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0.53% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Avatar of Fantasy Settings

Avatar of Fantasy Settings

A special avatar created by Laharl to allow him, and all present Chaos Gods in 40k to pilot.

Leading legions of Chaos Warriors, and Daemons into fantasy world like Old World, Lord of Rings or even D&D spreading their corruption and control, gaining them many souls and relic while also allowing the Gods to lead legions, slaughter armies, and fight worthy enemies.

The avatar has been weaken for a reason, for the enjoyment of the Chaos Gods as they can empower it, adjust it, and develop it to their desires with an ever changing form depending on the operating God it's stats change and abilities.

Worlds the Avatar been set loose.

First World: Warhammer Fantasy.

Name: Ixion Daemonhart

Operators: Laharl, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch

Chaos Marks Obtained-Nurgle, Khorne, Laharl, Tzeentch, Chaos Undivided.

Weapon Type: Great Chaos-sword

Weapon Name: Hellbane Upgraded-all four daemonic swords a darkblade, a hellblade, a plaguesword and a balesword fused and changes form depending who's driving the avatar.

Gear-Undivide: Haz'kariot, Ring of Damnation, The Chains of the Gilded Prophet.

Laharl: Crystal of Overwhelming Insanity.

Khorne: The Gauntlet of Relentless Fury, Spinecage Plate, The Bloody Warlord Greaves.

Nurgle: The Pandemic Star Shield, Decaying Armor of Bluttaplex, Incense of a Thousand Corpses.


Capital-Enzium, the Living Daemon Fortress

Territories-1.Chaos Wastes 20.02%

2.Norsca 83.25%

3.Troll Country 6.05%

Army Size-Total: 15363.


Lord/Heroes-1.Kholek Suneater.

2.Tai Tai Shien-OC Cat Beastwoman.

3.Skarlet-Mortal Kombat.

4.Dullahad-Castlevania: COD.

5.Yuri Godslayer-Undivided Daemon Prince.

6.Throgg the Troll King.

7.Harald Hammerstorm.

Mounts-Exalted Manticore: Whiptail.

Daemonic Forces

1.Carnage Daemons-863=Knightmares 270, Mortfinis 333, Succubi 245, Infernals 15.

2.Blood Daemons-681=Bloodletters 346, Flesh Hounds 315, Slaughterbrute 20.

3.Plague Daemons-772 =Infectors-250 [Hostless Maggots 96, Werekin 5, Marauder Hosts 62, Chaos Knight Host 30, Warhound Hosts 50] Nurglings 200, Plaguebearers 322.

4.Change Daemons-900=Pink Horrors 209, Blue Horrors 312, Brimstone Horrors 125, Decarabia 50, Flamers 112, Exalted Flamers 75, Cockatrice 7, Mindstealer Sphiranxes 10.

5.Chaos Undivided-Chaos Furies 300.

Mortal Forces

1.Frost Eldars-500=Ice Warriors 200, Cryowitches 100, Shadow Hunters 100, Dark Wendigo 1, Crystal Wraiths-Archers 100.

2.Beastmen-747=Beastlord 1, Catsabers 200, Harpies 225, Gors 110, Ungors 105, Bloodbulls 85, Slaangors 20.

3.The Blades of Khorne-1200=Aspiring Deathbringer 1, Khornate Norscans 425, Wrath Khights 248, Mighty Skullcrushers 60, Khornate Chaos Spawns 32, Bloodreavers 200, Blood Warriors 188, Bloodstokers 12, Bloodsecrators 8, Slaughterpriests 8, Realmgore Ritualist 1, Khorgorath 1.

4.Plague Marauders-707=Plague Marauders 250, Rotknights 20, Plagueknights 100, Bile Trolls 300.

5.Hedonites of Slaanesh-324=Myrmidesh Painbringers 120, Chosen of Slaanesh 60, Pleasurebound Knights 80, Blissbard Archers 62, Chaos Sorceror 1, Shardspeaker 1.

