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36.36% Gloves off / Chapter 4: Broken frontiers

Chapitre 4: Broken frontiers

Naturally when Percy came back to the surface with Butcher riding on a wave. He wasn't welcomed warmly. A dark skinned man and another smaller skinnier one with a shaved head raised guns at him.

"Down boys, we made our arrangements."

"You kidding? Butcher the kid just dragged you under friday the 13th style!" Exclaimed the man not lowering his weapon.

"You dropped a grenade in my sleeping spot." Deadpanned Percy.

"Fair enough." The shaved man said slowly lowering his weapon. The other bregugingly doing so as well.

Kimiko shrugged next to him. The boy made a good point on her mind.

"This was his idea by the way." Percy recognised the man who thanked him.

"I'm Hughie Campbell." He introduced himself raising his hand. Percy shook "Percy Jackson." He politely replied.

"This is Frenchie." The concerned man gave Percy a nod.

"That's mother's milk."

Percy couldn't keep in the snicker that breached his lips.

MM rolled his eyes, but this reaction was to be expected.

"And you've met Butcher obviously." Hughie said gesturing at the impertinent man.

"So this is the rag tag group of mad bastards you've told me about?"

"Yep, welcome to the boys." He glanced at Kimiko "and girl obviously."

Kimiko waved her hand to gain Percy's attention. And began to sign when she did. The son of Poseidon winced "sorry I don't speak signs."

"It's alright." Assured Frenchie "she's just thanking you for saving her brother Kenshi."

"It was the right thing to do." Percy assured with a small smile.

Butcher rolled his eyes. "Well we can get friendly and touchy feely later. Let's go back to the hideout before some blue spangled cunts find us."

"Yeah because they'd have no reason to arrest us." Sarcastically stated MM rolling his eyes.

They managed to squeeze in the car, Percy staring out the window.

MM sneaked a few glances at Percy throught the rearview mirror.

"How old are you?" He couldn't help, but ask.

"Seventeen." Percy absentmindly replied trying to find differences between this and his New-York. Beyond the mountains of merchandise he couldn't find many. Historical landmarks were the same, but he doubted those statues would come to life with the right order.

MM looked back ahead deep in thought. Seventeen, were they really going to use a teenager as a weapon? He glanced at his distracted leader. He sure didn't seem to care about it.

God he considered Hughie young, but seventeen years old. That kid should be in school not fighting corrupted supes.

"You got anyone we should call..." He trailed off when Percy's eyes blew wide.

"No not really." He replied quickly masking over his panic.

"Okay so what's the plan Butcher?"

"Let's get the kid caught up before doing anything else." Simply replied Butcher.

Back in the hideout Percy was handed various files on many secret events and ennemies. Some of them nearly made him sick, he had seen people get mauled to death by hellhounds, half burned by acid stabbed to death and burned alive, but the casual debauchery and sadistic violence done by these people was unlike anything he had ever witnessed. When he found a picture of Stormfront posing in a wedding dress with a man under a very specific symbol he frowned.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Sadly yes." Hughie sighed "the version of compound V in her veins slows down her ageing exponentially. She's an 80 year old something Nazi.

"Damn" Percy's frown deepened "I should have hit her harder."

"Make sure you do next time." Frenchie translated for Kimiko.

"Sadly we can't just barge in to the nearest desperate news buisness without more... Concrete proof." Butcher added looking frustrated.

"There's always just asking the survivors if they saw anything?" Percy replied shrugging his shoulders.

"It ain't that simple son." Butcher shot back sounding a little exasperated.

"Actually it does, there's a charity event going on in the church near the appartment building. I saw It on TV. I can sneak in and ask a few questions."

Butcher rolled his eyes "Oh yeah sure mister so internet famous, likes flows out of his ass like a waterfall is..."  Butcher trailed off looking slightly disturbed. Slowly the rest of the boys turned around to Percy sporting a new face.

Butcher's to be more precise.

"Maybe I could go looking like a brit that looks more gruff than a civil war wound." Percy shot back sounding nearly just like Butcher.

"Okay you made your point." Gruffly grumbled the man.

MM chuckled "he got you Man." He stated as Percy's face regained it's usual shape.

"Okay me and the kid go look for more proof. The rest of you find out our next move?" Butcher nodded Percy walked ahead, MM not far behind.

Butcher grabbed him by the arm. "You keep a close eye on that kid ya hear?"

"He's literally seventeen." MM tried to argue.

"And?" Butcher cut off sounding slightly bewildered "you know what kind of shit I got up too at seventeen?"

"I don't want to fucking know." Deadpanned MM.

"Some nasty shit." Butcher added making his partner roll his eyes.

"Point is, don't let those sea green seal eyes throw a bunch of shit in yours." Butcher advised tapping him on the shoulder.

