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64.87% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 153: Chapter 153

Chapitre 153: Chapter 153

Reunited with his now upgraded pistol, Shepard smiled and turned his head towards Harry "We're going back to The Citadel, I want to find out what's going on with the asari Ambassador and her sister, I hope she has nothing to do with her slave trading".

Harry nodded "Sounds good, I'll come with, I'm also curious about all of this, plus we always find something fun to take care of in The Citadel".

Shepard nodded, Le Fay then decided to pipe in "I'll go with you guys, I feel like stretching for a bit and a walk around The Citadel sounds good about right now".

Shepard nodded "Okay, we're already on the way, so better get ready to disembark".

Both Le Fay and Harry nodded and went to get ready while Shepard himself, also left to go get his things ready, and put on his armor, you never know what could happen in The Citadel after all.


It didn't take long for Joker to arrive and dock the Normandy in The Citadel, now that he didn't need to drive, he decided to go to Harry's pocket dimension and exercise for a while.

He really wanted to build leg muscles so he can walk or run around everywhere, meanwhile, Shepard, who decided to bring Liara and Wrex with him along with Harry and Le Fay to The Citadel got ready.

So together, they all disembark the Normandy and walked onto The Citadel's dock, however, someone seems to have been waiting for Shepard and as soon as he got close to this person, he saluted and introduces himself "Rear Admiral Mikhailovich, Fifth Fleet".

Shepard saluted to the admiral and introduce himself as well "Commander Shepard, SSV Normandy".

Rear Admiral Mikhailovich sighed and then said "You don't who I am, do you, Commander?

I command the 63rd Scout Flotilla, you and the Normandy were slated for my unit after shakedown, then The Council got their paws... claws, tentacle, whatever, they got them on our ship, and you".

Shepard raised an eyebrow at the hostility in Mikhailovich's voice, but still decided to be polite "I still serve the Alliance, sir, as a Spectre, I can advance our interests to The Council".

The rear admiral frowned "Hmph, you still know what color your blood is, Shepard?

I don't begrudge the politicians' decision to throw you to The Council, it's an... opportunity, I do begrudge this over-designed piece of tin, though!".

Shepard sighed "The Normandy is a fine ship, sir, she's served us well so far".

The rear admiral just shrugged "It's a gimmick, Commander, useless in a stand-up fight, this experiment diverted millions from our appropriations bills, and for the same price, we could've had a heavy cruiser.

But no, we had to make nice to the turians, and throw money at a co-developed boondoggle, I'm here to make an inspection, Commander, Normandy is an Alliance warship, I intend to see she's up to snuff".

Commander Shepard nodded "We'd be honored to show her to you, Admiral".

Rear Admiral Mikhailovich just frowned "I'll just bet, wait here, I won't be long".

The rear admiral then walked past Shepard and headed towards the Normandy, Harry frowned and snapped his fingers, he used his conceptual power over reality to hide all the changes they had made to the Normandy and the door to his pocket dimension.

Meanwhile Le Fay frowned "This guy is just looking for things to nitpick at, I'm sure he's going to be annoying".

Wrex grunted, "Yeah, I agree with you, that guy seems like the annoying type to deal with".

Liara then frowned "He seems to not have aliens in high regard... his comments weren't very polite, in fact, they were rather offensive".

Shepard nodded, he really didn't like the way the rear admiral talked to him and the things he said, but he still wanted to be polite with a fellow Alliance soldier.

Harry frowned "This guy might be a problem... Shepard?".

Shepard turned his head towards Harry "Yeah?".

Harry smiled "Get in contact with Anderson, I have a plan that will allow us, not to have to worry about this sort of thing ever again".

Shepard raised an eyebrow but decided to trust Harry, so he quickly got in contact with Anderson and then let Harry speak to him.


~ Sometime after~

Rear Admiral Mikhailovich came back but had a very annoyed frown on his face, something that Shepard noticed right away "Commander, I'm not happy".

Shepard sighed "I'm sorry to hear that, sir".

The rear admiral shook his head "Who designed that CIC? Putting the Commander after everyone else, is inefficient, what if he needs to discuss with the operators toward the bow?'".

Shepard immediately answered the rear admiral's question "Its modified turian style, they prefer Commanders looking over their subordinates, rather than in the middle of them, we wanted to see how effectively they can command with that set up".

Mikhailovich hummed and he thought over what Shepard just told him "Reasonable goal, but they should have studied that in a lab rather than in a front-line warship.