6.Disciples of Tzeentch-260=Chaos Lord of Tzeentch 1, Doom Knights 90, Kairic Acolyte 167, Tzeentchian Chaos Spawns 2.

7.Darkwings of Carnage-1883=Anarchy Overlord 1, Lords of Terror 18, Nightbourne Beasts 120, Dark Warlock 13, Unhallowed 175, Hauntknights 200, Blackbane Hellrisers 500, Havocpreachers 6, Carnage Marauders 650, Hellbats 200.

8.Slaves of Darkness [Norscan, Kurgan, & Kvelling]-4280=Berserker Marauders 500, Spearmen 650, Great-Axe Marauders 300, Chaos Knights 1500, Fimir 15, Axe-throwers 195, Skin-Wolves 100, Chaos Mutants 450, Curs'd Ettin 15, Chaos Warhounds 300, Norscan Ice Wolves 200.

9.Daemonhosts-600=Bloodhosts 200, Plaguehosts 200, Carnagehosts 200.

10.Darkoath Savagers-200=Darkoath Warqueen 1, Chieftains 10, God-speakers 4, Proven 65, Gloryseekers 20, Wrathtouched 10, Savagers 90.

11.Chaos Sorcerors-30=Tzeentchian 10, Laharlish 7, Pyromancers 5, Metalmancers 4, Shadowmancers 5.

12.Titanomachy Giants-12=Khornate Giants 4, Nurglish Giants 4, Laharlish Giants 4

13.Shartaks-80=Shaggoths 20, Dragon Ogres 50, Summoners of Rage 10

14.Monsters of Chaos-88=Manticores 9, Mammoths 2, Chimeras 12, Raptoryx 65.

15.Trolls of Throgg-925=Trolls 375, River Trolls 200, Stone Trolls 200, Ice Trolls 150.

Avatar Status-Chaos Undivided


TITTLE: Chosen of the Gods


GEAR-Ring of Damnation, The Chains of the Gilded Prophet

POW-396 + 25 High Daemon.

EDU-248: Daemon.

AGI-236: Daemon.

MISS-264: Daemon.

ACC-245: Daemon.

CHA/LEAD-300 + 50: High Daemon.

MAG/PSY-261 + 100: Suprem-Archmage Level.

RES-247: High-Archmage Level.

Magic Lores-1.Lore of Laharl Lv-4

2.Lore of Nurgle Lv-4

3.Lore of Tzeentch Lv-4

4.Lore of Fire Lv-4

5.Lore of Metal Lv-3

6.Lore of Lightning Lv-2

7.Lore of the Seas Lv-1

Spell List-Laharl: Dark Bolt, Dark Rip, Black Haze, The Grasp of Laharl.

Nurgle: Writhing Cloak, Children of Nurgle, Lance of Foulness, Stench of Nurgle.

Tzeentch: Fires of Change, Pink Fire of Tzeentch, Blue Fire of Tzeentch, PFT-Upgraded, Glean Magic, Infernal Gateway.

Fire: Fireball, Burning Stream, Kindleflame, Cascading Fire Cloak, Flaming Sword of Rhuin.

Metal: Metalshifting, Searing Doom, Glittering Robe, Plague of Rust, Gehenna's Golden Hounds

Lightning: Thunder Burst, Bolt of Suffering.

Seas: Flowing Stream, Sea Wall.


TITLE: The Dark Master of the Daemonharts.

WEAPONS-1.Hellbane Darkness.

2.Wailmaker, the Bringer of Slaughter & Pain.

GEAR-Crystal of Overwhelming Insanity.


POW-390 + 25: High Daemon.

EDU-221: Daemon.

AGI-227: Daemon.

MISS-254: Daemon.

ACC-240: Daemon.

CHA/LEAD-400: Greater Daemon.

MAG/PSY-261 + 75: Supreme-Archmage Level.

RES-239: High-Archmage Level.

