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88.28% Prince of the Desert / Chapter 113: The ink is dry...

Chapitre 113: The ink is dry...

***A few hours ago, day of the Trial***

When he got to the private dining room where he was led by the guards, Edgar realized that he couldn't bear to think about eating.

`Why ser Ronnel? How could you do this to us? You were like a second father to me!`

Edgar's stomach was full of bile and he felt a deep pain in his chest. Ser Ronnel's betrayal feels like someone reached into his chest and squeezed his heart, at the same time they replaced his blood with lava.

Pain, anguish, discomfort and anger.

A blinding rage, which if he doesn't control will be the end of him.

Lord Yronwood knows that if ser Ronnel were to be in front of him, he would beat him to death at the same time that he would mourn the man he believed him to be.

`I cannot refute his testimony, no one will believe a word that comes out of my mouth. Calling him a liar and a thief will not go well, that viper must have made sure of it.`

Edgar remembers the nasty news he received not long ago, after the death of his beloved father. Ser Ronnel, the man he trusted most, had abandoned him, taking all the gold he could take with him. His anger blinded him so much that he destroyed his solar in a fit of rage.

`That robbery was a ruse to distract me from his true intentions: to betray me` He snorts and clenches his fists. `That viper already knew about our plans at that moment, she already had her own plans in motion. The questions are: how long has she known? How long has she been planning our destruction? Fat-Father!`

Lord Yronwood jumps up, knocking his chair to the floor. The sudden death of his father is still a fresh memory. He perfectly remembers the horseman who gave him the dreadful news, he remembers the shock and numbness he felt at those moments. The ride back to Yronwood passed in a blur, barely remembering what he said or did on the way. He has vague memories of dismounting from his horse, of his wife leading him to his father's room.

Yon Yronwood was never the tallest or stockiest of men but the old man always had a powerful and commanding presence, easily able to fill a room with his aura. Seeing him reduced to a copse, to a lifeless body, felt like a bolt of lightning had passed through him.

The maester told him that Lord Yon died of bleeding in the head, that there was nothing he or any healer could do. At that time he accepted the cause of death and did not think too much about it. It made sense, his father had been presenting the symptoms that the maester described for some time.

But now he sees that painful memory in a different light.

`The timing was too good, the viper must have contacted Ronnel by then.` Edgar lifts his chair and sits back down. `Was it her doing?`

Doubts gnaw at him and anger circulates through his veins again, fast and boiling. Edgar knows that poisons are the specialty of House Nymeros Martell, every generation there is at least one expert in the family in that dark art. He also knows that there are poisons capable of imitating the effects of a wide variety of diseases. With how well connected and secretive the Martells are, it wouldn't be surprising if they have access to poisons that no master westerosi can identify.

`She will pay! All of them will pay! No matter the price!`

Edgar Yronwood's eyes darken with anger and resolve, he made his mind.

"No matter the price." He mutters under his breath as he picks up a glass of wine and downs it in one gulp.

"No matter the price." He murmurs again, this time his voice is softer and tinged with sadness.


"- and that is the last witness of House Nymeros Martell." Prince Arthur said.

"Thank you Prince Arthur," The princess looks out the window, despite the fact that it's quite late the sun hasn't set yet. "Since the sun has not yet set, the trial will continue with the defense of the accused"

More than one person groaned in protest but did not dare to openly say anything. The trial began shortly after dawn, and apart from the short break at noon there was no recess.

`This trial has been going for over 10 hours` complains Doran repressing a groan, like the others present the prince has been standing watching the trial since dawn. Doran feels his legs are numb, he just wants to go to his quarters and take a relaxing bath. The mental image of a bathtub full of boiling water, bath salts and tons of bubbles gives him the strength he needs to endure the last two hours before nightfall. `Why do Dornish days have to be so damn long?`

"Lord Edgar Yronwood, step forward. Now is your chance to defend your name and your house." Princess Dorna looks at him with her golden eyes shining like the midday sun, if one looked closely one would see a victorious glow in them, for her victory has already been decided.

Edgar takes a few steps forward, his expression solemn and his eyes, when he looks at the princess, are hard and cold as the glaciers north of the Wall.

"Thank you, princess." He says sarcastically. "Since-"

The great doors of the throne room are thrown open and everyone turns to face them.

Standing indifferent to the sea of eyes is Jacaerys Martell. The prince smirks arrogantly and walks with confidence and even smugness, under one of his arms he has several carefully rolled scrolls.

The two guards who opened the doors quickly shut them again, a red tint to their cheeks clearly ashamed.

Doran facepalms and sighs, next to him Manfrey Martell (son of Jacaerys) runs a hand across his face in exasperation.

