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86.95% House of The Dragon: Dovahkiin / Chapter 20: Kingslanding once again

Chapitre 20: Kingslanding once again

Kingslanding; Crownlands; last week of the sixth moon of 98 AC

( A few hours before the arrival of the Northern Lords in Kinslanding)

Ser Guntor Gaunt PoV

Guntor's eyes hurt as he gazed over part of the city from atop the Dragon's gate; the sun shining high above Kingslanding and a hangover from the past night's drinking activities was an undoubtedly uncomfortable combination for a man of Guntor's station, however with the King's tournament quickly approaching and nobles flocking to Kingslanding like moths to the light, many opportunities arose for the Lord Commander of the City Watch. Whoreshouses made "donations" for more "effective" protection; merchants made donations for less " detailed" inspection of their goods and a "detailed to the extreme" inspection of their rival's merchandise; citizens "wrongfully" accused of theft were "donating" to ensure "justice" prevailed, and so went the days.

This newfound wealth allowed Gunthor and some of his captains to enjoy life more thoroughly as they rightfully deserved; however, everything in life had its downside, and for the drinking, there was the hungover.

As his eyes gazed toward the stairs to reach the top of the Dragon Gate, Guntor saw a man wearing silver armor and a white cloak approaching with quick steps; Guntor quickly walked to meet the man so as not to cause any offense.

" Ser Westerling," Guntor greeted the kingsguard with a slight bow of the head.

" Lord Commander, King Jaehaerys has summoned you to the Red Keep; his grace demands your presence immediately." Ser Westerling spoke; his silver armor shone under the sun like the beacon of The Hightower, as opposed to his dark words, for why would the Old King summon Gunthor if not for passing judgment on Guntor's numerous crimes, the Lord Commander secretly thought.

" A- as his grace commands, Ser. Have you any idea of the reason why his grace summons me?" Guntor asked, his voice breaking for a moment, the possibilities going through his mind like ships went through the port at Driftmark.

" I know not of his grace's reasons," Ser Westerling began, his voice as cold as steel " I only know its important as his grace sent me, a kingsguard, to fetch you and not a messenger or courier."

" Yes... I guessed as much." Guntor replied; he slowly walked to a nearby bolder and grabbed the helmet he had left there; he put the helmet on and followed Ser Westerling through the streets of Kingslanding towards the RedKeep.

When Guntor arrived at the Red Keep, he felt relief as he was not escorted to the Great Hall but to the castle's gardens. The castle's walls, decorated with dragons and the Targaryen banner everywhere, felt less oppressive and more aesthetic as the thoughts of execution left his aching mind.

After walking a few more minutes, Gunthor and Ser Westerling arrived at Red Keep's garden, where King Jaehaerys, Queen Alyssane, and Prince Baelon awaited them.

The Old King wore a black and white robe with the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen all over it; his long beard and hair showed his advanced age, but it did nothing to diminish the King's overwhelming presence.

The queen wore a simple red dress, not very distinguishable from any other noble lady's; however, the queen's beauty and elegance made it seem unique, which was odd considering she was older than Guntor's mother; her white hair was loose and easily reached past her back.

Prince Baelon wore black and red like the perfect mix of his parents; his silvery blonde hair was tied in a high bun, making the man look like a king himself.

" Ser Guntor, your graces," Ser Wersterling said as Guntor knelt in front of the royals

" Yes, thank you, Ser Harrold." Guntor heard the King's answer

" You may rise, Ser," Queen Alyssane said; her voice was like what Guntor imagined The Mother would sound like if the goddess ever graced mortals with her presence.

" Thank you, your grace," Guntor answered with a smile and then looked at the King, waiting for the most powerful man in Westeros to speak his mind.

" I've summoned you here, Ser, for I have need of the city watch. A fleet carrying the Lords of The North passed by Dragonstone a few hours ago, the Dovahkiins' Ice Dragons flying above their ships." King Jaehaerys began; his voice held no bite or discontent to Guntor's untrained ears; it sounded as neutral as they came." I need the City Watch to escort the northern lords to the Red Keep. The Northerners are to receive the respect befitting their station." The Old King completed, and Guntor nodded.

" The Hightowers have a manse in the City." Prince Baelon began, picking up from his father, " It's highly recommended that Lord Stark and his lords don't get remotely close to said mance... at least not until my father talks to Lord Stark." Prince Baelon began, and once again, Guntor nodded

" Lord Stark and his lords should arrive in the Rivergate in a few hours. The City Watch WILL be ready to receive my warden of The North and his lords," The Kings commanded, and Guntor nodded once again. " In addition. Lord Baratheon should also arrive today; Lord Baratheon's contingent rode past Brozegate by the hour of the roost; if all goes well, he should arrive before the hour of the bat."