Magic Lores-1.Lore of Laharl Lv-4

2.Lore of Fire Lv-4

3.Lore of Metal Lv-3

4.Lore of Lightning Lv-3

Spell List-Laharl: Dark Bolt, Dark Rip, Black Haze, Void Vortex, The Grasp of Laharl, Maw of the Arch-Daemon.

Fire: Fireball, Burning Stream, Kindleflame, the Burning Head, Piercing Bolts of Burning, Cascading Fire Cloak, Flaming Sword of Rhuin.

Metal: Metalshifting, Searing Doom, Plague of Rust, Gehenna's Golden Hounds.

Lightning: Thunder Burst, Bolt of Suffering.

Sea: Flowing Stream, Sea Wall.

Combo Magic Spells

1.Serpent of the Black Flames; Lores of Laharl + Fire.

2.Shadow Minions; Lores of Laharl + Metal.



TITLE: The Butcher of Bloodfire Falls

WEAPONS-1.Hellbane Hellfire.

2.The Axe of Rage, Bloodreaver.

GEAR: The Gauntlet of Relentless Fury, Spinecage Plate, The Bloody Warlord Greaves.

POW-272 + 100 + 50: High Daemon.

EDU-151 + 50: Superhuman.

AGI-122 + 50: Superhuman

MISS-90: Slightly Superhuman.

ACC-200: Daemon.

CHA/LEAD-235 + 100: High Daemon.

MAG/PSY-0: Refuses magic...

RES-244: High-Archmage.


TITLE: The Infection Prince.

WEAPON: Hellbane Pestilence.

GEAR-1.The Pandemic Star Shield.

2.Decaying Armor of Bluttaplex.

3.Incense of a Thousand Corpses.


POW-202 + 75: Daemon.

EDU-425 + 100: Exalted Daemon.

AGI-110: Superhuman.

MISS-198: Daemon.

ACC-200: Daemon.

CHA/LEAD-234: Daemon.

MAG/PSY-189: Archmage Level.

RES-220: High-Archmage Level.

Magic Lore-1.Lore of Nurgle Lv-4

2.Lore of Metal Lv-1

3.Lore of the Seas Lv-1

Spell List-Nurgle: Writhing Cloak, Children of Nurgle, Miasma of Pestilence, Lance of Foulness, Stream of Corruption,

Stench of Nurgle.

Metal: Plague of Rust.

Sea: Flowing Stream.

Combo Magic Spells

1.Filth of Nurgle; Lores of Nurgle + Seas.

2.Decaying Rust; Lores of Nurgle + Metal.



WEAPONS-1.Hellbane Malice.

2.Balewing Halbert, the Azure Eye of the Raven.



POW-36 + 24: Trained Human.

EDU-40: Human.

AGI-56: Human.

MISS-165: Daemon.

ACC-150: Superhuman.

CHA/LEAD-140: Superhuman.

MAG/PSY-250 + 56: Archmage Level.

RES-250: High-Archmage Level.

Magic Lore-1.Lore of Tzeentch Lv-4

2.Lore of Fire Lv-4

3.Lore of Metal Lv-2

Spell List-Tzeench: Fires of Change, Pink Fire of Tzeentch, PFT-Upgraded, Blue Fire of Tzeentch, BFT-Upgraded, Glean Magic, Infernal Gateway, Treason of Tzeentch.

Fire: Fireball, Burning Stream, Kindleflame, The Burning Head, Piercing Bolts of Burning, Cascading Fire Cloak, Flaming Sword of Rhuin.

Metal: Metalshifting, Glittering Robe, Searing Doom, Plague of Rust, Gehenna's Golden Hounds, Transmutation of Lead.

Combo Magic Spells

1.Occularous Infernum; Lores of Tzeentch + Fire.

2.Fluxing Thunderbird; Lores of Tzeentch + Lightning.

