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40% Hades in Marvel / Chapter 10: 10- talk with Demeter to fix Greece.

Chapitre 10: 10- talk with Demeter to fix Greece.

I walk through the giant double doors and make my way to my throne, it's death aura welcoming me.

Taking my seat and feeling the entire underworld at my fingertips, my seat of power enhancing my already capable hands.

I wave my hand and a hologram of the Underworld appears, covering the hall in it's red hue.

The underworld following my first edit is an expanse with random lava and ice zones with the corresponding scenery and decorations like lava pits or spires or caves. It was pretty creepy honestly, but a little decoration always got the creative juices flowing.

As I continue to observe my realm I finally see what I'm looking for. Millions of souls rushing down the inflamed waters of the Acheron, the river of pain, all of them funneling into here signifying that they all died in an extremely painful way, oops. Anyways, they continue to spill down the Avernus, the waterfall of discarding, and at this rate would soon overflow the river leading to clingers that have no right being so.

Feeling like this will take a while I get comfortable and begin to focus, drawing on more of my power I begin to fulfil my purpose. Dark mist beginning to envelope my form as I draw on my divinity.

The Underworld trembles as I enforce my will. I expand the Acheron, its miasma quickly filling in the empty space, the stampede of souls following suit just barely remaining within the rivers boundaries. I do the same with the other's as well with only Beralve(Finality) being expanded only slightly.

With the flick of my wrist white ashy hallways made of hexagonal stone with extensive size and complexity form, covering a large corner of my domain. Then, just as quickly doors or various design spawn sporadically through out,

This was a solution. The Calatrax, or prison. It works on simple rules, your guilt imprisons you, something I'm sure many mortals would not be able to grasp. You can open the door whenever you want, its not locked, anyone is free to leave at any time. Of course as of now, many humans aren't even capable of feeling remorse let alone guilt so for the time being instead of eternal repentance it's just a holding cell until they can get reincarnated.

The calm river of Cocytus would lead here.

Finally solving the overload of souls and ensuring that it would work automatically for the foreseeable future a wave of fatigue suddenly hits me.

So, with a heavy sigh full of tiredness I release my hold on the Underworld. My entire body feels drained, like I was mortal and hadn't slept for over a week. My body was on the brink of collapse but now was not the time, I had to get the rest of this fixed as soon as possible before it leads to irreversible change to the marvel timeline.

Opening my system in what seems like centuries I see something that makes me regret my impulsiveness just a little less.

[Souls-1,980,341] Almost 2 million souls otherwise know as currency for my system. Opening the shop, something I've never done I'm greeted with a black and red screen with a list of items on it.

[Green Lantern Ring]

[Red Lantern Ring]

[Pink Lantern Ring] and so on.


[X-Gene Enhancer]

[Gene Seed(Custodies)]

[All Spark]

[Rune King Thor Mjolnir]

[Portal Gun]

Each and every one costing in the upward of billions to trillions of souls with one of the infinity stones costing over a quadrillion souls. To be honest it was quite reasonable pricing, with any of those items I could effectively murder and collect quintillion more souls.

But I wasn't here for any of that no, I was simply here for some type of energy drink to get me through the day. My vision was getting worse by the minute.

Changing the filter to temporary consumable I quickly find a stamin-up, for almost a hundred thousand souls.... worth it. Chugging the green liquid my mind clears considerably as the bottle fades into white motes of light.

Now that I can function after having exhausted my body to the brink I can finally deal with the last problem of today, Demeter, Goddess of fertility and harvest.

My relationship with Demeter could be described as.. Problematic. I love her and I'm more than sure that she would help fix Greece but I have heavy doubts that she would do it for free, especially considering the state of her pet.

(Demeter 3rd Pov)




So much pain she could not think, could not live.

Oh the pain, as if her very soul was being torn apart.

She woke up, her body aching with a passion, her soul straining with destruction.

'What has happened? What has happened to the World?'

She can feel none of the previous life that so covered Greece. None of the beings that inhabited and grew from her power.

Pain filled her being as her body shook. What could cause her so much pain? What could cause so much death?

Her blurry eyes cleared and she felt a Nymph wiping the sweat from her brow. She was in a Parthenon in one of the rooms, her body was covered in bandages and she could see some bruises on her arms and hands. The Nymph continues to absentmindedly clean her face unaware the she was awake. With an action similar to a zombie rising she grabs the nymphs arm, the nymph jumping slightly from the now awake Goddess.

"W-what happened?" She asked in a whisper, her throat feeling like a desert. With a sigh full of strain she releases her arm and falls back onto the bed. Her hair a lush tree bark brown was now a deathly grey, her skin was dry and sandy, her previously plump lips a thin rough line, overall she looks like a dried out plant.

The Nymph after a few seconds of shock begins to explain the situation by starting with Hades victory, and the heavy cost that came with it.

