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50% Devils White Dragon Emperor (DxD) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapitre 2: Chapter 2

[Albion talking]


3rd POV

Kouh Academy 

"Oh my god look it's the supreme king!" Girl 1 said.

"Wow he looks better up close." Girl 2 said.

"King-Sama do you want to go on a date with me!" Girl 3 screeched

"Why would he go on a date with a slut like you when he go could go on one with me?" Girl 2 rudely asked.

All the girls are all talking about one student walking down the hallway. That student being Ryuma Asakura or also known as the Supreme King of Kouh. It's been about 5 months since that faithful day Ryuma met and became friends with Rias.

'Ugh I still don't get why they call me Supreme King. Just because I'm friends with the so called queens of Kouh doesn't make me any different. Kiba is friends with them yet he's called a prince. It's been a long five months. I'm happy Rias kept up her promise of introducing me to her friends, well I guess there my friends to now.' Ryuma thought as he headed out of school to go home.

During these five months Ryuma met the rest of Rias friends. Funny Enough the first one he met was Rias best friend Akeno Himejima. Both her and Rias are in his homeroom. Akeno is an interesting person to say the least. Immediately noticing me and hearing me call out Rias by her first name she started to tease him and Rias. After getting the misunderstanding out out the way Ryuma introduced himself and all three started talking with Ryuma blushing every five minutes because of Akeno teasing's. Later on during lunch they brought him to their club room where Ryuma got to know the other members Yuuto Kiba and Koneko toujou. Kiba a first year is the embodiment of what would call the modern day knight. He practices kendo, very well mannered and has a group of fan girls just like Ryuma. Finding out Kiba has martial arts training and suffers the same fangirl fate as him the two became fast friends often having training spars against him. Oddly enough Ryuma spars barehanded while Kiba wields a training sword, Ryuma never feels any pain when countering or blocking blows directly. And lastly the youngest one of the group Koneko a quit girl who loves to nap and eat similar to a cat. Ryuma understands why the students want her as their mascot. He bonded with Koneko over different snacks he brought over from America and how he sometimes pets her head.

'All in all I have come to like my new group of friends especially Rias. After the first day of school we traded numbers and talk almost everyday. She helps me get through the groups of fangirls in my way on the way to class. We have gone to several different small shops and manga stores, talking about anime or funny stories that happened during our childhood. She genuinely seems interested into getting to know me and I'm the same with her.' Ryuma thought.

Ryuma leaves campus and starts walking home, on the way he stops by the library and decides to read on his new favorite past time mythologies. You see ever sense Ryuma started hanging out with the occult research club his taste for supernatural has gotten stronger. He likes to read up on myths or religion because when ever he's around the club members are discussing that with him as if there testing his knowledge. He already knew about Christianity since he lived in America but he found Rias knowledge about it fascinating almost as cool as him sparring with Kiba is. 

Looking outside he realizes its getting late so he should go home. Putting the books back and saying goodbye to the librarian he leaves. At the entrance Ryuma phone vibrates. Checking his messages he sees Rias texted him asking if he could come by the clubroom she has something she wants to show him. Sending a quick text back Ryuma makes his way back to school.

'I wonder what Rias wants to show me that she can't take a picture and send. Oh could it be she's finally going to let me join the club, this could be like some secret initiation. Or I could get lucky and maybe she wants to ask me out. Ah man probably not, were great friends but she couldn't like a guy like me.' Suddenly Ryuma felt his body hair rising.

Ryuma felt something was off. Looking around all he sees is a sunset and an empty street.

"Wait why is the street empty people should still be closing shops and at least a couple cars on the road." Ryuma mumbles to himself.

Deciding to get to school fast he picks up his pace. As he moves faster he feels the air getting heavier and his heart pumping faster when suddenly he sees a rock fall down infront of him.

[DODGE!] Ryuma hears in his head.

"What?" Ryuma ask no one.

[MOVE!] The voice yelled.

Ryuma insticts screamed at him and he barrel rolls to the side and a green ball of acid flew right past him hitting and melting the ground. Looking up he sees a bare chested man strangely smiling at him, the bottom half of his body looks like a snake tail. 

"Aw looks like missed why don't you act like good human and stand still so I can devour you." The monster said. 

"What in the hell are you!" Ryuma yelled as he got up and started running.

"HAHAHA YOU WANT TO RUN FINE I LIKE THE CAHSE ANYWAY!" The monster yelled slithering after him.

The snakeman lunged Ryuma who barrel rolled right and kicked the snakeman in the head but it didn't affect him. Seeing his attack did nothing Ryuma ran faster than before. He turned at a nearby alley and wanted to lose him in the tight corners. Before he could head in the monster used its tail and pulled him closer before throwing him on the ground. It coiled its body around him and started to squeeze just as a snake would due to most of its prey. Ryuma is trying to break out, struggling as his vision is getting darker.

