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97.36% Danganronpa: dangerous road. / Chapter 36: Part 36

Chapitre 36: Part 36

The rest of the day passed quite decently. We celebrated my now former class passing the exams, celebrated or should I say saddened by my resignation, and also had time to celebrate the appointment of Chisa and get to know her a little bit more. After that, of course I had to call their parents to come to my house in the morning and of course I had to explain everything to them. After all, parents want to see their kids and take them on vacation, so they were ready to come over early in the morning and pick up their kids.

The evening ended a little difficult, okay Chisa went to her room, but everyone else had to be accommodated in a little bit of a cramped space, but no one seemed to complain. So, I went to bed quite comfortably, especially since some of the girls had to be placed in the room ------ so she could sleep under my left side tonight without worrying about anyone.

The morning, on the other hand, was the most unaccustomed of the last couple of years. As instead of one weight on my chest, I felt two. Slowly opening my eyes, a little, I began to familiarize myself with the situation. On the left side of my chest lay the usual ------, again in my T-shirt, and judging by her breathing and pulse, she was already awake. She could, of course, have been lying there so that I couldn't even slightly suspect her of being awake, but now she just wanted to laugh at the situation. And of course, she knew very well herself that I knew she was awake.

Slowly and tensely, I began to turn my head to the right side, even though I knew exactly who was there thanks to my side vision. Lying on my right side with her hand on my chest and one of her legs over my body with a happy smile on her face was Chiaki. And thank God my angle allowed me to see her white shirt, with her breasts going up and down over the undone top buttons.

Turning my head back to the left, I saw bright blue eyes with a mischievous sparkle and a narrowing wide smile. She seemed to see what she wanted in my face. After drilling her with my gaze for another minute, I decided one thing. Since there is no chance to get out, it is better to enjoy this moment. So without any embarrassment and with a completely confident action, I put my hands on both girls' waists. Before I closed my eyes to better enjoy the moment, I saw the smile of ------ become even wider, and then I felt the girl pressed against me even harder while doing a little bit of fiddling.

Whether fortunately or unfortunately for me, it didn't last very long, about twenty minutes, as I felt the heaviness on my right side begin to move. To which I had to remove my arm from my waist and open my eyes, in order not to embarrass the girl and answer questions I don't know the answers to myself.

When I looked at Chiaki, I saw her kneeling down and looking around while wiping her eyes with her fists. A slight blush could be seen on her face. At this point ------ began to pretend to wake up in order to draw attention to herself and me.

"Good morning." - Chiaki muttered, noticing that we were both awake.

"Good morning, Chiaki-chan!" ------ said cheerfully.

"Good morning..." - was the only thing left for me to say. "I'm not going to ask what's going on here."

"Heh heh heh heh." ------ laughed wickedly, confirming my conclusion. "But you liked it."

I had no choice but to exhale and begin to climb out of bed while looking at a very embarrassed Chiaki. I silently began to get dressed, and it was a good thing I was wearing underwear, at least something good. Unconsciously my eyes kept darting to the bed to see two beautiful girls in a shirt and T-shirt and with gorgeous shapes, both looking at me without taking their eyes off me. And while Chiaki looked embarrassed, there wasn't an ounce of embarrassment on ------'s face, just a look that said she sees it every day.

"Ha." - I exhaled once more after I got dressed and headed for the door, but putting my hand on the handle I turned my head. "Who wouldn't like that?" - I finally answered her question.

"You don't have to worry about anything!" - said cheerfully ------ and cradled Chiaki in my arms causing her to squeak. "We've already agreed on everything!"

"Y-yes." - Chiaki confusedly confirmed her words.

I really didn't have anything to answer that, so I opened the door without a second thought. Only to hear a few other sounds of the door closing. They were all eavesdropping... The bastards. But there was nothing I could do about it anymore. So with doom I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone, and it's a good thing I usually have Teruteru helping me at times like this, or I just wouldn't have had time alone.

