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36.36% Infinite Stratos: The Fugitive Second Male Pilot / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: La vie est une patate douce

Chapitre 8: Chapter 8: La vie est une patate douce

Chapter 8: La vie est une patate douce

Hey there, it's Aruto Igarashi, still on the run again!! I don't have much to say today since I'm in the most exciting chase I have ever had in my two lifetimes. I have the whole cops of the city after me, you know, the usual.

If I were to be honest with you guys, it feels like I'm always welcoming you guys as I escape from those cops. Again, it feels like I keep playing hide-and-seek with them every time, and it's honestly getting old. 

I certainly don't want to get used to this kind of lifestyle!

I could only hope my current situation won't escalate any further. At the same time, I might feel confident enough to escape from a bunch of cops who only wanted to capture me. So, it is straightforward to play around with it since they needed me alive.

Well, at least I hope so since I don't think my dead body would be helpful to them. Again, I'm still not sure since I do not know much about this field, but I can only hope so, or it would truly suck for me.

The good news is that there is no IS after me, which is a significant relief. I'd rather have the cops or other mundane shit than those fake mecha after me. While I'm powerful, I can't do much against an IS.

I also didn't keep up with the IS since I lost interest in them when I was young. Who knows what that new generation of IS can do nowadays?

Anyhow, this is my life as I escape once again from the cops until they get me.

Well, here I am, sprinting through the streets like a madman. The echoes of my own footsteps are drumming in my ears, as opposed to the distant howling of the police siren closing in.

"STOP FOR ME, ARUTO IGARASHI! WE WANT TO TALK," bellowed a burly cop, seemingly in the shape of an Olympic sprinter. I must not have been in excellent condition since they're catching up faster than expected.

"NEVER!" I shot back, keeping my pace and weaving through the confusing streets. Did they really think a polite chat was possible? Come on, I'm not falling for that one.

"WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY!? WE CAN TALK ABOUT IT!" yelled the persistent officer, his stamina showing signs of wear and tear. His partner long dropped out of the chase, but that didn't slow him down to catch me.

As I continued running, I couldn't help but scream my frustration. "You don't understand me! No one understands me!" The streets seemed against me as more cops emerged from every nook and cranny. Seriously, did I stumble into a video game level or something?

And just when I thought it couldn't get any crazier, a guy pops out of the damn sewers. I mean, really? Is this real life!?

My troubles escalated when the distant sirens turned into a full-blown symphony of patrol. What in the world is going on? How did they suddenly become so good now? Did they really release all of their units on me? 

They seem really determined to catch me now more than ever. It's not a joke to say that I left the tutorial zone and am currently experiencing the game at its full price!

Dodging left and right, I thought about my life choices that led me to this absurd chase. The sirens, the yelling cops, and even the sewer guy—I couldn't catch a break.

With each turn, more patrol cars joined the party, creating a cacophony of flashing lights and blaring sirens that would make many film directors jealous. It felt like the entire police force was converging on me.

It is not a joke to say that I walked into a blockbuster action scene without the script.


As I sprinted through the streets, my mind raced even faster. I couldn't keep running, so I needed to hide somewhere where no one would find me—but where? I'm not familiar with this area at all.

The surroundings blurred as I ran, my legs burning, but the adrenaline kept me going. The city became a dizzying maze, and I was the mouse trying to outsmart the entire cat population.

Amidst my efforts to find a hiding spot, a sudden problem occurred when I tried to turn left toward a moderately empty street. I was faced with a cop who seemed surprised to see me. His eyes widened as he registered my presence, and before he could react, my instinct took over.

I wanted to live. There is no way a random cop would catch me alive.


In a swift move and split-second decision, I assessed my enemy and relied on my years of training and instincts to quickly subdue the cop. My eyes narrowed as I swiftly shifted my weight, pivoting on one foot and executing a spinning heel kick. My leg cut through the air with precise and calculated speed, the impact connecting with the officer's cheek.

The cop, who was unlucky enough to meet Aruto, who was desperate enough, crumbled to the ground and was completely knocked out by his well-executed attack.

Confirming the subdued officer was incapacitated but unharmed, I wasted no time in continuing my escape. The pursuing cops showed no signs of slowing down. If anything else, they seemed even more lively when I took down one of their colleagues.

Even as I distanced myself, the patrol car closed the gap uncomfortably, urging a swift decision. My eyes caught sight of a nearby alley, and without a second thought, I plunged into its welcoming shadows, seeking refuge from the impinging vehicles and the chaos behind. The narrow passage provided a momentary rest, allowing me to catch my breath and recollect my thoughts.

