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87.09% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 315: War of Change Part 9: Final Round Starts

Chapitre 315: War of Change Part 9: Final Round Starts

(General POV)

Location the Warp-The Neutral Zone of Chaos, the Caverns of Olympus-Freefall throught the Trenches

The four Chaos Gods were falling, as the trio have just pushed the Changer through a fel-rift made by the Dark One.

They crashed against the wall, scrapping against stone as Tzeentch refused to release his brothers but at the sametime Nurgle's parasite tentacles, Khorne's chains, and Laharl's serpents were striking at the Changer, trying to force the youngest Dark God, to release them.

Their thrashing caused them to roll, throughout the cavern grounds and eventually fall into the massive trench between the areas of the cavern.

As they fell they've smashed against the side of the trench several times, one blow to Tzeentch upper right area was brutal enough, that his tentacle wrapped around Laharl's left arm loosen enough for him to retaliate.

Quickly pulling back his left arm, and channeling both dark divine power, and pure daemonic energy of the Fel, his Claw of Hades ignited in a swirling green and violet flaming aura he swung at Tzeentch's face.

While the Dark One, did this version of [Chaos Strike] under the knowledge that while in game Warlock Fel-magic is more a draining/debuffing highly offensive magic casting class, in lore it is a crippling, debilitating magic designed to be deadly against others, especially enemy magic casters.

Hence he channeled fel magic, to his strike to not only cause as much damage that he could muster behind the blow, but also target Tzeentch's magical powers as well...and it seems his gambit paid off.

The blast of violet and fel-green energy/flames onto Tzeentch's face, catching the Changer's head in intense daemonic fire.

Tzeentch screamed as he desperately tried to put out the fire on his head, and doing so his tentacles released the trio.

But Laharl, Khorne, and Nurgle didn't let Tzeentch go when he was desperately trying to put himself out.

Laharl mentally commanded some of his serpents to release Tzeentch, and start wrapping themselves on the Changer's more bulkier arm, seeing them as the bigger threats to fight Tzeentch in close range.

Four upper serpents, wrapped around in pairs on these upper clawed-arms, using every ounce on their contricting strength to wrap around them, while on the Changer's right shoulder, as the new eye was looking around frantically, not being able to register Tzeentch's commands cause of the flames, burning his head currently...but then, it stop acting erratically as one of the violet and black serpents was hissing in front of it.

As the pupil sharpen, as the serpent reared back and struck, bitting and piercing deeply into the eye.

Tzeentch screamed as the pain of destroyed eye, was happening to him.

Khorne now able to move his right arm, that held the Unmaker, he slashed down cutting off and burning two of his four left arms, as the wounds were cartorized.

Using the remaining blaze, he channeled his divinity over [Fire] to cause that area and Tzeentch's head to burst into greater, intense flames.

This allowed Nurgle to have a swing at Tzeentch again, by far he has equaled or caused the most damage at the Changer, comparing to Laharl, with his tentacles bitting onto the damaged Changer.

He decided to follow the Blood God's lead, using his divinity over a elemental force against Tzeentch, commanding the surrounding earth and stone of the trench that they're falling from currently, as he commanded the [Earth] to do his biding, as several sharp earth spikes sprouted from the wall they were scrapping against, and they all impaled themselves onto Tzeentch.

Splashing blue blood, onto the trio, and impaling Tzeentch in position...finally stopping his fall, but not their...except for Laharl, who stretches his wings and fly...quickly Nurgle once again bended the Earth, and made a platform for himself and Khorne, stopping their own freefall.

Tzeentch struggled with the burnings, bleeding, pain, and now the spikes of earth that now pertrude from his body.

Quickly using a burst of psyker power, to quell the daemonic flames that just coated his head, but the damage was already dealt, he used some of his hidden needle tentacles to stab onto the wall, thinking that he can access the mana-veins again...only to find out, that the veins didn't reach at the area...no depth, that they were in.

He realized where his...brothers...send them to, within or better said underneath of Olympus.

At this depth, he couldn't keep using the mountain's veins to heal himself, meaning that his brothers have managed to put him "check" again...for now, as he started to use his tentacles to push himself off the spikes, and wall, thinking of several counter-moves against them.

As he was the God of Thousand and One Schemes, with his ego and anger fueling his drive, and one final strong push!!