Appearance Undivided: Heavy armored humanoid Chaos Lord with crimson glowing eyes has a long bull horned helmet with a sharp-teeth jaw bone and nose ridge attached to the front of the helmet and a long black fur coat like cape, with several skulls attached to the cape. Usually this armor is grey when all three Gods are controlling it, but when one is in charge it turns from violet, red or green. Three of these skulls on the cape, are marked and mutated by the Chaos God in control-Laharl's skull has long curved horns, three eye holes and the mark of Carnage on it as it has a light purple fire glowing inside of it. Khorne's skull is constantly bleeding from the eyes, sharp fangs and teeth, with a brand of the mark of Khorne and the eyes blazing with fire. Nurgle's skull, is cyclopian with a single horn and oozing vile. Tzeentch's skull, is multi-eyed with a blue cresent moon like horns with the Eye looking around, on the right side and sharp-teeth. Added a Chaos ring to the right hand, has ornamental slaaneshi gilded long chain wrapped around several time over his chest and waist, and another chain which holds the Haz'kariot hanging from the right waistline of the avatar.

Appearance Laharl: Heavy violet armored humanoid Chaos Lord with purple glowing eyes has a long pointed forehead horned helmet with a long burgundy knight plume on top, sharp-teeth jaw bone and nose ridge attached to the front of the helmet and a long black and violet tinted fur coat like cape, with several skulls attached to the cape. A large amethyst crystal inbeded in chestplate, the right pauldron is huge and layered in a set of five overlapping over the other. On said pauldron was the mark of Carnage, the daemonhead in back and mauve tint. Added a crystal that is connected to a chain which is hanging from the right waistline of the avatar.

Appearance Khorne: Super-heavy brass armored humanoid Chaos Lord with ref glowing eyes has a the brass made Mark of Khorne on top of the helmet with a sharp-teeth jaw bone and nose ridge attached to the front of the helmet and a long black fur and human leather coat like cape, with several skulls attached to the cape. A bright red heavy chestplate armor, a round armor that bares a silhouette of a daemon face with close mouth of blade like teeth of brass in the rib-height, over the armor. Over that said chestplate was a rib cage made from bones with the spine connected to the back, on this bone made pieces have brass and metal rings and spikes in the spine with brass chainmail and chains hanging from underneath and the exposed parts of armor. Curved spiked brass and gold shoulder paldron with a bull skull pierced on it, and the mark of Khorne, that was now edged in brass on the was on left peck area of the chestplate. Add in a huge brass red right daemonic gauntlet with crimson glowing runes edge allover, the gauntlet. A pair of huge, thick red brass and gold greaves with small lines of bones and spikes trailing down the front of the greaves, and just below where the knee-guards are a pure white sharp curved horn skull on the top of each greave.

Appearance Nurgle: Heavy rusted and green armored humanoid Chaos Lord with neon green glowing eyes has a long antler horned helmet with a sharp-teeth jaw bone and nose ridge attached to the front of the helmet and a long black fur coat like cape covered in old bloodstains and filth, with several skulls attached to the cape. A pendant hanging from its neck baring the mark of Nurgle, bone spikes pertruding from left arm and things, his round chestplate now bares a neon green glowing mark of Nurgle.

Appearance Tzeentch: Heavy, spiked, blue and golden armored humanoid Chaos Lord with glowing aqua eyes, has several long, golden curved horned helmet with a smooth face area without any jawbone attachment. A long black fur coatline cape, made from blue/purple/black feathers that compose his cape. A gold, silver, and sapphire pendant of the Mark of Tzeentch hanging from the neck of the avatar. Very spiky and rune-edged gauntlet that glow in a light blue, and a golden bird head right pauldron. Black thick belt, that also hold blackish purple and dark blue robes that reach his knees, and speaking of the Knee-guards their gold skulls with nine, small eyes that hold sapphires.

