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Chapter 2: How to start an Industrial Revolution

My Aunt's Reaction to Wolfe was vastly different than I expected, apparently, she has always wanted a dog, but It was hard to get one. Due to the price, only the very wealthy could afford to own one.

But a dog that doesn't need to eat is a dream come true for her.

"Who's a Good boy?" She coos, petting the belly of Wolfe.

Yes, you heard right. My mighty Panzerhund, a metal machine of war, was rolled over on his back receiving belly scritches.

+ 5 Rep from Wolfe [Because he is the best boy] (85/100)

That aside, My Uncle had recovered and was now moving around the shop working on some parts for tomorrow's order since I completed today's.

"Hey Tavish, have you read through that ODM manual yet?" He Questioned,

"Yeah, I finished it late last night." I replied,

"Then can you tell me about the controller grip mechanisms?" He is testing to see if I actually read it.

"The Controller grip allows for pilots to control the ODM. The top trigger fires the anchor in the direction the controllers pointing, while the bottom trigger firing compressed gas. Pulling the lever reels the wire back in, letting go makes it stop. The hammer switch located at the back allows the angle of fire for both anchor mechanisms to be adjusted while the auxiliary switch release and lock the blades in place." I rattle off the facts.

My Uncle stands there, stunned for a few seconds before shaking it off.

"Well since you know that much, lets fit you for a harness and you can help me test out some of the ODM models that need final checks this weekend, how's that sound?"

"Sounds Great Uncle Jacob!" I am so excited. This will give me the opportunity to learn how to work and ODM before enlisting. It will also help me with figuring how I want to design my ODM when I get to that point.

Honestly ODM training will benefit my engineering more than anything else. If I could repair and upgrade ODM gear, I could make some serious money off the military.

[Time Skip]

Over the next week many of our fellow residents were resuming their day-to-day activities. Even with the campaign to retake the wall, food was in rare supply. After finishing out the work orders for the week I started hunting. Both inside wall rose and in my ID's. I was able to both get new skills as well as start stimulating the economy.

Skills Added

[Sneak] (15/100)

Reduces the chance of someone noticing you by level. (15%)

[Hunting] (10/100)

Increases your chance at success by level (10%)

[Bartering] (11/100)

Increases your ability to trade for items. (11% in your favor)

I could have probably increased my skill in bartering a lot more, but I am just trying to help out with the food shortages.

I eventually got the money to pay for the building next door to my Uncles smithy. It's a decent sized building with its own work shop. Now I have a spot where I can work and store projects when I am not helping my uncle.


[You have unlocked territory management mode!]

[Allows you to manage and upgrade any territory you are an owner of.]

As much as I want to upgrade my workshop, these people need hope, and they don't gain hope when they are starving. I purchase my first sub-level and make it into a garden. I also go to the gamer shop and buy a gardening skill book.

Skill Added

[Gardening] (1/100) (Common)

Show off your green thumb!

-Grow plants faster by level (1% faster)

- increases quality of plants by rank

I also purchased some Sun lamp blueprints and a Mana generator (electricity) blueprint.

[Sun Lamp]

-Increases crop growth by 100%

[Mana Generator (Electricity)]

By charging this generator with mana, you are able to generate electricity for 24 hours. Warning: can only carry a charge for 24 hours.

I started my crop of potatoes and carrots and left them to grow,

I also tried an ODM for the first time!


I was face planted into the ground after overbalancing in my gear. My uncle was standing off to the side roaring in laughter.

"Do you want to try again Tavish?" he chortled.

I groaned and clambered to my feet. Learning the book apparently didn't apply instinctual knowledge on how to use the ODM. I was wearing a heavier ODM due to my size.

I shot my tethers up into the trees and reeled myself up slowly until I was 10 feet off the ground. I hung there for a few minutes before attempting movement again. I applied a little bit of gas and launched myself towards my next grapple point. I shot out my first tether, then my second, and soon I was picking up speed, launching myself into the air and maneuvering around trees. I got a ping from Iris.

Skill added

[ODM Piloting] (1/100)

Represents your overall skill at using an ODM

-helps reduce gas usage

-helps reduce blade usage

-increases understanding of ODM system

[Flashback End]

After that, I was allowed to complete customer orders regarding ODMs and start designing improvements on its gas consumption and tether reel speed.

As time passed, I eventually was able to wire my Uncle's house and shop with electricity, finally making the switch from oil lamps, to light bulbs. Both my Aunt and Uncle were thrilled, my Aunt because it was so much brighter in our house now, and my Uncle because he had a safer method of lighting the smithy. Oil and fire are not a good combination for lighting a shop.

Wolfe was making himself useful as well when he encountered his first intruder.


(Thief POV)

I just finished picking the lock of the door on the smithy. I had heard that this shop had just received a shipment of ODMs for repair. Those things will go for a premium in the underground. I'll be able to live like a king for the rest of my days if I swipe the whole batch!

I slowly open the door to the smithy and sneak inside. As I tiptoe across the shop, I hear a growl behind me. I turn around, drawing a knife expecting to see a dog, but I drop the knife in shock as I encounter a huge metal beast. The last thing I saw was the Sharpened metal teeth inside of its maw, then darkness.

(Tavish POV)

I woke up the next morning to see a notification in front of my face.

[Your familiar Wolfe has gained a level]

What? How?!

I haven't even taken him into a dungeon to train yet.

