After my performance the judges ask me to comeback and I was given a golden ticket for my next audition,for the very first time in my life I was hugged by a celebrity,I was very happy.
Max was outside waiting for me to come out ,he didn't even wait for me to him the good news , he already know that I did well ,that was like the beginning for my career
I went home very happy that day , I told my mom the good news ,she said,she watched it on tv and also was in tears,I hug her with tears rolling down my cheek ,she ask me not to cry that it was the beginning and starting point for my career
Mom feed me with sweet and I was very happy and she told about my father coming back next month ,I was very happy to hear that but never can tell when he will come
Because my dad is like a ghost ,he will tell you he is coming next month don't be surprised when you see him during the weekend in the house,he has done that several time so I didn't take it to heart when my mom told he is coming next month 😳😳😳
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