"Did he really have to be that dramatic?" Mutters the castellan with his cheeks red with embarrassment.

"..." Doran says nothing but pats his uncle on the back. Jacaerys Martell always had a love for the theatrical and dramatic. `Well, he does dress like a fucking pirate so yeah.`

"Sorry I am late!" Jacaerys smiles cheekily and his lilac eyes sparkle with mischief. Everything seems like a joke to him, and he looks very amused.

"What is the meaning of this Jacaerys?" Prince Arthur steps forward and glares at him with annoyance. "We are in the middle of a trial."

The silver-haired prince laughs and jokes.

"A trial you say?" Jacaerys turns to the crowd and winks mischievously. "And poor lil me thinking this was a party." The prince makes a dramatic gesture. "A party I was not invited to, and it hurt me. Right here." He puts a hand over his heart.

More than one person laughs at his antics.

"This is how House Martell deals with such important matters?!" Lord Edgar yells in anger while glaring at princess Dorna, enraged by Jacaerys' antics.

"Uncle, stop this nonsense." The princess gets up from her throne and scolds her uncle.

"Sorry, sorry." Jacaerys raises a hand in surrender and smiles charmingly at his niece. "My most sincere apologies, dear niece."

The princess sighs and sits down again.

"Is there a reason why you barged here like a wild boar, little brother?" Princess Maya Martell spoke with her arms crossed.

"But of course there is one, dearest sister." Jacaerys holds up the scrolls that he had under his right arm high above him for all to see. "While I was in Pentos closing a very sweet trade business with a local I heard the most interesting news! Something truly astonishing!" The prince lowers his voice to a false whisper and looks at the judges and crowd secretly, as if he is talking about a big secret.

"Why is he like that?..." Manfrey Martell mutters embarrassed.

"There, there, uncle." Doran smiles amused and pats his uncle on the back to comfort him.

"Are we really going to entertain this rascal in the middle of the trial that will decide the future of my family?! Of my house?!" Lord Edgar yells, his face purple with anger and rage.

"Now now, Lord Edgar." Lady Wyl speaks in a conciliatory tone. "Jace-Prince Jacaerys may be a buffoon at times but even he knows better. I am sure what he has to say-and show for the looks of it-will be most useful for this trial."

"Buffon? Should I feel offended or flattered by her trust in me?" Prince Jacerys asks his good nephew, Prince Arthur looks at him with a slight inclination of the lips, not enough to be a smile but still enough to show his amusement.

"I agree with Lady Wyl, prince Jacaerys must have something of value or else he wouldn't have barged here as a wild boar, as princes Maya said." Lord Manwoody adds, nodding towards his fellow judges.

"Very well, we shall hear what my uncle has to say. Any objections?" Princess Dorna looks around the room with a raised eyebrow.

No one protests but Lord Edgar's angry growl is heard by more than a few, and also earned the glare of a few of the judges.

"Any objections, Yronwood?" Lord Dayne sends him a warning glare.

"None." Lord Edgar mutters.

"Shall I start then?" Prince Jacerys watched the entire exchange with a smug smile.

"You shall." Arthur waves for him to start.

"Very well, as I was telling you I was in Pentos closing a few business deals. Very profitable deals I must add." Jacaerys smiles proud of himself, his sister rolls her eyes and some giggles are heard in the room (mostly of women charmed by his good looks). "While there I heard the most unbelievable rumor! Of a man named Theo of Lys, apparently he was part of a group of men who managed the impossible!"

"The impossible?" Some spectators ask curiously.

Jacaerys pauses briefly and leans towards the judges, his eyes shining like a child in a toy store.

"They robbed the Iron Bank!" He blurts out ecstatically, as if the news were the most joyful and fun.

The room erupts in whispers and surprised shouts.

"The Iron Bank?!"


"How is that possible?!"

"I have all my savings in that bank! Are my coins gone?!"

"Is the Iron Bank falling apart?!"

"Calm down!" Prince Arthur hit his cane against the floor several times, restoring order to the room.

"That statement is most inconceivable! Are you sure prince Jacaerys?"

Prince Jacaerys, who had been watching the chaos his words caused with bright eyes, turned to Lord Gargalen and nodded.

"My contacts confirmed it, the Iron Bank was robbed."

"That is the most unthinkable thing I heard in half my years!" exclaims Lord Dayne with wide eyes.

"What did they take from the bank?" Lady Ladybright leans forward, waiting to hear more of the juicy gossip.

"Gold, jewelry, and the most important thing: papers." Prince Jacaerys has a mischievous smile on his lips.

