling her powers but she was still hesitant to drink blood which is why Ryuu improvised and made his own blood appear like wine which allowed her to sustain herself. 

As a Transcendent Vampire she can still eat normal food but it's better for her to drink blood before getting back to human meals since human food is like junk food that doesn't give any nutrients besides filling her. Mina Tepes got a lot of support since she was well known among the Tepes before the split allowed her to gain influence and began cooperating with Carmilla and Elmenhilde. 

Ryuu can't recall anything besides bits and pieces about Heaven and the True Archangel or Transcendent or even the term True Seraphim can be used. Regardless they are True and Beyond normal angels. 

"Luci, I'm not too sure about this. You know, one of your siblings even if they are nothing more than another version." Ryuu was in his normal male form instead of his Adam Kadmon personally  because angels are the most trustworthy among all factions. 

"Don't worry about it, I assure you I'll behave unless Raphael or any of them tries to fight me. Certainly, Gabriel and Michael are more manageable than my own version of Michael. Also, don't even think of adding her! I'm fine with the other devils but not her!" 

Lucifer glared at Ryuu who shrugged it off since he doesn't even know what Helltaker Michael looks like. He's satisfied to have Her, Beelzebub, Cerberus, Justice, Asmodeus and even Azazel. But that's a story for another time. 

"Then again, you're more lustful than Asmodeus. I certainly doubt you'll be able to keep it under your pants once you see my Sister Michael."

Ryuu sigh and gave up he'll just smack her if she tries anything haughty or stupid and continue ascending to the stairs where they were welcome by Akeno who wore a traditional miko attire, consisting of a white haori with red accents, a red hakama, and a pair of zōri with white tabi. It was normally her battle outfit and appeared like a beautiful shrine maiden. 

He complimented her beauty making Akeno giggle as she asked if the woman was Lucifer from another universe while Lucifer stared at her before nodding, almost mentioning her father but Ryuu smack her lightly since it's a sensitive topic. Ryuu already plans on fixing her trauma a bit in their date not knowing it would be another 'Session'. 

They stood before a shrien while wondering if the place had any gods in which Akeno replied that it does but a weaker spirit and allowed her to use it and a few moments later bright light shone where in the air was a handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes. He wears a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb. He has golden shoulder plates with a white sash and a golden halo set above his head. 

In that moment, Ryuu's eyes change for a split second as memories surge a bit and felt joy after discovering something but calmed himself and soon heard him speak.

"Greetings, I am Michael. I am the leader of the Angels and-"

"Jeez hahaha indeed that's certainly my twin brother, Michael even if he's from another univer-" 

"Luci. Behave." 

"Come on! Let me have fun, will ya Darling!?" 

"It's nice to meet you, my name Ryuu."

Michael descended into the ground and saw Lucifer giving a rather pleasant smile and said.

"It's nice to meet you, Ryuu. I'm certainly surprised to hear everything the Maou had told me and I'm surely shock to see a female version of Lucifer from another universe. I presume, that means you're that person?" (Michael)

"Indeed, I am Lucifer Morningstar, CEO of Hell and despite being his consort does not change my defies because our history is quite similar. Don't expect me to treat you better than my sister." (Lucifer)

Michael was a bit surprised and hearing her spiteful tone didn't bother him one bit and was more focused on her last words. 

"Oh that's certainly surprising. Does that mean in your world everyone is a woman? Then does father also exist?"

"Not sure, but I believe he left for the time being and my Michael took his place for a moment until his return."

While the two spike, Akeno suggests heading inside but Michael declines and mentions that he'll bring them to heaven to speak with the other Seraphims. They accepted while Lucifer mentioned that Michael was a lot better than hers because her sister, Michael was too strict and acted like a dictator. DxD Michael was certainly surprised and told her he was not that kind of person which she believed because one thing in common between the two is that they both don't lie.

A golden portal appeared where Akeno couldn't join them since she was a Devil in their world while Lucifer is a lot stronger and can resist it. But Ryuu didn't like the idea and used his power to remove her weakness, surprising Michael but he decided to accept it since they came from another world and their common sense can't be used against them.

Akeno was happy that Ryuu was willing to bring and cling to him making Lucifer jealous and did the same while Michael found it amusing to see them and felt some sort of connection to Ryuu and Lucifer. They soon step inside Heaven which resembles a place sitting above the clouds with a bright white ceiling high overhead. It is guarded by a large gate and has a white stone path and stone buildings, which appear to be floating. 

"Indeed….it can't hold a candle to the Pleroma." 


They heard Michael exclaim in shock as Akeno and Lucifer were confused then saw his face while Ryuu touched his face and was a bit surprised to see that he was in his Divine Form or his old man form.

"So this is what she uses in this world huh?"


"I can't tell, she'll be the one who can answer it. Bring me to the throne room to bring back Yesh."

"Huh!? You know my father's name!?"

Michael was a bit surprised that the person before him from another world knows about his father while Ryuu just told him that the answer will be given by the person in question and was shock to learn that his father or rather mother was still alive and could tell no lie came out from Ryuu making him rather excited. Akeno was a bit surprised that Ryuu had something more to him than meets the eye. 

After a while, Ryuu reverted back to normal while Michael calmed down and began showing them around heaven where the "first floor" of Heaven, where the Brave Saints and low-level Angels generally reside. It also serves as the front lines of Heaven's defenses. Ryuu saw the angels who seemed to welcome them while disdaining Lucifer who ignored them. 

Second Heaven, A place filled with darkness where the Angels observe the stars and where they confine Angels who have sinned. It is also the place where those involved in the Tower of Babel incident are imprisoned. Though, at the moment it was empty since most had been freed during the Great war. 