MM exited the hideout to see Percy leaning against the car. His fingers randomly tapping against the door.

"So, what got you fighting against evil supes?" MM wondered out loud after dissinfecting the steering wheel.

Percy shrugged still unsure of what he could or should say.

"Let's just say my mother raised me right." Was all Percy found to tell. Claiming to be half divine to these people would only get him more ennemies.

MM chuckled "yeah my mama always had a knack for keeping me on the right track. Wether it be with words or by knocking some sense into me." Percy smiled a little.

"Mine never managed to lose patience with me. And I wasn't an easy kid." Percy added with a sad smile.

He could only hope that Hestia took some time out of her day to tell her he was alright.

"She knows your..."

"Fighting psychos at night and that I got super powers? Wish she didn't." Percy huffed thinking back to all of the trouble and suffering her mother had to endure because of him.

She'd probably pull on his ear if she knew he still blamed himself.

"We're here." announced MM pulling up next to a busy church.

"Hope i'm allowed in there." Percy muttered to himself. Zoning out a little until MM practically shoved a box full of clothes and cans in his arms.

"We need to look the part and act like we belong, if people are gonna believe we have any buisness here." He patiently explained before Percy could even open his mouth.

Percy nodded and carried the box inside. The church was completly reorganized into a survival camp. Army beds and countless people littered around the building in what could only be described as organised chaos.

Long tables were organised at the front. Various colorfuly dressed people handing out various supplies. Percy scanned the room. Despite they're situations most people there looked happy to be there. They're idolation shining like a bonfire. He recognised the young Americans, drummer boy, a blond haired man with a domino mask in his early twenties. He had the abbiltiy to cause shockwaves by clapping his hands.

General issue, a name that sounded like a bad pun. Standard super strenght.

Holy Mary who was only dressed in a nun outfit that stretched over her face like a domino mask. She had telekinesis, Percy wondered if she'd be burn to the stake because of her powers, was she not already a famous and religious figure.

Standards who wore a nonsensical colored outfit. He could fly and Percy assumed he had to have enhanced attributes along with it.

People talked amongst each other Percy even heard the occasional laughter, but the lack of movement is what attracted his attention.

A dark skinned woman sat on a bed. Completly unresponsive to the world around her. Or the girl most likely her daughter offering her some food.

Percy made a beeline for them. Accidentally ignoring MM. And one of the heroes at the table glancing at him.

"Excuse me." He greeted softly. The daughter looked up at him "we're okay, you should go give that stuff to someone that really needs it."

"Something happened to you didn't it." He asked calmly. The Girl looked away "I don't know what your talking about."

"I know that look" Percy gently added "I genuinely wished I didn't, but the loss of a loved one is always obvious to me."

Percy's heart clenched as the woman chocked on a sob. The girl sent him a glare "you should leave."

"It wasn't the fire was it, it got put out way too quickly."

"Stormfront did it."

"Shut, up." The girl hissed.

Percy turned to a younger boy clenching a gaming console in his hands.

"She threw those people in the appartment and killed dad. But the people in fancy suits came and offered us money to not say anything. Mom told them to go to hell, but they said we'd regret causing mass panic."

"Joey shut up!" The girl snapped. Looking more afraid than angry.

"Hey hey. What's going on." Gently intercepted MM.

"Just leave us alone before you get us killed." Bitterly spoke the girl going back to tending to her mother.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do to truly change your situation, I can't bring back what's been taken from you. What I can do is make sure she doesn't get away with it again unpunished. Make sure one less family gets ripped  apart from the heinous actions of a self entitled monster."

The girl went to open her mouth again.

"He didn't even do anything. He didn't move an inch." The mother shackily spoke up.

"I didn't even register it happening until the lightning died down. My husband was lying dead on the ground, there was blood everywhere." She said he voice steady as thin ice.

MM and Percy shared a look. The adult kneeled down in front of the grieving widow.

"What's your name ma'am."

"Monica." Blankly replied the woman.

"Okay Monica, I know we just asked the impossible from you, but would be able to repeat what you just told us in front of a court? Or a representant of the law."

She nodded after a few moments.

"Okay great, get your stuff quick before-"

"Hello Citizen." A dramatic voice boomed from behind them.

MM swore throught his teeth as he rose to his feet.

Major issues stood there towering over the pair. Percy mentally cursed himself, for getting distracted.

The Military theme super hero towered over the two. "Yes?" Percy asked hardly able to contain his own annoyance.

"You've breached your contract with Vought Miss Dawson. Please come with me without resistance."

"I never signed your damn contract." She nearly growled.

"No, but your daughter did in your name given your inability to do so."

The mother sent her daughter a betrayed look. "I'm sorry mom, but there's nothing we can do. They offered us enough to buy a new house and restart our life."

