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73.29% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 260: End of the War of the Frozen Shores

Chapitre 260: End of the War of the Frozen Shores

(General POV)

Location the Norscan Shores, the Lands of the Graelings-Within Enzium, the Throne Chamber

The battle was over and the Dark Legion, along with their new members and beasts, returned inside of the Living Daemon Fortress, Enzium.

As Enzium started heading east towards Vargs, then south through Norsca into the lands of Sarls which will grant them access to the Sea of Claws, to strike at Kislev from a naval point.

While Laharl and his brothers were discussing their next move, one which is replenishing their daemonic losses Laharl insured them that with the Haz'kariot they can open a breach into each of their personal domains and call their daemons to join them.

So that problem was already solved, as they were in Ixion's Undivided state sitting in the Castlevania style gothic throne, guarded by mortifinis and flesh hounds plus the new decoration and trophy that Khorne truly approves of the split head of the Frost Dragon mounted on the wall behind the throne, they've even have one more addition that has made, the Throne Chamber his home.

The Exalted Manticore of Laharl's own creation, Whiptail, the giant monsters was laying next to them his head resting on the left side of the throne, Nurgle seeing this and realizing that he is now the only one without a loyal beast companion of them three.

Khorne has Karanak, and now Laharl has Whiptail, he should consider gaining his own creature as his companion and attack beast...

But they inner discussions were interrupted by the annoying Speaker, Zxaie-xie, who carefully floated towards them with Laharl and Khorne's daemons immediately stood in front of their dark masters, and showed clear aggression against Zxaie-xie.

He bowed slightly to them, before standing straight and speaking to them, "My Lords, congratulations on your victory over the mighty, Wanderer. But some important questions from the Gods must be answered. How did a non-human achieve the ultimate honor of daemonhood? And what happened to Wulfrik, once you defeated him?"

The Warp Gods knew that these questions, were asked by this welp not the weaker Chaos Gods of this world, they also knew that the Darkoath Savagers, reinforcements that came to aid Wulfrik is obviously his doing as well, if not for the damn trial that the weaker Dark Gods, have placed on them they would have killed the mortal insect...but at last they can't do so yet...

So they responded, "It was the will of the Dark One. He desired a powerful servent and warrior to be apart of our army, hence Kholek's ascension to Daemon Prince. As for Wulfrik's fate, he was taken into the Void, also by the decree of the Dark Harbinger. Does those answer please your curiosity, Speaker?"

As the damn Speaker, said his part and gained his answers, he returned to his plotting and obvious animosity in the corner of the throne room, Nurgle asked his older brother, "Now that...I...remember. That female...and...her...race...that aided...you...in the...battle... Are you...interested...in her?" Nurgle's question, cause Khorne to groan in exasperation.

As the Blood God knew that, that girl, Tai Tai Shien would most likely fall for his brother's wilds, and most likely become his and Nurgle's newest sister-in-law...

They continue to converse about different subjects and things to pass the time.

But regardless they were pleased on their victory gained by their elder brother, and now Wulfrik was frozen and keep in storage until the dawn or the Great Crusade, they can now carry on their campaign to attack Sylvania and then Karak Eight Peaks, but first Kislev must fall.

While all that discussion occurred between the brothers, Khorne asked, "Laharl, now with the battle over and our forces stronger in the mortal aspect of it. What is your state's current status?" honestly both the Dark One, and the Decaying God were curious as well, so they contacted Aillia to bring up the Stats of Laharl's Ixion State.

With a polite and cheery tone, she responded, (Right away, my Lords!), as a transparent blue screen appeared in front of the Warp Gods.

Name: Ixion Daemonhart

Operators: Laharl, Khorne, Nurgle

Chaos Marks Obtained-Nurgle Laharl.

Gear-Undivide: Haz'kariot, Ring of Damnation.

Laharl: Crystal of Overwhelming Insanity.

Khorne: The Gauntlet of Relentless Fury.

Nurgle: The Pandemic Star Shield, Decaying Armor of Bluttaplex, Incense of a Thousand Corpses.

Capital-Enzium, the Living Daemon Fortress

Territories-1.Chaos Wastes 20.02%

2.Norsca 04.00%

Army Size-Total: 9251


Lord/Heroes-1.Kholek Suneater.

2.Tai Tai Shien.

Mounts-Exalted Manticore: Whiptail.

Daemonic Forces






6.Flesh Hounds-250.


8.Infectors-150=Hostless Maggots 21, Werekin 1, Marauder Hosts 42, Chaos Knight Host 29, Warhound Hosts 50.



11.Chaos Furies-100.