"Don't worry human it will all be over soon." The monster said as it brought its fangs closer.


"Get off me." Ryuma mutters.

"Hmm what was that human I couldn't hear you over your lungs giving out." The monster quipped.


[Well said partner.] A deep voice said in his mind.

A blue light starts to gather on Ryuma's back, the light starts getting brighter and spreads. Before the monster could kill Ryuma the light blinds everybody. 


Ryuma feels a well of strength flow into him. He punched the monsters sternum with all his new strength. The monster flew straight into a wall, throwing up bile on to the ground confused on what happened he looks at human he thought as prey just for his to widen in shock. Ryuma was floating in the air but the thing that caused the monster to panic was the thing causing him to fly. 

On Ryuma back was a pair of white Dragon wings, with eight blue energy feathers letting loose tiny particles.

(Divine Dividing image here)

"White Dragon." The monster mutters. "HOW CAN A WEAKLING LIKE YOU HAVE THAT!"

Confused Ryuma looks behind to find his new wings. "Huh cool." He looks down to the monster that caused him so much torment and snarls. "I don't know what's going on but I like the scared look on your face."

In a white flash Ryuma appeared infront of the monster and proceeded to punch its torso, arms and head. Every now and than Ryuma kept hearing the word divide and he got stronger each time. 


At the final divide Ryuma poured his new found energy into his arm causing it to glow blue before sending a final punch to the snakemans head. His punch pierced right through head casing blood to splatter on arm. The monster fell to ground, dead leaking blood. Ryuma looked at his fist seeing the blood, he immdeatly started to heave and wretch while holding his knees.

[It's alright partner most people react this way when having their first kill. Remember it was either you or him.] The voice said in a soothing tone.

Ryuma noticed every time the voice spoke the energy feathers on his wings would light up. "Who or what are you?" He asked after wiping his mouth.

[We will speak later, Gremory's knight approaches.] Was the last thing it said.

"Knight what is he talking about." Ryuma than heard footsteps approaching fast. Not knowing who or what it was he got into a fighting stance. The steps gout louder and louder until he saw his friend Kiba running with a long sword in his hand. 

Kiba kept running until he saw the stray devils body on the ground and a bloodied Ryuma standing tall and looking ready for a fight. Kiba dispelled his blade looking at his friend in relief that he was alive but than saw the sacred gear on his back and inhaled in shock.

Ryuma seeing Kiba relived look understands he's not his enemy and relaxes as Kiba slowly walked forward.

"Kiba what are you doing here? How did you do that with the swords? What is that monster on the ground? And." Ryuma rapidly fired question after question before Kiba interrupted him.

"Woah woah Ryuma calm down okay, Take a deep breath." Ryuma complied. "Now I know you have a lot of questions but I feel it would be better to have the president explain everything." Kiba calmly stated.

"Rias, what does Rias have to do with this?" Ryuma asked.

"Since you were taking such a long time to come to the clubroom the president being worried sent me to come get you, but that was when I sensed the foul energy and thought the worst. Speaking of which let me handle that stray devils corpse." Kiba moved to the body and called forth a sword made of flame, stabbing it into the stray devil burning its corpse and blood away.

Ryuma raised an eye brow at the small show of magic. "Stray devil?"

"As I said the president will explain everything when we get back to the clubroom. Follow m.. Woah you alright man?" Kiba caught Ryuma who appeared a bit tired and the wings on his back dispelled.

"Yeah I'm good just give me a second to catch my breath and than we can move." Ryuma took a couple deep breaths and stood on his own. Kiba gave him a look of respect and the two made their was to the clubroom.

Kouh Academy Occult Research Club

At the back of the campus hidden away behind the forest was an old three story building, the third story serving as a clocktower. It was painted white with a black roof. The paint looked quite old and vines grew on some spots of the building. 

On the second floor held the Gremory peerage home base. The room had a dark red rug on the floor, two expensive looking green couches and a coffee table between. Behind that was a large mahogany desk and a big office chair. On the couch was the small Koneko eating chocolate bars staring into space. Rias was pacing back and forth around the room with Akeno standing near by trying to calm her.

"Why is it taking so long! The library is not that far from here. He still hasn't responded to my text, I hope Kiba finds him quickly." Rias lets out her worries.

Akeno patted Rias lightly on the back. "ARARA if I didn't know any better I would assume your a worried house wife waiting for her husband to come back. You like Ryuma don't you Rias." Akeno chuckled at the intense blush Rias sported over her face.