I have to shake my head at that drive core of yours, 120 billion credits of element zero to make this thing able to move without giving itself away.

Do you realize we could make drive cores for 12,000 fighters with that money? What good is it to hide for a few hours, anyways? Useless!".

Shepard frowned "Men of limited vision said the same thing about early aircraft, submarines, and tanks".

The rear admiral frowned and returned the commander's frown "There are two ways I could take that, Commander, but that is true, I suppose the early U-boats weren't much better.

And we need to talk about your crew, Commander, krogan? asari? turians? What are you thinking Commander? You can't allow alien nationals free access to Alliance equipment, you even have civilians on board doing who knows what?".

The rear admiral turned to pointedly look at Harry and Le Fay, Harry just rolled his eyes at him, while Le Fay just smiled, both of them didn't really care what a stranger had to say about them.

Shepard just sighed "Between Saren and the geth, we have enough enemies out there, treating other species with suspicion and distrust won't win hearts and minds".

Mikhailovich shook his head "That assumes the hearts and minds are worth winning, that hasn't been proven yet, you have anything else to say Commander? Any other justifications for the state of this vessel?".

Shepard just stood up straight and proudly said "I think the Normandy is a good ship, sir, even if you disagree, you have to see that her joint construction and multiracial crew make the Alliance look better".

The rear admiral frowned "Your job is to look good Commander, the Alliance Navy's is to win wars I'm not convinced the Normandy isn't a waste of taxpayer money, but I am convinced that you believe otherwise and that you'll be putting it to good use.

I'll be submitting a report to the Joint Military Council, it will not be as negative as I had planned".

Harry, however, spoke up "There's no need, the Normandy now belongs to me and it's registered as a private vessel for Commander's Shepard use, you no longer have to worry about the Normandy and about all that wasted taxpayer money.

I paid triple of whatever was used in the construction of the Normandy, so all your complaints and backhanded comments have been nothing but a waste of our time".

Rear Admiral Mikhailovich flinched back "What... but that's impossible, no one has that amount of money, and the Alliance would never allow someone to buy this ship! It has too many military secrets!".

Harry shrugged "You can ask Admiral Anderson, he's the one who made it all possible, the Normandy, is no longer under the control of the Fifth Fleet, but if you ask nicely, maybe I'll let them borrow it sometimes".

Mikhailovich scowled and then quickly left, more than likely, he was going to investigate all of this, but Harry was speaking the truth, confronted with that enormous amount of money, the Alliance wasted no time in letting Harry have the Normandy.

Especially, when Harry had declared, that the Normandy would be under the command of Shepard anyways, and so Harry is now the proud owner of the Normandy.

Shepard raised an eyebrow towards Harry "You bought the Normandy? but... that is a big amount of money, are you sure that's okay?".

Harry nodded "Sure! That amount is nothing compared to when all my girlfriends go shopping together~ that's actually cheap for me!".

Everyone turned their heads towards Le Fay, who just smiled "We do like shopping~ especially in Neo Kyoto where you can find anything!".

Everyone sweatdropped at what Le Fay had said, Harry just fondly smiled, he was very happy he can get money easily, otherwise, his wallet would have rebelled and tried to kill him a long time ago.

Wrex then chuckled "That rear admiral, is going to be very annoyed for a long while".

Liara nodded "Yes, but a part of me is alright with this".

Harry chuckled "I bet, he was very anti-alien huh? but oh well, now we don't have to worry about things like this".

Shepard nodded "Yes, thank you, Harry".

Harry nodded "No problem, the ship is your Shepard, do what you need to do".

Shepard nodded, after that, the group then decided to get going with what they came to The Citadel for, and so they headed into The Citadel from the Docks.

After walking out of the elevator and having a very interesting conversation about Normandy's fighting capabilities and new strategies that could be used because of Normandy's stealth capabilities, they stopped right outside the elevator to decide where to go first.

However, as everyone was walking towards the transit station, someone called out to Shepard via communications, Shepard stopped to listen right away "Commander Shepard? Sorry to bother you. This is Lieutenant Girard down in the docking bay.

There's a woman here, uh... she was rescued from batarian slavers a few weeks ago, she's from Mindoir, I guess she was taken, in the raid on your town".

Shepard held his ear and talked back to Girard "She's been a slave for the past 13 years? Is she all right?".

Girard quickly responded "Not really, she's a little messed up, she got free somehow and grabbed a gun from one of my guys.