Mortal Forces

1.Frost Eldars-550=Ice Warriors 250, Cryowitches 100, Shadow Hunters 100, Dark Wendigo 1, Crystal Wraiths-Archers 100.


3.The Blood-Drinkers-366=Khornate Norscans 84, Khornate Khights 95, Bloodreavers 84, Blood Warriors 100, Slaughterpriests 3.

4.Plague Marauders-175=Berserker Marauders 30, Great-Axe Marauders 25, Plague Knights 100, Axe-throwers 20.

5.Hedonites of Slaanesh-1=Shardspeaker.

6.Chaos Marauders [Norscan, Kurgan, & Kvelling]-2285=Berserker Marauders 520, Spearmen 400, Great-Axe Marauders 300, Chaos Knights 600, Fimir 55, Axe-throwers 135, Skin-Wolves 45, Chaos Warhounds 200, Norscan Ice Wolves 75.

7.Darkoath Savagers-200=Darkoath Warqueen 1, Chieftains 10, God-speakers 4, Proven 65, Gloryseekers 20, Wrathtouched 10, Savagers 90.

8.Daemonhosts-600=Bloodhosts 200, Plaguehosts 200, Carnagehosts 200.

9.Titanomachy Giants-12=Khornate Giants 4, Nurglish Giants 4, Laharlish Giants 4

10.Shartaks-80=Shaggoths 20, Dragon Ogres 50, Summoners of Rage 10.



Avatar Status-Laharl

TITLE: The Dark Master of the Daemonharts.

WEAPONS-1.Hellbane Darkness.

2.Wailmaker, the Bringer of Slaughter & Pain.

GEAR-Crystal of Overwhelming Insanity.


POW-390 + 25






MAG/PSY-261 + 75


Magic Lores-1.Lore of Laharl Lv-4

2.Lore of Fire Lv-4

3.Lore of Metal Lv-2

Spell List-Laharl: Dark Bolt, Dark Rip, Black Haze, Void Vortex, The Grasp of Laharl, Maw of the Arch-Daemon.

Fire: Fireball, Burning Stream, Kindleflame, the Burning Head, Piercing Bolts of Burning, Cascading Fire Cloak, Flaming Sword of Rhuin.

Metal: Metalshifting, Searing Doom, Plague of Rust.

Skill List

1.Chaos Corruption Spreader Lv-24

Undivided Corruption 44%

Carnage Corruption 29%

Blood Corruption 29%

Plague Corruption 29%

2.Physical Empowerment Lv-21

Power + 21%

Endurance + 21%

Agility + 11%

Missile + 7%

3.Lesser Chaotic Resilience Lv-9

Physical Damage Resistance + 11%

4.Chaos Strike Lv-11

Stun Chance Effect 5%

5.Daemon Cleave Lv-10

Chaos Damage Boost + 11%

Beast Damage Boost + 2%

7.Lord's Presence Lv-5

Allies Force +10% Morale

8.Merciless Strike Lv-1

9.Lesser Physical Resistance Lv-2

Physical Damage Resistance +0.2%

10.Fire Resistance Lv-12

Fire Damage Resistance + 17%

Burn Effect Reduction 7%

11.Metal Resistance Lv-11

Metal Damage Resistance + 16%

12.Lightning Resistance Lv-5

Lightning Damage Resistance + 10%

13.Frost Resistance Lv-9

Ice Damage Resistance + 14%

Slow Effect Reduction 3%

14.Lesser Toxicity Lv-25 [Nurgle Boost]

15.Darkness Force Lv-30 [Laharl Boost]

16.Lesser Hellish Flames Lv-20 [Khorne Boost]

Ability List

Undivided Abilities

1.Operator Switch.

2.Chosen of the God 3/7

3.Unholy Presence.

Laharl Abilities

1.Void Cloaking.

2.Daemonic Patriarch.

3.Mark of Laharl+

Khorne Abilities

1.Blood Rage.

2.Magic Resistance.

3.Bloody Boon.

4.Mark of Khorne+.

Nurgle Abilities

1.Vile Miasma.

2.Sickness Immunity.

3.Nauseous Aura.

4.Mark of Nurgle+.

Neutral Abilities

1.Soul Collector.

2.Lesser Magic Manipulation.

The things that Laharl gained from the battle were good, with the exception of Khorne complaining that they gained [Lesser Magic Manipulation] which made the Dark One and Grandfather laughed of Khorne usual distain of Magic and Psyker Sorcerory.

Now with the World Walkers defeated and assimilate into the Dark Legion of the Damned, their army now was nearly the numbers of the Astarte Legions of 40k, which made the Dark One quite happy.