" Yes, your grace. The City Watch will escort Lord Stark safely and watch for Lord Baratheon; no harm shall come to either of them or their lords while I live." Guntor said, and he very much meant it; he would rather die fighting than die by dragon fire. " Will your graces allow the Ice Dragons on the Dragonpit?" Guntor asked after thinking for a second, his mind already planning to split the City Watch.

The royals went silent for a moment; they then began talking in valyrian, and after a few minutes, they seemed to agree on something.

" No. It would not be ideal to house creatures of opposite elements together. Lord Dovahkiin will keep his dragons where he kept them last time." The King said, and Guntor nodded " Now go and get the city watch ready."

Benjen Stark PoV

The sound of hooves hitting cobblestones always calmed Benjen Stark of Winterfell. The sound was like Benjen himself, steady, continuous, and logical.

The Kingslanding's City Watch guided the northern party through the large city, the members of the Watch, led by their commander, pretended to have some semblance of order, but after seeing a truly well-trained city watch in Winterhold, Benjen found the capital's city watch lacking. The Grey Cloaks, as Lord Dovahkiin called his city watch, were fiercely loyal to their lord and took joy in seeing their city well protected and cared for, just like the guards of Wintertown did.

" Very unimpressive, are they not? They have not a single strategic bone in their body... they don't scout the intersecting streets or have a good formation." Lord Dovahkiin spoke; his voice was not very low, and some guards were bound to hear

" They're southerners... they know not the concept of strategy, they used to throw themselves at the walls of Moat Cailin by the thousands before Aegon's conquest... perhaps this is a new way to show their lack of martial skills?" Benjen japed, and Lord Umber, who rode by his side, let out one of his famous booming laughs

" The Stormlanders are martially inclined; perhaps one of them is worth half of one of us?" Lord Dustin suggested

" The Stormlanders are horizontally reclined, you meant; they more often than not get buggered in their behinds by the Dornish and their excursions." Lord Dovahkiin said, his voice gave not the impression he was japing, which made his comment twice as amusing due to a guard's shocked face

" Oh.. so is it true that the Dornishman do sinful and immoral things that go against the light of the seven with the Stomlanders they capture?" Benjen asked Lord Dovahkiin in a poor imitation of a Reachmen's accent, which made some Lords laugh at his jape

" Nay... 'tis just rumors. They do threaten to do it to get information, however." Lord Dovahkiin casually replied, which made some lords look at him for a second, waiting for the most essential part of the information he provided; the Lord of Skagos remained silent, however.

" Damn you, Skagossi! Out with it!" Lord Umber shouted playfully after a second, " Does it work or not?"

"It works ten out ten times..." Lord Dovahkiin replied, his voice carrying his amusement with it, " As it should... what is duty compared to keeping your asshole unspoiled." Lord Dovahkiin concluded with a laugh that scared some of the City Watch's horses

" What is it with you and your voice, Dovahkiin? Last time you laughed like this, I felt the ground rumble beneath me," Lord Umber asked the question that's been on Benjen's mind for a while; Lord Dovahkiin seemed not offended by the question and shrugged.

" I am the most powerful mage to ever live in this world; some things are simply what they are." Lord Dovahkiin answered, his tone uncaring.

" Fucking mage and his logical answers," Lord Umber grumbled loudly " Riding in unicorns like some age of heroes bullcrap." Lord Umber murmured loudly still.

" Oh... slandering and hypocrisy? in the city of our King?" Lord Karstark replied, his eyes were mirthful as if he knew something amusing

" Do shut the fuck up, Karstark." Lord Umber replied with a mock scowl on his face.

" The rumor goes that Lord Umber hunts wildlings atop the unicorn buck you gifted him on his last nameday." Lord Karstark said to Lord Dovahkiin. " It's said he commissioned an ornated armor for the animal so that he could ride the wildlings down like a hero from ages past," Lord Karstark concluded with a laugh at Lord Umber's expense.

" I see... so it's envy that guides your anger; you did not think to bring your buck here, so my lady wife and I are the only ones with heroes-worthy mounts here." Lord Dovahkiin japed; the Lord of Skagos seemed amused at the Lord of Last Heart's antics.

" Danm you, Karstark! And you too, Dovahkiin," Lord Umber grumbled as he looked away from the other lords. Benjen laughed at his lords' buffooneries as he guided his horse; It didn't take too long for their party to arrive at the Red Keep, even with the curious smallfolk who wanted to see the famous Skagossi unicorns.

