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Chapitre 6: Times of Change

Winterfell 276 AC

"Excellent work Lord Brandon, at this rate you're going to run out of men willing to spar with you!" Exclaimed the young master of arms Rodrick Cassel. I guess in this version Rodrick is the Master of Arms while his brother Martyn is the head of the household guard. Maybe the first butterfly effect?

"Thank you Ser Rodrick, it is thanks to your teachings I've progressed so far. Ned its your turn come face the Master of Arms" I yell at my younger brother. At 14 I already am pushing 6 feet and brimming with muscle. Whatever the people of Planetos are made of bread some massive humans. The Mountain, The Great Jon, Hodor, and Duncan the tall to name a few would have been absolute units on a modern sports field. Imagine The Greatjon as a tackle in the NFL, by the Gods or the Mountain at almost 8 feet tall and jacked. He would make Shaq look like a puny guard. As a 14 year old I've basically beat every guard and men at arms in the Stark household into the dirt. Be it my genes as the original Brandon Stark was suppose to be full of the Wolfs Blood and a great swordsman or the blessing the God gave me, I am safely one of if not the best swords in the North at my age. While not at Ser Arthur Dayne or Barristan the Bold level, give me a few years and I'd be able to best either on a bad day

My younger brother Ned is a respectable 5'6 and I know he gets to a pretty average 6 feet or so in cannon. He has the typical Stark looks with his dark hair, grey eyes and average to comely looks. Already a good swordsman himself at 12 he will be an amazing shield of the north at Moat Calin. The past few years have been a whirlwind of activity for House Stark and the North as a whole. My little sister Lyanna, who I'll have to look out for at Harrenhall, is as full of wolfs blood as the books and show described. Wild, untamed, and sneaking out of lessons to watch and try to spar with me and Ned growing up she is 100% North in her blood.

Luckily I convinced father to let her foster at Bear Island as with role models such as Dacey and Maege Mormont, they have done well to help curb her more 'wild' sides will still shaping her up to be a respectable fighter. Though with her build and strength a more water dance style of combat is more her style, nothing a 'sword tutor' in the form of a faceless men can't fix.

We were able to avoid the disaster of fostering Ned in the Vale by having him foster with the Manderleys citing that he needs to learn trade as the future Lord of Moat Calin, though the fact its already basically rebuilt is a secret for now. By only leaking some information that the North is expanding some trade we are able to play a mummers tale that we are just slightly increasing trade through a couple of lucky breaks while concealing more of our profitable ventures. The glass trade has brought in a ton of coin from both Essos and Westeros and was covered by a story spun as a Myrish glass maker escaped after his wife was sold into slavery from outstanding debts. He made his way to the north and we were able to learn and expand on the glass making industry. Does the south believe that? I'm not 100% sure. Our spies report about a 50/50 split on the story but they have bigger problems on their plate as King Aerys will should be captured by the idiotic Lord Duskendale in about a year. Besides glass our drinks have also become a big hit in every major city and population center in the known world but what were doing with the coin is not known.

Looking over the reports I curse myself for not thinking to wish for the mountains in the North to be full of gold and gems. Such a blatantly obvious oversight on my part. I just assumed that they would have at least something other than iron, coal, and other non-precious metals. We did find a decent sized gold vein on the lands controlled by the Wull mountain clan but its only maybe a 1/5th the size of the mines of Casterly Rock. A great boon as the Wull's only wanted supplies in exchange for workers and the gold that was mined but nothing that's going to have people thinking that the Wolves shit more gold than the Lions.

"Lord Brandon, Benjen is here to see you" Jaqen tells me as he knocks on my solar door. It is actually my fathers solar but I moved into it 2 years ago since I've basically taken control of most of the running of the North from him. That lazy bastard is now just enjoying his 'retirement' with my mother Lyarra who thankfully survived the birth of Benjen 10 years ago as a result of the new hygiene measure. Besides public appearances and holding court for petitioners about half the time, my father just spends time in the hot springs bath I built a few years ago and occasional tours of the North to 'check up on our vassals' which is just him bull shitting me to go hang out with his friends.

"Hello little brother, how fares things with you?" I start off asking my brother, not being one for small talk but given this is a big conversation I want to ease him into it.

Benjen, looking confused as I'm not one for this type of conversation, "I'm well brother, I am wondering why you called me into Fath..erhm..your solar at this time of night?"

"Well Benjen, you just celebrated your 10th name day and while you are not being fostered anywhere I want to ensure you have a proper future. So, what do you want in life? Do you want me to grant you a keep? Do you want to be a master of arms or help command our forces? I don't want you to feel like you are just the spare of a spare." I tell him getting straight to the point, since he decided to cut to the chase for me

"Well brother I don't know. I do like sailing, I really loved going on one of your boats to Bravos a few moons ago. Other than that, sparring with you is fun but I do not have any big ambitions" Benjen responds back to me, looking unsure as he must truly have not put any thought into this.