And, as I suspected, almost all morning I was looked at with different eyes, as if I had something to do with it, and as if I were the only one who had anything to do with it. Some looked with envy, or rather like some, only Soda with Teruteru, who refrained from saying anything. Others, like Mahiru and the petite one, looked at me with contempt. The other looked different, some with shock or ignorance, some with embarrassment, and some without understanding anything at all. And one more looked at me with an understanding smile, but I don't even need to say who.

It's a good thing this all started to end after the first parents started arriving. After that began a series of goodbyes, promises to meet, and tears. I also finally got to meet almost all of the parents and warned them personally that I would no longer be their supervisor and gave them a new number. It was also good to have a limo pick up Sonja to take her to her parents, and Sonja also agreed to give Nagito a ride home since his parents had passed away. Chiaki kissed me quickly and childishly on the lips one last time to say goodbye.

The last people left were Fuyuhiko and Peko. A limousine came to pick them up, too. Before he left, Fuyuhiko patted my shoulder in a friendly way, muttering "Well done" in my ear. I wanted to kick him, of course, but I didn't want to embarrass him.

There was one last piece of news that informed me ------, and that was that Chiaki would be coming to live with us after the vacations. To my slightest objection she said that she had already called the principal and he had given her permission to move in. I was completely depressed, but I didn't even know if I needed to be depressed. Although Chiaki is a calm girl and together with ------ they shouldn't cause any problems. So, it didn't work out too badly, the main thing is to keep things the same from now on.

(From the author: another strange thing happened here. Chisa was transferred to the Reserve Course for six months, from when the 77th grade students had their yearly exam. It was only after that that Junko (judging from the anime) got into the 78th grade. So, there's a year and a half difference between those who entered. And I couldn't find anything about that anywhere. And if the operation to create Izuru was done earlier because of Yasuke, then I'll just omit that point).

The next couple of days passed quietly, until the letter of admission to Hope Peak arrived at our house. And if you think about it even a little bit, it couldn't have come to me, which means it went ------ which is what the letter said. I have to say she was very happy about it, as she walked around all day happy, and also called a couple of times somewhere. I, of course, was happy too, but now I was sure that ------ would be spending all her free time at my lab.

Also, where there's one there's several more. So, the next day I got messages from Byakuya and Sakura telling me that they too had received letters. The only thing left for me was to be happy for them. All of this would have been even more wonderful if I hadn't received a message from Jin-san with the word "It's time." which hinted that it was time to create the main boss of this world.


There were five people sitting in a dark office, with only a small beam of light coming in from behind a slit between the curtains, which shone on a large wooden desk where the Hope Peak logo was painted. And if one of them was known to almost every student of the academy because he was the director of the Peak of Hope, then the other four people were not known to many living people, but if Yasuke were here, he would be able to recognize these people as the Steering Committee. And from that it could already be deduced that this room was nothing but the office of the Steering Committee of Hope Peak Academy, and judging from the general atmosphere, it was clear that there was a serious dispute.

"The Steering Committee sees no point in holding a lottery this year to determine the Lucky Apprentice Jin-san." - said one of the representatives with a bald head.

"But it is held every year and is a tradition of Hope Peak!" - actively objected the man who was approached.

"No doubt it helps determine the Lucky Apprentice, but in all of Peak of Hope's existence there has only been one person who really deserved the title, and he is last year's apprentice. So, picking the next one would show all the disrespect for the past." - The overweight representative said.

"But the number of people in the 77th class is already certain and if there isn't a Lucky Apprentice, the class won't be complete." - Took another shot at the man.

"And that's why he can't be the one to take an empty seat. It prevents other students with more useful talents from entering the academy. The whole experiment has shown the ineffectiveness of this method." - The tallest representative with the darker skin said.

"But..." - it was obvious that Jin had exhausted all his arguments during the entire conversation and no longer knew what to say.

"You can't deny that Yasuke Matsuda is an unconfessed genius. He is currently the most incredible student in the history of Peak Hope. And it is students like him who should come to our academy, not those who get invited because of luck. "It affects the reputation of the academy and makes it seem like we have no one to accept," said the last elderly representative with a serious face.

"I can't accept that." - Jin-san said his last word and slumped in his chair with doom.