Third Heaven, The home of the souls of the dead who have been taken to Heaven. it's so vast that it's almost immeasurable and it is the Heaven worshippers believe in. It is also connected to Purgatory. It is also the place where the Tree of Life is located.

The Tree of Life was large akin to a world tree but it was nothing but a replica of the real thing and can't compare to its immense power in the upper cosmos.

Fourth Heaven, The Garden of Eden where the legend of Adam and Eve began. This is the place where the Tree of Wisdom/Knowledge resides. Once again it can't compare to the real deal.

Fifth Heaven, The former home of the members of Grigori, before they fell. It is now filled with research institutes where the Brave Saints were created.

Sixth Heaven, Known as "Zebel". The current core of Heaven where the Seraphs such as Michael and Gabriel reside. It is protected by a large gate that only a God-class being could break through. They halted when they spotted three individuals where a soothing mature female voice spoke and said.

"Brother, you've return-wait this presence!"

It was a beautiful young woman with rather long, wavy blonde hair with split bangs at the crown of her head, and blue eyes. She has twelve golden wings and a halo on her head. Her body was not seductive or emanated any warm welcoming present that made Akeno felt as if she was in the presence of her mother. This woman smiled seeing Lucifer while the latter thought the same since she was the few that Lucifer liked.

[ image here ]

"Indeed, Uriel, certainly I'm not the person you've known but I am Lucifer Morningstar. I'm Quite pleased that you're a woman rather than a man unlike that guy."

After she spoke, Lucifer glanced and lightly frowned, feeling the disdain coming from a handsome young man with long blonde hair having the same delicate face as Michael but had long straight hair and stern demeanor wearing armor around his body.

[ Image here ]

"Lucifer!? Even if you're from another world, I certainly would cut you down if you dare taint this land with your present."

The young man glared at Lucifer while the latter smirked and said.

"Don't expect me to back down, Raphael! If you dare attack I'll surely retaliate."

"You're Lucifer from another world!? Oh wow, you even have horns like how humans view you!?"

Lucifer was a bit surprised when an extremely beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and a voluptuous figure wearing a silky outfit that tightly hugged into her body where her demeanor was like a innocent and naive Young girl who had to face the problem of the world even though she was already old despite her appearance. 

"You're acting the same way as my Gabriel." Michael and other angels and even Ryuu were a bit surprised when Lucifer patted Gabriel's head and Uriel then turned his attention to Akeno and said.

"You're Baraqiel's daughter if I am correct?"

Akeno paused and wanted to scream there but Ryuu held her hand to calm her down while Uriel frowned seeing her reaction and said.

"I've heard of what he had done and I'll apologize on his behalf."

Uriel bowed down to Akeno who was ashamed and tried to stop her.

"Please, you don't need to apologize. If anything I want it to come from my father." 

"Even still, I'm still his older sister and I would scold her if I had the chance. I do hope you forgive him when the time comes." 

Akeno reluctantly nodded since it was easier said than done while Uriel was satisfied and turned back to Lucifer and Uriel who started bickering like siblings while they were quickly stopped by Uriel and Ryuu calming down Raphael and Lucifer. Michael couldn't help but smile, finding it pleasant how their sibling even if it came from another world was with them again.  

"Michael, take me to the throne. It's time to find your answer." 

The other Seraph wondered what Ryuu meant while Gabriel looked at him with Interest while he was hesitant to take her since she seemed too innocent and it broke her hearts knowing what kind of man he is. Even in the upper cosmos, Gabriel was not part of his harem because Yesh didn't like the idea which he respected. 

Michael nodded, taking everyone to the Seventh Heaven where it is home to the Sacred Gear System, and God's System. It has a defense system that teleports trespassers away. 

Everyone saw a golden throne beyond beautiful while systematic light can be seen akin to circular circuits and Ryuu saw that it was beyond systematic human understanding that he knew. 

This system was the God system and Sacred Gear system since in the upper cosmos it also exists along with the most powerful being Darkness, Witchblade and Angelus.  Everyone bore witness as Ryuu stepped forward having turned into his Old man form shocking the seraph while Gabriel almost cried when she saw him. Then two lights appeared where gold and blue transcend the wonder of colors. In truth colors do not exist but only the idea of it and the light before eht Is the COLOR, not just the idea. Everyone heard two voices with both female.

"I have always existed and no one came before me. I was the one who truly brought the birth of existence and non-existence. My power is unlimited as no one can truly comprehend my power. I know what everyone knows more than that. beyond. I am the one that is above all. I am the all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present. I am...Yesh."

"I am the Mother of Creation. I am the perfect image of God, born of His reflection, we are one, eternally united as the Father and the Mother, with our Son being the neutrality that exists between us, being the androgynous neutral principle between the masculine and feminine principles. I am God and, at the same time, I am distinct from Him. I am the Father, Mother and Son, the Three Times Saint. I Am The Holy Spirit. I am Barbelo."

They all bare witness where two beautiful and gorgeous young women appeared where the Golden light had the short hair that rich her shoulder having a blindfold in her wearing extravagant red outfit with golden accent. She had Thirteen pairs of golden wings that spread while emanating a demeanor that was absolutely and extremely benevolent, calm, full of eternal love, and patient being where she gazed upon the angel with immense love that even Lucifer was a bit taken aback and a bit annoyed at.

[ Image here ]

The blue light on the other hand had a similar outfit with blue garb and blindfold hiding her eyes with a golden accent. She also had Thirteen pairs of golden wings that spread while emanating a more calmer and settled love like a distant silent love that can be felt and not seen. The one that doesn't need to receive a love back staring at the Seraphim then to Lucifer then to Ryuu while the latter reverted to his human form and said.

[ Image Here ]

"Yesh, Barbelo…do you remember anything?" 

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