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100% DC: Blue Marvel / Chapter 3: Reboot Chapter 1: Injustice is that you!

Chapitre 3: Reboot Chapter 1: Injustice is that you!

[AN: After re-reading this fic and learning more about the DC universe, I felt like the Amazon would not have just accepted him even if they thought he was there due to a god and they would have asked the Greek gods and we all know how that would have gone, one of them would have been power hungry or used the MC to dethrone Zeus or worse Zeus would have wanted to play the "grape game but remove one g" with the MC.

So I thought I would reboot it, I will not be writing this story right now, or at the least not posting it since I would like to have some chapters already done so I can form a scheduled release when I am free to work on this project.

For those that really wanted to know how the old version would have ended, I'll think about it and give you a quick resume when I come back to this fic.]

I was in a void-like place. There was nothing to orient me. After what seemed like an hour but was probably five minutes, I heard a voice and saw a blue transparent panel in front of me.

[Welcome young soul. I have good news and bad news. You will get reincarnated now it is time to spin the wheel for what most of you guys call "cheats" but you will not be able to choose the world you're going to. After that, you will choose your appearance and then be on your way. Oh, I sense that you are worried about the selection, there have been a lot of complaints about it thus we have added a new feature called tweak. It is called the three-wish bonus with that you can get another spin or something similar. Any questions]

Me: Yes, do I have to use the wishes after the spin?

[No, you can use them at any time until you leave]

Me: Then, I would like to use my first wish now.

[Hm… I see, that is quite clever. Go ahead.]

Me: I wish to have "Ultra Magnus hyper infinite absolute Super Luck".

[I am quite surprised how many people never think of this little trick. *SNAP* You may now spin.]

A wheel appeared in front of me, and I spun it. After what seemed like an eternity it stopped.

[Power: Jean Grey (Phoenix Force), World: DC- Comics]


I was over the moon. I got a powerful character and regardless of the nutjob that was DC comic world, the Phoenix Force, alone, was overpowered enough to make me go toe-to-toe with being like Perpetua. As I was celebrating, I noticed something.

[*Error* *Error* Power not available. *Error* *Error*]

Me: Excuse me… What does this mean?

[Well it means what it means. You are not getting that power and before you ask it is because you wished for the "Ultra Magnus hyper infinite absolute Super Luck". Bad luck is still Luck but have no fear, since there was an error that means protocol 420-69 must be followed. You will get five wishes where you can ask anything of equal or less power than the power you would have gotten. This is for each of the five wishes. Also they can not come from the DC Universe.]

I went through several emotions before coming to acceptance of what had just happened. It took me twenty minutes to come to terms with this as well as to think of my five wishes that could allow me to survive in the world of DC and I would make sure to test the limit of my luck.

Me: For my first of the five wishes, I would like to be a Viltrumite with the abilities of Blue Marvel from Marvel and Merlin's abilities from Seven Deadly Sins.

I am sure that there are thousands of people that would be screaming that Blue Marvel is cool but he will not be able to beat Superman. To which I would respond beating Superman was not the reason why I picked him.

The key point in every wish is to allow me to survive in the world of DC Comics. And no matter which universe I whined up in, I would still be at the mercy of being erased once the Anti-Monitor make his move... Now remind me, what Blue Marvel's main ability? That is right, Anti-Matter Energy Absorption Physiology which means I would not have to worry about the Anti-Monitor erasing me since his Anti-matter wave would basically be my yellow sun.

Merlin's magical ability, Infinity, is classified as a cheat by all that heard it so you can understand why I would like to have that ability.

[It is accepted. Next?]

Me: For my second of the five wishes, I would like the abilities of Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom from Marvel.

Dr. Strange is Marvel's equivalent to Dr. Fate so I had to pick him for his magical abilities alone, I also picked Dr. Doom since he also has knowledge in both magical and scientific fields. He is also badass.

A Revived Celestial passed judgment on him and told him that he would pass the test if he simply admitted that Reed Richards was better than him. My guy simply turned around and proclaimed himself to have passed the test... AND THEN THE CELESTIAL SAID HE PASSED!

In one of the universe, Dr. Doom actually brought world peace and made the world a better place. The only thing that was different from Doom was that he had let go of his ego.

[It is accepted. Next?]

Me: For the third of the five wishes, I would like to have Mahoraga's abilities from Jujutsu Kaisen.