Unfortunately, Fate seemed to hate my guts and want me to become her bitch.

As for why I'm being like that? Well…

"Aruto Igarashi, it's over! Come out with your hands up!" echoed the commanding voice of the lead officer, the sound bouncing off the alley walls.

Yep, the alley that was supposed to give me time to relax suddenly became a trap for me. They ultimately sealed both ends, blocking my exit and entry. I glanced around, searching for any possible means to escape this predicament, but the high walls and the tall buildings offered no assistance.

I was at a dead end, stuck in a prison with two officers who wanted me.

(It can't be game over… right?)

Their footsteps grew louder, my heartbeat drummed into my ears, and the patrol car's sirens came closer. I was trapped like a fiddle in this alley.

I could surrender to this inevitable fate; they promised me safety, but could I truthfully trust them? 

[No, you can't.]

How do I escape then? How do I escape from such fate if I can't trust them?

[You win this game.]

How? My options are limited, and I have no tools to escape from this situation! I'm practically done and helpless…

[Was your decision to run away on that day a mistake?]

My eyes opened wide as if my head felt clearer, and somehow, I could feel my rebellious spirit in such adversity. No, it wasn't a mistake! I didn't want to be captured and experimented on! I couldn't swallow such a truth!

[Then what are you waiting for? FIGHT BACK!]

"Okay, mysterious voice, thank you for the motivation. I only hope that's not me going crazy.." I muttered and let out a grin on my face. I suddenly felt a thrill from this situation.


Hell, if nothing else, my rebellious spirit refused to bow, sharing this unwavering flame that made surrender an impossibility to me. Kneeling to such a terrible fate wasn't in my nature.

After all, why would I have decided to run away this day? I was stronger than that to accept this fate.

(I can't lose sight of myself!)

I redirected my attention to the initially imposing and suffocating walls confining me, and a glint of excitement lit up my eyes. I let a smirk appear on my face as I found the answer to my escape. 

"Aruto Igarashi! Come with your hands up; we promise we won't harm you! This is your last chance to surrender!" barked the cop cautiously, aware of the ease with which I subdued his comrade.

Since fate seemed to make me play such a game, then…

"Sorry, officers, but I'll clear this game with NO continues!" I shouted in response.

I summoned my remaining energy and determination. I had every tool within me to escape such fate. I only need the winning formula to continue this game, and fortunately, I found it! I ran straight to the wall of the building amidst the cop's shout and warning as I planted one foot on the wall and pushed myself off the wall to the opposite one. I executed a wall jump in a fluid and skilled motion, propelling myself upwards. 

Funnily enough, the world seemed to slow down as my beating heart soared as I flew through the air. My fingertips brushed against the rough edge of the building, and with sheer determination, I managed to grasp it.

I could even hear the disbelieves in the cop's voices as they witnessed my performance. I didn't have time to care about them as I pulled myself up with a surge of strength. I crawled onto the rooftop just as the pursuing officers suddenly woke up from their amazement. Their frustrated voices echoed through the alley as I lay on the rooftop and breathed heavily.

I felt my fast-beating heart as I closed my eyes to calm down. I was trained for this; my body and techniques were made for such stunts, but why do I feel so nervous about it?

I made stunts worse than this at the dojo with my teacher, but why was I so miserable after a simple wall kick? Was it because of the situation…?

I didn't have time to lose myself in my thoughts since I wasn't still safe and needed to move. They could catch me at any time.

Simultaneously scanning my surroundings, a distinct sound reached my ears from above. Raising my gaze, I located the origin—an approaching helicopter. As I delved deeper into my investigation of its identity, the logo of a renowned Japanese news station came into focus.

A camera, fixed on my every move, pointed directly at me. Below it, a reporter held a microphone, ready to capture the unfolding drama. The realization struck that this chase would be exposed to the public eye, maybe even worldwide. 

"Looks like I'll be even more famous now, huh.." I muttered, ran away, and jumped to the next building's rooftop.


- [News Reporter] –

A charming woman inside the helicopter, clutching her microphone, glanced at the world outside with excitement and nervousness. She adjusted her clothes from her stress, fully aware that this was her moment—one she had earned through hard work. This live broadcast was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her career, and she was determined not to let it slip away.

"Are you recording?" she inquired, her eyes flickering between the exterior scene and the camera.

