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83.05% Lunatic Dragon / Chapter 43: CH 40: {S} Prey MC's Mom, Serilda {3rd S}

Chapitre 43: CH 40: {S} Prey MC's Mom, Serilda {3rd S}

(A/N: Y'know what? I'm never going to put so much useless effort for... porn of all things. I hated every second of writing this chapter for some random ass bitch, man! From now on, I'm just gonna give two or three paragraphs of what the fuck went down, then boom, sex!)

Pairing: Alistair x Serilda (Reincarnated MC's Mother)

Warnings: Dom Alistair, slightly sadistic Alistair, sub Serilda, naive Serilda, manipulation (A performing), blowjob (A receiving), throat fucking (S receiving), tit job (A receiving),


With the shower prepared and the shower head in hand, Serilda turned around with a big smile :"Alright, little dragon, let's get you all cleaned up!" Her fat ass and tits bouncing with just that. She only needed the "closed eyes" to look like one of those naive anime moms. A filthy sexy one at that.

But a dark purple light illuminated the place, causing her to cover her eyes :"W-what the?! Alistair, are you okay-" She grew worried, but when the light faded, she just stood there. Frozen in place.

"Alright, let's start!" Alistair, in his 8 year old human form, smiled. But hummed curiously when she didn't budge :"Auntie? What's the matter?"

"C-... C-c-c..." Her body twitched, making him arch an eyebrow :"C?" But suddenly, she launched at him with a look of pure adoration :"CUTE~!!" Hugging him intensely, she buried his head in her naked chest, twisting and turning violently :"Cute! So cute! You're absolutely adorable!! I don't know how you did it, but you're so gosh darn ADORABLE~!!"

Alistair didn't stop her. Why would he? He was buried in a pair of treasures wanted by all men. Except some. And some women. He didn't even care about his lack of oxygen, he simply let his face and head sink into the mounds of flesh. Seriously, he was an ass man, but he loved her tits as much as her huge ass. They were so soft he felt like he was in heaven. The sensation was pure magnificence.

And with his attention solely on his head, he noticed his lil fella get hard only when it was poking against Serilda's soft flesh. And it seemed like she noticed it too. Letting out a curious hum, she let Alistair go to look down :"Little dragon, what's that poking meEEEEEE?!!?"

Her eyes widened in disbelief. She froze in place, her eyes not managing to look away from the monstrosity that was poking her thighs. It wasn't a simple dick. It was a snake. A python. No, not either.

'Eeeh?! This little dragon has a little dragon?!!?' She gulped nervously, loudly, her face heating up :'N-no, it's not a little dragon at all... it definitely isn't a little dragon at all!'

Alistair, on the other hand, was about to shout and dance in excitement :'Fuck yeah!!!' But he kept calm on the surface, fists clenching so hard he felt like his claws were going to penetrate himself :'My first boner, baby!! My first ever boner in this new body!! Buhuhu, I thought I wouldn't have one for a very long time. Nice to meet you, lil fella! Let's work hard to ruin a lot of bitches in the future! But for now, we should focus on the present~.'

He blinked innocently :"What's the matter, auntie?"

"W-well, u-um... i-it's just... why are you like that?"

"Hm? Like what?"

She pointed down :"L-like that... w-why are you h-hard?"

"Hard?" He blinked, following her gaze :"Oh, you mean my cock?"

She heated up even more :"C-... y-yes, your c-cock."

He smiled cluelessly :"Isn't it normal? It always gets like this when I wanna take a bath. So just ignore it if you'd like, and please wash me." He spread his arms innocently. But the bounce that his member did was anything but innocent.

Serilda gulped, laughing nervously :"Y-yeah, okay..." Moving his long tail, Alistair put it on the ground before coiling it under himself to sit on. This, with impressive control, he created a little chair with his own obsidian long tail.

He had a feeling Serilda would be amazed and amused, if her complete attention wasn't on the piece of tasty meat moving with every little action. Serilda may have had amazing jiggle physics, but Alistair's jiggle physics weren't to be underestimated either.

Bringing the shower head to his head, —the upper one— she gently washed his hair after fixing the temperature. Her hand and fingers moved between his hair strands, caressing them and loving the quality.

She tried to take her attention away from his manhood, trying to focus on his beautiful hair instead. And she couldn't lie, his hair was top quality. But as if sensing her thoughts, the dick twitched. No, more like thrashed around. It bounced up in such a filthy way that she let out a low moan, causing Alistair to smirk sneakily.

There wasn't a need to be stealthy though. Her entire mind was on his dick. She had even forgotten about washing his hair. Focusing solely on his boy and rubbing her thighs together to relieve herself of the unbearable ache.