"Oh shut up Akeno it's nothing like that. I'm just worried for him, he never takes this long to answer his phone and I feel like something is off tonight." Rias said.

"I get it your worried, we are to but running your self ragged isn't going to solve anything. Look at Koneko she's just as worried but is calmly eating her snacks." Akeno tired soothing her.

"Facts." Was all Koneko said before returning to her snacks.

Rias to a deep breath and leaned on her desk. "Your probably right Akeno I'm worried over nothing. Can you make me a cup of tea please, it calms my nerves." 

"Of course president." Before Akeno moved they all heard footsteps climbing the stairs and getting closer. The door opens and in comes company.

"Oh Kiba welcome back is Ryuma with.... AHH OH MY SATAN! RYUMA!" Rias screamed getting everyone's attention. Akeno shot Ryuma a worried glance at his blooded clothes while Koneko looked worried at a possible wound.

"Her let me help you down Akeno ready some healing spells along with me." Rias ordered and lightly sat Ryuma down on the couch opposite to Koneko. Koneko smelled him quickly and gained a confused look at a new scent on him.

"It's okay Rias aside from some slight bruising I'm fine the blood actually came from that bastard." Ryuma said as he gently too her hand off him.

"Bastard? What attacked you, Kiba?" Rias questioned.

Clearing his throat he answered. "It was a stray devil president, next to the library." 

The moment he finished his sentence the room heavier. Ryuma turned to Rias to see her hair glowing crimson and a look of rage in her eyes she was leaking killer intent.

"They dare come to my territory and has the nerve to attack my friend. It seems we have an infestation that needs to be killed." Before she could say more she felt a hand on hers and saw Ryuma looking at her concerned. Rias calmed down and reigned her magic back in knowing the consequences of losing control of her bloodline magic.

"That's for later at any case I'm glad your alright Ryuma you gave us quite the scare. Luckily Kiba reached you intime to kill that stray devil." Rias said.

"I didn't kill it president." Kiba admitted 

"Really a stray was able to get away from you, with your speed Kiba. This might be more serious than I thought." Akeno titled her head pondering.

"No it didn't get away, I just wasn't the one to kill it." Kiba corrected.

"Really was it one of Sona's?" Rias asked.

"Um no it was me." Ryuma said with a bit of pride.

Silence filled the room as Rias, Akeno and Koneko looked at him confused before looking at Kiba to confirm. To which he nodded. They all looked back at Ryuma making him a little uncomfortable until Rias broke out a huge smile and hugged his head into her bosom. 

"I'm so happy your alive and safe that must have quite the shocker finding out about the supernatural that way." Rias let go of his head and Ryuma was able to breath again.

"Yeah speaking if which, stray devil, healing spells the sword Kiba summoned what the hell is going on?" Ryuma asked determined to finally get some answers.

Rias sighs and takes a seat next to me. "This will be a long story Akeno would you be a dear and make that tea now I feel we will need some." 

Akeno smirks. "Of course president." She bowed and went to the back room.

Facing Ryuma, Rias begins. "Well lets start off the supernatural, magic and all the things that go bump in the night are real." She looked at Ryuma who deadpanned.

"Yeah I got that already, you know I was almost killed." He dryly commented.

Rias blushed embarrassed. "Yeah sorry, moving on Me and everyone else in this school are devils." Rias and the others brought out there wings which reminded Ryuma of a bat.

"All Mythologies are real and have their own factions within. As you know we as devils are apart of the Christian mythology more specifically the devil faction. There are also the fallen angel faction being angels who fell from heaven and the angel faction." Rias paused to get a read on Ryuma.

"Oh wow I figured fallen angels were devils but I guess not." Ryuma said surprised but not all to shocked.

"Yes its a common mistake most humans make but aren't shocked, a little confused maybe even angry?" Rias asked in a soft tone.

Ryuma looked confused at her question. "Why would I be angry even though your a devil you haven't done anything bad personally to me."

Rias smiled wryly. "Well most people hear the word devil and automatically associate us with being evil." 

Ryuma shurgs. "Every race has good and bad people. Your race shouldn't defy who are but your actions should. I'm not going to be afraid or stop being friends with you guys if you haven't given me a reason too. It's not like you were the once who sent that monster after me. Speaking of which what is a stray devil anyway."

Everyone smiled at Ryuma way of thinking but paused at his question. Akeno came back into the room pushing a small cart holding cups of tea. She set a cup for everyone and stood behind the couch infront of Ryuma and Rias.

Rias takes a sip of her tea and sighs in relief. "Thank you Akeno as good as always. Back to your question Ryuma. To answer that you must know of hour history." 