"Papers? Wha-wait! Contracts? Secret deals and such?!" Lord Gargalen looks at the prince waiting for an answer.

Jacaerys nods enthusiastically.

"So that is what you have in your hands." The Princess of Dorne affirms with a pensive look.

"Precisely! This audacious man, Theo, contacted me saying he had information that my house would find most useful. And he was right, damn right I must say." Jacerys steps forward and passes a scroll to his niece, one to Lady Wyl, and one to Lord Dayne.

They unscrew them and scan them quickly.

The whole room is on tiptoe waiting to find out what's in those documents.

"This are-"

Jacaerys interrupts Lord Dayne, practically jumping with excitement.

"Contracts between House Blackfyre and House Yronwood!"

The room erupts in whispers and this time no one silences them. The judges read the scrolls and when they are done with one they pass it on to another of the judges until all seven have carefully read each of the secret contracts between House Blackfyre and House Yronwood.

"Shall I tell everyone the content of these contracts?" Jacaerys smiles excitedly but his niece shakes her head.

"I will." The Princess of Dorne rises from her throne. "In the first contract, signed by Anders Yronwood, Yon Yronwood and Aegor -Bittersteel- Rivers, House Yronwood pledges to support House Blackfyre in their campaign for the Iron Throne in every capacity possible, from financial to military. The second contract , signed by Daemon Blackfyre, Edarion Blackfyre, Yon Yronwood, and Edgar Yronwood, dictates the rewards that House Yronwood will receive once a Blackfyre sits on the Iron Throne.Those rewards include among the obvious the position as rulers of Dorne, as well as a extension of their lands taking part of those of their current neighbors, naming House Wyl and House Jordayne. The last contract is a nuptial agreement between a daughter of Daemon Blackfyre and the heir of Edgar Yronwood."

The princess pauses and glares at Edgar Yronwood, who has turned pale and is shaking with anger.

"Each contract bears the official seals of House Yronwood and House Blackfyre, seals that only the head of each house possesses. I personally recognize the handwriting of all three Yronwood and Bittersteel`s." The princess looks towards her fellow judges with a raised eyebrow.

"Hear, hear." Lord Allyrion says. "I recognize the handwriting of Yon and Edgar Yronwood, Anders Yronwood died before I became lord so I didn't exchange any letter with him."

Other judges nod, having recognized the handwriting of some of the men who signed the contracts.

The princess sits down and the crowd seems to take her silence as a sign of approval to go wild.


The roar was deafening, the men and women in the room seemed to be competing for who could shout the loudest. A small stampede ensued as dozens of men and women, completely convinced of his guilt, jumped at him and his family.

The Martell guards rushed to surround him, trapped in a tight circle with guards on either side he saw faces flushed with anger, others purple and blue, hands trying to get through the guards to reach him. Someone almost gouges his eye out, he barely manages to move his head in time, someone else kicks him. He hits him square in the shin and a burning pain shoots up his leg, Edgar winces and gets as far away from the pack of wild sand hounds surrounding him as he can. All of them want a piece of him and the guards barely can keep them away.

Lord Yronwood does not know how long it took the guards to restore order again. By the time they did, the sun had already gone down enough not to be seen through the large windows of the round room. Several people were escorted out of the room and the number of guards inside the throne room is visibly larger. Edgar looks at the judges, some are red with anger and others are impassive as marble statues. His eyes are directed towards the princess, her face shows no emotion at all but her eyes- Oh, her eyes. Those brilliant golden spheres glow with rejoice, like a snake who is engulfed its victim and is enjoying the satisfying after taste.

Edgar feels his whole body shaking with rage at the sight of the Princess of Dorne.

"My lords!" Lord Edgar roared, taking a step forward. Even with the crowd having calmed down quite a bit, he had to shout several times to be heard.

The princess held up a hand and like obedient children the crowd fell silent.

"I only have one thing to say: I am innocent. I did not betray Dorne, my father and uncle did not betray Dorne." He says with conviction. "But none of you will believe me. The Golden Viper and her servants set up this show to destroy my house and take full control over Dorne. Everyone from Sunspear to the Wall knows House Yronwood and House Martell have a longstanding rivalry dating back to ancient times."

Several people scoff and snort at his words.

"I am innocent, and I know I am not going to get justice here. The judgment of men has been polluted by foul lies and tricks. You leave me no choice but to turn to the gods. I demand a trial by combat."


NOTE: Check out my new story. Is another GoT story but very different from anything I have written thus far.

The Revolution of Westeros: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-revolution-of-westeros_25576593506569105

Also there are advanced chapter in my p@ tre on if you are interested. (Advanced chapter of Prince of Desert)

p a t r e o n. com /EdenofKovir

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