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81.81% Gloves off / Chapter 9: Love at ever sight

Chapitre 9: Love at ever sight

The military grade chopper had been flying for hours now. Percy's leg kept bouncing with impatience. Butcher was the only one that was able to come along with some soldiers he didn't know.

Jameson was the explosive's expert.

Joe was the ingineer tasked with taking down any sort of electrical and digital obstacle on the way.

Kyle was previously the leader of this task force, before Butcher was temporarily put in his usual role.

Percy's mind went to the Boys. MM understandably went back to his family and was apparently hitting a rough patch.

Frenchie was doing gods knows what.

Hughie was working with Neuman and bringing in supes by the dozen in perfectly legal ways.

Percy wasn't exactly a fan of that, but he was glad he was able to do things his own way.

Percy was beyond content with finding this prison and reducing it to rubbles. After making sure everyone got out safely of course, well those worth it that is.

"So what you're the Deep on steroid?" Joked a soldier earning laughter from his brothers in arm.

"That is an honestly insulting comparison." Deadpanned the son of Poseidon.

"Ah come on, you got gills under there?" Questioned another pinching Percy in the side. He promptly slapped his hand away.

"Hey!" Barked Butcher besides the pilot. "Get you're head in the game girlies we're almost there."

Percy glanced annoyed at the soldiers. He understood why they were there, but he honestly didn't want them around. Especially if they were to get in the way.

"So scouts told us the prison is a secret facility under a lake and under the dam built behind it. Apart from that we haven't seen any sort of resistance.

Suddenly a voice blared over the radio.

"Pilot you are in a restricted military area. Please turn around or we'll be forced to shoot you down."

The group glanced amongst each other.

"Can they make good on that threat?" Asked Percy ready to cause chaos.

Butcher handed him a pair of binoculars in response. Percy took them and analyzed the situation. He could barely see them, but anti aircraft artillery canon were scattered all around the top of the dam.

"Open the door."

"You sure about this?" Wondered Butcher.

"This requires no finesse. So you're damn right i'm sure." Percy shot back itching to get in the fight.

Butcher nodded at the pilot who pressed a button, automatically opening the door. Percy took a tiny start and lept out of the chopper. The cold wind howling in his ears as he dove towards the frozen lake.

With a thought the surface of the ice shattered from a controlled geyser.

The ice cold water was hardly a problem. Percy's vision sharpened and adapted to the darkness. The son of Poseidon hit the bottom of the lake. The heavy reinforced door could have fit a submarine.

But it wouldn't be a problem.

Outside the ice started crackling like an egg. In a titanic sinister sound the entire thing shattered. Sending car sized chunks of ice flying all around. The chopper had to swerve away from one.

"What the fuck is going on!" Cried out a soldier holding on for dear life.

"I'd tell you if I knew." Grunted Butcher bracing himself against the glass.

The lake began churning and spinning around. Slamming massive chunks of ice against the dam. Soon a full on typhoon was rising several dozen meters in the air.

Just as soon as it formed the water slammed into the damn. Sending the turrets flying through the air like tumbleweed.

The dam even cracked under the overwhelming pressure. The landing was rough, but the chopper and the soldiers were intact.

Butcher and the soldiers marched towards the side of the water. Guns aimed and at the ready. "Do we blow a hole in the dam and hope for the best?" Wondered a soldier as the stopped near the edge of the now calm water.

Suddenly it split in half creating a path for them. The soldiers hesitantly walked down the path. Sending glance at the walls of rippling water with some awe.

Percy waited for them in the middle of the lake. Another path of water leading to a large door.

"Hey." Casually greeted the teen. "Didn't know you could do that." Butcher muttered mostly to himself, not truly expecting such level of power.

"I'm full of surprises. You got explosives or am I bursting that thing myself?" He asked gesturing at the giant hatch with his thumb.

"We got some C4." Butcher answered nodding in the direction of the door. A soldier obeyed the silent order and jogged towards the door.

"So this girl of yours. How much is she like you?"

"She's the best damn fighter you'll ever meet." Percy replied with a smirk.

"Oh I'd love to see that." Shot back Butcher clearly not convinced. He rechecked his M4 Carbine "you remember our mission is to free everyone right?"

