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97.52% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 232: Chapter 232

Chapitre 232: Chapter 232

Gohan and Piccolo soon powered up and then flew towards Cell Max to help the Gammas fight it, Goten and Trunks grinned and before anything else happened, Trunks spoke up, "This looks like fun! Let's go Goten!".

Goten nodded with a grin on his face and soon after both young Saiyan hybrids took off flying to help everyone fight Cell Max,

18 narrowed her eyes and then glared up at Cell Max with a very annoyed frown on her face, "Tch! Fine! I'm helping too!".

Krillin gaped at his wife and watched her take off flying at high speed to help fight the evil creation, Harry smiled at his friends for a second before speaking up to Ophis who was silently waiting on him, "Keep an eye on Bulma and Pan while we fight. If that thing looks like it's going to unleash something big, protect them".

Ophis softly smiled at Harry and nodded, "Don't worry, nothing will harm them as long as I'm around".

Harry nodded and then, both Ophis and he took off flying to join the fight, Krillin sighed and shook his head, not feeling like getting into a fight with a Cell look-a-like he decided to stay behind, "I'll protect Pan and Bulma guys! You go and give it everything you got!".

Bulma grinned at Krillin and shook her head at him, "Well, I'm glad you found something to do...".

Krillin grunted as if he was hit or something, that barbed comment from Bulma must have hurt, inwardly, Bulma was glad to have him around though, you never know when she and Pan would need some help.


The Gammas were fighting and dodging all the attacks coming from Cell Max, which in turn enraged him into roaring at them, with Cell Max now distracted, Gamma 2 was able to fly up from behind him and then come down at high speed with a drop kick engulfed in energy.

Cell Max heard the android coming down with an attack and quickly blocked him with the back of his fist, Gamma 2 grunted and tried to break through, but Cell Max pushed him away with ease.

Gamma 2 huffed in annoyance at being pushed away and tried to fly forward to continue his attack on Cell Max but that didn't work and instead, Gamma 2 was forced to fly to the side to dodge a punch from the massive Cell Max.

Cell Max, however, instantly reacted and swung his fist towards the moving Gamma 2, the attack came too abruptly and fast for the android, resulting in him getting hit full-on and being sent flying down towards the ground at high speed.

Gamma 2 screamed in pain as he flew through the air and soon crashed against the ground, rock, dust, and debris flew from all around him as his body hit the ground and created a large crater.

Cell Max seeing that Gamma 2 was down, quickly gathered energy inside his mouth and prepared to fire a ki beam at the downed android, only to be stopped by a ki blast to the face that came from his side.

Cell Max growled in rage and looked over at who had just shot at him, he saw Gohan coming his way and was about to roar at him in challenge, only for Piccolo to kick him on the back of the neck with both feet.

Cell Max grunted in pain from the surprise attack, but didn't have time to counterattack as both Goten and Trunks came flying at him from above at high speed, Trunks grinned and yelled as he prepared a KI attack, "Leave some for us!".

Goten also prepared a ki blast and grinned before yelling out, "Yeah!".

Both Saiyans then unleashed a barrage of ki blasts at Cell Max, which caused him to ragdoll in mid-air, Goten quickly cupped his hand and began to yell out his next attack, "Kamehameha!".

The blue ki beam attack flew at high speed towards Cell Max and crashed against his abdomen, the KI Beam blasted him downwards even more and increased his falling speed.

Cell Max growled in rage and quickly twirled his body just in time to land on both hands and feet on the ground, causing a massive dust cloud to cover him, both Ophis and Harry then flew into the dust cloud and punched Cell Max in the stomach at the same time.

Cell Max folded forward and gasped in pain before both dragon gods suddenly gathered energy in their hands and blasted him away with two massive ki beam attacks, Ophis' ki beam was colored black and purple, while Harry's was red.

Cell Max exploded from the dust cloud while being pushed away by both ki beam attacks, with a roar the Android pushed himself to the side and let the Beam attack continue their flying path, where they kept going until they went up into the sky and disappeared.

Cell Max went to take off to attack both Ophis and Harry, but Gohan and 18 got in his way and began to fly around him to confuse him and get his attention on them, Cell Max grew even more rageful and suddenly lifted both of his arms.

With an angry roar, he brought down both arms as hard as he could, both Gohan and 18 barely got away from the twin hammer fist attack from Cell Max, but when both fists crashed on the ground they exploded outwards and caused a shockwave that pushed both 18 and Gohan away from Cell Max.

Gohan twirled in mid-air a few times before he stopped himself and looked up toward Cell Max, "Damn!".

