My head throbbed badly. It felt as if it was being split into two! My nose was definitely broken, blood trickled out of my nostrils and from my mouth. I had lost two or three teeth from being knocked around by my wolf. One of my eyes had swollen shut completely and from the one good eye I could see my wolf charge towards me!
Whimpering, I pushed myself up from the ground and with what little strength I had left, I stumbled blindly through the woods, pushing myself to run. But I couldn't run far, every limb in my body was broken. Every step I took made my body hurt. Tears rolled down my cheek as I dragged myself across the forest trying to look for where to hide.
I couldn't make myself to run because of how badly I was hurt. My wolf seemed to know how badly hurt I was because it didn't seem to chase after me. Instead, it leisurely strolled towards me, not bothering to waste any of its energy on me. I was dead anyways!
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