Percy frowned at him. The man raised a hand in mock surrender. "Loving makes people do dumb shit lad I'm just saying."

"Well I'm willing to bet I'm better than an hormonal teenager. Or a stubborn old man." Percy snarked.

"Oi, I ain't that old. Hell I'm old enough to be you're daddy."

"That is a terrifying prospect." Percy replied just in time for the charges to blow up the inges of the door. The massive hatch fell down shacking the ground.

Heavily armed guards emerged from the entrance, but they only had the time to raise their weapons before Percy clapped his hands together. Sending a deluge of water upon them. The son of Poseidon made sure his allies remained unarmed, but he couldn't say as much for his ennemies.

The water receded back as soon as it came. Percy ran in first. Butcher quickly calling his name. "You sure you can keep the lake from flooding us while fighting?"

Percy looked hesitant "good point." He conceded snapping his fingers. The hatch was suddenly shoved back in place by a massive hand. Wedging the metal into each other.

Before Butcher could even open his mouth again, Percy was gone.

"Sir should we be worried?"

"Nah not too much." Answered Butcher "come on now ladies we know what our job is." With those words Butcher jogged inside the facility.

Completely unaware of what might await him. The prison was surprisingly sleek, it's white colors more akin to a mental institute than an actual prison.

A guard turned around the corner. Only to be swiftly shot in the chest by Butcher. Spraying the white brick wall behind him with droplets of blood.

Or so he thought it was. Upon closer inspection the blood was completely black. "What the hell?" He muttered making sure no one was coming before dragging the body closer.

"What's wrong cap?" Asked one of the soldiers kneeling next to him.

Butcher in response pulled out his knife and stabbed deeply into the guard's chest. He dragged the blade down their abdomen. Shoving his hand down the wound and pulling out.

His hand covered in oil holding several sparking wires. "Robots." He announced putting his hand back in. "Some pretty advanced shit. Pretty sure there's only one bastard on the planet that makes em this lifelike."

With a grunt he pulled out a motherboard. The advanced and expensive piece of technology sported a large T surrounded by a gear like design.

"Tech Jacket industries!?" Nearly exclaimed the explosive's expert.

"Jameson." Said man kneeled down next to Butcher. "I want you to bring this back to the hatch. The motherboard everything. Leave you're bag behind if we fail here we can still take down more of these fuckers."

"Yes sir!" Saluted Jameson snatching away the motherboard and putting the motionless machine over his shoulders.

Butcher Joe and Kyle advanced in the facility. Butcher using his radio to send a much needed message to Percy.

"The guards are machines. I repeat the guards are machines."

From the other side of the prison Percy heard the message and smirked.

So no holding back for him there.

Two guards emerged from around the corner. Knowing he wasn't hurting anyone alive Percy grappled with the blank faced machine. He aimed it's weapon upwards. The robot unloading nearly it's entire clip into the ceiling before Percy ripped it's arm off.

He kicked the robot back into the other, and swung the severed arm at the other before it could shoot. Knocking it's head clean off down the hallway.

Percy heard a click and leaned back against the corner. Dodging the bullet just in time.

Many more shots chipped the brick wall until all Percy could hear were the clicks of an empty clip.

Slowly Percy made his way around the corner. The face of the old greying man. Clearly a scientist who kept pulling the trigger with a panicked look.

Clearly he was human. "Where is she ."

"W-w-who?" Shackily stuttered the old scientist.

"Blonde haired woman, grey eyes. Probably crippled several people when she came in." Percy knowingly stated stepping closer.

"Oh yes, the scary one. Listen I didn't want to be here I-" Percy raised the man by the throat. "You can cut the crap. You do what I want and you get to live." The gasping old man nodded so quickly he almost gave himself whiplash.

Percy dropped him the scientist scrambling away. "She's an agressive one that girl. We have to keep her sedated most of the time. After the third crippled human we got the robots to feed her. She's in the isolation isle."

The scientist first tried to bait Percy into a hallway filled with robots, but Percy easily dispatched of them.

This hallway was grey and stale. It's thick metal doors without windows windows.