I quickly get up and head down stairs to find the door to the smithy swinging wide open. I check inside and see Wolfe sitting there with an arm clutched in his teeth.

I follow the trail of blood toward the back where we keep the ODM gear and find the rest of the body, covered in wounds from Wolfe's huge teeth.

[Flashback End]

This event led me to my first meeting with the Garrison.


"Are you Tavish?" a tall, well-built man with short blond hair, and a thin mustache walked up to me. He was wearing a garrison regiment uniform. I quickly use observe on him.


Hannes Lvl. 28

Unit captain

Thoughts- Apprehension, curiosity, nervousness

"Yes sir." I respond. I am in the middle of cleaning Wolfe. Who knew that the thief could hold that much blood? I can see the rest of his squad are in the process of bagging up the body. They are eying Wolfe with a sense of wariness.

"Can you tell me what transpired last night?" Hannes continued questioning me.

"I can't because I was asleep sir. But I can explain what probably happened." I explained.

Hannes gestured for me to continue.

"Somebody probably got wind of the fact that we had received a shipment of ODMs to be repaired, my guess is that the guy getting bagged up over there thought he could strike it rich by relieving us of the ODMs." I took a breath then continued.

What he probably didn't hear about was Wolfe here was guarding the place for that reason.

He broke in, got partway to his goal, met Wolfe, no more thief." I finish.

Hannes examined me as I continued to clean the last bit of thief out of Wolfe's teeth.

Finally, he asked; "What is Wolfe exactly? I have never seen anything like it."

"Wolfe is a Panzerhund. I made him to guard the shop." I explained.

I wonder how much longer this will take? I still have to do today's order and go hunting.

"You . . . made him?" Hannes was standing there shocked, his team almost dropped the body bag in surprise from hearing that.

"Yes sir." I affirm.

He shakes his head muttering something about "kids these days."

"Alright Tavish, your free to go, Wolfe won't bother anyone will he?" He asked.

"Nope! He is just guarding the shop. Plus, he's a big old softie." I scratch under Wolfe's jaw, causing his foot to thump against the floor. He really is a good boy.

Hannes just shakes his head and leaves with his squad and the body.

[Flashback end]

After that incident people started looking at me in a new light. Plus, word got around that I was helping relieve the food shortage that was hitting the town. So, I got a small rep bonus for that.

+15 Rep with Troist district (15/100)

I continued down my path before I turn down a side street and a short brown-haired missile runs into me and bounces back.

Hello Eren.


Eren Jaeger Lvl. 10

The Attack and Founding Titan

Thoughts – That wall came out of nowhere

I reach down and offer a hand; "I'm sorry, you alright there?" I question.

He looks up to me and grabs my hand as I help him up. "Yeah, I'm fine." He grumbles as I help him up.

"Eren!" I hear a shout and I look past him to see two more familiar figures.


Mikasa Ackermann Lvl. 16

Armin Arlelt Lvl. 9

They both rush up to us and Mikasa immediately starts mothering Eren.

"Eren! You shouldn't run off like that. You left me and Armin behind!" She scolds.

"Misaka! Stop it! I can take care of myself" Eren argues back.

I can see that I am not currently need in this conversation so I turn and start heading towards my destination. My potatoes and carrots should be close to ready.

"Hey wait!" I hear Armin's voice so I stop and turn, looking at him.

He looks a little nervous; "Your Tavish Byrne right?"

I nod in assent to his question.

He brightens up. "Could we trade you for some extra food?" Ah, he must have heard that I bring extra meat to the market for trade sometimes. Looking at them, all three look a little gaunt and they are only a year younger than I am.

"Are you looking for anything in particular?" I ask. "I can get boar, deer, duck, squirrel, rabbit, potatoes and carrots. I list off.

His eyes got big at the selection. "Oh! Ummm, could we get boar, carrots and potatoes please?" The group is getting visibly excited.

"Sure, that will be $20!" Their eyes get huge at the low price and pull some crumpled bills and coins out of their pockets.

I reach into the cargo pockets on my pants and pull out a large chunk of boar meat wrapped in paper, a large bag of carrots and a bag of potatoes.

With each Item I pull out their eyes got wider and wider until they were almost popping out of their heads.

Inside I was cackling like a mad man as I finished by pulling out some roasted squirrel on a stick. This was just one of many ways where I was disguising how I accessed my inventory.

"Here you guys are, "I hand them their purchases, "Have a little something extra for being such good customers."

"Why. . . but. . . .how?!" Armin was well and truly befuddled. Misaka was staring at my pockets like they held the secrets to the universe. Eren. . . was not so subtle.

"How the hell did you do that?!" He yelled.

"Well, I went hunting for the meat, and the veggies, I managed to grow myself." I explained.

"Not that! How did you fit all of that stuff in your pocket?!" He said.

"Well believe it or not," they all lean in closer. "They are bigger on the inside." They deadpan at me.

"Oh, stop giving me that look and enjoy your roasted squirrel" I say.

"I will see you guys some other time I have to hurry off. Bye" I take off in the direction of my Uncles smithy.

+20 Rep with Eren Jaeger

+ 20 Rep with Misaka Ackermann

+ 20 Rep with Armin Arlelt

Well today was an eventful day. I yawn as I step into my uncle's workshop. I work on a set of ODM gear, fixing its trigger mechanism before I pull out my blueprints for an Ordnance QF 25-pounder. I selected that design to replace the cannons mounted along the walls.