Skill List

1.Chaos Corruption Spreader Lv-30

Undivided Corruption 50%

Carnage Corruption 35%

Blood Corruption 35%

Plague Corruption 35%

Change Corruption 35%

2.Physical Empowerment Lv-26

Power + 26%

Endurance + 26%

Agility + 16%

Missile + 13%

3.Lesser Chaotic Resilience Lv-17

Physical Damage Resistance +20%

4.Chaos Strike Lv-17

Stun Chance Effect 11%

Minor Dmg Buff +2.5%

5.Daemon Cleave Lv-10

Chaos Damage Boost + 11%

Beast Damage Boost + 2%

7.Lord's Presence Lv-10

Allies Forces +15% Morale

Enemy Forces -5% Morale

8.Merciless Strike Lv-1

9.Berserker Trigger Lv-1

Strength Buff +2.5%

Agility Buff +2.5%

Endurance Debuff -3%

10.Lesser Physical Resistance Lv-5

Physical Damage Resistance +1.1%

11.Fire Resistance Lv-12

Fire Damage Resistance + 17%

Burn Effect Reduction 7%

12.Metal Resistance Lv-11

Metal Damage Resistance + 16%

13.Lightning Resistance Lv-5

Lightning Damage Resistance + 10%

14.Frost Resistance Lv-9

Ice Damage Resistance + 14%

Slow Effect Reduction 3%

15.Lesser Toxicity Lv-25 [Nurgle Boost]

16.Darkness Force Lv-30 [Laharl Boost]

17.Lesser Hellish Flames Lv-20 [Khorne Boost]

18.Micro Arcane Conduit Lv-1 [Tzeentch Boost]

Abilities List

1.Operator Switch.

2.Chosen of the God 4/7

3.Unholy Presence.

4.Blood Rage.

5.Magic Resistance++

6.Bloody Boon.

7.Warlord Aura.

8.Vile Miasma.

9.Sickness Immunity+.

10.Nauseous Aura.

11.Mark of Chaos.

12.Mark of Nurgle+.

13.Mark of Laharl+.

15.Mark of Khorne+.

16.Mark of Tzeentch+.

15.Soul Collector.

17.Void Cloaking.

18.Daemonic Patriarch.

19.Greater Magic Manipulation.


21.Platinum Magic Circuit.

22.Low Magical Combination.


1.Lore of Laharl Lv-3/4 Dark Bolt, Dark Rip, Black Haze, Void Vortex, The Grasp of Laharl, Maw of the Arch-Daemon.

2.Lore of Nurgle Lv-3/4 Writhing Cloak, Miasma of Pestilence, Children of Nurgle, Lance of Foulness, Stream of Corruption, Stench of Nurgle.

Spoiler-3.Lore of Tzeentch Lv-3/4 Fires of Change, Pink Fire of Tzeentch, PFT-Upgraded, Blue Fire of Tzeentch, BFT-Upgraded, Glean Magic, Infernal Gateway, Treason of Tzeentch.

4.Lore of Fire Lv-5 Fireball, Burning Stream, Kindleflame, The Burning Head, Piercing Bolts of Burning, Cascading Fire Cloak, Flaming Sword of Rhuin, Flame Storm.

5.Lord of Metal Lv-3/4 Metalshifting, Searing Doom, Glittering Robe, Gehenna's Golden Hounds, Plague of Rust, Transmutation of Lead.

6.Lore of Lightning Lv-3/4 Thunder Burst, Bolt of Suffering.

7.Lore of the Seas Lv-1 Flowing Stream, Sea Wall.

Combo Magic Spells

1.Filth of Nurgle; Lores of Nurgle + Seas.

2.Decaying Rust; Lores of Nurgle + Metal.

3.Occularous Infernum; Lores of Tzeentch + Fire.

4.Fluxing Thunderbird; Lores of Tzeentch + Lightning.

5.Serpent of the Black Flames; Lores of Laharl + Fire.

6.Shadow Minions; Lores of Laharl + Metal.

[This Axillary Chapter, will be update as the story progress along with Dark God's own progress throughout the multiverse-fantasy]

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