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41.66% Tensei Slime: The First Otherworlder / Chapter 5: The Ritual

Chapitre 5: The Ritual

The place known as the Ice Continent was once a prosperous place that was inhabited by high humans.

There was the Super-Magic Empire, one of the most powerful nations of those times, if not the most powerful.

They mastered magic like no one else, for through the language of the soul they had understood the truth of the world.

But no matter how prosperous, that empire was actually bloodstained and was a corrupt place where the law of the jungle reigned.

No one but yourself could guarantee your safety or survival.

This was all the fault of Jahil, their emperor and ancestor of the high humans.

He remained an extremely arrogant and self-centered being, believing himself to be the pinnacle of power and the rightful ruler of the world.

He had little to no morals, being willing to disgrace the lives of thousands just to satisfy his selfish desires.

That empire was a real hell because of its distorted leadership and government.

Many wished to carry out a coup d'état, but no one was powerful enough to go against Jahil.

So they had to come to terms with all of that.

Jahil was also primarily responsible for the great war that lasted almost a hundred years.

According to him, no nation that was not under his command had the right to exist. This was also true for the other races.

So he ordered the attack towards the nations and tribes on that continent, as he had also taken the lead in the invasion of the central continent, where different races had already spread and developed their nations.

The invasion ended up failing due to lack of preparation. Due to his arrogance, Jahil did not expect to find individuals as powerful or more powerful than himself.

As was the case with the leader of the giants, the queen of spirits, the ancestor of vampires and the ancestor of the high elves.

All of them were extraordinarily powerful.

But even though his invasion failed, Jahil had done considerable damage and his followers had killed and kidnapped most of every race.

Only God knew what the fate of these poor souls was. But based on the history of that empire, it wouldn't be pretty.

Jahil's actions would not go unanswered, his arrogance had created enemies around the world. And those enemies would come back for payback.

Giving rise to the onset of full-scale war...

In the first fifty years of the war, the different nations focused on destroying Jahil and recovering those of their people who still had salvation.

But after that, everyone was suddenly fighting each other.

Some wished to wipe out neighboring nations to expand their territories.

For vampires it was a blood feast they couldn't waste.

Others already had old grudges and just used the war as an excuse to reignite everything.

Dwarves loved testing out their new weapons and inventions, there was no better place than the battlefield for this.

The elves were the same, but their focus was on developing magic and powerful spells.

Lycanthropes simply adored such environments, it was a stage to prove their strength and unleash their animal instincts.

Surprisingly, the leader of the giants was not interested in fighting or warring.

What little he was involved with was to protect his people and his domain, which was where the tower of heaven was located.

So for the next fifty years that was it, the different races and nations fighting to prove who was the strongest.

This was the core world's first world war, the great war for supremacy.

Considering the damage they were doing, the reason for all of this was pretty stupid.

But it all came to a very drastic conclusion, which, coincidentally or not, was also caused by Jahil.

Seriously, he seemed to be involved with everything....


Jahil's arsenal against his enemies had already come to an end, and his empire had suddenly been attacked by a neighboring nation of high humans.

To make matters worse, it seemed that this was accompanied by a coup d'état.

It was a very unfavorable situation for him.

So he decided to resort to his most powerful weapon.

Demon summoning magic.

Which would turn out to be his undoing and end. For the demon he would end up summoning couldn't be controlled.

Well, it wasn't just any demon.

He was one of the seven progenitors of the demon race, a primordial demon.

He reigned supreme in the underworld, his overwhelming strength was unrivaled, only another primordial could compete against him.

So it was a very arrogant act on Jahil's part to try to control him.

This particular demon ended up being responsible for ending the great war, because in the end, it turned out to be a much worse crisis.

Being recorded in the history books as the greatest evil in the world.

But just before the end of the great war and the summoning of the primordial demon.

There was a certain event in one of the nations belonging to the super-magical empire.

This territory was under the jurisdiction of the second princess of the empire.

She and her faction were up to something grand at the time.

A coup d'état against the twisted rule of her father, the Magical Emperor Jahil.

As for how she would do that, well, it had everything to do with that event.

As for the event in particular, it was something unprecedented never seen before in that world.

The summoning of a human from another world.

A secret art that would go down in history.

But it would be better to go in stages.




It was in a certain corridor, where a woman was walking towards a door.

Her entire body was covered in black ceremonial clothing. It was not possible to see her face, nor her hair, nor the color of her eyes, as she was completely covered.

She exuded a somewhat flashy aura, as well as her gait was elegant.

As for where she was, well, it could be said that that was the interior of a palace of one of the member nations of the super-magic empire. The sorcerer nation of Vanir.

And about that door, well, there was probably something interesting and important behind it.

As for who the woman in black was.