Now that I had actual firearms designs, and a artillery manual. I could design a tracked version to make use of the railroad tracks on top of the walls, and a wheeled version to be moved around on the ground. As I was designing this, I felt the pings for engineer leveling up.

[Engineer] (50/100)

+5 INT and WIS per level, +2 Luck

I have been consistently leveling it up along with my blacksmithing, allowing me to build and design bigger and better things. The engineering is advancing right along thanks to . . .

[Glasses of Higher Education (Epic)]

This pair of squared rimless spectacles increases the gains made by intelligence skills and classes by 50%. Increases the quality of machine repairs by 75%.

So, I wear the glasses when working on my machines.

I also got new perks for my points in INT, WIS, and Luck

For Reaching 100 in intelligence, you got a new perk

[Rapid Thinking]

Allows the gamer to think twice as fast.

For Reaching 200 intelligence, you get a new perk

[Parallel Minds]

Your brain has evolved to handle extremely complex problems and equations.

For Reaching 100 wisdom, you get a new perk

[Great Sage]

Increases the gamers MP regen by 50%

For reaching 200 wisdom, you get a new perk

[The genius of hard work]

Passively increases XP gain by 25%

For reaching 100 in Luck

[Lucky penny]

Increased money from loot drops.

I heard the bell by the door ringing and I look up and see . . .


Erwin Smith Lvl. 62

Thoughts- Excitement, hopeful, crafty

Levi Ackermann Lvl. 84.

Thoughts- Boredom, Apathy, this place is dirty.

Hange Zoe Lvl. 72

Thoughts- Over-excitement, inquisitive, curiosity

"I am going to have to be careful with this one." I thought

"Hello can I help you?" I greet him.

"I am here looking for Tavish Byrne, are you him?" he gets straight to the point.

"Yes sir, what can I help you with today?" I say this in my best customer service voice.

His eyes narrow as he focuses intently on me. "I am Commander Erwin Smith of the scout regiment." He states and gestures to Hange and Levi; "These are Squad Captains Levi and Hange."

I look at him, "Soooo . . . what can I help you with?" I ask the question again. Seriously this guy needs to get to the point. I have blueprints to get back to, and Hange looks like she's going to explode if she has to stand still any longer.

He continues, "We are here regarding a security system you created."

I raise an eyebrow at him in confusion. I haven't got to produce any security systems yet so what is he talking . . . . oh, he means Wolfe.

"You're here about my dog?" I ask him.

"Your dog?" he questions.

"Yeah, my dog."

I shout out; "Hey Wolfe, come here boy!"

We hear some scrambling and some thumping noises before Wolfe comes thundering over to me from the back of the shop.

He gently nudges me and I start scratching him behind his head.

Erwin stumbles back putting some space between himself and Wolfe, While Hange does the exact opposite.

She lunges forwards and starts Petting and examining Wolfe all over, his club like tail wagging back and forth furiously, smashing a chair to splinters.

"You're so beautiful! How do you work? Are those hydraulic systems in your legs? And look at your teeth!" She continues babbling away, and Wolfe is just loving the attention he is receiving.

Erwin is cautiously approaching, watching Hange go nuts over my dog.

I look over at him; "Is she always like this?" I ask.

I hear a snort and I look over at Levi.

"No, she is usually worse." he states.

"Is there a way that we could commission you to make gear for the Scouts?" Erwin pressed.

I thought for a moment. "I suppose you could commission some stuff to be done. What are you looking for?" I question Erwin.

He grinned savagely; "I need something that kills titans." Erwin Stated.

I thought for a moment and went over to my desk where I was working on my Ordnance QF 25-pounder. "Do you want it to be mounted or handheld?" I ask as I shift through paperwork.

"Hand held, but if you have mounted weaponry, I wouldn't mind taking a look." Erwin was looking at me expectantly.

"Alright I have a launcher that fires an explosive charge from a distance." I presented my modified diagram for an M79 Grenade launcher. "This baby fires 40mm shells that can carry an explosive, a buckshot, or incendiary type payload. The explosive and incendiary rounds require a minimum of thirty meters in order for them to arm. The rounds can be modified to fire flares as well." I list off the abilities.

Erwin was drooling over the design of the launcher until his attention snapped back to me.

"Why would you design something like this? You can't have planned on me being here today, so why create something like this? Why create any of this?! He gestured around the shop at the various prototypes and designs I have.

"Well at its most basic, we need to take back wall maria. Not that travesty of an operation a month ago." I explain.

"But an honest successful operation, we need a win against the Titan's. All humanity has ever done is lose against the titans. And how much have we changed within those last hundred years of loses? Outside of the ODM none, all of our research and technological advancement has been focused on how to kill Titans. And even that research has stalled." I spoke in a passionate manner.

"But we need progress, survival is all we've been doing for the past hundred years. I want to live, I want to run free. I want to learn everything about the planet we live on! But since the Titans don't want me doing that, I guess I have to remove them from the equation." I continue.

Humanity is always expanding, this food shortage will not be temporary as long as the population keeps growing. So, in order for humanity to live in safety we must find where the titan's originated and kill them all!" by the end of my little speech I was breathing a little heavy.

+10 Charisma for giving an inspiring speech.

Erwin was looking at me with approval, Hange was looking at me with fascination and Levi . . .

Merely cocked an eyebrow at my rant.

I cough; "Sorry, I get a little passionate about things sometimes."