Gamma 1 flew down and yelled at Gohan and everyone else when he got close to him, "Aim at the top of his head! That's the only weak point on his body".

Everyone was a bit surprised about this news, in fact, they all yelled the same thing at the same time, "The top of his head?!".

Gamma 1 nodded and quietly explained, "Doctor Hedo feared this would happen so he added a weak spot to Cell Max just in case of a situation like this one".

Piccolo nodded and then said, "Perfect!".

Gamma 2 then spoke up before someone could move to attack Cell Max, "You should know that it's not that simple!".

Everyone frowned towards Gamma 2, the seriousness of his voice told them that something else was in play here and Gamma 2 wasted no time to explain, "The moment you give him a killing blow... that'll trigger a chain reaction that will force his body to go into overdrive causing Cell Max to explode, if we are too slow, we'll be caught in that explosion".

Everyone grunted in frustration this was bad news for everyone after all, meanwhile, Harry huffed in annoyance and shook his head, "What is it with these androids always exploding?".

Ophis floated to his side and then spoke up, "We can handle the explosion, let's just help everyone defeat it"

Harry nodded and got ready, Cell Max had been thrashing around in anger for a while, but it seemed like it had finally found them all and was now rushing towards them with a roar of rage.

Gamma 1 took off at high speed with a growl and avoided a backhand slap from Cell Max, he flew around his massive arm and then reached his face, the android then proceeded to shoot an energy blast at Cell Max's face though it practically didn't do anything to him.

Cell Max angry at the attack, tried to punch Gamma 1 but a blue ki blast hit him in the face again, Cell Max growled in pain as Gamma 2 yelled and fired multiple energy blasts nonstop at Cell Max's face.

Seeing this, Gohan, Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks decided to lend them a hand, so they all yelled as they raised their hands and fired a barrage of ki orb attacks at Cell Max, while he was distracted with the androids.

The ki orbs hit Cell Max but didn't do any damage, instead they were pushed away from his body somehow, Cell Max suddenly jumped up and over the Z Fighters, Gohan widened his eyes in shock and quickly turned around, only to see Cell Max upside down behind them.

Cell Max quickly punched Gohan away surprising everyone else, Piccolo gaped at the force behind the attack and called out Gohan in worry, "Gohan!".

Cell Max went to try and attack the rest of the warriors, but Harry appeared beside his face and kicked him away, Ophis blurred above him as Cell Max as he was sent flying away from Harry's kick and she then blasted him further away with a powerful purple ki blast.

Cell Max changed his flying trajectory that Ophis's ki blast sent him on and crashed on the ground a fair distance away, it quickly tried to recover and get up, but both Trunks and Goten raised their hands and fired up a couple of powerful ki beam attack at Cell Max hoping to hit him while he was trying to get up.

But the evil creation saw the attack coming and with a roar, he jumped up to avoid them, 18 who was nearby, quickly aimed a ki Beam attack towards Cell Max's head, however, she was having a hard time taking aim with how fast the evil creation was moving, "Great! How hard could be to hit his damn head! Come on!".

Gamma 1 frowned and tried to shoot at Cell Max's head with energy blasts but none of his attacks hit, "Damn, he's too fast!".

Cell Max ran around Gamma 1, while he kept shooting at him, but when Cell Max got close to the android, he quickly moved out of the way revealing Gamma 2 who was behind him and charging a massive energy orb attack.

Gamma 2, seeing that Cell Max was close, fired the energy attack he had been charging, "Take this!".

The massive energy orb flew forward with a bang and crashed against Cell Max, however, the evil creation was completely unaffected by the attack and just ran through it while reaching for Gamma 2.

Luckily for the Android, Trunks, Goten, and Gohan blasted him away with powerful Ki blasts to the face, forcing Cell Max to stop in his tracks and protect his head from the barrage of KI attacks.

Cell Max became even more crazed in his anger and pain and began to thrash around while trying to hit the young Saiyan hybrids, but before he could even reach them, Harry appeared in a flash of twilight and cross-slashed Cell Max in the face with Oblivion and Oathkeeper.

Cell Max's head whipped to the side and was then engulfed in a twin explosion of darkness and light which sent him stumbling to the side from the force behind Harry's Keyblades.

Not wanting to let Cell Max have any breathing room, Ophis blurred under his chin and flipped-kicked him hard, causing his head to whip upwards and his neck to stretch because the force behind Ophis's flip kick hit him hard.

Cell Max's head soon whipped back to normal and the evil creation looked down, as he let out a growl of pain from the sudden powerful attacks from Harry and Ophis, his world had been rocked hard and that left him open to a surprise attack.