Now, she's holed up here in the docking bay, and she, uh- says she wants to die, I hoped you'd talk to her, it's a long shot, but you went through the same thing, the raid, I figured maybe you could talk her out of it".

Shepard looked down for a few seconds, but then nodded and responded right away "I'm on my way, Lieutenant, sit tight".

Girard responded right away "Anything you can do would be great, I don't want to- she's been through enough, I'll have my men stand by for you".

Shepard then turned his head towards everyone "Looks like we're going back to the docks, we have a situation and we have to deal with it as soon as possible, Harry I might need your help on this one, so be ready for anything".

Hery nodded "All right, but explain the situation as we ride the elevator".

Shepard nodded and everyone immediately went back to the elevator and rode it back to the docks, while Shepard explained what was happening.


It didn't take long to arrive and Shepard immediately looked around, he noticed two humans standing ahead, and guessing that one of them was Girard, he decided to walk over to him.

Wrex sighed "Well, we didn't even make it too far from the elevator and something happens, Shepard really has some lousy luck".

Liara nodded "It's quite intriguing to see though, I'm curious about the sort of things, Shepard's luck could cause".

Shepard sighed "Please don't blame all of this on me...".

Harry chuckled and shook his head in amusement, while Le Fay smiled in amusement, Shepard finally arrived at where the two humans were standing, one of them, turned around the moment he noticed Shepard approaching.

The man immediately saluted Shepard and spoke to him "Commander, glad to see you".

Shepard nodded "Wish it were under better circumstances, where is she?".

Girard nodded, he too wished, him and Shepard met under better circumstances, but at the moment they needed to deal with the situation and so he quickly answered Shepard's question "Behind those shipping containers, I've got a sniper positioned, but I don't think we'll need him, she's only a danger to herself.

We've got a sedative to calm her down, but we can't get close to her, every step we take gets her more hysterical".

Shepard nodded "Alright, I'll take care of it, so tell your men to stand by".

Shepard then moved his sight toward Harry, Harry noticed Shepard's look and nodded at him to let him know, that he'll be ready for anything that might happen.

Girard nodded to Shepard and told his men to stand by, he then turned his head towards Shepard "Don't push her too hard, if she seems liable to pull the trigger, back off, or walk away, I'm willing to wait her out, good luck Commander".

Shepard nodded to Girard and then walked over to where the woman was hiding, however, she immediately panicked and pointed her gun towards Shepard "S-stop! What do you- what are you?".

Shepard calmly began to talk "My name is Shepard, Lieutenant Girard sent me to talk to you, what's your name?".

Harry and the rest of the group were a bit away from Shepard and the woman, but he was giving this conversation his full attention, however, what he was about to hear next was going to make him very upset.

The woman looked down "Animals don't get names, the masters put their symbols on her, hot metal all over her back, and she screams when they do it".

Now Shepard, really did not like what he heard, but he decided to keep calmly talking to her "You're not an animal, your parents? What did they call you? Do you remember them?".

The woman frowned and looked down "She remembers a lot of things... Talitha, they call her that, sh-she doesn't remember the rest... leave her alone".

Shepard, decided to try to coax her to answer more questions, he trusted Harry to do something if this went sideways "What's the last thing you remember from Mindoir?".

Talitha looked very tired and scared "Fires, smells of smoke and burning meat, animals screaming as the master cage them, as they put the metal to their backs, put wires in their brains...".

Talitha then began to whisper to herself "She pretends to be dead, if she's dead, she can't work, but they know, she hopes they'll leave, but they put her in the pen... she didn't fight, she was already broken when they put the wires in".

Shepard sadly frowned everything he heard was pretty horrific "Talitha, you were what? Six years old? No one blames you for staying quiet and hoping they'd go away, the only person blaming you is you".

Talitha looked down "She wants to believe that, she wants to believe nothing would change, she doesn't want to be there anymore, in the past, in the cages, lying quiet while they do things to her".

Shepard nodded "I'm going to take a step toward you now, okay?".

Shepard took a step closer, but Talitha suddenly panicked "No! She's not good, don't want to be handled again!".

Shepard wanting for her to calm down, decided to ask her some questions, to keep her distracted "How did you get here? Did you escape?".

It seems his question worked in distracting her, Talitha immediately forgot her panic and answered the question "She can't escape, they have chains, wires, needles... you go too far, they take your brains away.