"What exactly are you planning to do in the future Tavish?" he questioned, still grinning.

"I am planning for the Scouting Regiment Sir, R&D division." I explain.

Erwin looks thoughtful and asks; "What would it take for you to continue to develop things during training? I assume you're going to apply for the 104th Cadet's?" He questions.

"I would probably need two days a week depending on how many units you want. We would also need to negotiate a price per unit." I reveal.

"I could arrange that with an exception for special trainings." Erwin informs.

"All right then, let's talk business." I say grinning.

[Time skip]

From there, things got a lot more interesting. I made 30 launchers with 20 rounds each and received a crate of gold in exchange.

I received a report that explained that the "Thumper" as I decided to dub it, has reduced the overall mortality rate on scouting expeditions by 43%.

Attached to said report was an order for a hundred more "Thumper's" and several thousand rounds of ammo.

I was starting to receive orders from the other districts as well. I ended up halting my Thumper production to make my first MRVN.

Pathfinder was . . . . interesting to say the least. But he performed his job admirably and was able to handle bartering and orders when I was out of the shop. Give him several routine tasks and he just happily went about his day.

After Pathfinder started building things and fulfilling orders, I decided to take Wolfe to the goblin dungeon to train.

As soon as we entered the dungeon, we spotted our first scout.

"Go get em Wolfe!" I shout as Wolfe pounces on the terrified goblin rending him limb from limb.

I didn't gain any experience when Wolfe killed enemies by himself, but they still dropped loot!

I watched a group of goblins try to overwhelm Wolfe with their sheer numbers, but Wolfe just rendered them to chunks or mashed them under foot. This continued until I got a notification.

Your familiar Wolfe has Leveled up! [Level 5]

Please select a perk for Wolfe . . .

I selected the [Self-Cleaning] perk. It was honestly a pain having to clean out all of Wolfe's teeth and components when he killed something. This will hopefully reduce the need to give him a bath. My Aunt attempted to do that last week, that washtub will never be the same again.

I then leave Wolfe to continue killing Goblins, I am working on a request for some firearm upgrade requests for the military police.

I am a bit on the fence with helping them to be honest. I know that they are corrupt, but they also control tax collection and land distribution. I can't afford to be on their bad side.

I am almost positive that Nile Dawk has attempted to get exclusive service for the military police. But he recognizes my usefulness to all three branches so he hasn't come busting down my door yet.

I can't exactly help the other two branches and then exclude the military police. So, I will provide improvements to their firearms.

Maybe a .38 special will be to their liking.

As I go about designing a standard issue pistol, I occasionally get a ping telling me that Wolfe has leveled up.

After about an hour Wolfe wanders back to me with a large arm grasped in his teeth.

He drops the arm in front of me wagging his tail.

"Hey boy, did you have a fun time?" I ask, petting his headplate.

He lets out a small chuffing noise as his head presses into my hand.

I check my latest notifications and do a double take.

Loot gained

47 x goblin spears (Poor)

38 x Goblin swords (Poor)

87 x Spiked clubs

172 x Loin cloths

4 x Roasted boar (common)

5 x Gacha (common)


Your familiar Wolfe has Leveled up! (Level 10)

Please select a new perk for Wolfe.

I stand their stunned for a moment before I select the [Flame breath] perk. He wouldn't be a complete Panzerhund without the ability to breath fire after all.

I exit the ID with Wolfe, and walk out into the main worker area, I can here Pathfinder discussing something with a customer.

"I am sorry madam, but Master Tavish is out right now. Perhaps you could come back later?"

"Then I will wait! I have to see him it is of the upmost importance."

I glance around the corner and see a noble woman dressed in a dress that is entirely too fancy for the district we are in. She has two guards standing by the door. I hit her with a quick observe so I'm not going in blind.


Jeanne Poisson Lvl 10.

Thoughts – desperate, hopeful, irritated about waiting

Well. . . better not keep her ladyship waiting, I guess.

"Pathfinder, I'll take over from here" I address Pathfinder.

"I want you to go ahead and start making these." I hand him a blueprint for the 38-special revolver.

"I need you to make 5 as prototypes that I can present to Commander Dawk." I then turn to the lady as Pathfinder wanders off.

"So how can I help you today Miss . . ." I trail off waiting expectantly.

She straitens up. "I am Madam Poisson. Are you Mr. Byrne? I wish to enlist your services for a somewhat delicate matter." She glances back at her guards who excuse themselves to wait outside.

So, she doesn't even trust her guards with this matter. Weird, but I guess some people are paranoid about their privacy.

"So, what can I help you with today Madam Poisson?" I prompt.

She takes a deep breath and explains; "I have heard tell of how you created a protector of sorts for this shop, is that correct?"

No punches pulled huh? Alright I can work with this.

"I have." I don't elaborate.

She looks a bit hopeful; "And how does it compare to hiring a guard?"

"It's up to snuff, nothing will get passed him that I don't want to." I explain.

"Great I want to buy one of your protectors. Name your price." She states.

"What exactly is he guarding? I need to know because the ones I make currently are rather large." I inform her.

"My daughter, there have been several attempts on her life. The last almost succeeded because the guard was easily bribed." She trails off. Possibly thinking about the latest attempt.

"One last question, does the size matter?" I ask

"What kind of question is that?! It's not like I need it to fight titans. I just need it to protect my little girl!" She says with exasperation.

I sigh and get up. "Come with me." I gesture to the back of the shop and call for Wolfe.