"If you like sailing brother then what about a keep at Sea Dragon Point?" I point out to him. It's a typical play in my SI playbook but there's a reason for it. Stony Shore is a better spot for repelling Iron Born but hence the name 'Stony Shore' its not the most comfortable place in the North. Its also super far from any major keep by land. Sea Dragon point however is close to Bear Island and Deepwood Motte by ship and with new roads only a few weeks by land.

Benjen looks back at me uncomfortably at the mention of his future being discussed. I know he is not an ambitious person but I'd be dammed if I'm letting him join the Nights Watch. "Uh that's all well and nice brother but I do I have to give you an answer right now?"

"Haha no don't worry Benjen, I'm just brainstorming some ideas for you. Nothing is certain yet until we talk to father anyway" I quickly tell him to hopefully ease the anxiety he is experiencing

"Uh what is brain storming brother? Is your head hurting like a storm or something?" Benjen asks

"Oh no, its just a phrase that means you are thinking of ideas for something, like writing down a list of possibilities. We can discuss this with Father tomorrow, good night little bro" I really need to be careful with these modern slang terms that slip out every so often. I remember confusing the hell out of my father when I said Adios Amigos as I walked out of a room. Maybe I'll end up as Brandon the 'Weird' Wolf if I end up saying something even dumber like 'Bet' or 'Swag' as a response.

Gathering of the Lords Winterfell late 276 AC

3rd Person POV:

The past 6 years has brought untold prosperity to the lands of the last bastion of First Men. For the first time the Winter was not one filled with starving small folk and stagnation. The Winter of 274 AC was prepared for by every Lord and for the first time in history the population of the North increased during the Winter rather than diminished. While it was a relatively mild winter of only a around 18 moons the fact that larders were full of new hardy food and new buildings of concrete were built kept the population afloat. Along with the progress of the roads being built more trade was possible from the southern parts of the north to alleviate any food shortages around Last Hearth and other northern keeps.

"My Lords it pleases me to see you all within my halls again. It fills me with pride to see everyone one of your houses thriving! I have asked for all of us to gather here today to discuss the future of the North and hear your input!" My father starts of the meeting to the collective 'Ayes'of the crowd

"House Tallhart is stronger than ever, Lord Umber has been emptying out his coffers to buy my Vodka!" Lord Tallhart starts off the discussion with a jape at Lord Umber, earning laughs around the room.


"The Ryswells are thriving as well, it fills me with pride to see all the Lords arrive on fine new Ryswell steads!" It was true, with a little cross and selective breading, House Ryswell managed to created an almost perfect warhorse. Large, fast, strong, and boats endless endurance the now named 'Winter' horse is has already become the premier choice for any Lord in the North or South.

The rest of the houses experienced similar growth through their new trade, whiskey has quickly become an equivalent to Arbor Gold wine. Recently a special 3 year aged Whiskey in a glass bottle with a Stark wolf symbol named "Stark Fire Wine" has become the premier drink of the rich and important figures of Westeros and Essos. Rice is being stored and House Reed is thriving with the new food sources and glassware is flowing out of the North earning profits unseen in the history of the North.

"I'm glad to see hear everyone is thriving as of late, now we must look to the future" The Warden of the North begins his speech and proposition to the Lords. "Our agents are reporting unrest in the South with King Aerys showing signs of the Targaryen madness. With this, I believe it is paramount we better arm and train ourselves thus begin training our forces. I propose every Lord raise their maximum 500 house hold 'guards'. These guards will be trained as a professional army." Lord Stark proposes to shouts mixed between 'Ayes' of approval to refusal.

"My Lords, before we continue we have prepared these documents going over in detail House Starks proposal for a united northern force." He tells them as servants pass out a stack of paper to each Lord. While nothing compared to modern paper, this pulp based paper is easy to make and with the vast forests of the North it is virtually endless in supply. Combined with a small printing press that was creating a few years back, creation of documents has never been easier. The copy of every book in Winterfell, most of the Northern keeps, and Castle Black is currently on going.

The proposal is quite simple in design, consisting of a 500 solider per house with an additional 500 rotational soldiers. Essentially it is a 6 moon on 6 moon off service where for 6 months they are trained in a modified modern boot camp style system instilling teamwork and fighting as a unit rather than the piss poor tactics of medival Europe. Adopting an armor style of the Romans and Greeks and utilizing the hoplite fighting formations, these soldiers will tear into any ranks of levies raised by other Kingdoms. Only the Lannister's standing army can compare to a degree. After the initial training they will drill and train for 6 moons out of a year and perform other military duties such as fighting bandits, assisting on the wall, and escorting Lords on their travels. The soldiers on their 6 moon leave to tend to fields or other occupations will every 2 moons will spend one week of refresher training to ensure their skills and discipline is intact.

With 1000 soldiers per house and 12 houses not including House Stark capable of maintaining the soldiers there will be 15,000 soldiers total if one was to include House Starks direct vassals and the Lords direct men at arms. Each 1000 solider block is broken into

General – Named Lord or Heir. Direct family if needed from each house in charge of 1000 soldiers and supporting troops

Majors- 2nd in command each able to lead 250 soldiers themselves. These can be 2nd or 3rd sons, direct family members, or raised small folk.