With that done Laharl decided to contacted Aillia in secret as he needed to check up on the pilling amounts of rewards, that he most likely left gathering dust in the system...

Aillia answered her lord's call, cheery and happy sounding, (Right away my lord. Also you've have gained a lot, as you deserve. (^v^👍)) as the long, long list of rewards appeared before the Dark One alone, he was surprised seems that Aillia now can give thumb-signals, she never ceases to amaze the Carnage God, as he thought that he heard a cute, and happy girlish giggle that meant that Allia was happy with his mental comment.

So Laharl started to inspect the newest rewards and quests he has completed.

(Congratulations, you've achieved 20% conquest/corruption of a another world.)

(Rewards-1.Experience Up 25% on all battles.

2.Resource Manigment and Cost has dropped 10%.)

(Congratulations, you've achieved the creation of the first daemonhost before the fall of the Legions.)

(Rewards-1.Daemonhosts symbiosis/possession are more stable by 15%.

2.Daemonhosts have a permanent advantage against human enemies + 10%)

(Congratulations, you've achieved a mayor milestone, you've completed the first "Sibling Rival" progression of the Blood God, Khorne.)

(Rewards-1.Free Absolute Creation.

2.Absolute Corruption Ticket.

3.Free Daemon Conversion.

4.Unlock: Leadership Sub-Stat.

5.All God aligned with the Blood God, will have 25% less animosity against you.)

(Congratulations,you've achieved a mayor milestone, you've were part of the creation of the first Daemon Prince of Undivided Alligance, before the rise of Princes.)

(Rewards-1.Daemon Creation + 10 Level Up.

2.Daemon Princes offer 15% benefits and worship to their aligned God.

3.Manifesting daemons of Lesser and High ranks has doubled.)

(Congratulations, you've achieved a mayor milestone, you've were part of the creation of a non-human Daemon Prince.)

(Rewards-1.Daemon Creation + 10 Level Up.

2.Non-human, Daemon Princes offer 15% benefits and worship to their aligned God.

3.Non-humans, are more likely to serve you above the other Chaos Gods by 5%.)

(Congratulations, you've gained your own incomplete personal hellbeast guardian.)

(Rewards-1.Greater Hellbeasts, are enhanced in power by 10%.

2.All tamed and corrupted beasts form a unbreakable bound to their eternal master, Laharl.)

(Congratulations, the Divinity: Curses has been obtained.)

(Congratulations, you've achieved a mayor milestone, you've created a new spell not aligned with your own magical/Warp signature.)

(Rewards-1.Enhance Magic state increase by 10%

2.Magical Manipulation has become less straining or difficult by 10%.

3.All Fire Lore spells has become 5% stronger.)

(Congratulations, you've have achieve God levels of magical manipulations, despite still having a weak understanding and control over magic.)

(Rewards-1.Magic Core has a enhance one rank.

2.Magic has become stronger, and a secondary core has been installed.

3.All forms of Magic/Mana are easier to use and master by 20%.)

(Congratulations, you've have gained the favor of the Goddess of Unspeakable Excess, Slaanesh. WARNING: Cause of your divinity and superior power, Slaanesh's manipulations and corruption has been nullified.)

(Rewards-1.Resistance to Slaanesh Corruption & Seduction for yourself and all Carnage forces has increased by 20%.

2.Succubi units possess a strong resistance, against Slaaneshi Daemons.

3.All women smitten by the Carnage God, are free from Slaanesh corruption.)

(Congratulations, you've achieved a mayor milestone, you've harmed a Chaos God [Tzeench] multiple times.)

(Rewards-1.Fighting against tzeentchian forces grant a small advantage against them.

2.All Carnage aligned forces take 5% less damage against Tzeentch aligned forces.

3.Tzeench Lore deals 5% less damage/effect on all Carnage forces.

4.One time use: Block Tzeentch from one source or style of Magic from the Multiverse.)

All in all another impressive haul of rewards, plus Laharl gained new sub-stat from 33% completing Khorne and a brand new divinity as well, he also quickly checked his stats and skills seeing he has grown much stronger, especially his [Daemon Creation] now he was able to make Spiritual and Elemental type of daemons, that was interesting.


