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Chapitre 53: Chapter : 50 UA Festival Start!!

(3rd POV)

School resume after the lunch break and this time it was the hero classes.

They were all taken to a big training hall with all necessary training equipment that one could ask for.

Aizawa trained the students who wanted to be trained while some students like Sato and Kirishima just did small stretches because they weren't completely healed yet.

Especially Sato.

And among all these students, Bakugo and Tooru also trained.

At the corner, on a yoga mat, Bakugo and Tooru sit across each other. They sat in a meditation position and Bakugo instructed her on the basics of meditation.

"To train the body we must first train the mind. Mind over matter...or something like that." Bakugo was quite confused himself.

He had always followed his gut and instinct in his trainings and it was hard to put the process and feelings into words.

But Tooru did not care, there was no way she could be calm in this situation anyways. He was so close to her, she felt her heartbeat pick up, which was completely opposite of what she was trying to do.

"Focus, focus, focus, focus?" said Bakugo, that was what he mostly chant when he wanted to concentrate. But saying it out loud, he could not put a finger on it but it sounds dumb.

And just like that, the training lesson between the worst teacher and the hopeless student ensued.


(3rd POV)

Finally, school ended with the most amazing sound Bakugo has ever heard. The last bell.

The sound was always unique and beautiful to him. While other bells ended a single class, the last bell ended the whole school.

So he always felt that the last bell was special.

"Can we go together?" asked Tooru to which Bakugo just nodded.

He packed his things and was about to leave with her but he noticed the exit crowded by many students from the other classes .

They were curious about the famous Class 1 A who fought villains and they were also here to check the competition for the UA festival.

"So many of them!!" said Midoriya, shocked .

"Looks like they are here to check out their greatest competition." said Momo with a knowing look.

"Guys, I think we should wait for them to disperse-" Ida said, trying to suggest waiting for a while but a voice sounded near the door.

"Move." A simple word, a whisper. But it rattles inside the whole room, silencing everything else.

The random students blocking the door were stunned.

"I said move extras." He repeated, his voice a little on edge.

"Oh my, is this what the hero course have to offer? I am quite disappointed." A tall guy with messy purple hair came infront.

His eyes was sleepy and tired, like a certain teacher.

"I thought Class 1 A who fought real villains will be something but all I am seeing are rude, arrogant brats."

The other class A students froze at that and look at the uncaring expression of their Class President.

'He is making us look bad and he doesn't care at all!!'

They all share this thought.

"The UA festi-" The guy was trying to say something but Bakugo did not care.

"You all wanted to be in the hero course, and since you cannot go through the normal way, you find a way to get in some other way."

Which is to do well in the festival and get transferred.

"You look for other ways." realisation dawned on him.

"Okay, got it." He moved away a little bit from the door and put a hand on the wall.

Everyone was confused until- *Boom!!*

He blew a hole in the wall. The students nearby got blown away but no one was injured.

"Who said extras cannot be useful?" He smirk

"Lets go Tooru."



Under the disbelief eyes of the students, Bakugo left the school.

"So Manly!!" Sato and Kirishima exclaimed.


Bakugo and Tooru both went home together but they had to part ways since Tooru needed to catch a train.

They were currently at the station.

"Thanks for letting me tag along!!" Tooru said while facing Bakugo.

"Its fine, get home safe."

Tooru turned around and walk towards the train's entrance.

Bakugo watched as she left, her plentiful locks of hair moved up and down as the girl skip with each of her steps. He also eyes her bubly ass.

"Don't forget to train your mind!!" He yelled at her.

She waved at him but did not turn back, that did not satisfy him so he continued. "And mind the train!!"

She stopped on her tracks and turned around. Her pretty face almost gave an ethereal glow.

Her glossy lips curved into a stunning curve and her perfect teeth showed when she yelled back, "Your being silly!!!"

The smile froze him and he only regained his senses when she finally board the train.

'This girl is dangerous. Maybe her invisiblity is a way for the world to protect all the men from simping on her'

He chuckled at his own thought.

'Her smile, only I can see it'

'No one else had ever seen her smile.'