The moment Wolfe comes out from the back where he was resting, I see her jaw drop to the floor.

"I . . . I can see where size might be an issue." She stutters. "But this will be more than adequate. How much will it cost?"

"$2,500,000 – 3,000,000 depending if you want extra plating or for it to breath fire." I list off. I threw out that number because I was trying to put an estimate on how much wealth these nobles were playing with. What I didn't expect was her response.

"Deal!" she said immediately. "Make it rain hellfire on those who would hurt my daughter." She spat out.

Ok I might just be dealing with a vengeful mother here. But we will see.

"Alright bring your daughter and the money here tomorrow and I will have it ready by then" I inform her.

"That soon?! Are you sure you don't need more time?!" She looks at me in shock.

"Don't worry about it." I gesture back and forth. "It will take that time to install the complex machinery and write up a contract. Try to be back here early morning." I explain.

"Thank You so much!" She stands up and exits the front of my shop.

"Well, I guess it's time to get down to business." I state as I stretch out the kinks in my muscles and get to work.

[Time Skip: Next morning]

I am putting the finishing touches on the contract for Madam Poisson as she walks in the door with a small, eight-year-old girl. The little girl looks very sleepy, possibly just having woken up.

"Well? Is it finished?" The Madam asked without preamble.

"Yep, just finishing the last touches." I state before looking at the little girl. "Who's The little munchkin?" I question.

"My name is Rennet Poisson." She states sleepily.

"Well Miss Rennet, you may want to wake up a little more. Your about to meet someone special." I say with a grin.

"Oh? who?" She asks waking up a little bit more and looking around, taking in her surroundings.

I then whistle and the massive form of a new Panzerhund thumps its way into the room.

Rennet's eyes go wide and she takes a big step back behind her mother.

I chuckle at her timidness and say; "Well? Are you going to give it a name?" The new Panzerhund wags it club-like tail.

Rennet creeps out from behind her mother and slowly approaches the Panzerhund.

She reaches out to touch the head of the Beast petting it gently. The Panzerhund leans into the touch his tail wiggling a little harder.

"Your name shall be . . . Mr. Muffin!" Rennet states. She looks very proud of herself.

Her mother looked a little exasperated but accepted the name. She turned to me and asked; "Is there anything else?"

"Just payment and the contract." I state.

Her guards bring in a large chest filled with cash, I check it then bring her the contract to sign.

"This contract basically states your agreement to using the Panzerhund. You agree not to sell it and not to use it against me. In the event of the bonded individual passes on, you can pay to have him bonded to another person or receive a settlement payment and return him to me." I list off.

I continue detailing the contract and when I finish, The Madam signs it.

"Thank you, Mr. Byrne, I will rest easier knowing that Rennet has something watching over her." She states.

+5 Rep with Jeanne Poisson (for being reliable)

"Of course, feel free to stop by if you are having any trouble." I state, walking them out the door.

"Bye Mr. Byrne!" Rennet yells as they head off down the street.

Alright, time to stash this gold away. I stick the chest in my inventory and I see my cash shoot up three million.

And now? I was up all night making and upgrading Mr. Muffin. My bed is calling me. I lock up the workshop and I head back home.

[Time Skip]

It has been almost eight months since the creation of Mr. Muffin. I occasionally get a notification every time someone attacks Rennet about loot I receive, so that's kinda neat.

Coincidentally, every time I get one of these notifications, I receive a little gift basket and a nice thank you card from Madam Poisson.

Very nice lady.

Anyway, I expanded my minion fleet to include 8 more MRVNs managing my day-to-day manufacturing, 2 Sicarian Infiltrators, another Panzerhund, and 1 Mr. Handy.

The Mr. Handy is currently helping clean my Aunt and Uncles House. My Aunt was Ecstatic about a machine that can help her clean up around the house and get into all those hard-to-reach spots.

I also spent some time working with my martial arts styles.

[Gentle Fist] (25/100)

Cost 10 MP per Strike

The Gentle Fist is a form of hand-to-hand combat used by members of the Hyūga clan. It inflicts internal damage through attacking the body's Mana System, subsequently injuring organs which are closely intertwined with the area of the network which has been struck. This style circulates around redirecting your opponent's attacks and striking joints, pressure points and vital areas.

[Expert Combatant] (45/100)

You know how to handle yourself even if you have no weapons. This is an indicator of how far you have progressed in the martial arts style of the slayer. Unarmed combat deals Str*3

I remembered how Annie just threw everybody around during training, and I would prefer that Misaka didn't forcibly rearrange my face if I beat Erin in a spar. I think I would rather be a little prepared for hand-to-hand going in.

I might have to housetrain Erin a bit too. He seems to fly off the handle at every opportunity when he came across an opposing view point. And when he decided everyone outside the walls needed to die? That goes from idiotic to downright psychopathic. Hopefully, if I can knock some sense into him, we could prevent that outcome.

Wiping out most life on earth is not the correct solution to a grief you have with a nation, no matter how you slice it. I got a Quest for that little proclamation.

Quest added

[A long road to your Apocalypse]

Objective 1: Prevent Erin Jaeger from starting the rumbling

Objective 2: Find another way to deal with Marley

Objective 3: Find different hosts for the Nine titans

Bonus Objective 1: Leave current hosts alive

Bonus Objective 2:?

Bonus Objective 3:?

Bonus Objective 4:?

