Tag'arkh grew distant each day. Nothing we do seemed to cheer her up. She grew distant from Yasmin and Aurora, even me! And I was her other half for years! Tag'arkh became a shadow, hardly seen and even when she was seen, she barely said anything. She must miss Neveah terribly but somehow, I also doubted that.
I mean there was just no way that she would miss a home where she was thrown out of, it just doesn't make sense. I think what she wanted was just to find somewhere to belong. Somewhere where she isn't being treated like she was a criminal. Somewhere where people can actually look at her without being afraid, a place she can live in without fear.
But that's going to prove to be very difficult though because of what she is and its only right to be terrified of fire. I thought to myself as a heavy sigh escaped my lips.
"You okay Arianne?" Aurora asked.
Apologies for the late updates everyone!
I’m so sorry
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