One Piccolo immediately took advantage of, the Namekian blurred behind Cell Max's head and then fired a massive and powerful ki beam attack at Cell Max's weak point.

Cell Max howled in pain and stood there in shock at having his weak spot attacked so harshly, everyone taking part in the fight grinned seeing Piccolo's attack hit head-on and at full force, Goten even fist-pumped in celebration, "He did it!".

Harry however did not celebrate, instead, he narrowed his eyes and then clicked his tongue in annoyance, "It didn't work... his digital energy signature is still flowing strong".

Ophis heard Harry and immediately got ready for a counterattack, while Harry himself powered up a bit in preparation, meanwhile, Piccolo's ki Beam attack soon subsided and revealed that Cell Max's head was undamaged by the ki attack.

Piccolo widened his eyes in shock upon seeing that his surprise attack didn't have any effect, "It didn't work...".

Cell Max suddenly roared in rage as his tail and the many spots on his body began to glow with violet energy, Ophis widened her eyes and immediately turned around, the Dragon of Infinity felt the energy within Cell Max surge and knew to go to Pan, who was unprotected for what's to come.

Harry grunted when he felt Cell Max's energy rise up and immediately called out to everyone, "Guys! Get ready! Something big is coming!".

With one last rage-filled roar, Cell Max unleashed the energy he had gathered and released a shower of violet energy beams that began to rain down all around him, everyone immediately began to fly around trying to avoid the beams of energy.

However, it was becoming more and more difficult for them to do so, given how many beams were coming down on the area, the situation became worse when the beams began to chase after everyone involved in the fight.


As the beams of energy began to spread out from where Cell Max was standing, Ophis raced towards Pan, Krillin, and Bulma, she quickly arrived and stood floating in the air in front of her new friends, she immediately began to slap the beams of energy as fast as she could.

But more and more began to head in her direction and what was worse, they began to grow in both size and power, seeing this Ophis turned her head towards Pan, who was closest to her, "Pan! Run!".

Pan, who was watching with wide eyes at what was happening and how Ophis tried to protect her and her friends, immediately nodded and turned around to run towards Krillin and Bulma, however, the energy beams began to hit to close to them and both Bulma and Krillin were forced to escape.

But not before looking towards Pan in worry as the young Saiyan hybrid ran towards them as fast as she could, Krillin saw an energy beam heading her way and called out to her, "Pan!".

Ophis immediately turned around when she heard Krillin call out to Pan and was about to head over to her to save her, but a barrage of energy beams suddenly crashed against her back, "Gah!".

Ophis despite not getting too hurt, was still caught off guard when the beams of energy followed her and was blasted downwards while being driven into the ground by the force behind the energy attack.

Pan saw what happened to Ophis and was very worried about her, but then watched as the beams of energy began to move towards her, she quickly turned around and took off running as the beam got closer and closer to her.

Krillin called out to Pan in worry as the beam approached her, "Pan, fly!".

Pan ran and ran, of course, heard Krillin and tried to fly, but she had been having trouble doing so for a while now, even with Piccolo's instruction she hadn't been able to fly, so the beam of violet reached her and Pan was engulfed within the energy.

Krillin and Bulma gasped in shock worried for Pan, but to their surprise and relief, Pan suddenly flew out of the beam of energy and got away from it, she looked a bit scuffed and burned but otherwise, she seemed fine as she took off into the sky.

She soon stopped in mid-air a safe distance away from the energy beam attacks, though Pan looked utterly surprised that she was now flying, so much in fact, that she almost lost control and fell, but she quickly focused again and floated on the air with ease.

This made Pan blink a few times in surprise until Krillin flew over to her while carrying Bulma on his back, "Pan, are you okay?".

Pan smiled when she saw that Bulma and Krillin were okay and immediately gave him a nod, "Yep!".

Both Bulma and Krillin sighed in relief feeling better now that they knew that Pan was okay, Krillin smiled and nodded, "thank goodness!".

He then turned his head to the side to speak with Bulma, "See, good thing I was around!".

Bulma laughed a little bit at Krillin's comment but nodded in agreement, "I guess so! But it would have been better if I'd bought along the plane so we could escape".

Krillin nodded and frowned, they just didn't have time to get the plane out of the way, which was a shame, but at least they were okay, however, Pan remembered that Ophis had been hit from behind while she was distracted, "Oh no! Ophis! she got hit!".

Both Krillin and Bulma remember that Ophis had been taken off guard because she was more worried about Pan, so when Pan reminded them of this, they both immediately began to look for her.

