The other two werewolves that stood beside Ivan were Kiran and Harald. Harad's wolf was grey with red eyes, the colour wasn't as deep as Ivan's! I could also see two more werewolves inside the woods. They were guards, I could tell because their eyes were glowing bright yellow. In their midst was Blue with his golden helmet resting on top of his head.
Relief flooded through me as I realized we were not alone, help had come. The water nymphs shifted nervously as Ivan came to stand in front of me.
"You okay?" Ivan growled out and I gave a single nod to assure him that I was fine. He then turned to look at the water nymphs with a snarl.
"This doesn't concern you alpha!" The nymph with the green hair spoke again.
Ivan released a growl. "She's my wife! It concerns me!"
"It is the will of the goddess Aquarina!" The water nymph yelled. "She has been summoned because she has been found unworthy!'
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