"Something's strange." I whispered to Ivan after the tournament.
Ivan paused to look at me, a look on his face. "What's wrong? You okay? Are you hearing whispers
"What? No." I shook my head at Ivan in disbelief who visibly relaxed at my response. "I was talking about King Ronald."
Ivan turned to resume his walk. "What about him?"
"Doesn't he seem strange to you? There's something not right with him." I told him unable to take my mind off what I had seen in the woods.
"That's just how he is." Ivan replied in an unbothered tone.
I stopped walking and pulled Ivan to a stop. "I caught him scolding his son, he was even about to hit him if I hadn't walk in on it!" | informed Ivan when he arched a brow up at me.
Ivan released a wary sigh. "Arianne look, I don't want you getting involved with King Ronald the great." I frowned at Ivan. "I didn't get myself involve, I stopped him from hitting a child!"
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