"It's door number nine." Mumbled the scientist. Percy stopped in front of said door. "Open it." He ordered.

"Of course one moment." He said fumbling with over a dozen keys. Percy nearly lost his patience before the man finally found the correct key.

He slowly swung open the door. A man in a straight jacket sprinting straight for Percy. His jaw was an unhinged mess of sharp fangs.

The son of Poseidon casually held the savage man at bay with a hand to his throat. Percy sent the old scientist one annoyed look before head butting the prisoner unconscious.

"You want to try that again or do I have to rip out you're spleen."

Shacking the scientist opened door number twelve instead. Percy's breath caught in his throat. There she was layed out on a table. Her golden curly hair sprawled out on the surgical table. A breathing mask tied to her face. A long tube going from it to a green carboy.

"What is this!" Percy nearly roared. "A-a- anesthetic, it's completely harmless."

"It better be." Darkly spoke the son of Poseidon rushing to Annabeth's side. He ripped off the mask slowly patting her cheek.

"Hey wise girl, Annabeth it's me you gotta wake up." Quickly said Percy. The daughter of Athena groaned not opening her eyes, her hand suddenly swinging for Percy's head.

He caught her hand softly holding it in his. "You gotta be really groggy for you to be that slow." He teased with a small smile.

Her face twisted with confusion before her eyes slowly peeled open.


"The one and only." He murmured slowly helping her sit up.

"Where have you been?" She huffed smiling. Percy wrapped his arms around her, pressing his forehead against hers. "Around, beat up a few corrupted super heroes and a super nazi."

"Somehow this isn't the weirdest thing that ever came out of you're mouth." Sighed the daughter of Athena swinging her legs around the surgical table.

"Can you walk?" Worriedly asked the son of Poseidon. Annabeth slid off the table on shaky legs.

"I'll be fine. It's so good to see you again. How long have I been out?" She groaned rubbing her aching forehead.

"I'm not sure, I've been here for nearly a month now."

"In another world." She huffed back "you'd think we'd have enough with one mess to clean up."

"Yeah." Percy sighed back "we gotta move, I'm kind of part of a raid with the CIA."

"Wait the CIA isn't trying to arrest you for once?"

"Yeah try not to sound too surprised." He chuckled back wrapping an arm around her shoulder so she could walk more easily.

Gunshots echoed all around the facility.

"Won't they need you're help." Wondered Annabeth as Percy guided her in the opposite direction.

"Unless you're 100% certain you can fight I have to get you out of here." Percy worriedly explained.

"I'm seventy percent sure and that's all I need." Annabeth replied pulling away from Percy. Standing on her own, Percy nodded at her. The daughter of Athena grabbed a rifle off the ground and checked the chamber.

"You're not supposed to be awake, not so quickly. This is astounding." Murmured the bewildered scientist.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes and casually shot the old man in the foot. "Asshole kept me under way too happily" she replied seeing Percy's raised eyebrow. The man howled in agony, the couple ignoring him as they moved towards the sound of battle.

Annabeth shot every machine in sight before they could even raise their mechanical arms.

"You're dad?" Percy asked as they stealthily made their way around a corner.

"He does love weapons." She said with a smirk as she shot a robot between the eyes.

"Is it just you and me?" She asked taking a moment to look at him.

"Nope Magnus and Carter are around."

"That doesn't sound good at all." Annabeth stated her face scrunching up in her familiar thoughtful expression.

"Yeah, I figured taking out Homelander should be our first course of action before figuring out why three pantheon are coming together."

"Homelander? The Superman reject?"

"More like super fascist."

"That bad? I haven't gotten to make any research yet."

"Don't worry I got that covered, but I met Homelander. Dude is bat shit crazy and that's an understatement."

Annabeth shot a gun out of a robot's hand. Letting Percy backhand it's head off.

"Percy we could use some fucking help!" Yelled Butcher's voice yelled over Percy's radio.

"What's wrong Butcher?" Percy asked.

"Some tall motherfucker's blocking our path."

A loud bellow told Percy and Annabeth where they needed to go.

Naturally after being asleep for so long Annabeth had a hard time keeping pace with Percy, but she was slowly regaining her footing.