It can be said that her name is Mira, one of the princesses of the super-magical empire, the second.

She was a truly prodigious being, both in the art of magic and in intellectual terms.

She was also one of the few high humans who was born with a moral sense leaning towards the good side, as well as her sense of justice was remarkable.

But most importantly, she ended up being the first creature in the world to be blessed by a weather spirit, a superior spirit to say the least.

With that she had awakened several unimaginable abilities, among them the ability to see future events. They could be from today, tomorrow or maybe even thousands of years in the future.

It looked complicated.

But her powers mostly worked spontaneously, she didn't have a lot of control over her powers or all those visions.

Almost everyone who would awaken temporal powers would suffer from this kind of situation.

After all, time was a fragile thing and messing with it would certainly be a difficult and dangerous task.

So it can be said that that was a defense mechanism of time itself. Showing only what is necessary.


Mira paused for a few seconds after reaching the door.

"The future of the world is in my hands."

She said with resolve, she then opened the door and walked through it, revealing her interior.

It was a dark, candle-lit hall, it even looked like a place taken from a secret organization.

Maybe it really was that, because there was a group with clothes covering their entire bodies, only theirs were pure white.

Everyone fell to their knees as soon as she entered the hall.

"Greetings to Her Imperial Highness, the High Priestess and Daughter of Time.

We, your faithful followers, await your commands."

They sang in unison.

But she just waved for them to get up.

She walked through the hall and paid attention to a large magic circle that covered the entire surface of that place.

That was something she had prepared alongside those who claimed to be her followers, a very special ritual.

She looked pleased, as everything was similar to the images in her visions of the future.

There was a center in that magic circle, she got ten feet away from it and got down on her knees.

Her followers did the same, but these gathered sideways at specific points in the magic circle.

She then looked at each of them, right after she said.

"Greetings everyone, the big day is finally here.

It is a great pleasure to share this moment with all of you, my beloved ones.

And at the same time, it is a great sadness to have to resort to this method."

"Your words are like light to my soul, high priestess."

"It is an honor for me to be able to be part of this event, gratitude to your highness."

"Coming from the daughter of time, this moment is sure to go down in history, I couldn't be happier to be a part of it."

"...But mostly, because we all want to help you Mira-sama."

Different responses came in, and they seemed to have a great deal of respect for Mira.

Well, Mira remained silent for a while. So she said with some regret.

"Once again, I will ask you my beloved followers.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your lives and magicules to ensure the success of this plan?"

A brief silence fell over the hall as she asked...

"I'm not going to lie to you, this is experimental stuff, there's a chance it can go wrong. So if anyone wants to give up, now is the time."

Her voice was serene and she seemed genuinely concerned for everyone. She looked back at each of them, waiting for their answers.

"Don't worry about us Mira-sama. We all know why we're here."

"If we intended to give up, we wouldn't be worthy to set foot on this sacred site in the first place."

"I feel honored to know that my life will serve the greater good."

"We all trust in your ways your highness, all will be well."

"Mira-sama said that the world would die if this ritual was not performed, this is not the time to worry about such nonsense, use this servant's life as you wish."

"Just please take your rightful place as successor to the throne and guide foolish humans in your righteous ways, just as you have guided us high priestess."

When these answers reached her, tears welled up in her eyes, even if it wasn't visible, she then had no more doubts.

Even though she couldn't see their faces, she could feel their determination. Nobody was shaking or looking like they were forced to be in that place.

All those people were trusting her with their lives, she would be failing if she wasn't equally determined.

"I thank you all for this, you who put your hopes in me. Believe me when I say, I will not let you down"

No one said anything else, but it was as if they had said everything.

So without further ado, Mira said.

"Please everyone, remain in your designated places.

I will begin the summoning ritual."

When everyone nodded.

Mira then began chanting in a strange language.

None of those present understood what she was saying, but her faith in her was only increased.

As for the ritual being performed, that was summoning magic.

His visions of the future had shown him a time when people from another world were summoned to this one.

These people wielded outsized power and often awakened a unique ability, which was even more outsized.

Mira had been able to understand and replicate such a ritual just by seeing it once.

She was a true genius.

As for why she was trying to summon a human from another world.

Well, her objective was to gain a powerful ally in her revolt against the Super-Magical Empire, against the malicious rule of her father, Jahil.

But it wasn't just for that.

She once had a vision that left her terrified for a long time, that was the end of the world.

The vision showed him apocalyptic images. Nations decimated, thousands dying, explosions caused by unknown magic, chaos spreading.

But most terrifying was the sight of a red-haired man who smiled maliciously.He acted selflessly and released an oppressive aura, it was terrible.

The visions didn't show him exactly how it all had started, but they hinted that the culprit for all that destruction would be his father.