'For my eyes alone. Mine, mine..'

He shook his head to get the thoughts out of his head. Tooru brought the already possessive nature of Bakugo to a whole another level.

He took in the air, the smell of smoke and people filled his sense.

"Haa..What is wrong with me."


(3rd POV)

School continued the next day, the damage was already fixed. Aizawa scolded him about the damage but he let it go as it was not that serious in his eyes.

School ended and the cycle continued.



The students trained very hard for the next week. Everyone was trying their best because they were going to be scouted by pro heroes during the festival.

Tooru was also making great progress in her combat ability. Turns out she was also blessed with crazy instincts, just like Bakugo.

He suspected that it had something to do with her invisibility. Even she could not see her own body so she mostly had to rely on her instinct to move around.

When you cannot even see your own arms, small actions like picking up things from the floor required crazy intuition and instinct.

Not to mention predicting the distance needed for her arms to reach something, it will be extremely difficult to grab what you want.

And what about other actions, she would have to be constantly be aware of her arms or she might hit something while waying her arms. etc

In short. Being invisible suck in many ways unimaginable. And these challenges sharpened Tooru's instinct, intuition and even her spatial awareness.


She improved her combat capabilities. But her quirks on the other hand, not so much

"Focus on the energy around you." Bakugo instructed as he looked closely at the energy surrounding her.

This energy is the same energy that did not allow light to make contact with Tooru. And Bakugo hoped she would be able to control it.

Few days ago he told her about it and she was surprised that she was not a mutant quirk user.

She did not believe him at first but after making her try a very, very thin spandex, it disappeared along with her and she was foced to believe it.

The image of her wearing that thin layer of suit that only acted as a second layer of skin for her will be forever stiched into his mind.

The suit hugs her body together, it made her body more defined and curvy. The fabrics practicality worshipped every inch of her body.

He realised then, that being naked was not the most erotic form of a girl.

He was getting hard just thinking about it.

"Sense the thin layer of energy that acted as a blanket around your body." said Bakugo.

He focused on the energy and noticed it flicker around her.

"Yes!! Yes!! YES!! I can feel it!!" Tooru screamed in excitement.

Bakugo calmed her down and said "Now, try to enlarge that layer of energy."

Tooru closed her eyes and breathe slowly, her face scrunched into a focused one. She bit her lower lips and her eyelids trembled.

It was cute and Bakugo felt like looking at it all day.

The energy around her continuously flickered until it expanded and covered her clothes.

Bakugo dispersed the power in his eyes and noticed that Tooru was completely invisible now, even with her clothes.

"Congratulations." He said with a smile.

Tooru looked at her body and it was invisible. She touch her body and noticed that she still had her clothes on.

She hop around in delight. She would not have to be naked to be invisible now and that seems impossible not too long ago. Until she met him.

Bakugo smirk seeing her so excited. He also felt a bit excited due to the many application of her ability.

If she trained enough, she should be able to cover a huge area and make others invisible as well.

Not just that, she could carry a machine gun and walk around with no one noticing it. She would be the kind of death you never saw coming.

And what if she could cover bigger areas? Invisible jet?

So many possibilities and this is just a part of her power application.

"Lets try to move the energy now shall we?" he said and Tooru nodded excitedly.


[Tooru's room]

"What am I going to do?!" Tooru rolled around in her bed with a cute plushie in her arms, feeling all giddy.

"I think I wuv him." She buried her face in the plushie.

She did not know what to do. She was new to all this, no one had ever made her feel like this.

"He appears so scary and hard to approach but he is kind, in a cute twisted way." She thought back on how he helped a lost boy crying in the streets.

It was funny seeing the boy crying louder and louder as Bakugo tried to console the kid.

Try as he might but the kid was genuinely scared of him.

In the end, he threaten the boy and acted like a villain. That quickly shut the boy up in fear.

When they found her parents, he made sure to threaten the poor boy again, to never try to run away from home just because they did not allow him to play games.

'Do this shit one more time and you will find me on the other side.' he said.



She giggled when she thought about the whole thing,

It was wholesome, concerning and ridiculous all at the same time.