"Nah, give me like 30s," replied the focused cameraman, fine-tuning his equipment for the upcoming worldwide broadcast. After all, Aruto Igarashi held significant importance in the eyes of many across the globe. Everything had to be perfect, or the higher-ups would be after them.

"All right, you can go in 5."

After receiving the signal, she took a deep breath and directed her gaze at the camera.

"We are rolling!"

"Hello, everyone! For those just joining us, this is Sayuri Tanaka reporting live from a helicopter above the city. We are currently witnessing an unprecedented event as Aruto Igarashi, the enigmatic second male IS pilot, takes center stage in this storm! Aruto Igarashi has stepped back into the public eye after a considerable absence, making this a momentous occasion for fans and spectators alike," Sayuri declared, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

As the helicopter hovered above, capturing the dynamic cityscape, Sayuri turned her attention to the unfolding chase.

"Let's focus on the action, folks. As you can see, Aruto Igarashi is displaying incredible parkour skills, effortlessly maneuvering across rooftops. It's like a scene straight out of an action movie, but this is happening live in our city!"

"I bet there are film directors out there already salivating at the sheer prowess demonstrated by our protagonist today! Honestly, if a movie featuring this handsome and skillful Aruto were to be released, count me in as an instant fan. It's like watching a real-life action hero in the making!"

The camera zoomed in on Aruto's agile movements, precisely tracing each leap and jump.

"Aruto Igarashi, known as the enigmatic second male IS pilot, has become the protagonist of this real-life drama. His sudden reappearance has sparked a nationwide pursuit, and he's navigating the urban landscape with the finesse of a seasoned professional. We're witnessing an out-of-ordinary chase that would definitively captivate viewers worldwide."

Sayuri's commentary continued to provide a detailed account of the unfolding events, ensuring that viewers felt the excitement and the thrill of the chase. The city below transformed into an extensive playground for Aruto's evasive maneuvers, and the world was watching as the live broadcast unfolded.

"As we follow Aruto Igarashi's heart-pounding journey, the chase is about to intensify. The local authorities are closing in, with police officers converging on his position."

The camera focused on the approaching police, capturing the urgency of the situation.

"The pursuit has reached a critical juncture. Will Aruto manage to evade capture, or is this the end of his daring escape? It's a nail-biting moment as we witness the clash between pursuing justice and one man's determination to stay free."

Sayuri's voice conveyed the tension in the air, mirroring the collective anticipation of viewers worldwide. The broadcast had become a real-time spectacle, and the outcome of this chase remained uncertain. They amassed numerous viewers in this broadcast as the higher-ups practically creamed at the number of viewers watching.

"But hold on, folks! Aruto Igarashi is not one to be easily cornered. When it seemed like all hope was lost, he executed a remarkable escape!"

The camera deftly followed Aruto's swift movements as he evaded the encircling police.

"With a daring maneuver, Aruto manages to slip away from the grasp of the pursuing officers. It's a breathtaking display of skill and agility, reminiscent of a seasoned escape artist."

"It was like watching a masterful choreography unfold. Aruto used every obstacle to his advantage, from scaling walls to daring leaps between buildings. The police, despite their best efforts, found themselves outmatched by his agility and ingenuity. It's a testament to Aruto's unique abilities and a challenge for law enforcement to adapt to this unconventional chase."

Sayuri's commentary captured the essence of the escape for viewers glued to their screens watching the excitement. It is not every time you could watch such a high-quality police chase. Hell, even today's TV show would fall under this scene.

"The chase continues, and Aruto remains one step ahead of everyone. The city has become his playground, and the pursuit of this elusive figure continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Stay with us as we witness the fate of Aruto Igarashi! Will he escape and remain a free man, or would the police force capture him!"

"As we marvel at Aruto Igarashi's incredible escapes, it's hard not to question the ability of the pursuing officers. Despite their numbers and coordination, they seem to struggle to apprehend him. Is it a testament to Aruto's unparalleled skills, or is there a lapse in the law enforcement strategy?"

Sayuri's inquiry added a layer of intrigue to the broadcast.

"It's a challenging situation for the police on the ground. Aruto's elusive maneuvers keep them on their toes, and the city has become a maze where he holds the advantage. Will they adapt their strategy, or will Aruto's prowess continue to outwit them? Stay tuned as we explore the unfolding complexities of this extraordinary pursuit."

"What is that sound?" Sayuri questioned, her voice carrying a note of concern as a distinct buzz reached their position in the sky. Was it the police deploying some formidable force to apprehend Aruto?