Being able to adapt and counter or nullify your opponents' abilities is a must in the crazy omniverse that is DC. With the tenacity of the Viltrumite physiology, I could survive long enough to adapt to what my opponent threw at me.

[It is accepted. Next?]

Me: For the fourth of the five wishes, I would like to have the intellect and knowledge of Tony Stark A.K.A Iron Man, Rick Sanchez (Prime Rick), Azmuth from Ben 10 series, Megamind, Reed Richards A.K.A Mr. Fantastic and Nathaniel Richards A.K.A Kang the Conqueror.

Power and hax mean jackshit if you are too dumb to use them efficiently.

[It is accepted. Next?]

Me: For my final wishes, I would like to have the abilities of the Scarlet Witch from Marvel with the additional ability that no one can steal, copy, seal, or interfere in any negative way with my powers, body, soul, and mind.

Wanda is one of the very few beings with the ability to damage the Phoenix Force as well as warp reality and with the combined knowledge of Dr. Strange, Dr. Doom, and Merlin in the mystical arts, I would be able to use it to its full power.

[It is accepted.]

[Now on to your appearance.]

I carefully chose my appearance; a youthful man with dark skin and golden eyes. He has shaggy black hair with braided bangs covering his forehead.

[Oh right you will forget every DC knowledge you had when you reincarnate.]


[You are already as mortal say "OP".]

Me: ... You know what I guess that fai-

Before I could even finish the portal moved toward me and I was reincarnated.

[Now that I think about it, he never asked what I was. Funny guy… Oh, right I forgot to tell him that his "Ultra Magnus hyper infinite absolute Super Luck" will still affect him after leaving, bringing him a bit of a bad event which may end in a good way or bad depending on the way he views it… whatever now let the show begin.]


[Third Person's Point of View]

On Themyscira during the Second World War, Diana and a group of Amazon Soldiers were training in the forest, with Diana being tested to see if she could defend herself in a fight. When cornered, she unleashed her full fury but accidentally injured her lifelong friend Calliope, causing the training to end.

She goes to comfort Calliope, but she is pushed aside by Calliope's Sister and the leader of the group of soldiers, who are scolding Diana for her actions. Despite explaining what would happen in real combat situations, she is told off for unleashing too much of her power that she is forced away in tears, whilst the rest of the soldiers go to comfort Calliope.

Later on the Beach, Diana can be seen crying about what she did earlier until she sees something moving on the beach. Running toward the scene of interest, she sees two men who are crawling to get help and when she offers her help, a group of Amazon Archers surround both men who are caught by surprise by the Amazon Archers.

At the capital city of Themyscira, one after another both men are interrogated by Queen Hippolyta who is using the Lasso of Truth to find out everything about the prisoners, who are in front of a large throne of Amazons including Diana herself.

The first man reveals himself to be an American Soldier who goes by the name of Steve Trevor, although Queen Hippolyta doubts that he is a soldier due to his small size before he reveals that he is an American Pilot.

The second man goes by the name of Idris Brashear, he reveals himself to be a scientist which the Queen also doubts due to his tall size before he states that he is also a reluctant soldier in the pointless war. They crashed on this island due to his prototype plane malfunctioning and stranding them at sea.

Before Idris can explain any further, Steve Trevor explains that there is a war going on and that he needs to help his side win against the warmongering faction, and Diana offers to aid but Queen Hippolyta denies it at first since she believes that the conflict is just between 'Men Only' and doesn't concern Amazon Business at all.

Idris agrees with the queen stating that from their point of view, the best action would be to kill both men since no one knows where they are and as some amazons are contemplating on the possibility, Idris finish his sentence by stating that if Germany were to win the War they would rule the world.

It might not be today or next year or even within the next decade but one day, Germany would find this place and when they did, they would only look at the Amazon as a people to be conquered and convert those that matched the Aryan race preference.

The Amazons felt insulted by Idris' statement that implied that they would lose if they were attacked. Queen Hippolyta is tempted to execute Idris but despite her judgment, Diana manages to sway Queen Hippolyta to agree to go with both men to end the war, and she gets her mother's blessing for the trip.

Diana sees her friend Calliope who wishes that she control her rage, and take care of herself. On the ship, Steve Trevor tells Wonder Woman about what to expect in 'Man's World' and what to fight for, whilst Wonder Woman asks him about the issues that the right side is fighting for.