Rias spent the next hour explaining the history of devils, their great war, god, sacred gears and the devils dwindling numbers. She talks about the use of evil pieces and what happens when you betray their master. About an hour later she finished.

"So strays are devils who have betrayed and left there master, as such they begin mutating beyond recognition and become crazy." Ryuma said.

"In a nutshell yes though as to why it was after you I have no idea." Akeno said.

"It might have been because his sacred gear. The stray probably sensed Ryuma had a higher level of magic than most humans and decided to feed on him to get stronger." Kiba said.

Ryuma looked confused but than remember those wings. "Oh you mean those cool wings." 

Koneko sniffed the air again. "You smell like a dragon." 

Rias looked shocked. "Could it be?" Rias mutters. "Ryuma could you possibly bring those wings out it should be your sacred gear?" Rias asked.

Ryuma scratches his head. "I'd love to Rias, but I don't know how." 

Rias smiled. "It's fine ill teach you. Stand up and imagine those wings and remember the emotion you were feeling when they first came out."

Ryuma stood to the center of the room and closed his eyes. Imaging those wings again and the power he felt. A blue light shines and he suddenly feels lighter. Hearing his friends gasp he opens his eyes and looks at his wings.

"Impossible." Akeno whispers.

"I've already scene them yet I'm still amazed." Kiba says in wonder.

"Makes sense why you smell like one now." Koneko says.

"Incredible, I knew you had one but never expected it to be this one." Rias said dazed.

Ryuma snapped his fingers getting all there attention. "Ok care to explain what these are to the guy new to this world."

They all looked back at him and Rias decided to explain. "Ahem of course you see." Before she could speak the energy feathers on Ryuma wings shined.

[Perhaps it would be better if I explained.] A voice coming from the wings said. shocking everyone as they knew who he was.

"Your the voice from earlier. Thanks again for the help man." Ryuma said.

[Oh by all means that was all you all I did was give you a push. As I was saying before, I am Albion Gwiber also known as the White Dragon Emperor of Supremacy. You now hold the Divine Dividing wings and all the powers that come with it.] Albion proudly said.

"In other words your this generations White Dragon Emperor." Rias said.

"Wow that sounds really cool but is this sacred gear really that great?" Ryuma asked.

"Ryuma you see as many sacred gears as there are only 13 really sticks out. There known as the 13 longinuses. The longinuses are capable of killing gods and are really rare to come across and you my friend have one of the most famous ones." Kiba told him.

"I can kill gods." Ryuma said in wonder.

Rias immediately got serious. "No you have the potential to and a weapon capable of reaching those heights don't assume your the strongest yet Ryuma, there are powers at play you couldn't even fathom."

[The Gremory princess is right many of my past users have died prematurely due to their arrogance] Albion informed him.

Ryuma nodded seriously. "Of course your both right plus I'm still pretty weak and fresh to all of this. Speaking of which why did you call me over hear in the first place Rias." 

Rias was happy Ryuma was taking this seriously and not acting arrogant but suddenly remembered why she called him. "Oh yes with everything going on I almost forgot. Ryuma would you join my peerage and become a devil." She asked him.

Ryuma could tell she was serious as her face and aura changed, so he got serious too. "All the times you would ask me questions on the supernatural or about mythology it was a test."

"Yes it was. I wanted to see what you knew and if you were interested not only that but I wanted you hang out with my peerage to see if you would fit in." Rias admitted.

"Before I answer be honest with me did you only want me for my power, was our friendship real, is any of our friendships real." Ryuma asked hoping it was.

Rias gained a soft smile on her face and cupped Ryuma cheek. "Of course it was real. Ryuma you one of the few friends I have that not apart of my peerage. You have listened to some of my problems, share my interests, and wants to genuinely know me just because and not to get into my skirt. I was going to ask you to join regardless what your sacred gear was. You having Divine Dividing is just an added bonus so I ask again do you want to become a devil?" She asks again.

Ryuma looks at his friends around the room seeing all of their warm smiles he knows his answer. "I would be honored to join your peerage." 

Everybody smiled Rias stood infront of Ryuma and held out her hand as her family magic circle appeared and summoned a small box. Opening the box Ryuma sees red chess pieces. All the pawn pieces glowed brighter near Ryuma. Rias took all eight pawn pieces and closed the box. She puts the pieces at his chest and tries to push them in. Before she could all the pieces transformed into mutation pieces and smoothly went in. Suddenly a bright Gremory magic circle glowed under him and a pair of devil wings popped out right under Divine Dividing.

"Welcome to our world Ryuma." Rias said happily.

"You ready to shake the supernatural world partner." Ryuma smirked at Albion.

The wings glowed. [Aye partner lets show the world the might of the WHITE DRAGON EMPEROR!] 

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