Dacey POV

Dacey inhaled deeply when her feet touched the first step of the stairway leading to the Red Keep's Great Hall, her husband, who was not by her side during the ride through Kingslanding, walked towards her and their children, leaving Lord Stark and the other powerful Lords in The North for a moment. Lynara jumped on her father's arm as if completely forgetting her court manners, which angered neither her nor Ragnar. Ragnar grabbed her and put her sit on his shoulders; he then looked at his two youngest children, who bolted to his arms after seeing his smile; he grabbed one in each arm and kissed them both.

Her husband never looked more handsome and desirable than at that moment, with their children all over him and his stoic face forgotten and raised to the ground by the smile on his face due to his children's love.

" Gods, my love… I didn't think it would be possible to love someone this much," Dacey said, her mouth letting out her mind's content. Ragnar tilted his head in confusion, and then he laughed.

" I love you too, Dacey," Ragnar said, his voice still playful " Where did that come from?" He asked.

" Out of nowhere and everywhere, my love… everywhere," Dacey said with a knowing smile on her face.

" Everywhere?" Ragnar asked as he kissed her forehead.

" Everywhere," Dacey whispered her answer as she hugged her husband. They stood like that for a few minutes, their children occasionally saying a thing or two; their little moment was interrupted when the Lords were allowed to climb the stairs to enter the Red Keep.

When the Northern party arrived at the gates of the Great Hall, Ragnar put their children on the ground and quickly fixed any loose hair on his and the children's heads; he then offered his arm to her, which she picked, and they waited.

" LORD BENJEN OF HOUSE STARK, LORD OF WINTERFELL; WARDEN OF THE NORTH AND HIS SON AND HEIR RICKON STARK," The Royal herald announced, and Lord Stark and Rickon walked into the Great Hall. Slowly but surely, the herald called all Lords but Karstark, Umber, Mormont, and Dovahkiin; the list was most likely in geographic order, from south to North, considering Lord Reed was the second Lord to be announced.


Dacey and Ragnar walked into the Great Hall side by side, followed by their children; the great hall was full of nobles from all over Westeros. King Jaehaerys was seated on the Iron Throne; the rest of the Royal family was standing on the steps that led to the Iron Throne. Dacey saw Princess Gael smile at her family or Ragnar, specifically, with a childlike sparkle to it. They waited for the last lord, Lord Mormont, to be announced behind Lord Umber, who looked positively happy at the southern court, which Dacey assumed was mostly because the herald had announced him as "Lord Mors of House Umber, Lord of Last Heart, The Wildling's bane…."

" Look at Lord Umber, my Love. King Jaehaerys won one more Lord of The North without saying anything to him…." Dacey whispered, but Ragnar didn't answer, nor did he acknowledge her comment. Ragnar had his eyes on a guard near one of the marble pillars of the Great Hall.

" LORD BEOR OF HOUSE MORMONT; LORD OF BEAR ISLAND; THE REAVER'S RUIN; HIS SON AND HEIR JEOR MORMONT," The Herald said, announcing Lord Mormont and his son, the last of the Lords from The North that came down south with Lord Stark, to be announced that day. Dacey looked at Ragnar; his eyes were still on the guard standing near the marble pillars, but before Dacey could ask what was happening, the King stood up on the Iron Throne, and all went silent, and The Northern lords knelt—all except Ragnar, whose eyes never left the man.

" My love…" Dacey whispered, but her husband ignored her; she looked at him and saw him reaching out to get Wuuthrad, and in a moment so quick that she could barely see her husband had the axe millimeters of the man's neck.

The Kingsguards drew their sword but remained silent as Ragnar had not threatened the King.

" Valar Morghulis," Ragnar began, his voice wasn't loud, but the silence in the Great Hall made it so everyone could hear it. "What is a faceless man doing in the King of the Seven Kingdoms' seat of power?" Ragnar asked, and loud gasps whew heard abound the Great Hall.

" PROTECT THE KING!" Ser Redwyne shouted, but the King didn't seem to agree that his life was in danger, and Dacey agreed with him; the man was as dead as they come with Ragnar's might pouring on him.

" Stand your ground and don't move," King Jaeharys ordered his Kingsguards

" Valar Dohaeris…" The Faceless man finally said, " A dragon is really as impressive as they say. A man is not here for a life… a man is here to pass a warning." The Faceless man said, and Dacey heard more gasps in the hall.


A/N: Here's one more chapter my fellows!

Thank you for your support and may god bless you all 🙏👍🏽

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