Before Steve can answer, Idris takes over and speaks.

"What is the right side fighting for? Well, here is the thing about war, there is no right side only victors and losers. The side that wins in the end will be the right side while the side that loses in the end will be the wrong side. My advice to you is to not get emotional, trust no one, and take nothing personal."

"You have a very bleak look in life, Idris."

Diana states to which Steve laughs before speaking as Idris goes to the other side of the ship.

"Don't mind him, Diana, like I said before, he is America's grumpiest genius who can win us a war."

The Conversation ends with Steve Trevor telling what Diana would be when they arrive in America. She soon makes an impact on the Allies in World War Two, with Diana Prince, now known as Wonder Woman becoming a famous icon appearing on bombs, as well as becoming the love of Steve Trevor.

Both of them along with Idris joined the All-Star Squadron, the premiere superhero team in the United States during World War II. President Roosevelt asked all available super individuals to unite. Diana was an active member while Steve and Idris were logistics members.

The active members consisted of Atom, Flash (known as Jay Garrick), Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson), Doctor Mid-Nite (Charles McNider), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Firebrand (Danette Reilly), Sandman (Wesley Dodds), Hourman and Wonder Woman (Princess Diana).

They did serious damage to the enemy and helped tremendously in the War effort or so they thought. A month later, Wonder Woman wakes up to be told by the bad news that all of their efforts with the allies have hardly dented the Nazi War Machine.

She and Steve Trevor went to an HQ to interrogate a Nazi Spy. On the way, a bomb drops on a building throwing both Steve Trevor and Wonder Woman off to the side, and when they recover to their feet, bodies are lying everywhere in the area.

When Wonder Woman finds a dead boy, she complains about the Nazis killing children, although Steve Trevor is anxious to get to the location to interrogate the spy. Despite a brutal beating from Steve Trevor, the Nazi Spy shouts 'Heil Hitler!' over and over again, and the British Spy Intelligence Officers have to restrain Steve Trevor before he fatally killed the spy.

Left with no choice, they asked Doctor Fate for his assistance once more to which they were surprised by his acceptance. He had previously stated that he would not meddle in every affair in the war just the big battles but he changed his mind due to the insistent pleas of his host.

When Doctor Fate used his magic to make the spy reveal his secrets, the three All-Star Squadron members were shocked to learn that there was another spy in their ranks. When asked by Diana who was the other spy's name, the captured spy said that it was Idris Brashear.

Steve while shocked requested that this information be kept a secret while he investigated it as he could not let false information ruin the life of his friend or so he said. The All-Star Squadron was later assembled at the call of Idris who showed them a beaten and tied up Steve.

Diana almost snapped his neck when she rushed towards Idris and lifted him by the neck.

"What did you do to Steve?"

She yelled to which Idris responded in a raspy and choked voice.

"H-he is a nazy spy... you dumb bitch!"

That response almost got him killed but Green Lantern managed to calm the situation down to the point of making Diana let Idris down. After being free from Diana's grasp, Idris spoke as he rubbed his throat.

"Steve is the Nazy spy, he tried to plant evidence in my place. Little did he know I trust anyone here as much as I can hug them."

"But I never saw you hug anyone."

Flash said to which Idris responded.

"And that's my point. I caught him in the act and tortured the information out of him and learned quite the story."

"You tortured Steve!"

Diana yelled as she was being restrained by Green Lantern. She still could not believe what Idris had said, in fact, were it not for Doctor Fate currently inspecting as well as healing Steve while reading his mind, she would have freed him already.

"He was coming after me and I ain't one to let this kind of shit slide... Anyway, remember how we met Princess? Well, the funny thing is that if my invention had not malfunctioned, Steve would have killed me as that was his goal at the time. Killing me while making it look like a testing accident but once you showed up, he got himself another target... Lucky me."

"You're lyin-"

"He is telling the truth."

Doctor Fate interrupted Diana's denial shocking everyone. This information was brought up to the chain of command who decided to cover it up as the news of someone as loved as Steve being a Nazy Spy would demoralize the troops.

If that did not displease Idris what came next did. He was sanctioned for his acts of torture and forced to become an active member of the All-Star Squadron which meant he had to fight in the front lines. He truly had unique luck.