The two half-bloods entered a giant room. Several floors with many cells lined the hexagonal shaped room.

They were on the sixth floor of the colossal room. The bottom looked like a cafeteria where Butcher's small unit kept a healthy stream of billets into a sixthy feet tall being.

It was monstrously deformed with chubby hands and fingers. It had no eyes and kept unleashing the same horrid scream. Percy could have sworn it was Grendel all over again.

Annabeth opened fire on the deformed person. It raised its head screaming and blindly reaching for them.

It managed to latch onto the edge of a story above it and began a very short climb. Annabeth kept firing the bullets bouncing off it's thick skin.

Percy took a short running start as the head peaked above the railing. Percy cut off the scream and shoulder tackled the giant directly in the forehead. Sending it flying backwards.

Percy landed two stories below on the other side of the room. The giant falling down on the ground hard enough to crack it.

It wasn't deterred for long as it slowly made it's way back on it's feet.

It wildly swung around impeding it's fist through the metal bars of a cell. It tried to wedge it's hand free letting Annabeth jump on it's arm. She raced accross the deformed limb and drop kicked the giant square in the jaw.

It stumbled backwards it's hand suddenly freed. Percy lept off the side and punched the stomach of the giant as he landed. Knocking the wind out of it. Annabeth following suit, the couple bashed punched and kicked around the head of the giant until it was motionless.

This was far from the toughest giants the two had fought. It didn't even make the top ten.

Standing triumphantly on it's chest Percy and Annabeth turned back to Butcher.

"This is Annabeth. Annabeth this is Butcher."

"Hey." Casually greeted the daughter of Athena with a little wave.

Butcher looked at her a little weirdly. "Hey." He greeted back "I think we got all of them."

"What's next?"

Butcher looked around at over the near hundred prisoners.

"There's another exit not far from here, but we need to find a bigger way out of the dam. You think you can hold a tunnel long enough?"

Percy nodded "We'll wait for you there." His hand sneaked around Annabeth. The two carefully marching towards the giant hatch.

On the way Percy and Annabeth made small talk. Catching up on each other's situations.

Percy learned that the leader of teenage Kix Big Game was dying next. Being a creep towards his girlfriend was only one of the reasons.

But he didn't necessarily voice it to Annabeth. He didn't want her to think he didn't believe her capable of holding her own. They had established that, if something was truly needed to be talked about they could always do it.

So as she and Percy sat down near the stairs of the large hatch. One inquisitive look from her and the words were spilling from his mouth like water.

"We were in the woods with Butcher's wife and her son. Poor kid killed Stormfront and nearly his mom by accident. I was back on the hill with the Minotaur thinking my mother was gone. Alone in the woods crying my eyes out. I could feel their despair their fear their sorrow. So I reached down with the same emotions and..."

"And what?" Gently prompted Annabeth holding Percy's hand.

"I kept the blood from flowing. I kept her heart beating until the medics could help her. I broke my promise." Shamefully stated the son of Poseidon.

Annabeth for once in her life was speechless. So she layed her head on his shoulder. "I don't care." She stated tightening her hold on his hand.

"How?" Asked the flabbergasted son of Poseidon.

"Listen Percy the only reason I ever even made you promise never to do that again is because I was scared. I thought that kind of power made you into something you're not. Don't get me wrong I don't like it, but I have no right to tell you what to do or not with you're own powers. If anyone should apologize it's me. For not trusting you with something you've managed for years now."

Percy stared at her completely astounded.

Without words he leaned his head on top of hers. "I missed you wise girl." He hummed peacefully.

"I missed you too seaweed brain. You know where my idiot cousin is?"

"Not sure, I asked Carter to find him. He should be able to find him soon."

"Good we'll need to make plans quickly . Who's our enemy?"

"A son of Hecate and an Egyptian magician, although I'm pretty sure their not acting alone. Hey did you know I could punch through concrete and metal?"

Annabeth snorted "of course you can. You've fought giants Percy."

"I know it's just, I've never actually gave it much thought." Chuckled Percy.

"What you want to go show off in gym's now." Teased Annabeth.