"I don't think we care." - The representative with the bald face also said his last word.

The same man then took the letter with the Hope Peak emblem and lowered it into the shredder. After which there was a sound of the device working, and in the transparent compartment, the remnants of the former letter were perfectly visible falling, with the current director of the Peak of Hope Academy's earnest gaze directed at it.

(Back to Yasuke.)

After seeing ------ off for a walk with my girlfriends in a leopard dress with a fur collar, I began waiting for the car to come to pick me up to take me instead of where the surgery was to be performed. While doing so, of course, I warned ------ that I would be gone for a few days.

And of course, the car didn't keep me waiting long and arrived around noon. It was an unremarkable car, the make of which I didn't know of course. The driver, who was completely unremarkable, opened the door of the car for me and let me see the interior, which was also completely ordinary. And then the car started off. I could tell from my senses and what's the harm, thanks to the system map, that we were on our way to the academy, at least about that.

Since I had my doubts about that, when the car pulled into one of the garages and then started to go down the elevator underneath. While I was riding the elevator, I was given the rest of the information, which included who the test subject was Hajime, how the operation would go, who would be involved to help me. I would also be given a couple of hours to make sure what would be placed in Izuru, I think this would be some guarantee about not having my Ultimate there. The most unpleasant thing was that the operation would have to take place in a couple of hours during which time everything would be prepared, but I wouldn't even be able to see Hajime before the operation to talk to him and make sure his decision was certain. After that, I will have to spend a few days here in order to monitor Izuru condition and to make sure there are no unforeseen incidents.

After the elevator went down and I got out of the car, which immediately began to climb back up to the top, I was met by a man in a doctor's suit who did not choose to introduce himself and simply walked me to a room with everything I needed and with all the information, but already more detailed than I could have dreamed. Of course, before that I was taken through a dozen different scanners, which should have found something I shouldn't have, but luckily, they didn't find anything, and couldn't have because everything was in my inventory, so after some fun with the computer I inserted a flash drive into the computer so the cameras couldn't see and started downloading all the information I had.

I don't know exactly why I need it, but it took centuries of work to do this research and it would be just wrong if all the information was lost. Well, and maybe someday it will come in handy. I won't do it on myself, of course, but it might prove useful in the future. It was also confirmed by the system, marking this flash drive in my inventory as a [Legendary] class item.

So, without me noticing, the time to surgery flew by. The doctor, who was unfamiliar to me, came to pick me up again and led me in the direction only he knew. It was strange that I had already met two doctors whom I did not know, as I had met almost all the experienced doctors who had been in Japan and a little bit in other countries, and the others here simply can not be.

As we walked along the corridors, I noticed an interesting detail that I had not noticed before, namely the white everything. This hospital or laboratory was certainly within the norm, but here everything was just too white, that even glittered and a little blind eye. And then we finally stopped in front of the double doors. Although they looked quite normal, like all the other doors, right now they looked somehow majestic and intimidating.

Without doubting for a second more, I opened the door and was immediately a little amazed at what appeared before my eyes. It was a large room, if not a huge one. This of course was difficult to surprise me, and it was not this that surprised me, but the furnishings of the room. The walls, ceiling, and even the floor was constructed of a glass shell, under which were thousands of green lights that looked like disks and assuming all of those disks were the "Ultimates" of the students. And hell it amounted to a bit of a futuristic look.

The only thing that wasn't covered with these lights was the door I came in through and the mirror, which was probably double-sided. Also in the middle of the room was a device that looked like a capsule, with a dozen wires running to it from the ceiling. And around this capsule you could see several people, and if you looked even closer, inside the capsule itself was a man in a medical gown, who was no doubt Hajime.

"Hajime!" - I said and started walking toward the capsule without a doubt. "You seemed the tougher guy to me. And yet you turned out to be a weakling who wasn't willing to work for his dreams!"