"Auntie? Why did you stop?" But he had to play his cards right in order to enjoy her body. She flinched, face red in embarrassment :"O-oh, s-sorry, it's nothing!" Keeping quiet, she continued washing him. But her eyes never left his dick, and her panting and the juices running down her thighs never stopped.

"A-alright, stretch out your hand- ahh?!" She gently brought up his hand, but flinched and let out a moan when his hand caressed her big nipple. Alistair's blood boiled at the sound and his member twitched immediately.

Her moan was something else. If she was a porn actress, she would hit the big leagues just with her moaning sounds. And boy was she sensitive. She let out such a sinful moan and kept trembling with just touching her nipple.

He looked at her with worry :"Auntie? Are you alright?" Gulping, she nodded with a nervous smile :"Y-yeah, I'm okay, little dragon." He didn't look convinced however :"Then what was that little scream just now? You did it when I touched... here?"

"Eek?!" When he gently grabbed her nipple, she jolted with another moan :"W-wait! Alistair, d-don't do tha- aaah!" Her panting only picked up, and he let out a little laugh :"Auntie, why are you making weird sounds?! Hahaha, they're so funny!"

As if to bring out even more moans, he pinched her nipple, causing her to let out a loud moan :"Mmm!! Alistair, s-stop, you shouldn't- oooh!" She grabbed his hand, but didn't know if she wanted to make him stop or have him continue.

But when he grabbed both of her nipples and pulled, her body was choosing for her. Her eyes rolled back and her tongue hung out lewdly when he pinched her nipples, pulling sinful moans from her. Simply fueling the dragon's desire to fuck her till she was gaping and dripping with his seed.

'Holy shit, this bitch is sensitive! And seriously, Hurtez, how the hell have you not fucked her until now, you worthless pervert?! She's so hungry for a dick, it's obvious how she hasn't had any action for a long time! Damn, you really are incompetent for not fucking such a horny beauty that's literally living with you.'

But again, he had to play his cards right. After all, the goal wasn't touching her breasts. It was having her at least slobber all over his dick. If he could, he would definitely fuck her as well. But time was short, and he didn't know when the others were going to come back. So he needed to at least fuck her throat.

As abruptly as he had begun, he stopped touching her :"Alright then, I think that's enough. Let's finish washing quickly before the others come back." Letting go of her hardened nippled, he freed his hands from hers and sat obediently again.

Serilda took a few seconds to register :'H-huh? W-what? W-why did he stop?' She looked confused and even frustrated, her wet pussy aching even harder now that the pleasure suddenly stopped out of nowhere.

She bit her lower lip as she squeezed her thighs together, blushing when she felt her own wetness :'G-geez, now I'm so horny... h-how could I feel like this because of a silly prank pulled by a child?! N-no, I need to finish this quickly before anything weirder happens! Having that big c-cock in front of me is making me feel strange as it is...'

Focusing on not focusing on the giant rod, she continued washing him all while trying to ignore her lust. And she was doing a good job, until she finally reached his lower part. As she was showering his lower stomach and thigh, her pants clearly picked up. Unbeknownst to her, she had bent down more than necessary to get close to his erection, looking at it with pure lust.

And when she ignored his erection to wash his legs, he made his move. He looked confused :"Auntie? Why aren't you washing my dick?"

"H-huh? What do you mean?"

"What do you mean what do I mean? Why aren't you washing my cock?"

As if to emphasize, he grabbed it by the base and moved it around, causing her eyes to follow it :"You can't just wash everywhere and ignore such an important place."

"B-but... w-we can't do that..."

"What? Why? Natasha always does it. That's why I can't take a bath alone, since Natasha washed it and does some things that make it small again."

"S-she does?!" Serilda gulped :'I-I mean, I can't be surprised, really. A young girl like her who seems to be single would definitely find it hard to resist that d-dragon! E-even I'm... w-wait, no! No no no! I-I'm not feeling anything! Yup, no weird feelings at all!'

"Uh huh. She says it's normal for adults to do it since only they know how to do it. She won't teach me how to do it either. Can you do it too, auntie? Please? It's starting to hurt a bit."

"W-well, I-I..." She stuttered, not knowing what to do. Her body knew what to do, but her mind was reluctant. But meeting his expectant and pleading eyes, she gave up. Sighing, she gulped :"O-okay, okay. I'll wash your c-cock too..."

He gave a smile as bright as Christmas :"Fantastic! Then come here!" As he suddenly pulled her down. "W-wait! Alistair, what-'" She was cut off when she saw the massive erection throbbing mere inches away from her face.