After Steve's identity was revealed to the All-Star Squadron, things changed, Diana became more cold-hearted towards men, especially Idris who earned a lot of contributions through his inventions, (weapons) and achieved a high rank in the military. 

As the war reached its climax, the All-Star Squadron was sent to assist a unit that had been ambushed. When they got there, they were told by Doctor Fate that powerful magic was at play. The enemy had formed a counterpart Squadron to theirs and they were here.

The enemy squadron was summoning a powerful chaos lord which would require Doctor Fate to request help in dealing with it, they could not stop the ritual as that would make things worse because of... well magic. The other problem with that was the fact that the enemy squadron composed of superhumans would not stand still and let them fight the Chaos Lord.

The All-Star Squadron needed the help of the unit that they had come to help which was ironic. It was not lost on them and when they tried to request help, they saw that the soldiers had already lost the will to fight.

It was not stated but everyone knew that the soldiers would all die if they fought the All-Star Squadron's counterpart. The soldiers were brave but that courage faded away after they had seen most of their companions suffer a fate worse than death at the hands of the All-Star Squadron's counterpart.

To make matters even worse, from Idris' perspective, the ambient chaos magic had fried his weapons. He was as likely to die as the rest of the soldiers that they had come to help here. Left with no choice, Idris gathered everyone and spoke.

"We are going to lure the enemy away while the All-Star Squadron fights the Chaos Lord."

The soldiers were shaken by his words as he continued.

"Standing and waiting just means we'll be wasting our time before they decide to attack us. Get ready on the double!"

"A-Aren't we... heading to our... deaths?"

A soldier musters enough strength to speak to which Idris responds immediately.


"If we're gonna die anyways, you're saying it's better... if we die fighting?"

The same soldier asked once more to which Idris responded with the same answer.


"Wait... if we're gonna die anyways, no matter how we die, even if it's disobeying orders, it all means nothing right? I mean you also lost your gadgets so you are the same as us."

The soldier said with even more fear than he had previously. At this moment, the All-Star Squadron wanted to say something but they knew it would land on death ears since to the soldiers, they were superhuman and unlike them, they had powers that allowed them to fight the enemy that they were going to face.

"You are absolutely right."

Idris said causing everyone to look at him with a similar thought.

'Ain't you supposed to give a motivational speech right now instead of bumming the troop's morale?'

Idris did not pay attention to their look and continued.

"It is all meaningless. No matter how many dreams and hopes you have... No matter how happy your life may be... If you are shredded by a hail of bullets... it's all the same. We will all die."

The morale hit an all-time low as Idris still continued, Diana was about to stop him but Doctor Fate stopped her.

"Does that mean that life is meaningless?"

Idris said as he picked up a rifle.

"Was there even any meaning in us fighting in this war?"

Idris said as he loaded the rifle.

"Would you say that of our fallen comrades? Their lives... were they meaningless?"

He paused before bringing his rifle down as he shouted

"No, they weren't! It's us who gives meaning to our comrades' lives!"

His shouts caught everyone outside of Doctor Fate by surprise.

"The brave fallen! The anguished fallen! The ones who will remember them are us the living. We die trusting the living who follow to find meaning in our lives! That is the sole method by which we can rebel against this cruel war!"

Diana along with the rest of the All-Star Squadron could see the spark of courage and determination being reignited in the soldiers' eyes. Idris marched to battle while his back was facing them and spoke.

"If you want to stay here that is fine with me but I ain't letting them kill me while cowering in fear, a fearless idiot is a better death than dying on my knees. If you step up and want to fight then you will become my soldiers as I lead the charge and remember this.

When faced with the impossible, My soldiers rage! My soldiers scream! My soldiers fight!"

The All-Star Squadron watched as the soldiers who had lost the will to fight suddenly grabbed their rifles and followed Idris. The records after this moment were erased, all that is known about this battle is that the All-Star Squadron won at the cost of every soldier there and that Doctor Fate banished their counterpart along with the chaos lord they had summoned into a far, very far place which even he would not be able to escape.


Question for you guys who stuck for this long, since I did a reboot, I feel like I owe you guys this decision at the very least, Will the MC be:

A Good Guy? (As in the classic gooddoer)


A chaotic Guy? (As in he will do his own thing some bad stuff, some good stuff and a little bit of both)

Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]

Isekai_enjoyer Isekai_enjoyer

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