Bonus Objective 5:?

Reward: 1,000,000 XP, 1 x Mythic Gacha, $10,000,000,000

Humanity's continued existence on this world.

Ah existence. Existence is good. Definitely something I can get behind.

So, I got my basic training kit packed away in my inventory as I head off for cadet training. A have a spray bottle, a little treat pouch, a can full of coins, a shock collar . . . .

You know, looking back on it, I may be going about this wrong. But I knew in my heart I was right. Maybe I could find some help at the Gamer shop.

[How to Train your Titan: A Comprehensive Guide]

A training book for pesky titans who want to end the world.


. . . .

I guess I am not the first Gamer who has attempted this route?

[No, you are not.]

Ah, well then. Moving on.

I had packed a bag full of necessities for cadet training and after a tearful farewell from my Aunt and Uncle, I was on my way to sign-up.

I got my uniform from a very startled recruiter. I don't think they usually need uniforms in my size. And I am now standing on a parade ground at attention with the rest of the 104th.

I can see our lovable instructor Keith Shadis, conducting his right of passage with Armin down the line.

Poor guy.

Then I can see its Jean's turn shortly after. He spouts off about moving into the interior for a bit before he receives a headbutt from Shadis.


My eyes flick over to the source of the noise, and lo and behold, Sasha is happily crunching away on her potato.

I can't get over the fact that she has the balls to do that while the instructor is less than a couple of yards away.

I scan around and I was able to identify Reiner, Berthodlt, Annie, Mina, Thomas . . .

I check back on Shadis and see him stretching out Conny's head.

Shadis finally glances over and see's Sasha. His expression darkens and he marches over to her.

"Cadet! What the hell is that in your hand?!" Shadis yells.

"It's a potato sir!" Sasha dutifully answers back around a mouthful of potato.

"Why are you eating that?" Shadis continues to question.

"You want me to explain why people eat potato's sir?" Sasha questions.

"No, why are you eating it here? Right now?" I think he is hoping that she figures out that she's in deep shit.

"Well sir, baked potatoes are best had hot sir! It would be a waste if I saved it for later! She breaks off half of the remaining potato. "Here you can have half!" she offers.

Shadis slaps the potato out of her hand and tells her to start running. "And no dinner tonight for you potato girl!" He yells after her.

You could see Sasha wilt at that last proclamation and starts running.

I was positive I was next on the chopping block but Shadis just glanced at me and moved on to his next victim.

Later that night, the cadets were gathered together for dinner. There was a group surrounding Erin's table listening to his tales of the colossal titan.

I save some bread for Sasha. The girl was beyond stupid in her actions today, but her heart is in the right place. Or maybe her stomach is anyway.

I stop along the path where Sasha will pass by and I can hear her panting as she runs closer.

I see her collapse along the trail and the shadow of another figure run out to help her.


Historia Reiss Lvl. 13

Thoughts – Worry

"So, I wasn't the only one worried about Potato girl huh?" I say, drawing attention to my presence.

Historia jumps a bit and spins around to face me, her eyes wide. Sasha on the other hand is lunging at the bread I am holding like a savage beast.

She gulps it all down and starts drinking the water offered by Historia.

+20 Rep with Sasha – (She thinks you're a saint!)

Sasha passes out after drinking the water.

I turn to Historia. "Apologies for not introducing myself, Tavish Byrne." I offer a hand.

"Christa Lenz." She offers shaking my hand.

"Well, let's get her to her bed." I comment. I pick up Sasha and flip her up on my shoulder and start heading in the direction of the girl's barracks. Historia following close behind.

We walked for a few minutes in silence before Historia asks; "Why did you help her?"

"Why did you?" I return.

"I . . . I thought she might be hungry, and I didn't think it was right that she had to skip dinner as well . . ." She trails off.

I look at her for a moment and explain; "People don't always need a reason to do the right thing. What she did today was phenomenally stupid, I almost didn't come out. But we are all in this together, and we can only continue if we help each other out. Even if we do something stupid." I say glancing at Sasha.

We continue Walking until Ymir made an appearance.

"Christa! There you are! What are you doing out here?! She stops when she saw me with Sasha tossed over my shoulder.

"Hey your one of her bunkmates, correct?" I ask Ymir, gesturing to Sasha.

"Yeah. . . So, Potato girl passed out huh?" She questioned poking the sleeping Sasha's cheek.

"Does anyone actually know her name? We can't call her potato girl forever." I comment.

"Nah, it doesn't matter anymore. Her name is potato girl." Ymir states with grin before grabbing Sasha from me.

"Ymir!" Historia says with exasperation.

"Anyway, thanks for bringing her back this far. What's your name?" Ymir questions.

"Tavish Byrne" I offer. "And yours?"

"Ymir." She states, as she turns to leave, she says; "See you around Tavish" and wanders off to the barracks with Historia in tow.

I head back to the male barracks and I get their just as Erin runs past me. Not long after Misaka runs out after him followed by Armin.

I guess I just missed the first argument between Jean and Erin.

I walk back in and I grab an empty bunk. I pull out some graphing paper and I begin designing upgrades and optimizing the ODM. I was trying to create a gas recovery system to enable extended operation.

This was also one of the few projects that I could work on outside of my workshop. People try to improve the ODM all the time, however not everybody could build robots or machines like a gamer.

After an hour it was getting too dark to work so I put the blueprints away and tucked in for the night.