Animals like her come, animals with guns, they make the masters explode, she tries to fix the masters, so they won't be mad at her, she puts all reds and purples back in, but they don't move, the other animals take her".

Le Fay gasped and sadly shook her head, Harry frowned as he listen to what this young woman went through, and he quietly whispered, "Stockholm Syndrome huh...".

Even Shepard looked at Talitha sadly "You were afraid, all you'd known for 13 years was the 'masters' abuse, so you tried to heal them".

Talitha looked down and seemed a bit lost "she doesn't want to see other animals, they're not real, they can't be real, they can't see her, if the animals see her, then this is real, but it can't be, the wires, the chains, the hitting... this doesn't happen to her, it's another girl, a dirty girl, a stupid girl, she deserves it!.

It- it happens to her, doesn't it? They see her, so it's real, she doesn't want it to be real".

Shepard sighed, this was getting to him as much as it was getting to Talitha. but he knew he needed to keep trying to help, so he decided to take another step forward "I'm going to take another step toward you, okay?".

Shepard did so and Talitha looked away "She doesn't want- don't touch her!".

But Shepard immediately asked her a question to distract her "What happened to your parents?".

Talitha turned her head back towards Shepard and blinked, but she still answered the question "There's- she sees them, they're yelling, run, hide, they hit the masters, but the masters, they have lights and hoses... daddy's- he's melting!.

Sh-she doesn't want to see that! Don't make her look! Don't make her look, Don't look! Stupid, stupid!".

Shepard nodded and then calmly said, "I know it hurts, Talitha, I'm sorry, but you need to deal with it, what happened to them? Think".

Talitha raised a hand and held her head "When she thinks, water comes out of her eyes, the masters beat her when she wastes water, so she doesn't think anymore.

She sees them, mommy and daddy, burning in white light, melting, going to pieces, they can't even say anything to her... they're dead Shepard, they try to save her and the masters burn them... can she stop remembering now? Please?".

Shepard nodded and then calmly said, "I'm going to take another step closer toward you now, okay?".

Shepard took another step closer to Tabitha, the poor young woman looked tired and just plain done "Please don't touch her, she's dirty, you'll catch it!".

Shepard took a breath and then began to speak "I was on Mindoir, my parents died in the raid".

But Talitha shook her head "Lying, you get hit for lying, get the buzz or the burning, can't be here, why are you alive?! Why are you- why aren't you like her?! Broken, only fit to dig and carry".

Shepard immediately answered Talitha's question "For a while I was broken, I lost my whole family, Talitha, my friends, my childhood, I had to pull myself up and keep going".

Talitha looked down "You lost your mommy and daddy, but you don't dig, you don't carry, you stand up... she wishes she could stand up".

Shepard then gave Talitha a small soft smile "Talitha, this will make you sleep, if you fall asleep, they'll take you to a place where you can get better".

Shepard handed Talitha the sedative and she quickly took it, she then stared at Shepard and asked "Will she have bad dreams?".

Shepard shook his head and then hugged Talitha "You'll dream of a warm place, and when you wake up, you'll be in it".

Talitha began to slowly close her eye and smiled "She'd like that... it hurts when she- when I remember me, but she wants to remember...".

Talitha slumped in Shepard's arms and then, slowly took a knee while holding Talitha's sleeping body, Shepard stared at her and sadly frowned "Harry?".

Harry walked up to Shepard and stood beside him "Yeah?".

Shepard looked up at Harry, and then stared at her "Is there anything you can do to help her?".

Harry smiled at Shepard and nodded "You remember I told you about my priestesses right?".

Shepard nodded, so Harry continued to speak "Well, what I didn't tell you, was the circumstances that led them to become my dragon priestesses...

You see, they use to be holy maidens of the church, but a devil, of so-called noble blood, kidnapped them, and abused them spiritually, physically, and mentally for years... the bastard had been doing this for a while and no one knew.

He tried to use them to do something stupid, and I was forced to get involved, when I found out about them and saw how broken they were, I took them away from the church and from the devils and along with everyone in Neo Kyoto, help them heal.

They become my priestesses out of a sense of gratitude and at first, I wanted to refuse, but I couldn't turn them away, not when the god they used to believe in was dead and couldn't answer their prayers and when the devils didn't really care.

So I built my temple in Neo Kyoto, not to be worshipped, but rather as a home for those poor women who were forced to become something they hated, and have been broken in every possible way, all so they can heal, recover and go on with their life.

