"Arianne, come on my love, wake up!"
My eyes fluttered open to see a blurry figure looming over me. I had to blink a few times for the image to become clear and when it did, I saw a panicked looking Ivan in front of me. I groaned a little as I pushed myself up with Ivan's help.
"Wha...what happened?" I breathed out still confused about the whole thing. One minute I was riding, feeling the wind on my face and the next thing I was on the ground and I thought I saw armoured guards.
Wait! Armoured guards! I looked around to confirm my thoughts and sure enough we were surrounded by armoured guards with weapons and by the look on their faces they weren't here for any friendly conversation.
"Ivan, wha...what's going on? Who are they?" I grabbed Ivan's arms as I felt panic course through my body.
Hey guys, what do you think of this chapter?
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