The next days were followed by testing our compatibility with the ODM. I got a front row seat to watching Erin's fiasco with his belt latch. Who knew that part could wear out? What sort of crap excuse was that?! All parts wear out! They just last longer with proper maintenance.

Oh well, don't exactly need to involve myself with that little issue.

It wasn't until several days later did anything of note happen. I was working with a repair kit on a damaged ODM when I heard someone call my name. I looked up and it was Armin.

"Hey Tavish! I didn't know you joined the military." He exclaimed.

"Well Erin is hardly the only guy with an axe to grind with the Titans." I said grinning.

"I thought you had that job making stuff for the military? I for sure thought you would have been transferred to the interior!" Armin asked.

"Well, I want to get out of the walls as much as the next guy, so the only way to improve my gear is to test it on titans and find out what works." I reply.

Your lying has leveled up (45/100)

Oh, come on Iris!

It's not my fault you don't tell the truth.

The truth is so much stranger than fiction though. I would be locked in an asylum.


Armin continues; "Hey do you want to have lunch at our table?"

I shrug; "Sure, why not."

I finish fixing the ODM and I head with Armin into the mess hall.

"Hey guys look who I found in the workshop!" He calls out.

Both Erin and Mikasa looked over in our direction and I could see their eyes widen.

"Tavish?!" Erin sputters out.

"In the flesh." I reply.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he questioned.

"Well, I joined the military." I replied

"Yes, I can see that, but I thought you had a job making stuff for the military?" Erin stated


I end up explain my story a few times that day.

[Time skip: 3 years]

There was somewhat of a break in the boredom from week to week when I left to fulfill orders or design something new.

I decided to make Wolfe a brother so that he wouldn't be left alone all the time. I decided to name this one Bear. I can hear them play in the backyard from time-to-time.

I had the time to do some training on my own finally hitting that Level 40 for martial artist.

Tavish Byrne

Level – 40

Class – Martial Artist – Lvl 40/100 [23%]

Prestige Class – Slayer – Lvl 40/100 [19%]

Race – Transcendent Human

Alignment – True Neutral

HP- 4350 [820 per minute]

MP- 2950 [590 per 30 seconds]

SP- 4350 [820 per 30 seconds

Soul Well (243/1600) (Perk options available)








Mana Regen = WIS X 2

MP = INT X 10

SP/Health Regen = END X 2

Health = END X 10

SP = END X 10

Stat points (270)

I had the option to switch to another class but I decided that I would finish out martial artist first.

For reaching 200 Str you get a perk

[Herculean strength]

Increases your physical damage by 50%

For reaching 300 Str you gain a perk

[Pain Train]

Allows for you to initiate a charge attack while wearing heavy armor.

For reaching 400 Str you gain a perk


Enables you to create a shock wave that knocks enemies to the ground

For reaching 200 Dex you gain a new perk

[Cat-like grace]

Allows you to drastically reduce fall damage.

For reaching 300 Dex you gain a new perk

[Full Throttle]

Enables you to go from a standing start to max speed in an instant.

For reaching 400 Dex you gain a new perk

[Hardcore Parkour]

Hey remember when obstacles used to slow you down? Not anymore!

Negates any reduction of speed when encountering an obstacle by 50%

For reaching 200 End you gain a new perk

[Stamina freak]

Double's stamina recovery

For reaching 300 End you gain a new perk

[Iron Skin]

Reduces all physical damage by 10%

For reaching 400 End you get a new perk

[Adamantium Skeleton]

Drastically increases the durability of your bones.

The days spent practicing hand-to-hand with the other recruits certainly helped me level up. Though after my strength stat passed 300 the only one who kept coming back to spar was Erin. I have to hand it to the guy he is very dedicated to training.

I also cracked the code of making the Praetor Suit. Apparently whenever I made the armor it would register as an epic tier armor.

So, one day I decided to bathe the armor in a metric fuck-ton of sentinel energy. This got me;

Praetor Suit (Gamer edition) [Legendary]

Enhances the capabilities of the slayer to run, jump, rip, and tear through the denizens of hell. Has been further enhanced with the doom blade and equipment launcher. It's been customized by the gamer to accommodate for ODM gear.

I am fairly certain that if I actually got my hands on argent energy, I would be able to upgrade the suit even further but that will work for now. I unlocked new ID's in the form of [Slime], [Zombie], [Celestial], and [Demonic]. I am thinking that I can acquire argent by killing some demons. Either that or I am going to have to go to actual hell. Which to be honest isn't a route that I want to contemplate, at least not yet.

I manage to create several weapons from the slayer collection such as the BFP (Mark V pistol), the heavy cannon, and the combat shotgun. I am in the process of manufacturing the chain gun but I keep getting held up from finishing the damn thing. I can't make a crucible because I need argent, and I sure as hell don't know where to start with making a BFG. I did create some preliminary designs for a ballista but that is simply a work in progress.

I did make some progress as far as the chainsaw though. I decided to customize my ODM with a multi blade set-up allowing me a variety to choose from. So instead of a chainsaw I have a chain sword. I make a set of transonic blades that I stash away for later along with several other blade types for "testing purposes".

I even managed to unlock several new slayer perks.

[Stand before the horde]

"The slayer carved his way through the endless hordes of hell."

When the slayer faces more than five enemies his stats multiply. The bigger the group the larger the multiplier.

[At the Hands of the Slayer]

Allows you to rapidly swap between weapons of the slayer.