The doctors looked at me with anger, while Hajime looked at me with indifference. Iron handcuffs were attached to his arms so that he would not move, and several wires were also attached to each of these handcuffs, indicating that they had some other function. On all sides of his body were some kinds of spikes, and there were about fifteen spikes in his head. There was a device attached at the level of his heart that was supposed to check his condition, as well as help in critical cases. There were a pair of suction cups on his face, which probably sprayed something into Hajime's head.

Also, without any doubt he is already under sleeping pills or something that has a similar effect, for his face was really too indifferent, and his eyes, which should have been blazing with determination because of his proud decision were completely blank, he had already resigned himself to the fact that he was going to die. In the story, of course, he became Hajime back, or it would be more accurate to say that Izuru became living his life. But if that decision is given to me. Then I will kill him.

"Well, you're all right!" - One of the doctors began to encourage him. "You'll wake up a little confused, but soon everything will be back to normal. You will become someone who embodies the ideals of this school."

After that, the top of the capsule began to close under the same blank stare from Hajime.

The next couple of days were a little more active than usual, mostly because I stayed close to Hajime, if you could still call him that, and didn't go anywhere. Probably because of all the additives that were injected into Hajime's body, his hair started to grow actively and reached his knees in a couple of days. The funny thing was that because of this, his brown hair had turned completely dark.

And I will not conceal the fact that all these days his condition was not the best and you can even say crazy, because of that sometimes I had to calm him down by force. But these were quite expected results, which everyone was waiting for. Of course, during this time it was not without visits from the management, who were worried about the results.

But the most frustrating thing for me was that part of his personality persisted. You could, of course, say something like it was immoral and inhumane, but no. It was just unnecessary work that I didn't want to work with. But it had to be so that his identity was completely removed. I wonder if I could be considered his daddy. Ugh... I hope not.

And today was finally the day that Hajime's condition stabilized and the project managers were here to oversee the creation of Ultimate Hope.

"Opening." - I said to alert everyone to my actions.

With that, the lid of the capsule began to open, and dense white smoke puffed out from underneath it, making it impossible to see anything behind it. After five seconds, the lid finally opened, allowing a full view of the man who was inside.

"Hey!" - I started snapping my fingers in front of his face. "Alive? Are you okay? Do you understand what I'm saying? Doesn't hurt a bit? Can you stand up?"

As if waiting for my last words, he began to get up and out of the capsule to stand firmly on the floor, but it was obvious that this was not as easy as it might have seemed. Without saying anything or looking anywhere in particular.

"Now that you have been reborn as the hope of this world." - began the doctor who was second to me in charge of everything here. "I name you after the founder of our school. Kamakura Izuru!"

After these words, his red eyes, in which the pattern had changed to something resembling radar, looked with a challenge from under his long bangs directly into my eyes. I don't think he'd have any trouble figuring out that I was no ordinary person. So, the only thing left for me to do was to return the look with a mocking smile.

"So? Can I go?" - our pact ended the moment he had to wake up. "I'm getting sick of this green glow!"

"Of course, you can go, Matsuda-san." - came a voice from the earpiece that was in my ear. "The car will be waiting for you at the elevator."

"Well then, good luck to everyone!" - I turned around quietly while taking off my robe and throwing it on a chair, and headed for the door.

As I opened the door and was about to take a step outside this room, the thought occurred to me to turn around. Which I did. In order to still see the intimidating stare of red eyes directed at me. The only thing I had to do was to cast my gaze upon him, filled with an Aura of Fear, as if to say, "Don't do anything unnecessary.

At that moment I felt some energy come out of my body and it rushed towards Izuru, and at about the center of the room my energy stopped, hitting something in the middle, but it didn't last long, and the wall quickly obeyed my energy and began to press against it, causing tension to form on Izuru calm face.

Without further ado, I just turned and closed the door behind me, showing that I didn't want to waste any more time on him.

As I walked down the corridor, I began to think about what had happened. I had no idea what that energy was, but I could guess that it was some kind of inner power or something like that. But what I knew for sure was that I shouldn't be happy that I could beat him in this fight. He had literally woken up a minute ago and he had already been able to stop it, it would only get stronger with time.

