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22.72% Skyrim: The Snow Prince (an Elder Scrolls Fanfic) / Chapter 14: Chapter 11 Quadruple Souls?:

Chapitre 14: Chapter 11 Quadruple Souls?:

Here's a nice long chap for you all to make up for my absence and inconstant updates, this is to help me get back into my routine.





"I said I will be careful next time! Now unhand me young woman!" I yelled at the person who was currently interrogating me by shaking me vigorously by the hem of my clothing.

"I am not young! I am older than you are!" The girl, Elika, shot back with her counter reply.

"By 2 years! I'm 7 while you're 9!"

"That is not important! Why did you perform such dangerous magical experiments again! Are you insane?!" She scolded me.

"Maybe~ 🤔"



Elika didn't say anything else but went to look at the notes I were using just now to perform my latest World Shattering breakthrough taht would have every Mage in the world after me if they learned of this.


Elika looked at the notes she had just read and simply stared at it for a while until suddenly...


My eardrums must have started bleeding after her screaming since the two Thu'um I had used were not mastered completely so it had a negative backlash on a 7 year old like me using it so recklessly.

I corrected her as I rubbed the inside of my ears.

"Actually I can put 6 Enchantments on an item but can only achieve 4 at the momen-"

I was cut off as she yet again started strangling me!

Seriously what is wrong with this girl!

A 9 year old like she is, is physically stronger than a few older boys!

I understand that kids her age don't have much common sense in their actions but atke it easy dammit!

Oh yeah...I guess I should explain.

I can place 6 Enchantments onto a singular item.




Why is it so hard to comprehend?

It's fully possible to place Infinite Enchantments onto a singular item.

But 3 Enchantments seem to be the limit for some of the items in the game.

There were quite a few items in game that had 3 Enchantments, their were 2 Enchantments, and a 3rd unique one, however they were rare.

Why are only Two Enchantments the limit for Enchanting?

They aren't.

An Item Once enchanted, will not enchant again. This is called the Law of Firsts.

However, I had had found a loophole around this limitation.

That being, I make two seperate items and place two Enchantments on each of them normally.

I then get a Aeonstone gem, which I'll explain, and then I place an unique or basic Enchantment on the Aeonstone or I'd use a Thu'um on it for a different unique Enchantment which I normally wouldn't be able to replicate or do.

Lastly I would use the Thu'um to Merge the Group of Objects and then Bind them together.

Dograan, Domiit, Gron

Group of Objects, Merge, Bind

This is the new Thu'um I had made called [Combine Item]

I had created some other non-offensive Thu'um but that is for another time.

After using the Thu'um or before using the [Combine Item] Shout, I would and could use another depending in the item in question and then make them into one singular object.

This would allow me to create an object with 4 to 6 Enchantments.

If I forgo this method and just use the regular 2 Enchantments, then I can use the Thu'um to place a 3rd Enchantment on it or use a Aeonstone gem to have 3 or 4 Enchantments.

There were many, many variables that can effect it so it was simply lots of Trial and Error but that can take years to do so I instead focused on creating two main objects I would need.

First of all, all this was only made possible because the Thu'um is capable of rewriting Reality itself on a Conceptual scale via Tonal Manipulation.





It just works.

Why can only 2 Enchantments be placed on an object and why was it such a big deal when it was discovered and why if someone discovered what I had done, I would be hunted down by every mage in Tamriel?

Know of Brarilu Theran, the Author of the "Twin Secrets" book?

Brarilu Theran, at the time, was limited to only being able to placing a single Enchantment onto an item like all other mages at the time, but he instead searched for ways to break this limitation.

He eventually came across the Dragon Ahbiilok and fought him, in a duel of Mage vs Dragon, where he almost duel, he asked the Dragon to end the battle in exchange, Brarilu Theran will spare tge Dragon's life.

He knew he couldn't cast many spells and would lose if they continued fighting should the Dragon recover.

The Dragon agrees and said it will give one secret in exchange for one life.

Brarilu Theran asked for it's name, but the Dragon refused and said it would rather die then give its name.

Instead it offered him something else. And that it how Brarilu Theran learned how to defy the Law of Firsts and became the first ever Mortal to place two Enchantments onto a singular item.

The law itself is inviolate. However, the skillful enchanter can weave two enchantments simultaneously into an item.

For men and elves, the limit is two. The dragon said that men and elves have two arms, two legs, two eyes and two ears.

Brarilu Theran asked why that mattered, and the Dragon just laughed in response.

The enchanter must weave one enchantment with the left hand while weaving the other with the right.

The eyes must focus on one and only one enchantment, while the ears only pay attention to the other. When he asked about my legs, the Dragon laughed again.