[Blood piñata]

Slaying an enemy with a chainsaw or chain related object, refills your ammo.

I think the thing that took up the most time over the course of the training was "teaching" Erin and Jean to just calm the fuck down.


Erin and Jean were at each other's throats again during dinner. This has been going on for almost 3 months. Normally I wouldn't care, but I hadn't had a god damn peaceful meal in three bloody months! They are still in each other's face as I abruptly stand up from the table.

"Tavish What are you doing?" Franz asked in a hushed tone.

I have been sitting with him for a decent number of meals. Good conversationalist. Pretty chill guy.

"Settling a problem." I growl back, my hand reaching into my jacket as I walk over towards the arguing duo.

"Your so stupid horseface!" Yelled Erin.

"Yeah well at least I don't have a death wish you fucking maniac!" Jean yelled back.

I pull my spray bottle out of my jacket and proceed to spray them both.

*Ack* *Pthbth*

Both of them are sputtering from the sudden assault.

I hear several sharp intakes of breath behind me. Welp, too late to back out now.

"Now do I have your attention?" I question, receiving a glare from both.

"Good. Now as you may or may not have observed you have been hashing and re-hashing this same argument, every meal, for the last three Fucking months! I for one, am getting sick and tired of you disturbing the relative peace of meal time with your incessant screaming."

Both of them look sheepish as I continue; "When you have a problem with someone, you sit down and talk with them, like an adult. Erin, not everyone wishes to fight. Sometimes people want to secure what's best for themselves and their families."

I turn to Jean.

"And Jean, you need to respect the fact that Erin wants to put his life towards something greater than himself. You need to respect that Erin wants to fight for a life outside of the walls."

I clap my hands on their shoulders. "So next time you guys have a difference of opinion talk it out, cause next time . . ." I tighten my grip on their shoulders causing them to wince; "I won't ask nicely."

A new skill has been created

[Intimidate] (1/100)

Fear works as a motivator . . . sometimes

I head back towards my seat.

As I sit down, I hear a slow clap start before turning into full blown applause.

+15 Rep with 104th Cadets (For putting a stop to that argument.)

Franz is looking at me in awe, Armin is applauding and Misaka . . . is Smiling?!

Maybe I should provide Misaka with a "teaching" tool kit. Heaven knows she needs it to wrangle Erin.

[End Flashback]

All in all, it was fairly uneventful during the training. I don't know if I made the top ten because right before the ceremony, I was kidnaped by Hange.

I'm not even kidding! She hit me with a net launcher and dragged me all the way to her lab!

I found out that she wanted a second opinion on the Titan capture device she created. Apparently, it was going to catch a titan tomorrow?! So, I was there late testing and double checking the device.

It was too late to head to the graduation party so I went home and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and hugged my Aunt and Uncle before resuming my duties. I had to report to the Wall today for cleaning duty.

I asked Jacob and Maggie what they were going to do today.

"We are going shopping in the Ehrmich district today!" She explained. "Your uncle is taking a break to spend the day with me. We got our day passes last week." She informed.

"Well try not to have too much fun." I joke, and I bid them goodbye for the day.

I honestly am relieved. Today is the day that Bertholdt is supposed to attack the walls in titan form. My Aunt and Uncle out of the way of the chaos is a good thing.

I head out and meet up with the rest of the cadets. I find Erin, Conny, Thomas, Mina and Marco polishing a cannon.

"Tavish!" Marco called out, drawing the attention of the others.

"Dude, you missed out on top ten when you weren't there last night!" Conny exclaims.

"And You missed the after party." Mina commented

"Oh? How did I place? I question.

"We don't know. They just said that since you weren't there you couldn't accept the spot. Where were you?! Conny questions.

"I was kidnaped. And I was forced to work on a machine that could capture titans." I said dryly.

They all staired at me, till Erin asked; "How did you escape?"

"I was released when my kidnapper was forced to leave with todays expedition." I explain.

"Well, I am glad your Ok after your ordeal." Erin deadpans.

Sasha comes running up, clutching her jacket tight to her frame. There was an obvious bulge beneath her jacket.

Guys! I got meat from the officer's store house! She exclaims showing off her precious cargo.

"Do You want to end up in jail?!"

"You really are an idiot!"

"You're a scary idiot."

Reactions were varied.

"Let's cut it up and turn it into sandwiches!" Sasha continues ignoring the outbursts.

"Don't worry, we just have to retake the wall and raise cows and sheep again!" Sasha states confidently, storing the cut of meat in the storage box nearby.

Fairly soon after, everyone is clamoring for their slice of meat.

I chuckle a bit at the rapid change of tune.

I glance around the wall. I had convinced Commander Pixis to start switching to the newer howitzers that I was providing but it was a slow process. So far it looks like only 10% of the original cannon's had been swapped out. And the new artillery had specially trained people manning it because of the new loading and aiming method.

I pick up a cleaning brush and start cleaning out a cannon. I just barely finish my cannon when I heard a ping and I got a new quest.

Quest alert

[Defend Trost]

Objective 1: Kill the Titan's within Trost

Objective 2: Reseal the wall

Objective 3: Help evacuate the civilian's

Bonus Objective 1:?

Bonus Objective 2:?

Bonus Objective 3:?

Bonus Objective 4:?

Bonus Objective 5:?

Reward: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?

And then lightning struck.

Damn it Bernie.

TheOneThatRead TheOneThatRead

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Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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