I can do the same thing for Talitha, sure, she would live in another world and whatnot, but with nothing holding her back in this one, she can start fresh in my world, and my priestesses will be able to help her as well.

The girls and I will also be able to help her with her mental trauma and we can even heal everything that was done to her, make her body go back to pristine condition".

Shepard turned his head towards Talitha and stared at her as she slept, he then nodded "Do it, and please, make sure she's happy".

Harry bent down and patted Shepard's shoulder "Don't worry, we'll take care of her, for now though, we'll keep her in stasis in my workshop and take her with us when we go back to our world".

Shepard nodded, and Harry turned his head towards Le Fay "Fay, mind taking her to my workshop? please".

Le Fay nodded and then walk over to Shepard, she gently made Talitha's sleeping body float and then began to walk towards the Normandy, which was not that far away, with Talitha's sleeping body floating behind her.

Shepard stood up and sighed "That was really hard to hear... at least, the bastards who did all of that to her are dead now".

Harry nodded and stood up as well "Yeah, I'll be asking Death to make their souls suffer for all of eternity...".

Shepard nodded, then the squad began to walk over to Girard, as he stood away from the area and waited to find out what happened.

Wrex grunted in anger, he knew he wasn't a good guy, but there were some really horrible people out there in the galaxy and those people make him look good in comparison, but still, to make a living being suffer as Talitha did, it was completely unacceptable to him.

Liara sadly frowned, she had heard of slavers and some horrific stories of what they do, but what she just heard Talitha say, was something entirely different, it was just horrible what she went through and Liara felt bad for her.

She was glad that Harry will be making sure she will be okay and have a good life, with how little she knew of him, she knew that he was a good person and someone you can trust to do the right thing.

Inwardly she wished Talitha a happy life and a good recovery, even though she knew that those kinds of scars never heal.


The squad walked up to Girard, and he wasted no time in asking Shepard a question "Is it over, Commander?".

Shepard nodded "She took the sedative, she wants to get better Lieutenant, I have some people that can help her and give her a good life from now on".

Girard smiled and nodded "Thank you, Commander, that means a lot, I didn't want to hurt her, it's just, when I saw her curled into a ball, shivering... she was only six when they took her, why the hell are we out here if we can't even keep one little girl safe?".

Shepard and Harry smiled at Girard, Shepard then said, "Bad things happen to good people Lieutenant, that's why you and I are here, we have to help with everything we can".

Harry nodded "Do what you can, together you guys will be able to help even more people, don't lose hope Girard, and keep being yourself, your a good guy".

Girard nodded "Yes sirs!" Shepard nodded, while Harry raised an eyebrow, he hasn't been called sir since he was an Anbu so it surprised him a bit but just shrugged it off and nodded.

Girard then continued speaking "Thank you for your help Commander, I hope you can get her all the help she'll need".

Shepard nodded, and then the squad decided to wait for Le Fay to get back by the elevator, though all of them had a few things on their mind after everything they heard Talitha say.


Le Fay returned to the squad a few minutes later and told Harry that she had put Talitha under a stasis ward, when she next wakes up back in Neo Kyoto, it will be like no time ever passed by, meanwhile, Harry will be helping her with her trauma and memories while she sleeps with his mental abilities.

With all of that done, the group got into the elevator and rode it down, it didn't take long to arrive at The Citadel and the squad walked out of the elevator, however, a woman suddenly called out to them "Khalisah Bint Sinan Al-Jilani, Westerlund news, would you answer a few questions to the viewers".

Harry raised an eyebrow "Wow, that's some name...".

Le Fay nodded "Can you imagine her signature, or having to write her full name on a card or something?".

Wrex chuckled "I'm surprised she can say her full name without making mistakes, I would have done so myself".

Liara didn't say anything, but she too was surprised at the reporter's name, she just didn't want to seem rude or anything.

Shepard however sighed but nodded "What do you want to know?".

Khalisah Al-Jilani immediately answered Shepard's question "You've been given a unique position to represent our race, people want to get a sense of how you'll do that".

The reporter then fiddled with her onmitool and prepared her camera drone to begin the interview, a bright light suddenly shined over Shepard as Khalisah Al-Jilani began her interview "Humans have been trying to get the respect of the galactic community for 26 years, with that in mind, what are your feelings in being the first human Spectre?".

Shepard nodded and answered the question "The Spectres represent the best of every species in the galaxy, to be asked to join them is an honor".