"Umu!!" She stomp continuously at the bed while laying on it, feeling all riled up.

"Its all his fault."


(3rd POV)

The UA sports festival was finally started after three weeks of training.

Heroes from all over the country, gather around the UA stadium. Police patrolled the area nonstop.

The UA was upping their security to the max.

Many reporters flood the place, even foreigner reporters were much more then the other years.

Everey year, it was mostly the third years that got all the attention. But this tear, the first year gather all attention.

The villain attack and how the students fought back was still fresh in everyone's mind.

People were looking forward to the performance of the so called, 'Greatest hero year class'.

A GROUP of crowds made their way to the Class 1 stadium.

Everyone was excited and hyped up for the festival.



[The students room in the stadium]

"My god, this sure is nerve wrecking." said Ochako with a sigh of nervousness.

"How are you so calm Bakugo?" she asked when she saw his calm visage.

It was like the UA festival was a very normal occurrence to him.

"I am always calm."

"I highly doubt that. What about the time Kirishima knocked down your food."

"I was calmly angry."

"The time Denki sing in class?"

"Calmly irritated."

"What about the time they call you Gordon Ramsy 2.0?"

"Calmly pissed."

"Then let me guess.." Ochako dismissed him and said, "You are calmly nervous right now."

"I am calmly calm." He shrugged uncaringly.

Ochako released a sweet chuckle at that.

"Everyone!! Its starting!!" said Ida.

Everyone got up and was about to leave for the arena but Todoroki stopped Midoriya.

He said things about defeating him even if he was close to All Might. He was getting competitive since he is trying to surpass All Might.

"You too. I will eventually surpass you." He said while looking at Bakugo. He also thought he had a chance at beating him at UA because Bakugo would not be able to go all out.

He then left the room alone. Being all edgy and stuff.

"Lets go." Bakugo lead the group as he was the Class President.





"Ladies and gentleman, Heros and heroines!!! Let us welcome the calss which manage to survive a villain attack as first years!!" Present Mic yelled and the people erupted into an excited cheer.

"CLASS 1, A!!"



The students entered the stadium. A defending roar of excitement welcomed them.

Their nervousness reached its peak when they look around the stadium filled with people.

The sound was too loud it even made them feel dizzy because they were at the centre of it.

The class made an orderly line and and stood infront of the platform in the middle of the arena.


The students from other class also came in. The crowd was also excited but it was not at the level of Class 1, A.



When all the first year class are finally called out, Bakugo was called to have and Opening speech.

The reason being he was the first in the entrance exam.

"Now!! Let us call upon Katsuki Bakugo from class 1, A to give an opening speech!!" said Midnight.

She was the host of the whole festival while Present Mic was the commentator and the announcer.

A loud cheer, especially from the male, erupted for the R-rated hero.

Bakugo slowly made his way towards the platform. The crowd died down into silence as he made his way to the Microphone.

He stood there, nervousness and anxiety void in his face. He took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

Unfolding it, he read the paper and finally spoke at the microphone.

"Find out more in the next chapter."


[Bonus. Skip if you want]

Bakugo stood there with hands in his pocket. He brought his mouth close to the microphone and said "I want everyone to follow my instrucrions to sart this festival."

The crowd was confused but nodded nonetheless.

"Put both your hands up at the level of your chest and tuck it in sligtly" Everyone followed his lead.

"Now move slightly left and right"

"Now shake your body."

Everyone followed his lead, confused until..

Until a primordial voice came down from the heaven. The divine voice carried endless Authority, Wisdom and Power.

Just then, the reality around Bakugo was rippped apart. Each movement of his body was like it was forbidden by the world.

The fabrics of space was shredded. Not able to contain the divine action Bakugo performed.

A sweet sound resounded the whole world.

[Ting ning, ting ting~]

Then, the holy words and divine language from the heaven resounded for all to hear.

"Never gonna give you up~"

The world did nothing but stare in awe.


P@treon : Username : Emmanuel_Capricorn


Join if you like my work to support this young writer. One early chapter is there and more will be added.

Thank you.

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