Suddenly, the World Treant blurted out those words out of the blue, and the moment I reacted, I felt that my body glowed for a second. I looked at the back of my right hand for a brief moment. I felt that something like a mark appeared on it in a split second, and then it quickly disappeared.
Once the radiance subsides, all eyes are now stabbing at me. They were all as shocked as I was. Chatters of disbelief then echoed in the area. I was not sure what really happened, so I confronted the tree about it.
((Wait, wait, wait! What is the meaning of this World Treant?))
((Pardon me for now telling you this, human. Just now, I blessed you the Crest of Mutuality.))
((Mother, why did you give this human the Crest of Mutuality?!))
((Mother must have a reason, Alandra. Please let her explain.))
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