"Hey I went there, but not to brag. I bench pressed 6000 thousand pounds." Proudly stated Percy.

"Nice, maybe I'll give it a try too. I bet I can lift more than you."

"Is that so sleeping beauty?"

The two shared a laugh as Butcher and the prisoners came in the room. Percy got to his feet and with a wave of his hand pulled the leaking door off the its deformed inges once again.

The prisoners cried out in alarm. Only for their fear to turn into wonder as the water split apart for them.

"Are you Jesus?" Faintly asked a wide eyed woman. Making Percy quite uncomfortable.

"No." He answered bluntly.

"Then god is gone!" She cried out breaking down. Other prisoners had to help her leave the facility. Butcher waved away Percy's worried look. "Some of them have been here for a long time. Pretty sure we can count on over a dozen statements to take down Vought."

"You're goddamn right." Grumbled another prisoner passing by them. Percy and the soldiers were thanked from all sides.

"How are we transporting them?" Worriedly wondered Percy.

"We've got several bell Boeing inbound." Answered Jameson for Butcher. The soldier still had the corpse of the robot swung over his shoulder.

"Good want me to flood the place?"

"Yeah we've got enough pictures and videos of this place to convince any dumbass internet conspirationnist."

"Good, by the way you know where Big Game lives I gotta rip him a new one."

A smirk slowly split Butcher's face. "Funny enough we already have enough proof to cuff the bastard. Any reason for the sudden murder boner."

"I kicked the bastard in the nuts and it landed me here." Bluntly informed the daughter of Athena.

Butcher chuckled. "Just for that I'll personally escort you two there on official CIA buisness."

"You know we're about to send that dude to the ER right?" Intercepted Percy making sure Butcher knew what he was getting into. Not that he cared all that much.

"No guarantee he'll actually make it there." Darkly added the daughter of Athena.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Savagely smiled Butcher.

With every prisoners now free. Butcher Annabeth and Percy had 'acquired' the chopper and were on their way for Detroit.

"Butcher." Came a voice over the radio. It was Mallory and she didn't sound very pleased. "Yes dear." Sarcastically shot back Butcher.

"Would you mind telling me what the fuck you're doing."

"Well I'm doing extra hours of course. And for free on top of that."

"Butcher I swear to god."

"Ah come on Mallory, you know me."

"That's exactly why I'm worried. Goddamnit William what are you doing!"

Percy snatched the radio from Butcher's hand. "We're not doing anything that'll get us in trouble . We'll do our best to bring him back in one piece." Before Mallory could reply Percy turned off the radio.

Hours later they were landing on an helipad of a five star hotel building.

"So" Butcher began pulling a map of the building on his phone. "There's the presidential suite, little shit uses it for him and his butt buddies using his pocket money from Vought. It's three floors bellow us, we can either go through the front door or go through the fun way."

"You want the fun way?" Annabeth asked her boyfriend.

"Nah you can have it, have fun." Smiled Percy "I'll break down the door and secure you're badass entrance."

"You're the best." Annabeth pecked Percy on the lips before taking the right gear for the job.

"Jesus you're down bad." Chuckled Butcher once Annabeth was off the chopper.

"Like you're any better." Percy shot back "what's that bastard's room number?"

"53" was the short answer.

The son of Poseidon used the emergency staircase to find the right floor.

As it turns out Percy didn't need the room number. The loud obnoxious music was all he needed to find Big Game.

Honestly just the name was enough to tell Percy that guy had to be a douchebag.

He loudly knocked on the door.

"FUCK OFF!" came a loud nosey snotty voice.

"Pizza delivery." Percy replied in a monotone voice.


"Well sir I'm standing here with two meatlovers with stuffed crust and nobody to deliver them too."

The door suddenly swung open. Revealing a blond haired man slightly older than Percy wearing an open bathrobe and a dirty orange domino mask.

Percy punched him square in the face. Sending Big Game flying off his feet onto his coffee table. It shattered under his weight. The joke of a superhero cried out from his broken nose.

"What the fuck!" He yelled bewildered staring at his bloody hands. For he had never even felt a scratch on his enhanced body. Calmly Percy stepped inside and closed the door. The still blaring music should drown out the screams for a little while.

