Madea releasing me from Azar's hold on me eased my fears a little bit since it was only temporarily not permanently. I was still a little bit better and more cheerful though. I know Ivan feels slightly worried about me and I know he thinks I'm hiding something away from him. I could hear him talking with Kiran sometimes in the hallway. I still haven't informed anyone about the actual reason why I went to see my mother. I just wasn't ready to talk about it yet and I wasn't about to inform them about Azar's hold on me. We were still dealing with one crisis, we don't need to add another. Besides, Madea is already working on a spell on it and I'm desperately wishing it takes days instead of weeks, or the gods forbid, a year!
"What do I always tell you when you are on the training ground?"
I stared up at Kiran who was dressed in his training gear, his sword poised in one hand and he was giving me a wary look that shows he wasn't pleased with me.
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