Khalisah Al-Jilani then said, "Some have said your appointment is The Citadel 'throwing humans a bone', have you encountered any situations where The Citadel asked you to place its needs before the needs of Earth?".

Shepard raised an eyebrow at the question but still answered it "The Council is concerned with the needs of the whole galactic community, we're part of that community now, our needs are on their agendas, but we're one of many".

Khalisah Al-Jilani tilted her head "You really believe that, don't you?" Shepard nodded, which made the reporter frown, but she kept going "You've been given command of an advanced human warship for your mission, is there anything you like to say about it?".

Shepard smiled "Actually, the Normandy was co-developed by human and turian engineers, its design incorporates many innovations, all of which are classified, I'm afraid".

Khalisah Al-Jilani then said, "So the turians have knowledge of the Normandy that is kept secret from the Alliance public? Do you think it was appropriate to hand Earth's most advanced warship over to The Citadel?".

Harry frowned and then got his smartphone ready, just in case he needed to do something, this reporter was obviously trying to stir up something, meanwhile, Shepard just continued to answer honestly "I wasn't aware it had been 'handed over' to anyone, I'm in command, and last I checked I'm human, same goes for my crew".

Wrex, Liara, and Harry deadpanned at Shepard, they weren't human, so what? They didn't count or something? Le Fay saw this and giggled in amusement.

Khalisah Al-Jilani then responded with "Human, yes, but you do work for The Citadel now, Commander... one last question, rumors back home say you're tracking a 'Rogue Spectre' named Saren, do you have any comment on that?".

Shepard immediately answered the question "Saren instigated the attack on our colony at Eden Prime, once his involvement was proven to The Council, I was assigned to bring him in".

Khalisah Al-Jilani actually looked surprised by Shepard's answer "That's... surprising Commander, the official line says Eden Prime was attacked by rogue synthetics, good luck in your mission".

The camera turned off and Khalisah Al-Jilani nodded to Shepard "Thank you for your time, Commander Shepard".

The reporter turned around and left, Harry hummed and then suddenly said, "I don't know why, but for some reason, I really wanted to punch her in the face, I wonder why?".

Wrex grinned "She did have a very punchable face".

Liara just shook her head, while Le Fay nodded in agreement, she herself felt like she wanted to punch Khalisah Al-Jilani in the face for some odd reason.

Shepard crossed his arms and thought about what Harry said, he had to admit, that while Khalisah Al-Jilani was asking questions, he had to fight the urge to punch her in the face.

It was a really odd feeling, but one that had him thinking about it, a few minutes later he just shrugged and pushed it aside, he had better things to do than to wonder why Khalisah Al-Jilani had a very punchable face.


After that, Shepard and the group left deciding to walk around to both calm down after what they heard from Talitha and having to deal with Khalisah Al-Jilani, so they went to the wards to relax a bit.

Plus something interesting is always happening in the wards and they wanted to see what they could find, as they began their walk around, they noticed a sole C-Sec Officer inspecting his omnitool.

Curious, Shepard approached, the C-Sec Officer heard Shepard's footsteps and turned around to see who was walking up to him, however, his eyes widen a bit as he saw Shepard "Hey, I know you, you're Shepard, right? I saw the monument at Akuze, they got a whole section about you there, it's a miracle you survived".

Harry smiled "A second fan huh?".

Shepard just sighed but still smiled, he knew Harry was just poking fun of him, the C-Sec Officer suddenly got a bit embarrassed "I'm sorry, I've just never thought I'd meet someone like you in person, my name's Lang, Officer Eddie Lang, Citadel Security.

It's an honor to meet you, Commander, what are you doing down here in the wards? Anything I can help with?".

Shepard smiled and decided to converse with Eddie, he seemed like a good guy after all "Why'd you join Citadel?".

Eddie shrugged but smiled as he answered the question "I don't know, seemed like the right thing to do, you know? Maybe it's in my blood, my grandpa was a cop back on Earth.

It's kind of what C-Sec is, Police for the Citadel, I'm still pretty new at it, but I like it so far, way more interesting than staying back on Earth.

You get to meet all kinds of cool aliens, like those Hanar, wild~ plus, C-Sec gets a lot of respect here, we uphold the law, people- even aliens- appreciate that".

Harry smiled, it was nice to meet someone who likes aliens, and seems very excited about their jobs, especially since he had met some very jaded people lately.

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