"Wait wait wait." MM interupted "she's a minor, unless she's emancipated this contract is meaningless."

Major issue narrowed his steel blue eyes.

Percy knew what was going to happen before it even did. The 'hero' reached for the young girl, but Percy caught his wrist.

He made a dramatic move to rip his hand out of Percy's grasp, but the demigod merely rolled his eyes at the toddler like pull.

He glanced at MM "i'm not leaving you in a room full of supes." He hissed before Percy could even open his mouth. He might have known the child for barely half a day, but that wasn't enough to leave Percy to his death.

"I'll be fine, meet you at the hideout." Percy casually replied his appearence went back to it's regular one. If Percy was about to fight he needed all of his head, and that way he wasn't giving MM much of a choice.

Before MM could add anything else Major Issues punched Percy accross the face. His head didn't even tilt to the side, yet Percy still sent him an offended look.

"Don't-" MM threw his hands up as Percy backhanded the Vought sponsored hero accross the room. Completly out cold.

"Go." Percy repeated a bit more forcefully. He grabbed the frozen young boy by the shoulder and placed him in front of his mother before turning to the rest of the young Americans.


"Come on man it can't have been that bad." Eagle tried to console the Deep as he yet again wallowed in self pity.

"You don't get it Man." Groaned the ex seven member, his forehead pressed against the table. "He didn't just bitch slap me so hard I felt like my skull popped. He's even more famous in the sea than me."

"... How?" Couldn't help but demand the archer.

"I don't know!" Drunkenly cried the Deep.

"They keep calling him prince or son of Poseidon and other dumb shit like that! I've been defending them for years and I never got called prince!"

"Yeah, cause your the king man." Encouraged Eagle.

Throught his drunken haze the Deep didn't question the quality of that statement.

"Yeah your right, little shit caught me off guard."

"Yeah that's what i'm talking about." He cheered "no way some teenager can take down a soon to be retaken member of the seven!"

Deep nodded along with Eagle's words. "Yeah your right, I just gotta find the bastard, bring him to the seven and Homelander will take me back."

Eagle was about to add his two cent until the television above them suddenly got louder. The two hero looked up at a scared reporter ducking around the corner of a building.

"This is Jamie Paige, here to report the violent confrontation between the Young Americans team against the mysterious and famous vigilante of the past few days. We have yet to know what caused this altercation."

The brave cameraman leaned out of the safe spot to catch the footage.

Drummer boy slammed his hands together, creating a powerful shockwave, it washed over the teenager without any damage, but Standards who was flying down like a dive bomb, was shot back in the air right into the tower of the church. Leaving it barely standing and his teammate heavily injured.

Two old ladies stumbled out of the building, collapsing in front of it.

Holy Mary raised her arms, hidden knives flying out of her sleeves with telekinetic force, right towards Percy. Who weaved between the blades and even caught one. Only to throw it back with deadly precision right next to Drummer Boy's wrist. Leaving a gash in his skin. To the untrained eye it would have looked like a poor throw, but to Eagle. An expert marksman, it was a fact that this throw was deliberate.

He might have been fighting, but it wasn't to kill.

"It's him." Deep whispered in shock.

"And he's in Brooklyn." Eagle added with a slowly growing smile.

Suddenly the bell of the tower fell towards the defencless women.

The teenager dove towards them, shoulder checking the 4000 pound bell away from them, with a bellowing ring.

Deep gulped at the display of strenght. Eagle noticed, grabbing his Fresca he poured it in his friend's face. The Deep flinched backwards, his eyes closed.

"What was that for?" He calmly demanded.

"An attempt to sober you up?" Sheepishly informed the archer.

"Okay." The Deep took several deep breath as if he was about to lift the heaviest thing he ever raised in his life.

"Let's go!" He yelled running out of the bar.

Eagle blinked, surprised that Deep could still even walk straight. He scrambled after him, only in order to make sure the aquatic hero wouldn't bite out more than he could chew.



Percy helped the old ladies back inside. Assuring them that it would be safer there. After he ushered them inside Percy felt a pull on his body.

It was like a strong wind sweeping past him. Pulling him towards Holy Mary, or at least tried too. The repressed growl flowing from her gritted teeth being a clear sign of exertion.

Percy sprinted towards her, Drummer boy standing in his way. Percy didn't slow down, before he could clap his hands again Percy lept up, crashing his knee in his nose.

Sending the man flying into his teammate. His nose looking like a stomped tomato, the hero howled in agony, his fingers curled above his face. Holy Mary managed to shove him off of her, but Percy was already running away. All he needed to do was the nearest deep body of water and wait.

But someone had other plans.