Captains- Lead 75 men, report to the Majors

Sergeants- Lead 15 men squads, report to Captains

The supporting troops are being labeled as engineers, quartermasters, and medics that simply have combat experience. Combat engineers trained in building infrastructure for a battlefield and creation of siege equipment. The quartermasters are simply the supply caravan and rear guards of the army and medics speak for themselves. All in total, their add an additional 7500 mean to the army making it a total of close to 23,000 men in the army.

"This proposal seems feasible Lord Stark, nay impossible a few years ago but with all the coin your Heir has generated for the North this is sustainable. The idea of rotating the soldiers is also smart doubling our forces without sacrificing the fields." Lord Manderley replies after carefully reading the plan. Even Lord Bolton agrees "Aye this is very possible, with my Unicorn trade going well House Bolton will be able to adhere to the wishes of House Stark"

Red Keep Kings Landing, Crownlands 277 AC

Tywin Lannister POV:

The last few years have brought more headache than watching my father make our House a laughing stock of the West. Every moon a new report from a merchant or one of the few spies left in the North tell of a new item, increased trade, and every growing fields of food. While I normally would not care that the barbarians of the North got lucky once or twice with some new crop or idea, these consecutively happening seemingly overnight is a cause for concern. The new drinks, crops and animals, and even fucking glass have generated more coin than the North has ever seen. Reports have even been trickling in that they have found a decent gold mine in the lands of some mountain clan. While initial reports show it isn't anything to threaten my house in the long run, combining it on top of everything else is cause for great concern

Shuffling through the pages on my desk I begin my daily and tedious task as Hand of the King. What started out as a beneficial friendship with King Aerys has turned into a role of pure servitude in the past years. I went into the position with great aspirations and dreams that Aerys shared, but recently the common phrase of "The King shits, and the Hand wipes" ultimately has proven true again.

Looking at a recent report from one of my only spies I have in the North, a look of concern pops up on my face at its contents. Reports from two sources claim men training in an unknown style that can only be a lead up to a more professional standing army. Currently the North has no grant for a standing army, in fact no kingdom has such charters. Though the reported number is no more than 3 to 5 hundred men it is enough to raise caution and thus must be reported to the small council.

About an hour into writing the report and reviewing notes, a servant frantically knocks on my door. "Lord Lannister urgent news about King Aerys, there is an emergency small council meeting in 30 minutes" Dismissing the servant I can only think of the worse as King Aerys is currently in Duskendale negotiating taxes with its Lord. Quickly getting ready I make for the small council room preparing for the worst.


The small council was assembled as I walk in, as Lannister waits on no one especially a Hand. To my left is the always eccentric Master of Whispers Varys, an eunuch from Essos and his 'little birds' who are really just orphans and small children he uses as informants. Sitting next to him is Lord Lucerys Velaryon the master of ships. Lord of Driftmark the Velaryons have frequently held this position. Next to him is master of laws Steffon Baratheon the Lord of the Stormlands. The massive storm lord has served well as master of Laws and someone I can somewhat call a friend over the years. The master of coin was surprisingly absent and Lord Commander Gerold Hightower stood next to my seat as I sat down.

"Let us not waste any time, Lord Varys what news do you bring of His Grace that called for this sudden meeting at such a late hour?" I calmly tell the eunuch spy master. "Well Lord Lannister, my little birds sing a song of treason and betrayal. It appears Lord Darklyn has taken fancy to kidnapping His Grace in defiance. He is currently held captive and Ser Gwayne Gaunt slain." Lord Varys cryptically as always explains the situation to us.

"Preposterous, give the word Lord Hand and I will bring the might of the Stormlands upon Duskendale" Lord Steffon boomed, typical stag response to a crisis that is the last thing I want to deal with at the moment. The north reports only concern me further. Are they in league with Lord Darklyn? What are the planning? Questions for another time as this issue takes precedent.

"No such action will be taken Lord Baratheon, violence will not solve this issue if His Grace is held captive and a Kingsguard slain, clearly they are not below slaying those granted guest rites. What they may do during a frontal assault may be worse. We will ride out in 2 days to parlay with Lord Darklyn and get to the bottom of this. Gather everyone we can, we leave in 2 days!" Internally I am screaming every curse under the Seven but manage to remain calm as a Lion does not show weakness or angers unnecessarily publicly. The winds of change are upon us and it may take everything in my power to ensure the legacy of my house.

Authors Notes: Sorry for the delay but this is the longest chapter yet! Hope you like it and as always comment and incorrect cannon mistakes I may have made. Thank you for reading my Fan Fic, each positive comment truly makes my day

Final pairing vote will be between

Barbry Ryswell

Gender bent Rheagar as I have not mentioned him yet

OC Northern character (Karstark or Manderley)

Ashara Dayne

Until next time


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