Already sitting in the car that was going up in the elevator and being driven by the new driver. I was thinking about the new school year starting in a week, which meant that soon the characters from the first part of the game would arrive and the canon events would begin. I, of course, don't know the story and the exact timeline there, but as far as I'm concerned, it seemed fine.

So, before the new school year starts, we should take ------ somewhere for a vacation.

(Time Skip.)

During this week, of course, we didn't have time to go anywhere. But we did go to the amusement park and some other places. Also, today we will have to help Chiaki with the things in order to move them to my place, or you could say our house. So, I guess you could say that I'm going to have some interesting days starting today.

It was also good that I hadn't been called to see Izuru once this week, which told me that he was okay, but about that I'm not sure that I should be tested.

But anyway, all these thoughts flashed through my mind as I walked to the academy. And today was a bit of an unusual day, and it was different in that today I walked the whole way with me ------ and chatted practically without shutting up, which showed her excitement before her first day within these walls. I haven't been here once during the whole vacation, which was a little unusual, and I even missed the academy a little, so I stood in front of the gate before entering its territory.

That made all the majesty of this academy begin to weigh on me. Maybe if I'm lucky, or if the stars align correctly, I'll be the director of this Academy. Which can't help but give me a little shiver from all the piles of work that will have to be dumped on me. Breathing out the air in pain, I walked toward the entrance. I would have to report to Jin-san and go in to my already old class, and ------ should be waiting for the class teacher.

After leaving ------ in the lobby and saying goodbye to her before class ended, I took the first step away.

"What the...?" - my vision began to blur and lose clarity for no reason.

And then everything in front of my eyes began to melt and blend as if several more colors had popped out into the paint can. Spinning, blending, melting and spinning again... So as if it was all an illusion, and then... Everything went dark as if I had activated a dream in the system.

{----------- ------- ------- ----------}

My consciousness started to come around a little bit. And Fuck. For the first time in my whole life, I felt so bad. It felt like I had been drinking for weeks without sobering up, and today I decided to sober up. I also had a headache for some reason, even though the system couldn't let me do that. And even my body felt uncomfortable, and I cut my arm off once and didn't feel a thing.

"Fuck." - I looked up sharply and found myself lying on my folded arms.

I realized what had happened. There is only one word to describe it, and that is "Canon. I must have had my memories erased over a period of years, and also gone through my entire life, since I couldn't remember the face or even the name of the person involved in all of this. That's probably why I have this condition. A lot of other different things about this person that might have given me some kind of hint about him were also missing. And if you think about the fact that I was creating something, maybe it was the memory machine that erased my memories.

And as awful as it sounds, I don't remember several parts of the canon. I feel like they've been erased, too. Well, I couldn't have just forgotten them, could I? Although it would have been better if I had. The only thing I remembered about the main villain of this world from my memories and whatnot from my senses. She had quite a lush figure.

Looking into the inventory, which was still as crisp despite the general state of my vision, at least for the sake of one clue, I saw only confirmation that I had had my memories erased. The inventory was replenished with a lot of different things that I didn't remember, which appeared after the flash drive with the Izuru project. But I think I should at least understand how deep in the goggle I was.

Even though my vision was still not particularly accurate, I could tell from the desks and the podium in front of the blackboard that I was in one of the Academy classes. I had about the same one. Still, there were a few unusual things in this classroom that obviously hadn't been here during my training, and shouldn't have been.

The first thing was a camera that stood in the corner and covered the whole class. And it wasn't just any camera, it was a huge thing that was clearly not meant to hang in the classroom, but to be on some kind of studio. Also, another thing was that this camera wasn't hiding at all, it was sort of screaming "LOOK AT ME! I'M THIS!". And that said that this camera wasn't here to film unexpected guests, but to film what was going on like a cage.

And the next thing was something that confirmed my statement, namely metal plates on huge nuts that were clearly designed for heavy machinery, not plates in the classroom. After trying to twist them, I realized that I couldn't even move them and a closer look showed that they were welded, I might have had enough strength if all my "free points" had been put into force, but I wasn't going to do that yet.