Brarilu Theran spent two years mastering the technique. He eventually achieved his dream and made a sword with both fire and fear enchantments.

He had died and in his own words he "was too weak".

It is entirely possible that when Enchanting, it actually partially requires the Manipulation of the user's own soul as a catalyst or conduit of sorts to even use this school of Magic.

Maybe he had done it incorrectly or did it constantly which caused his death.

I mastered the Twin Souls technique and was able to place two Enchantments on an object fairly easily considering I had my Past Life knowledge and could do things differently than any Mage in this world.

Mysticism is the foundation of all my magic and is also the strongest of all the schools of magic with the exception of unique magic types such as the Thu'um and Tonal Manipulation which is God Tier in comparison.

Mysticism is more focused on one's own imagination and has bo limitations to it, allowing one to perform fears equal to Tonal Manipulation and the Thu'um, such as stopping Time completely.

Thus, I found a work around and using my Earth mentality and intelligence, I was able to figure a way to focus on both Enchantments with only my ears while I used my eyes to look t the object before me and place the Thu'um onto it at the same time as I Emchant it.

However, as I said there was variables that effected it and I had pre planned every scenario beforehand so that I would know which Enchantments are safe to use at the moment with my current skill and experience level and which are the powerful ones I will Enchant onto my dream weapons and armour once I have mastered it.

Now then, back to what the Hell an Aeonstone is.

An Aeonstone is a green stone that can be found throughout mines in southern Elsweyr.

Though it has no intrinsic power, aeonstone has the unique capability to store and amplify magical energy. 

In this state, the aeonstone becomes empowered and glows with a bright green hue.

This unique property was discovered by the New Moon Cult, who would engage in ritualistic sacrifice to empower themselves and their masters. Many cultists used aeonstone in their armor. 

These stones would then allow cultists to greatly empower their own sorcery with this magic, even allowing necromancers to resurrect and enslave Dragons. 

Absorbing stored energy from aeonstone can be extremely dangerous for mortals, and improper usage can wreak havoc on the mage's body.

During the Dragons' rampage through Elsweyr in 2E 582, the Order of the New Moon was revived in Southern Elsweyr by the Forgotten Mane Ra'khajin to serve the dragons Laatvulon and Kaalgrontiid.

Cultists would sacrifice themselves en masse to empower huge chunks of aeonstone.

These stones would then be used to empower Dragons and collected on the island of Dragonhold.

Eventually, the island's massive collection of aeonstone was utilized by Kaalgrontiid in hopes of ascending to godhood and fulfilling the New Moon prophecy.

The aeonstone was also used to create a giant defensive ward around the island in order to prevent interference in his ascension.

The Dragonguard and Nahfahlaar defeated Kaalgrontiid before he could finish absorbing the energy from the aeonstone, but with the ritual suddenly disrupted, the unstable energy threatened to unleash an explosion large enough to wipe Tamriel off the face of Nirn.

Abnur Tharn would sacrifice himself to contain the explosion, though Dragonhold and its massive collection of aeonstone was destroyed in the process.

Kaalgrontiid had wanted to use the Aeonstones to absorb the energy from the Twin Moons so that he could obtain the power to rival Akatosh but eventually was defeated.

After that the Aeonstones that were not harvested by Kaalgrontiid, eventually was by the Khajiit, Aldermeri Dominion and the Empire would get these stones whenever they could.

The Aeonstones I had obtained were from the Mage's Guild and the Balck Market.

Fortunately, most people nowadays, except for those bastard world ending Thalmor, had all but forgotten what the Aeonstones could do.

I assume their may be some within the Imperial Vaults but those are impossible to obtain at the moment.

I know for a fact an Elder Scroll is there since they will vannish from the Vaults some time before 4E 201, when the events of Skyrim begins.

The Aeonstone allowed me to manipulate it similar to binary coding, I would write the code (Enchantment) and then i will place it inside a folder/file (Enchant the item) on my computer (Enchanting Table).

The Aeonstones had the greatest potential for this and allowed for a great deal of creative freedom without restraints due to its unique properties.

However I didn't have many at the moment and I definitely needed some more as I would require a great deal of them for the future.

Any spares will be used in furthering my magical experiments.

As for the items I had created, I had made a Spear and a Ring.

[  ] Spear (Ring 1)

• 4 Enchantments

• Resummons Spear to user's hand (Ring effect ((1 gem)

• Copies and remakes the same Spear but of Frost copies/replicas while detaching it's artificially created tip ((1) Thu'um)

• Paralyze Chance (1)

• Frost Damage (1)

I had wanted to place a Shock Damage enchantment instead of Frost Damage, but to remain on the safe side and not outright kill myself I chose to keep it the same as the Thu'um I was using so that I can remain focused with my mind and senses while Enchanting the object.