1.Warp Manipulation-Lv: 120

Manipulations-Lesser Daemons Success 100%

Higher Daemons Success 100%

Greater Daemons Success 81%

Elder Daemons Success 40%

Lesser Daemon Constructs Success 50%

Higher Daemon Constructs Success 23%

Lesser Warp Items Success 100%

Higher Grade Warp Items Success 100%

Greater Grade Warp Items Success 73%

Chaos Ambient Success 8%

Low-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 98%

Mid-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 74%

High-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 40%

Ancient-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 14%

Lesser Daemonworld Construction Success 6%

2.Daemon Creation-Lv: 120

Lesser Daemon Boost Rate 100%

Higher Daemons Boost Rate 100%

Greater Daemon Boost Rate 75%

Daemon Prince Boost Rate 100%

Exalted Daemon Prince Boost Rate 60%

Daemon King Boost Boost Rate 25%

Lesser Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 70%

Greater Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 65%

Ancient Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 55%

Lesser Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 100%

Greater Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 100%

Ancient Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 30%

Lesser Daemonic Spirit Boost Rate 35%

High Daemonic Spirit Boost Rate 20%

Lesser Daemonic Elemental Boost Rate 5%

Daemonic Mutations Boost Rate 74%

Daemonic Over-Mutation Boost Rate 45%

3.Daemonic Convertion-Lv: 15

Effect on Chaos-Corrupted 100%

Effect on Human 85%

Effect on Beasts 35%

Effect on Monsters 3%

4.Kingmaker-Lv: 1

5.Daemonic Reinforcement-Lv: 25

6.Daemonic Resilience-Lv: 25

Resistance to Physical Weapons 35%

Resistance to Psyker Energies 30%

Resistance to Magical Energies 20%

Resistance to Holy Energies 10%

Resistance to Elemental Energies 5%

Resistance to Opposing Corruption 15%

7.Physical Shift-Lv: 60

Forms-1.Laharl, Chaos God Base Form.

2.True Chaos God Colossal Form/The Arch-Daemon, Valboga.

3.The Shadow. 4.Dark Spirit of Corruption.

5.Visage of Atrocities.

6.The Embodiment of Truth.

7.The Void Hydra.

8.Supernatural Catastrophes.

8.Avatar Possession+ 9.Avatar Operation Bonus+

10.Ascension-Lv: 45

11.Greater Ascension-Lv: 42

12.Dark Bolt+-Lv: 41

13.Darker Rip-Lv: 25

14.Black Haze-Lv: 29

15.Calling of the Void-Lv: 15

16.The Grasp of Laharl-Lv: 15

17.Void Vortex-Lv: 5

18.Maw of the Arch-Daemon-Lv: 5

19.Soul Rend-Lv: 10

20.Smite-Lv: 22

21.Mechanomancy-Lv: 30

22.Chaotic Architect-Lv: 10

23.Warp-Devastation-Lv: 12

24.Warp-Ray-Lv: 32

25.Chaos Strike-Lv: 20

26.Daemon Cleave: Shadow Cutter-Lv: 8

Chaos Damage Boost +9%

27.Magic Core of Void/Laharl-Lv: 30

Magical Darkness/Void Damage + 32%

Magical Darkness Resistance + 35%

Magical Darkness/Void Absorption + 10%

Laharl Spell Range + 24%

28.Magic Core of Fire-Lv: 20

Magical Fire Damage + 23%

Magical Fire Resistance + 25%

Magical Fire Absorption + 10%

Magical Fire Manipulation + 5%

Fire Spell Range + 17%

29.Magic Core of Metal-Lv: 4

God Abilities

1.Materium Manipulation.

2.Materium Communication+.

3.Materium Breaching.

4.High Chaos Dominion.

5.Daemonhood Bestowing+.

6.Magical Core.

7.Second Lesser Magical Core.

8.Lesser Magical Manipulation.

9.Bestow Blessings Blessings-Bestow the Mark of Carnage.

Bestow the Horns of Ruination.

Bestow the Influence of Carnage+.

Bestow the Embrace of Chaos+.

Bestow the Essence of Darkness+.

Bestow the Arms of the Nethervoid+.

Bestow the Dark Knowledge of Chaos+.

Bestow the Desire of Slaughter+.

Bestow the Madness of Atrocities+.

Bestow the Voice of Convertion.

Bestow the Idea of Utter Desacration.

Bestow the Thrill of Desire.

Bestow the Joys of True/False Love.

Bestow the Bliss of Lust.

10.Blessing Manipulation.

11.Mutation Manipulation Punishments.

12.Immaterium Senses/Detection.

13.Daemon World Domination+.

14.Infernal Worship.

15.The Ancient Moniker.


17.Maker of Daemonic Kings.

18.Soul Bound: Iron Maiden 666.

19.Unbreakable Promise+.

20.Words of Truth+.

21.Bounds of Divine Oath

22.Bounds of Heinous Curses.

23.Bounding of Promises.

24.The Bind of Love.

25.Final Decider of Love.


27.End of Ways of Life.

28.The Fire Against Extablishment.

29.Divine Punishment.

30.Wave of Madness.

31.The Whisperer of the Mad.