"Who the fuck are you! You got any idea who I am you son of a bitch!"

"A poor excuse of a human being?"

"I can get you put away for the rest of you're pathetic life!"

"Really?" Percy said with a slowly forming smile "trying to play tough guy while you're in a speedo?"

Big game scrambled to his feet closing his bathrobe. He then stomped towards Percy delivering an over dramatic haymaker.

Percy raised his forearm. Blocking the weak blow before slapping him accross the face. Making him spin on himself, Percy grabbed onto his fingers and held him at bay like they were dancing.

"Holë." Deadpanned Percy bringing back Big Game in order to clothesline him. Making the sentient joke flip head over heel before crashing on the ground again.

Grabbing him by the back of his robe Percy dragged Big Game and left him in front of the large window. Where he swayed on his feet weakly.

Suddenly Annabeth swung into view. Crashed through the window kicking Big Game in the face. Sending him sprawling on the ground again.

"Remember me dipshit?" Annabeth coldly began, taking off her harness as Big Game pitifully whimpered.

The daughter of Athena kicked him on his side. Rolling Big Game on his back.

"You're little prison is no more. Every single person you've wronged will testify against you under a week."

"I'll be free before that." He spat still finding some form of bravado.

"And me and my bros. We're gonna fuck you up." Percy rolled his eyes and pressed his foot down on Big Game's chest. One eloquent look from Annabeth made the son of Poseidon smirk.

Big Game could beat as much as he wanted on Percy's legs he wasn't relenting.

Annabeth took a long running start and sprinted towards Big Game. The daughter of Athena punted Big Game between the legs sending sliding down the hall. His head flying through the door.

"I don't think I've ever heard a higher pitched sound." Laughed Percy clutching his sides. Annabeth laughed alongside him. Leaning on his shacking shoulder. "I needed that." She sighed wrapping an arm around him.

Percy wrapped an arm around her as well. Living in the moment, simply basking in each other's presence.

Only for a sharp ringing to slice through the silence. Sighing Percy reached into his back pocket and pulled out a flip phone. Making Annabeth snort.

"Hey it's all I could afford." Defended the son of Poseidon.

"What's up."

"Found him." Deadpanned the voice of Carter Kane. "You don't sound pleased about it." Inquisitively replied Percy.

"He's a jerk."

"You punched me through a wall!" Loudly came the voice of Magnus Chase.

"You literally asked for it!" Shot back the magicians.

"Hey Magnus. You okay." Percy asked louder hoping the son of Freyr was close enough.

"Am I okay!" The annoyed and faint "hey!" Told Percy Magnus had snatched the phone. "Here I was having a nice day and next thing I know, I'm pulled into some into the spider-verse bullshit where a corrupted discount justice league. Is committing every crime under the fucking sun! And now there's this rude little shit who knocked me through a wall with a super punch! NO I'M NOT OKAY!"

"I'll take this one." Deadpanned Annabeth. Percy handed her the phone. "Quit you're bitching we got a world to save." Bluntly said Annabeth.

"Annie?" Incredulously snapped Magnus. "What are you doing here?"

"Hell if I know." Shrugged Annabeth. "I was having a normal day and blam. Like you said some into the spider-verse bullshit. Although that sounds like nightmare fuel to me."

"Nah Spiderman is usually hot. I promise you that. Pretty good movie by the way."

"I bet, mind coming back to New-York?"

"Yeah yeah I'm coming." He replied suddenly mellowing down considerably. "And Annie, good to know you're okay."

Annabeth smiled "you too Magnus, see you soon." With that the daughter of Athena hung up. She let out a deep sigh.

"I am going to drop kick the next deity we meet right in the teeth."

"Right there with you wise girl." Sighed back Percy. "We'll get back home soon I swear." 

Annabeth let out a small smile and hugged Percy once again.

Percy didn't add anything else. He just stood there gently swaying back and forth. The moon light breaching through the broken window.

It was peaceful.

But out of any people, Percy knew what calm before the storm felt like.

For those who know and are wondering and understandably worried, no Tech Jacket will not be like his comic book counterpart. I am not that fucked up.

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