[  ] Ring 1

• Summon/Unsummon Spear 1 (storage)

This was tricky to do but by using the Thu'um and the Aeonstone, I placed some simple Enchantments onto it.

One enchantment would store the Spear within a Pocket Space similar to the Azura's Star quest where you would enter Azura's Star to kill that Dead-Soul-Guy-I-don't-really-care-to-remember-the-name-of.

Then I coded it so that the Aeonstone gems in both the Ring and Spear would connect to each other so it will identity and store said object into the Ring.

Lastly would be the ability to recall said item in reverse and Summon it out of the Ring.

And viola, I have one of the best Spears in this world, except for the Soear of the Snow Prince and Spear of Bitter Mercy which were naturally superior.

But eventually I'll surpass the Demon Sorcerer that is Ahzidaal in all fields of magic, even Enchanting!




After receiving a very painful lecture and being scolded while she choked me and rubed the top of my head like a drill, Elika finally released me and revealed the real reason she had came.

Elika sat on a wooden chair besides a long table in the center of the room that had many notes sprawled across it.

Across from her was me, I needed to recover from the Thu'um I had used.

I had used FO which means Frost, and is one of the offensive Word of Power in Dovahzul, the Language of the Dragons.

The reason why I had been injured from using the Thu'um was because of this particular Word of Power.

Offensive Thu'um and Words of Power are dangerous and are the ones that require extreme amounts of dedication to understanding its very meaning in order to safely use it.

The other Words of Power I used are non offensive but are still nit to be taken lightly, however I can master those non offensive Thu'ums far easier and within a week or two at most.

FO had partially frozen my trachea from the inside, but since I was a Falmer a native race of the cold regions of Skyrim, I had a resistance to it to a great degree which is why my Thu'um hadn't destroyed my voice when I used it.

Thus, I was drinking some Hot Chocolate while I sat across from Elika.

Oh yeah, I made some Earth foods cause Nirn food is trash, maybe Sanguine had some good foods to try in his Daedric Realm?

"Hey Siv, I accidentally told my friends at school that I had a mentor that taught me the magic I had used during the test." She nervously said as she shifted on the seat she was on.

"Did you tell them I was a Falmer or my name?" My gaze Piercing into her eyes with a serious expression.

Stammering out to reply "No! No! Of course not! I-"

I cut her off "Then it's fine. But what else is there, that can't be the only reason with how you look like you have something more to say?"

"They asked if they can meet you?"



"I'm not a very social person, as you are no doubt aware."

"Constantly pulling the excuse of your race is not a reason for you to not try and make friends!"

"I have a friend, you, that's it. Maybe the air in this room is better company than the one I can find outside."

"No! It's not! You need to interact with more than just me! You have to trust others! Look at me, when I learned you were a Falmer I didn't really care, it doesn't change the person that you are. If you trust others then they will show that trust to you like us. Just give it a try, you can hide yourself until you feel you're ready."


Pondering over her words I thought about it and gave my answer by the time I almost finished my Hot Chocolate.

"Fine, wher-Oof!"

"Thank You!" She screamed in ecstasy as she tackled me like a speeding bullet causing the last few sips of the very, very Hot Chocolate to spill onto me!


"Oops, sorry."


After agreeing to Elika's request to meet her friends, I had hidden my skin and covered myself completely.

After having healed myself from the freaking Hot Chocolate that spilled on me, I met with Elika's friends.

Nothing to interesting happened and they asked all sorts of questions regarding Magic.

I answered them to the best of my ability while not revealing certain things such as the origin of Magic and Mysticism.

I will share it with those I can somewhat trust, even if they betray me in the future I will know how to handle them since I had omitted some things in my teachings as I did with Elika.

After 10 years when Alduin returns, if she still hasn't betrayed me then I will traxh her the true and deepest secrets of Magic.

I could see that Elika was overjoyed as I spoke with her friends and finally interacting with others.

One of her friends did stand out from the rest, she was a silver hair/eye Breton girl and she too was staring back at me intently.

When I look at her she lookwd away but I just catche her as she was doing so but pretended to not notice nor say anything for now.

But her Magicka levels were sinan for her age!

It looks like she has over 500 Magicka for her age which was 10!

I will be investigating her later, but for now I had continued to hang out with them before returning to my home.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.





His Spear is like Draupnir from God of War Ragnarok, but I didn't wnat to mention it inside the Chapter simce I wnat this to be Skyrim only fic and will avoid mentioning anything non Skyrim related but will hint to it in subtle ways.

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