"He became taller than the mountains themselves, but so was Lord Chronos, they fought as the very heavens shuddered, I wet myself just from seeing it even from mount Olympus!" Enthusiastically, she told the tale of Hades being beaten down by Atlas and then suddenly, just when it looked like he was going to die he suddenly transformed into something the Nymph had no idea about. It was at this point that Demeter interrupted her.

"Impossible." She whispered in exasperation. The fact that Hades had once again reached a milestone before heavily vexed her. She would grind her teeth and scream in fury if she had the energy, yet again she had been outclassed and outperformed. It was something her and her siblings often debated, how could Hades be so powerful when they were so weak in comparison. It grinded her gears, but in the end it didn't really matter so she let the Nymph continue with her story.

"After his transformation Hades unleashed something I can't even explain. Within an instant the entirety of Greece was turned into a Desert-

"What!" Demeter suddenly jumps up her face full of concern and confusion. Before Demeter can further interrupt the Nymph suddenly gains a sad voice, holding Demeter's hand.

"Hades managed to win, but in the end it cost you the most, Belial was caught up in the fight too and from what I've heard no ones seem him." She was talking about the Earth Dragon that died at the hands of Cronus's and Hades continuous brutality.

"no.." Demeter says distantly not wanting to believe it, that Dragon was the first friend she ever had, and Hades killed it. Her inner voice demanded vengeance, demanded that Hades pay in blood, DEMANDED that he PAY for the death of her friend.... yet, she could not enact these thoughts as better judgment got the better of her. She doubted Hades did it on purpose, based on the story she heard it sounded like he was overtaken by emotion during his transformation. But she couldn't stop it completely, Hades would pay for the death of her friend, it was destined if she had anything to do about it.

(scene change)

Hades sits on his throne, silently watching the rivers, watching the occasional clinger pull themselves out while he begins to think about how to proceed. They won the war for Heaven, killed off most of the titans and Gigantes while imprisoning those who refused to join their side in the early stages. Olympians are the new rulers but now Hades needs to make a choice. Who'll be king?

It was a question he's been pondering it for quite some time. He knew how it was supposed to go, the war would end, and each of the big 3 would bet their own realms, Poseidon the oceans, Zeus the skies and him the Underworld. It was based off their divinities, that much was obvious, but who decided that Zeus would be able to 'rule' the gods maybe it was his power but it doesn't matter in this universe, Hades was the most powerful Greek God, at the very least.

He mulled over this question as he continued to think. He thinks maybe Zeus should be king, after all he already has a kingdom to rule over and with his plans of the universe, not to mention multiverse being king of his pantheon matters little when all it is is a title.

In the end he's going to let him be king, why not, was his biggest reason. But now he has a bigger problem, Greece was in shambles. Sure the birth rate would spike from his reincarnation cycle but after a while if the vegetation doesn't come back it'll soon become uninhabitable for the foreseeable future.

He was sure the Goddess of fertility wouldn't mind fixing Greece, especially if she could get a favor out of him.

'Plus I need to tell her about her pet.'

So that's what he did. Letting his control of the Underworld flow off him he stands up from his throne. With the wave of his hand a circular portal opens a few feet from the base the the steps. As he walks in he rolls his shoulders changing his attire. From a previous ornate and dreadful toga with animated skeletal hands clawing up from hell with skulls with wings spread near his chest straight down to a plain black with gold trimmings on the edges. He enters the portal with bated breath at his no doubt enraged sister.

(Hades Pov)

Entering the Parthenon I'm greeted by a large open rectangular room. In the center was a smaller rectangular room where shrines, statues or beds would be. I was in the outer shell so to speak, there were little walls like bathroom urinal dividers separating a multitude of doorless rooms surrounding the center room filled and puffed with pillows and blankets, these were where many of the nymphs relaxed and rested while occasionally getting naughty. There were many such nymphs right now though they were only gossiping or sleeping obviously tired from dealing with the injured Gods.

Walking into the center room, ignoring the interested looks toward me followed by obvious whispering, I push aside the cloth door and am greeted by a nymphs back leaning over a bed. There was clearly a person in the bed but they were so small I could hardly see their body under the blankets. Approaching silently behind the nymph I look over her shoulder and see the woman I'm here to meet.

My breath hitching as I glimpse at her broken form. She looked like a twig, her skin a deathly pale, her hair a dull grey with her lips and eyes having become dull and dry. It looked like she had no meat on her bones as her skin was so taunt that you could map out her skeleton without even cutting her open. It was depressing, honestly. I had not expected the destruction I caused to have such an impact on my sister, I had assumed she would be fine if not for a minor drop in power, not this- this husk.

"Demeter." I say as I pass the nymph and sit down at the edge of the bed worry laced in my voice, the nymph flinches slightly only now feeling my presence and begins to leave the room, understanding that we would like to talk alone.

"Hades." Demeter says with venom laced in her words. What did I do now I wonder sarcastically.

"I'm glad you're well enough to still be mad at me." I say hoping a joke would lighten the mood, what a mistake that was.

"You bastard!" She lunges up at me grabbing my shoulders with what little strength she has left. Her face full of fury as a tear falls from her eye. I sit there stunned, unsure of what has gotten into her.