Pan quickly flew over the area looking for Ophis while calling out to her, "Ophis! Aunty Ophis! Where are you!? Oph-! Wha!".

A pillar of black and purple energy exploded from the ground not too far from Pan, which cut her off from calling out for Ophis and forced her to close her eyes, but things soon calmed down and Pan immediately looked towards where the pillar of energy exploded out from.

Pan quickly noticed Ophis floating in mid-air right on top of a crater her energy had made, Pan was glad to see that Ophis was okay and brightly smiled in relief.

Though both Bulma and Krillin began to sweat when they noticed something peculiar, Krillin gulped and then said, "Uh oh... Ophis looks pretty mad".

Bulma nodded and nervously laughed a bit, "Yeah, she really does".

Ophis looked over to Pan when she sensed her energy and her expression softened a bit when she saw that Pan was okay, though she quickly turned around and her eyes turned cold and sharp, "... I'm annoyed now...".

Pan was about to fly over to Ophis when she stopped in her tracks when she saw Ophis being engulfed in an orb of black and purple energy, which began to grow and grow until it became a massive egg-like construct.

Pan looked up and gaped at the size of the Orb, "Whoa! It's so big!".

Suddenly the energy egg-like construct shattered and a loud roar echoed throughout the area, Pan, Krillin, and Bulma gaped in awe at the massive serpent-like purple and black dragon that emerged from the energy construct, soon after Pan cheerfully smiled and said, "Ooh! It's a black and purple dragon! Though it looks more like a serpent though...".

Ophis having heard Pan sweatdropped, even though she was a serpentine-type dragon in her dragon god form, that didn't change the fact that she was still a dragon, the slight confusion in Pan's voice hit her pride a little bit.


Everyone looked on as Cell Max roared after almost having blasted everyone away, Goten and Trunks seeing that Cell Max was a very powerful and difficult foe, decided to try to fuse to take him on, however, Ophis' roar stopped them in their tracks in surprise.

Everyone looked back and gaped at Ophis in her dragon god form, except Harry, who just smiled and then chuckled when he saw Ophis sweatdropped and deadpan at something she must have heard, "Well, looks like she was annoyed enough to not hold back as much anymore".

Cell Max noticed Ophis right away and roared at her in challenge, everyone noticed Ophis turned her head towards Cell Max and narrowed her eyes at him, in a burst of incredible speed, Ophis took off flying towards Cell Max and slithered in mid-air to fight him head-on.

Cell Max seemed surprised at the speed Ophis was moving, despite being so massive and long in her dragon god form she was still able to move at impossible speeds, Harry grinned and then called out to everyone, "Guys! Get out of the way!".

Goten, Trunks, Gohan, 18, Piccolo, Gamma 1 and 2 immediately took off flying in the opposite direction and got out of the way of the massive serpentine form of Ophis, meanwhile, Ophis soon appeared right in front of Cell Max a split second later.

Cell Max saw her and quickly whipped his tail towards her head in an effort to stop her, but Ophis just slithered around his tail and wrapped her body around Cell Max, the evil creation growled and roared as soon as Ophis had him in her grasp.

But no matter how much he struggled he couldn't set himself free from Ophis' body, the Dragon God of Infinity leaned her head behind Cell Max's head and opened her jaws wide open.

She soon tried to bite into Cell Max's head, but he immediately moved his head away, Ophis seeing that her bite attack missed opted to charge her energy into her jaws, and this made Cell Max panic.

With no way to escape and being constricted by Ophis, Cell Max was only able to free one arm in his struggle from Ophis, however as soon as the Dragon God of Infinity stopped charging her energy and fired a beam from her opened jaws.

The beam flew out fast but Cell Max was still somehow able to block it with his forearm, Cell Max roared in pain and rage as Ophis let go of his body allowing him to get pushed back from her.

Cell Max pushed and pushed as hard as he could, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop himself from being pushed back and was eventually sent crashing into the wall around the crater he had created with his energy attack.

Harry seeing this immediately called out to everyone else, "Alright! Now that Ophis has his attention and is holding him back we need to destroy Cell Max, charge up and fire your strongest attack at his head!".

Everyone nodded and got ready, however, before anyone could begin to charge up an attack, Gohan suddenly called out to everyone, "Wait!"

The warriors immediately stopped what they were doing and stared at Gohan in surprise, no one expected the young Saiyan hybrid to stop them from finishing Cell Max off.