32.Consuming Void+.

33.Relic Connection.

34.Empowerment of Artifacts.

35.Artifact Detection.

Prime Divinity: Carnage

Greater Divinities

1.Love-Max Level

2.Lust-Max Level

3.Infernals-Max Level

4.Creator-Max Level

5.Oblivion-Max Level

6.Oaths-Max Level

7.Abyss-Max Level

8.Condemnation-Max Level

9.Desecration +4

10.Domination +6

11.Relics +3

Lesser Divinities

1.Horrors +8

2.Madness +4

3.Trust +3


5.Curses: The dark side of Oaths and Promises, the terrible fate for all oathbreakers as the God that governs all Oaths and Curses, swearing upon anything shall be heard by your divine ears and if one breaks a oath or promise their fates is completely in your hands, or even permanently bound one to their word for to their words to your ear all are bound to their promises.

Laharl was quite pleased, with all he gained especially the power to create whole new daemons, something he'll do immediately after returning to the Warp, but also the new divinity [Curses] basically grants him more ammunition against Tzeentch, and all tzeentchian followers.

This also meant that he'll also be able to handle his future brother when he starts progressing his submission, and "changing" into their actual brother, instead of the Galaxy's greatest scheming troll...

To explain all these new additions to Laharl's overall power apart from [Curses] that as he already read what it can do and represent, he subtlety contacted Aillia within Ixion to explain the new things he has gained, preferably starting with the sub-stat of [Leadership].

Which she immediately replied, (My Lord, Leadership equals Charisma, Persuasion, Commanding and other social qualities all merge into one. With this sub-stat you can drastically improve your leadership abilities in battle and much more!!!) Laharl had to admit he was impressed, as Aillia continued to explain less important things that he gained.

At the end, the Dark One thanked Aillia for her explanations, and told her to rest which she happily thanked, now he has to think what to do next.

Laharl he decide to use his first, Absolute Corruption Ticket/ACT, to summon one of his favorite bosses from Castlevania: Curse of Darkness to become his loyal servent, that monster is the Dullahan.

Dullahan is the boss of the Infinite Corridor.

He is fought in a large square room, the walls of which are covered with alcoves containing hundreds of heads in glass boxes.

The Dullahan, himself is a large humanoid clad in heavy armor and wearing a red coat with a white fur-lined collar over it, he wields a glowing purple sword and shield composed of all the souls he has slain, and both armaments are covered in ghostly purple human faces, with the sword emitting a trail of what appear to be souls.

He shall be the perfect candidate for a Carnage Champion, and quite possibly a future Elder Daemon of Carnage, but for now he'll be another commander for the Dark Legion.

But that shall be for later, first Laharl wants to honor his promise to Khorne giving him a Champion worthy to serve him.

Thinking of all the characters from his former mortal past, for which would be perfect for Khorne, and the Dark One immediately thought of Skarlet, from the Mortal Kombat series.

Originally she depicted as a pure genetic experiment created by Shao Kahn himself through magic and the combination of the blood from countless dead warriors, Skarlet's backstory is retconned in Mortal Kombat 11, revealing she is of Outworlder decent, a starving wretch on the streets of Outworld who was taken in personally by Shao Kahn himself.

While the original story of her was changed she still remains a genetic experiment in a different way, being empowered greatly by Shao Kahn through sorcery, who later taught Skarlet the ways of Blood Magik, becoming a powerful and deadly kombatant in the process.

Due to her affiliation with blood, Skarlet is fascinated by the blood of her enemies she has become basically a vampire and obsessed with spilling and drinking the blood of her victims especially Edanians.

As one of Shao Kahn's adopted daughters, she is a devoted servant of his, doing anything and everything to appease her Emperor, but when she learns of Shao Kahn manipulations and purposely weakening her she'll willingly serve Khorne, to achieve untold power, blood, and more...that when Laharl thought to himself, "Who knows, she might even earn a place beside Khorne as his Second Wife, hehehee." but regardless Skarlet, shall serve as a bloodthirsty, deadly, and worthy as well faithful fighter under the Blood God.

Now that he thought of it many characters from MK would fit as servents of all the Chaos Gods, himself included...definitely a world worth invading and corrupting in the future.

That's when immediately after thinking about Skarlet, Khorne asked him, "Brother? I have to ask, who is this champion you've promise to give me, in exchange for that Dragon Skull?" Nurgle was also curious on this champion as well.

So the Dark One shuke his head and let out a small chuckle, as he started to explain and describe a deadly warrior ninja, name Skarlet...

[Author Note: Finished my work early soo I won't take a break, and I got a double chapter drop for you all, enjoy.]

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