"You killed Belial you fucker!" With all that she can muster she cocks back her fist and punches my cheek, I let her hoping to calm her down. With a sigh she falls back into the bed, more exhausted than ever.

"Feeling better?" Quickly opening my inventory. I pull out the soul vial her pets soul is in.

"I haven't had time to make him a new body, but you don't have to worry he's perfectly fine. Once we deal with the situation of Greece I plan on making one even better than his old one." Of course its going to have to be robotic unless I spend a few centuries figuring out bio engineering to make a biological body.

Relief visibly washes over her form as she releases a heavy exhale containing all her emotions. If I had to guess she was definitely planning something devious if I had actually let her pet die.

"Now, Greece." Letting the smile fade from my face I begin to talk seriously, I'll be honest, I really regret using that spell especially since it hardly did anything to Cronus. I definitely don't plan on using it in the future, especially since it makes me feel like sleeping for a hundred years.

"I need you to fix it and I'll give you some of my power so that you can." This was my solution, it's in her best interest to fix Greece, but I'm sure she's still going to request reparations for putting her through so much pain. It's only right, I shouldn't have made my sister endure so much, no matter what it is.

"I want a promise." She says with finality showing her unwilling to negotiate.

"Of course, you're my sister, even without the unfortunate circumstances you'll always have my word."

"I want a weapon too" With a cheeky smile she demands a handmade weapon.

"Sure I'll make you whatever you want, you can tell me after we fix my mess." Her weapon could wait until after I regain my power, I'm already running low and I still have to giver the majority of what I have left in order for her to regreen Greece. So instead I ask what she wants me to promise,

"What's the promise, that I can do right now."

"I want to be able to come and go through the Underworld as I please, plus your protection when ever I'm there. After all who knows what might happen in the future especially since Zeus's arrogant ass will become king." She explains slowly as she softly coughs sporadically throughout her talking. Seeing her like this really makes me mad. She should be healthy, happy and full of life, not this weak being before me. If I have anything to say about it none of my sisters will ever be like this again.

"I promise, you'll always be safe with me.." And with that done we can finally get this done so I can go home and take a nap, I can already feeling the Stamin-up's effects fading.

"Now, the power transfer will require a little intimacy and you might feel pretty good from all the power flowing into your veins." It's just a little kiss something that has little meaning to Gods, what I'm worried about however is how she'll react to my power entering her. It would either be very painful or very pleasureful, I'm hoping for the latter.

"Alright but nothing more." She puckers her lips as I lean down and we connect as I start the power transfer. It would leave me a little weak for a while especially after the God From transformation but It wouldn't be too much.

As I transfer my power I hear her hum in her mouth as her legs begin to squirm in pleasure, her very being being filled with my power. Feeling daring I probe her mouth with my tongue lightly asking for permission to enter into a French kiss. She obliges me opening her mouth to let my tongue in however she quickly comes to meet me halfway as we tangle and rub ours together. She opens her eyes as we continue to duel and I notice her eyes are back to their beautiful spring green as her skin regains it tanned color.

Seeing it work so well I pump more power into her and it has a visible effect as her legs quickly grind into each other trying to scratch her itch with her body becoming more plump and hair regaining it pretty bark brown.

She brings her hands to my chest holding on for dear life as I absolutely flood her body with my power, so much so it was addictive. She releases a deep moan into my mouth as I rub her cheek, my fingers feeling absolutely electric. I'm sure I could slide my hand under her toga and she would let me do it just from how lustful she was looking. But after a little thinking I decided that going that far right now, right after the war would definitely make our relationship complicated, even more so since I didn't actually love her like that.

The fling with Amaltheia was a one time thing plus she wasn't close family, I had no issues with sleeping with family considering defects weren't possible but doing it right now would only complicate things unnecessarily especially with all these nymphs around ready to gossip about the tryst between me and Demeter. Maybe once it all calms down me and her can get some alone time in the Underworld if she still wants to.

After a few more minutes I pull back from our intense kiss and sit up on the edge of the bed. She inhales and exhales steamy breaths having never been so aroused before.

"As much as I would love to continue further, I don't think this is the right time." I was dead tired, in order for her to be able to heal the entirety of Greece I had to give up a considerable portion of my power, from how I'm feeling I'd guess around 60%, I'm definitely going to have to take a break for a while.

Fixing her wrinkled toga she sits up with me leaning on my shoulder still trying to collect herself.

"If- if you ever tell anyone what you saw I'll castrate you, understand?" With a side eye she makes her little threat.

"Haha, of course, I would never let anyone know you were writhing in pleasure as we both made out for over 5 minutes while rubbing into each others body with the intention to continue deeper into our hedon-"

"okay, okay dickhead I get it. Now lets go fix your mess so I can get some sleep." With a little effort she stands up, her ass eyelevel to my face and I can't help but wonder what it would feel like to be buried under those buns, I have no doubt that they would instantly make me feel good as new.

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