I hurriedly climbed up the stairs with Kiran following closely behind me. As soon as we heard the news of Ivan's health, Kiran and I had rode back home on Rollin's horse with me riding behind him. We immediately got to the castle and we couldn't see anyone. According to Rollin, everyone had hidden out of sight not wanting to invoke the wrath of the alpha.
I hurriedly walked the halls and I could hear the sound of things crashing along with Ivan's roar. Oh gods! I thought to myself as I continued walking and I was about to enter my room when Kiran grabbed me by my wrist.
"Where do you think you are going?"
I arched a brow up at him. "My room." I stated the obvious but Kiran didn't still release me.
"What for? We should be going to Ivan's room."
I let out a sigh as I tugged my wrist from Kiran's hand. "Yeah I know that but I can't exactly let him see me like this now can I?"
I'm so sorry I had to stop here guys, promise to make it up to you.
But you can still leave your comments in the comment section when you done.
Thank you!
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