They could certainly be written off as some kind of super interior or something. But every one of them was covering the windows exactly, and not something else. And the most unpleasant thing was that they were bolted from the gut, not the outside. Which told me that these plates were not designed to "keep someone out", but on the contrary "not to let someone in".

I also looked down at the clock which was hanging right in the middle of the blackboard and which showed exactly 8:00 and I opened the system clock and saw that it was 8:00. Which told me that the clock was at least going right for now.

A little lower on the right side near the blackboard was a small TV. Which hadn't been here before either. But there was no point in picking on them anymore, since they could have been here.

The next thing that caught my eye was the desk I woke up on. It was no different from the other desks except for one thing. There was some paper lying on it, and as I got closer, I realized that it was a pamphlet, which I began to read.

*The new semester is about to begin. From now on, this school will be your whole world! *

And to be honest, it looked way too cheap. Not only was all the text on it handwritten, but there were several drawings on it that made it look like a child had drawn it.

After looking around the classroom again, I realized that there was nothing else of interest here. And it would be worth it to get out of the classroom and check out the rest of the rooms. But something stopped me from doing that, so I decided to go over to one of the desks. Looking around it better, I realized... That it was my desk and this whole classroom was the place where I had studied when I was a student. It was pretty hard to figure out since all the classrooms in the academy weren't very different from each other. But there were a couple of scratches and drawings behind my desk that I drew out of boredom that helped me identify it. I don't know if the person who put me here wanted to say anything, but I won't stress it too much.

When I was about to leave the office again, but this time for sure and touched the doorknob. As my hand went down on the knob and began to turn it, the system notifications flashed before my eyes, which I immediately began to read, as it was a rare occurrence in my system.

[Loss of Memory status has been imposed]

[Description: Your memory has been erased.]

[Consequences: All of your memories, talents, skills and abilities have been erased from your memories and you can no longer use them or restore them in any way.]

[Additional information: This applies to 19 years of your life. The last two years have been completely erased.]

[New quest received!]

[Title: Survivor of Murderous School Life!]

[Quest Status: World.]

[Description: you have been trapped in a school with fifteen students. And you have to live here for the rest of your days, but with one small exception...]

[Objectives: Survive/Win/Get Out].

[Alternative Objectives: Survive/Win/Stay here for the rest of your life.]

[Reward: Restore all erased talents, skills and abilities. 1 system coin.]

[Warning: memory will not be restored because it was deleted by the system.]

Yeah... I really am 19 years old now. I don't think you should be sad about missing memories. Since I'm alive and will be able to create new ones. But fuck! Two whole years! And not only that, but my whole life has been erased a little bit, which can't be stressful. And how many moments in my life have been erased in that time, it's just creepy. But maybe there will be some way to restore them. After all, I'm an Ultimate Physician for a reason.

And the quest didn't surprise me badly. After all, this is the first quest in my life, I certainly do not really need them, but this is something new. Moreover, and immediately the world's quest. Also, the title and description speak for itself. This is canon. And the exception is that it will be possible to get out of here if you kill someone and at the same time, if you do not calculate. Of course, it would be hard to get someone to do something like that, not after years of imprisonment, but in less than a week. Except that behind the curtain is a manipulator who sees all the weaknesses of people and can control and influence these weaknesses.

Tasks provides two positive endings to the game. And of course, the "Alternate" I will not consider. And of course, the most important is the rewards, which can restore all my wasted knowledge, and the system coins I never needed at all.

Of course, it's a little frustrating because I can't get my memory back. And most likely because the equipment with which this was done was created by me. It's the only thing I can think of, and everything I create and distribute stuff from the system, so it at least confirms that I "can do incredible things" with my "Ultimate Physician".

So yeah. At least for all the hard work I put into this, it's worth trying and getting out. That said, of course, try to finish with the best result I had in the original story.

With those thoughts in mind, I opened the door that led to the hallway.

ImagineBreaker ImagineBreaker

That's all for now. I don't know what to write exactly, but I think I almost finished chapter 2 in the game. At this rate, I think I'll be back in a month or two.

So good luck to everyone and see you next time!

(Well and practically 1000 Collections. Cool and thanks!)

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