And those visions grew stronger every day, as if screaming that such a moment was near.

That's why she planned to end her father's reign as soon as possible, for the sake of the world.

Was she insensitive for that? Not so much, she didn't even see him as a father.

But she had more than good reason to.

First, Jahil always treated her indifferently and was never interested in her existence as a daughter, that is until she awakened his temporal abilities.

But that's just to treat her as a tool and use her in her own self-centered plans and experiments.

Second, Jahil had killed someone very special to her, that someone was her mother, who was also the first woman of humanity.

Third, he isolated it in territory far from the imperial capital. It was a place that bordered a kingdom of other high humans who lived in war and intended to conquer the super-magic empire.

It was real torture having to survive in that chaotic place.

But in the end, she ended up finding some happiness in that place, as she managed to order that place and ended up gaining a loyal following.

Both militarily and politically

This was thanks to a skill that she had suddenly awakened, the unique skill [Oration], which was the ability to inspire hearts and gain loyal allies.

Her faction grew stronger every day because of this, she was even called the high priestess, or even the daughter of time.

Well, all this only happened because Jahil was on a long expedition in the central continent, otherwise things wouldn't go so well for her.

But out of nowhere, Jahil had returned.

There were rumors about him having suffered a crushing defeat in the great war.

Perhaps that was why, but those terrible visions of the end of the world had returned.

Mira felt like she needed to do something.

That was the reason for her conducting that summoning ritual.


In the middle of the ritual.

Mira got up and walked over to a goblet not far from the center of the magic circle.

She then took a dagger and poured her blood over the chalice.

'I wish I didn't have to resort to that method.

But something much bigger than my moral values ​​is at stake.

I cannot entirely trust that the summoned will be someone of good nature.

But I pray it is.'

The reason for your internal conflicts. It was that part of the ritual, it was what they called a soul bonding spell.

But that was just a fancy way of saying it.

For better understanding, it would be better to call it a soul enslavement spell.

She wasn't proud of using this magic not only because of its morality, but also because it was something she had learned from watching her father.

The effects of that spell would prevent the summoned being from doing any harm to its master and would also make it obey all its orders.

Mira's goal was to be able to control the summoned human in case he went crazy and got out of control.

But what she didn't know was that her blood, like the daughter of time, would end up causing mutations in the entire structure of the magic circle, messing not only with space, but mainly with time.

It was no longer simply a matter of invoking a human from another world, it could be said that he was a human from another time.

So it followed.

The ritual was in full swing and Mira continued to speak in the incomprehensible language.

As for her followers, they were already at the limits of her magical reserves.

Then her life force began to be consumed, leaving them closer and closer to death.

One by one they fell.

Until there were none left...

Mira couldn't help but be consumed with grief, but that loss was necessary for the greater good.

When her followers' lives were consumed, almost all requirements were fulfilled.

There was only one step left.

That's when Mira began what felt like a prayer.

"I Mira, daughter of Lyra.

I appeal to you consciousness of the World.

The all-knowing, all-seeing truth.

The one by which no event or singularity can go unnoticed.

I appeal to you voice of the world.

Just like you once helped me when I needed it most.

I ask you to help me one more time."

As she had said, it was all a gamble. She could have replicated the ritual perfectly, but she didn't know if it would work as in her vision.

So she appealed to the supreme entity that watched everything.

One of the privileges of his unique skill [Prayer].

"I know that few are the voices that can reach her as well as I can.

Because few are the hearts provided with love and few are the minds that exercise a will like mine.

And all my love desires is peace and salvation for this world.

So, voice of the world, if you accept this offering and fulfill my request.

I will relinquish any and all rights I have to connect with you again.

Do you accept my sincerity?"

When she finished, nothing happened for a few seconds, until out of nowhere.

<<Conditions met: The individual Mira, seeks to bring a being from another world through a summoning ritual. Confirmed.>>

<<Warning: Due to the insufficient amount of magicules, the souls present in this hall will be used as a catalyst.

Confirmed. The magicules to perform the ritual have been successfully added.>>

<<Warning: As this is not a forced summoning ritual. The target's will needs to be confirmed....

Confirmed. Of its own free will, the target has agreed to cross the barriers of space-time to reach this world.>>

<<Confirmed. All processes were successfully completed...starting the summoning ritual.>>

When the voice of the world ended, the entire surface that the magic circle covered began to emanate golden light.

Mainly in the center of it...

Blood spontaneously flowed from the chalice and formed runes in the center of the magic circle.

That's when the light became more intense.

After some time, the form of a human was visible in the center of all that light.

That was the indication that the ritual was working.

Soon, the central world would gain its first otherworlder.




Author's Note: Next chapter in a few hours.

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