However Piccolo knew that Gohan had something on his mind and as his teacher and friend, he was willing to listen to his reason for stopping everyone, "Gohan? What is it?".

Gohan smiled at Piccolo and nodded to him, "Mr. Piccolo...".

Thankful for the trust Piccolo was giving him, Gohan turned his head towards Harry and spoke up, "Uncle Harry...".

Harry raised an eyebrow at Gohan but waited for him to speak his mind, he knew that this was important to Gohan and so he was willing to listen.

Gohan sighed and then wasted no time in explaining himself, "You're right, I have been horrible with my time management and have been ignoring what's important for a while now...

It is so easy to forget how fragile peace is, especially because Father and Vegeta are here to defend the Earth, but we... no, I can't keep taking that for granted.

I've seen and experienced so much, enough to know that I have to fight someday again... I won't make excuses anymore guys, I will fight and I will give it my all, on my family, on my training, and on my studies".

Harry and Piccolo smiled at Gohan and gave him a nod, Harry then decided to ask, "I take it you have a plan?".

Gohan nodded, "More or less... despite being busy with my research I have been working on the advice you gave last time you were here Uncle Harry.

In fact, I feel like I'm close to achieving something... something new and unique, but I just had no clue as to how to break through to that new power... until today, when you reminded me of what happened to Mr. Piccolo back when Vegeta and Nappa attacked Earth".

Harry looked into Gohan's eyes and saw a spark, " I see... so you want us to let you handle this then?".

Gohan raised a fist and clenched tightly, while nodding, "Yes! Please let me do this! I have to finish this myself".

Harry moved his gaze towards Piccolo, who huffed and nodded, Harry then smiled and said, "Alright then, go and deal with Cell Max, Ophis will keep him busy, but make sure you destroy him for good!".

Gohan grinned and nodded, with that decided the young Saiyan Hybrid took off flying towards the battle between Ophis and Cell Max, Harry stared at Gohan's leave and then softly smiled, "He certainly has grown into an interesting person".

Piccolo floated towards Harry and huffed in annoyance, "To me, he's still the same crybaby he was when I trained him".

Harry chuckled knowing full well that Piccolo didn't mean those words, in fact, he was sure the Namekian was feeling rather proud of Gohan now, but Piccolo can be such a Tsundere sometimes.

Gohan soon landed not too far from Ophis and Cell Max, he looked up and watched as Cell Max stood up while his arms crumbled into pieces and fell onto the ground, "It seems that energy beam Ophis hit him with, did a lot of damage".

Ophis turned her sight towards Gohan when she sensed him and tilted her head in confusion, "Gohan? What are you doing here, it's dangerous".

Gohan smiled at Ophis and then quickly explained himself, "I'll be taking care of Cell Max but I need some time to prepare, can you hold him back for a bit?".

Ophis stared at Gohan in silence for a few seconds but then moved her gaze towards Harry who was floating in mid-air a long distance away from the battle, she saw him nod at her and that told her that Harry trusted Gohan to come through, "Okay, I'll hold him back, but be quick, I don't want this abomination to fire out more attacks, they're too destructive".

Gohan nodded and Ophis immediately slithered away from him and smacked Cell Max on the face with her tail to distract him, Cell Max roared in pain and rage as a result of Ophis's attack and immediately began to try to hit her.

Gohan seeing that Cell Max was distracted, took a big breath and then closed his eyes as he exhaled, as he began to focus, he thought back on the advice Harry gave him the last time he was in this world, {Gohan, Rage. Rage is the key to your true power and potential, use it and I'm sure you will find a new power, I know you can do it}.

Gohan smiled and nodded to himself, "Harry was right, I've been working on this for a long while now but every time I'm close to achieving something, I just get blocked but today... today I know how to break through my limits!".

Gohan opened his eyes and powered up in his Mystic form, meanwhile in his mind memories of his past battles began to play.

When he couldn't do anything to save Yamcha, Chiatzu and Tenshihan during the Saiyan's attack and watched them die, when he was too afraid to help Piccolo and Krillin and ended up watching Piccolo sacrifice himself for him.

Watching Piccolo die while telling him he was thankful that he was first ever friend was something Gohan has never forgotten, but he had pushed that memory away not wanting to think on how much of a coward and weakling he was back there.

But Harry just reminded him of that time and the emotions he felt back then came surging back, they burned as if had watched all of it happen again, Gohan's eyes teared up in both anger at himself and sorrow.

It was at this moment that something in him sparked awake and roared, Gohan for the second time in his life, let go of all his emotions and let them flood everything in him and thus, with a mighty roar the area was engulfed in a white light.

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