The Architech was free from Nurgle's earth spikes, floated in mid-air as he looked down at his three opponents, the Dark One flying, while the others were standing on a platform.

Clearly they're ready to keep fighting, Tzeentch knew that they wouldn't allow him to escape above to get closer to mana-veins, meaning all that he could do now...is attack!!!

Swiftly diving towards, them with his seventh and eighth arms drew back, ready to slash his nine claws at them.

Khorne struck back first, quickly rising his left arm at Tzeentch, and blasting a huge stream of dark divine hellfire at the Scheming God.

Tzeentch already in mid-dive, couldn't stop or react fast enough to teleport away so he formed a quick psychic shield-barrier in front of himself, which was hit by Khorne's infernal flames.

Seeing Tzeentch struggle against the Blood God, the Rot Lord joined in, letting go of his God weapons for a moment and rising his bloated, rotting arms at the Change.

Nurgle unleashed a torrent of thick, toxic, and foul smelling miasma at Tzeentch.

Which reacted in two ways, the miasma was making Tzeentch slightly nauseous but the moment it came in contact with Khorne's flames it caused a huge, powerful explosion that injured the Changer's larger arms, while destroying some of his tentacles.

Then Tzeentch screamed as the Dark One, snuck around him and stab his ginormous, daemonic, sword, Ragnarok, right through his back and out his crotch-mouth.

The blue and purple blood of the most eldritch of the Dark One, drenched the entire blade of the Ragnarok.

With that grave wound, and unimaginable pain surging through Tzeentch, his concentration was broken and both Khorne and Nurgle's attacks reached him at last.

Burning and poisoning the body of the Changer, not risking Tzeentch's retaliation using his serpents he pushed off his blade quickly tossing him onto Nurgle's platform.

Crashing hard against the ground of the platform, both Khorne and Nurgle rush in to wail on him without mercy.

Stomps, kicks, and slashes were dealt at the down Change, said Chager was forced to use his tentacles to block the incoming blades, while tanking the kicks and stomps of his two older brothers.

That's when the eldest Dark God, descended onto the platform and joined in the beatdown.

Using his serpents to prevent Tzeentch's tentacles while he swipes his claws and stab Tzeentch with his sword...again he was being humiliated, he knew his psychic burst would work against him at this moment, cause all that it would do is knock away his enemies that could quickly catch themselves before they fall further into the trench...he'll, instead use one of the new magics he has acquired from this exchange.

Said magic is the Lore of Lightning, the [Thunder Burst] spell knowing the destructive force and power behind it, it will cause major damage to all...regardless having to endure some pain, he'll deal more than he'll suffer.

As the trio kept up, the beatdown, they'll sense a disturbance and growing surge of magical energy that they'll familiar with.

Laharl immediately recognized it as lightning magic, and pushed his brothers away, as he flapped his wings to also get away from the incoming attack.

In a flash of white, followed by a humongous explosion of magical lightning three of them fell, if not for the Dark One's fast reaction all three of them would have suffered much worse, than they should.

Tzeentch immediately steady himself, looking up at the two quick platforms that Nurgle made for himself and Khorne, to prevent them from falling in deeper.

Before Tzeentch could retaliate against them, he saw a blur coming towards him then a huge claw grab onto his head.

The Dark One, dive straight at the Architech and was driving them both down, seeing them shot downwards through the abyss, Nurgle smiled as he slammed his bone-claws to the earth, and channeled his divine authority over it to create several, thick platforms of earth, spaced between them, as the distance between said platforms and the two free falling Dark Gods, was shortening.

Laharl smiled, without needing to communicate, his little brother, just made thing worse for the Changer of Ways, that was struggling to release himself from his grasp.

Then like the awesome scene in Avengers 2, during Hulk vs Hulkbuster Iron Man, Laharl stretched his left arm straight forward, making sure that Tzeentch struck against the platform first and hard as possible.

And soo the Changer, was smashed throught the first platform, grunting in pain, as they smash through the second, then the third, and the next one and so fort, until they smash throught the twelfth platform, made by Nurgle.

Location the Caverns: Daedalus Former Prison

Tzeentch was in great pain, not noticing that Laharl open a rift behind him and they went through it and teleported into another location of the Caverns.

