We all assembled to the throne room but without the court people. We all gathered here to figure out what we would do to the news we just heard. Ravenna was a witch! Like how the hell did that happen! Last I saw her she was a cowering mess! She didn't have any sort of powers when I saw her, if she had she would have used it to wipe us away when she came seeking vengeance for the family she had lost. But now I found out she was the one mind controlling my mother! Fuck!
"Wow, you really know how to pick 'em brother." Kiran said shooting Ivan a look who let out a low growl.
"I'm going to have to agree with Kiran on this one, I mean how the hell is Ravenna a witch?" Aurora asked looking around the room, "And Lord Mccurdy was controlling Arianne's mother through a voodoo doll! That's just crazy!"
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