She scanned the surroundings, attempting to identify the source of the approaching sound, but her curiosity turned to alarm when the pilot's voice trembled with panic.

"Hold on! Stay seated and brace yourselves! Something is headed our way!"

"Kya!" Sayuri cried out, clutching her seat as the unexpected turn of events heightened the tension in the helicopter.

"What in the world was that!? Ichi, zoom in with your camera!"

"R-right..." Ichi stammered, hastily adjusting his camera to capture the mysterious object that had just passed through their airspace. The lens quickly focused, and they could identify the origin of the enigmatic presence.

"Here it is, folks! A mysterious black IS has entered the scene! Unfortunately, we cannot discern its identity or purpose in this unfolding chase."

"Wait a minute, viewers! It seems that this black IS is on the move, and its trajectory aligns with none other than Aruto Igarashi! Is this IS friend or foe? And how will Aruto navigate this unexpected turn of events?"

Sayuri's commentary conveyed a mix of worry and uncertainty, mirroring the sentiments of those watching the live broadcast.

"Ichi, keep that camera focused! We must capture every detail of this unprecedented encounter between Aruto and—OMG! The black IS has launched an attack on Aruto Igarashi!" cried Sayuri in surprise, her voice tinged with genuine concern as she witnessed the sudden escalation.

The stakes of the chase skyrocketed with the appearance of the mysterious IS.

Sayuri's voice trembled as she expressed her concern for Aruto and the cops on the scene. However, her expression shifted as she noticed a remarkable turn of events on the street where Aruto and the officers were targeted.

"I can't believe what we just saw! Aruto not only narrowly evaded that attack but also saved a police officer who was trying to capture him! What a remarkable display of skill and heroism!"

"We've just received breaking news that this IS is not affiliated with the police or Japan! Our sources on the ground are feeding us real-time updates. This is Sayuri Tanaka, and we're committed to bringing you every moment of this unfolding drama. Stay with us as we continue to capture this extraordinary scene!"


- Chifuyu Orimura –

Chifuyu and the rest of the teachers inside the IS Academy were watching the live broadcast on the TV when they received the news that Aruto Igarashi had finally reappeared in front of the public. Unfortunately, it wasn't a comfortable viewing experience after they saw the appearance of a jet-black IS on the news and in the same frame as Aruto.

Their hearts nearly dropped as they witnessed the attack on Aruto. However, a collective sigh of relief escaped them when they saw him still alive, albeit with minor injuries incurred while evading the assault.

Chifuyu didn't have time to relax or continue watching the live broadcast as she needed to help Aruto escape from this situation. He was, after all, a future student at IS Academy and as his teacher, she had to protect him.

She would quickly leave the faculty room with Maya, who was also coming to deploy their IS to support Aruto.

Simultaneously, the faculty room door swung open with a sense of urgency. Chifuyu immediately recognized her brother, Ichika, who entered breathlessly, accompanied by his growing harem, all wearing expressions of deep concern.

There was no need for a genius to decipher why they appeared in such a state.

"Sister! We have to help Igarashi-san!" Ichika exclaimed, his words filled with raw emotion. He couldn't bear the thought of Aruto facing imminent danger, especially before they could become classmates at the IS Academy.

He can't let Aruto die! They weren't even friend yet!

"Calm down, Ichika! We have everything covered; you can return to your room and let the professor handle this."

However, Ichika, who was equally stubborn as his sister, immediately denied it. "Impossible! Sister, I want to save him! Let me join you!"

"Ichika!" cried the girls behind him as they looked at Ichika with surprise.

Chifuyu frowned at this sudden objection from her brother. She knew her brother meant well, but he wasn't prepared for such a rescue. Moreover, she still doesn't know how dangerous this mysterious IS was.

She couldn't allow her little brother to participate in such a battle.

"Impossible! You are to remain inside the Academy! We wasted enough time! Maya, come with me!"

"But Chifu—" cried Ichika before he lost consciousness.

"Ah, really…" muttered Chifuyu as she caught her brother and knocked him out. She didn't want to deal with her brother's hero complex right now.

She had to save someone with Maya, and every minute counted. She gave her little brother to Houki, who understood the assignment with the rest of the girls as they dragged him to his room.


[A/N: Another chapter I didn't know would go like that. Also, there won't be anything Persona shadow-related stuff in this fic. This bit with the mysterious voice was something that came off when I tried to double-check this chapter, and I decided to roll with it at the end.]

Haluo Haluo

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