As they smashed against one of the Daedalus Maze Cubes, which have been reinforced something special...but that's not important at the moment...Tzeentch groaned in pain, as the Dark One has yet to release his younger brother, and used all his limbs to firmly hold him down.

As he banished Ragnarok, temporarily and started throwing right punches at the Changer's right side.

While the Dark One, was pummeling Tzeentch, the Changer retaliate with his massive nine-clawed arm, stabbing both into one of his serpents and onto his side as well, "fortunately" that serpent, prevented Tzeentch from driving his claws, further into his ribs...but still it was agonizing, the pain and thrashing done by his impaled serpent, was forcing him to let go.

Tzeentch feeling Laharl's grip, loosen he send his freed tentacles to start attacking the Dark One, as he stabbed, bite, and snapped onto Laharl wings and back, not only that he twisted and pushed his claws further in Laharl.

In doing so, Laharl has stopped striking him, but he mildly impressed at his brother fighting through the pain, and not letting his head go, then his other serpents started bitting and coiling around his arm, but it was pointless the position made it hard for them to have a firm wrap on it, and if his enemy can willstand a stab through a limb and rib, he can take some snake bites.

Tzeentch started to laugh and taunt his older brother, "Seems things have not gone your way, Dark One. Now I'll make you suffer!!!" finish saying that, Tzeentch channeled his sorcerous power through his left claw stabbing into the Dark One.

Igniting said arm, in pink flames, pouring and burning into the Dark Harbinger, hissing in pain as it didn't just burn, but he felt several painful sensations, as the power of change, was now coursing through his body...if not for his higher ranking God tier, he be sludge, or crystal, or horrific abomination, now he understood the lore better concerning tzeentchian powers...

Again Laharl, started to loosen his grip, pleasing Tzeentch as Laharl's tentacles and serpents were instinctively focusing on the damaged area, freeing him further.

Tzeentch grin became wider, as now he felt his massive right arm was free, this will allow him to go for the throat of the Dark One, and kill him!!!

As he was about to do, as he planned, his right upper claw about to thrust at the exposed neck of the Dark Harbinger, when...he felt a massive shock of agony!!!

Just when he was about to attack, both Nurgle and Khorne, have arrived and rushed to their older brother's aid.

Nurgle stomped with all his weight and strength at the elbow area of Tzeentch right clawed-arm, the cube shuke from the intense impact from Nurgle, and the floor was stained in Tzeentch's eldritch blood and gore.

But that wasn't the end, Khorne also struck, aiming at the pink fire coated left arm of the Architech, with his Unmaker he slashed off Tzeentch's newest left arm from the shoulder joint, again Tzeentch was in excruciating pain, he never expected that Nurgle or Khorne would reach them before he took care of Laharl!!!!

In truth during the scrap between them, the Dark One knew he was in big trouble if either let Tzeentch go or kept holding down Tzeentch, so fighting through the pain and trying to focus, as best he could, he opened a rift near his brothers and held it open until they could cross through it, and help him, luckily they've arrived in time to do so.

Now with him no longer in danger, the Dark One, he lifted Tzeentch's head a bit and smash him against the cube's surface, as hard that he could.

That impact caused a small indictation against the Cube, impressing the Dark One on Daedalus work...but enough of that, Laharl let go and stepped back to perform quick self-treatment on his wounds.

All the while, Nurgle and Khorne were dismembering Tzeentch's of his remaining arms, as Laharl used Fel magic on himself to burn away any touch of Change, that Tzeentch infected him with.

At that moment, Tzeentch used Metal Lore Magic, to create metallic spikes around him to force Nurgle and Khorne, off of him.

As he was also taking a moment to catch his breathe, and ease the pain of having all eight arms torn from his body, since it was clear that Tzeentch was finally at his last legs it was time to nail in the nails of the coffin.

Location the Base of Mount Olympus-Battlefield: Allied Chaos Forces Vs Tzeentch Forces

As the daemons of the four current, Chaos Gods were still fighting fiercely against each other, under the leadership of the Chaos Goddesses, a huge rift opened in the sky, catching everyone's attention.

Coming through was mutilated Architech of Fate, having been punched through the rift and crashing against the earth below, then the rift closed and reopened closer to the ground, allowing Khorne, Laharl, and Nurgle, to simply cross through without issues.

Tzeentch still having "some" fight in him, stood back up and stood against the trio, as this is the last stretch of this Chapter of the Great Game.

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