Viktor's Point of View
I was vexed that I couldn't sleep in my bed, but I had put Aláine there. I didn't trust her yet, but it wouldn't be long. Very soon, she would mine.
Aláine would shift for the first time, and I would be there to see it, to help her through the pain. Together, we would enter her new world. It was so exciting, and the thought of having my new mate as beautiful as her gave me such a thrill. The sheer thought of it made me hard.
Now, it was time for Aláine's breakfast. I had to withhold food yesterday because she was so unreasonable, even though Olivier had made such a nice meal for her. I got him to cook another meal in hopes that she would be much better behaved than earlier.
"I brought you some food, my love," I said to her.
"I am not your love!" Aláine replied.
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