The Vikings also prepared for their departure after a week. The war with the water goddess was over so it was time to live. I was sad to actually see them leave. I was starting to get used to their presence. Harald and Freya were good company, I was going to miss them along with Valdor and Jason. I hugged Freya tightly as we waited beside their carriage.
"I'm going to miss you." I admitted as I squeezed her tightly.
"I'm going to miss you too." Freya admitted pulling away from me.
I smiled at her then moved away so Aurora and Yasmin could say their goodbyes. I turned to find the men standing in a corner, none of them making eye contacts which other which was awkward.
I sighed as I arched a brow up at Ivan. "Really?"
"Really what?" Ivan arched his brow up at me.
Freya came to join me. "You all are just going to stand there without saying anything, or hugging each other?"
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