Two men pulled up next to Percy on motorcycle, strangely enough sporting a metal eagle head at the front. Percy's mind had already slowed things down for him. So with a frown he recognised the man from a few weeks ago. He was with a dark skinned man, clearly an archer. His eyes glanced at the speed meter.

80 miles per hour?

It never occured to Percy how fast he ran when fleeing from blood thirsty monsters. He should have gone to the Olympics like how Leo joked once.

That way he could rub it in the dumb smug face of all the Nike kids and they're stupid over the top soccer mom.

An arrow whistled past Percy's ear as he leaned it to the side by reflex.

"Oh yeah aparently Hawkeye and Aquaman are butt buddies, sounds like a million dollar worth comic." Percy told himself as he outsped the motorcycle.

Sadly no one was there to enjoy the golden melody that was his sense of humour.

A gift from the gods really.

He reached down into his pocket and pulled out a pen. One flick of the thumb later he was holding a bronze xiphos.

The son of Poseidon slid to a harsh stop and swung his sword. The godly metal slicing throught the front wheel like a hot knife throught butter.

Eagle and the Deep flipped throught the air head over heels until they crashed into the hard ground.

Deep gasped for air as it was brutally knocked out of his lungs. He rolled on his side at the same time Eagle rose to his knees rubbing his head.

He turned his head to Percy who slowly marched towards him. The super hero was flabbergasted to see his sword turn back into a pen.

He didn't waste time with the two, instead he stepped over the Deep who latched onto his ankle. Percy went to kick his face in, but his hand snatched the arrow shot with inhuman accuracy inches away from his opposite shoulder, quickly discarding it.

Assuming that he was distracted Deep jumped to his feet and with all of his strenght, landed a mighty upercut on the teenager's chin.

Percy raised an eyebrow as the smug Deep landed another punch.

And another.

And another.

And another.

"Come on Deep you have him on the ropes!" Shouted Eagle notching another arrow.

Percy rolled his eyes and caught his fist. Having had enough of tolerating this, half a second later he was catching yet another arrow and stabbing Deep in the shoulder with it.

The Deep let loose a high pitched scream, Eagle putting his fist over his mouth with a wince. Percy dropped the Deep who started rolling back and forth on the ground. Crying out in pain, suddenly the police came from all sides.

Percy analysed the situation, unless he was sure those were dirty cops he wasn't about to flood half a city block for them.

So he opted to kicking down a man hole cover and jumping down in the sewers.

"Man how do the Ninja Turtles make this look fun." Percy gagged running throught the foul smelling tunnels.

As Percy ran he sensed the water shifting, something massive was coming his way. He spun around just in time to see a massive pale alligator

"Oh come on!" Percy snapped. The Beast was 25 feet long at the very least. A lot smaller than the previous massive crocodile he fought.

It lunged forward, Percy leaping above it's ravenous jaw. The long snout of the animal smashing into the concrete. When Percy's hand met the scales he realised that it was completly made from clay?

The monster trashed around, but Percy's balance was near perfect. The gleaming riptide now in hand Percy stabbed down. Riptide sinking deep into the magical clay.

Clearly it only annoyed the beast who trashed harder. Annoyed Percy flicked his wrist, the dirty water slamming into the crocodile.

Percy jumped off it's back rolling onto the ground back on his feet.

The croc was still after him, sprinting at an impressive speed. Percy sighed and repeated the previous gesture. Slamming the man made creature into the wall hard enough to crack it.

Percy charged the dazed monster and slid under it's belly, slicing off it's left foot. Stabbing deeply into it's underbelly. This time the creature roared in agony as the magical blade pierced it's artificial heart. Falling apart into soft fine sand.

Percy blew a sand covered strand of hair out of his face.

"Well this day couldn't get anymore annoying." He huffed, rising to his feet he noticed that the left leg was still intact. Curiously he approached the gleaming riptide to it.

"What the fuck." Was all the bewildered Percy said when he saw the writing on the leg.

Egyptian Hieroglyphs.

(So sorry for the long wait I had to do a bunch of research on the boys and re read a lot of informations on pjo books. Updates should be coming in more quickly now.)

In the lightning Thief Percy jumped from the gateway arch to the River, that's a 200 Meter long jump or at least 500 to 600 feet away from it. It's hard to calculate, but essentially after asking for some help it was determined that the ammount of force needed to carry out the initial momentum which can vary between 3000 to 6000 pounds of force, that is if my source wasn't mistaken.

Another underrated feat is when 12 year old Percy while boosted by the rain he ripped off the horn of the Minotaur. Assuming that it can handle as much force as a regular bull around 3400 newtons that mean that Percy's tiny arms would need to exert a force of over 730 pounds most likely closer to 1000 pounds of force in order to pull it off. Considering how Powerful that monster is.

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