Serilda gave an audible gulp as Alistair leaned back on his tail :"Natasha always does things like this when she's washing my dick. So I figured that must be the correct way to do it. Do you maybe want me to guide you on how she does it?"

She didn't even process his words completely. Too shocked and tranced to understand him. Eyes unmoving from his member, she gave a halfhearted whisper :"Y-yeah, sure..."

"Okay!" Barely managing to keep the evil smile at bay, he moved his free tail to turn off the shower and put it in the right place, before grabbing her hands and bringing them to his erection :"At first, Nat always uses her hands to completely wash my dick."

"H-hm..." Serilda nervously grabbed his huge member, jolting when she came in contact with the boiling flesh, unable to contain a whimper at the sensation :'O-oh god, i-it's huge... e-even when I grab it with both hands, I-I still can't fully grasp it... h-how can a boy so young have a cock so huge?!'

Gazing at Alistair's prideful member pointing at the heavens arrogantly, her mouth salivated while her throat felt like a dry desert :'I-I've never felt something so b-big... it's not even throbbing, it's just thrashing in my hands! I can barely hold it in place without letting it move my hands around.'

Alistair, on the other hand, immediately let out a small whimper when he was grabbed :'O-oh shit, her hands feel so good. Guess no matter how big I am, I'm still really sensitive since I'm not used to sexual pleasure at all.'

Eyes closing, his pants joined her as his legs flexed and his toes curled. The feeling of his small, undeveloped and inexperienced body being introduced to such a sensation immediately after getting his first boner felt almost —too— good.

As Serilda started moving her hands up and down, "washing him", his body trembled and he had to bite his lip to contain the moans and whimpers.

'S-so cute...' Serilda gulped when she saw his reactions. The boy was so adorable despite having such a deadly weapon. The contrast was so vast that she couldn't help but grow even more wet, if that was even possible.

'I-I... I can't keep it anymore!' Her lust coming out victorious, she leaped forward and took the head of his little monster between her lips, before immediately moaning at the heavenly taste of his precum as her eyes rolled back.

"Ah?!" Alistair moaned at the abrupt sensation, caught off too suddenly. His hands almost instinctively moved to her head, grasping her hair and pushing her head down. Even though the pleasure was borderline unbearable, his body desired more.

He could barely focus on keeping his tail right, opting to use both his tails for extra measures as he pushed her head down. Serilda's gag was what broke his trance, opting him to glance down at her.

The view itself was sinful. Purely pornographic. A beautiful milf, a mother, with a sinful body, just kneeling in front of him and swallowing his cock. It was enough to pull a sound between a growl and a whimper from him :"More."

With her hands on his small thighs to support herself, her eyes rolled back as he pushed her head down :"More." Ignoring her gags, too lost in searching for pleasure :"More!"

Tears started coming down her eyes as his overgrown dick intruded past her mouth and into her throat. Causing her to drool as her airway was sealed. He had half the mind to just ignore her and use her like a sex doll, but kept at least that much sanity since he didn't want to kill her.

He had to slowly open her throat if he wanted to get even rougher. Hiding about half of his dick in her mouth, he pulled back enough to let her breathe again. She immediately broke into gasps and desperate breathing, before he deemed it enough to push his dick in again.

He set a slow pace, pulling back and pushing in again with a rhythm. His body was making it hard however. It didn't want to be gentle. It wanted him to use her. To get the pleasure he so desperately needed.

But he forced his body and desires to calm down. Instead, slowly going faster with each thrust down her throat. His lips arching into a lustful smile as he panted in pleasure of slowly quickening his pace of fucking her throat.

Thankfully, she seemed experienced. Because she managed to find the right time to breathe whenever he pulled back. Or maybe it was just her body acting on its own. Just like her hand unconsciously went down to her pussy overflowing with her juices.

Feeling her moans vibrating his cock in her mouth as her tongue and lips worshiped him, he couldn't help but throw his head back in pleasure :"Feels good." His breathing picked up, as his pace :"Feels good!" Pushing more and more of his length down her throat with each thrust, opening it further and further, he pushed her head down all the way, thrusting his cock in entirely with a loud groan as he came down her throat :"Feels fucking good!"

Ropes of cum escaped his member as it thrashed violently in her mouth and throat, the volume so much she couldn't contain it all. It shot out of her mouth and even her nose, forcing her to swallow as much as she could.

The violent thrashing numbed her violated parts as her own orgasm crashed into her like a train. She screamed around him, her body instinctively prolonging his orgasm as her body shook violently, her pussy squirting harsh enough for the sound of her juices hitting the tiles to echo around the bathroom.

They stayed there with the boy panting harshly, with Alistair's cock still completely in her throat, small whimpers escaping them from their post climax states. Body easing up, he slowly pulled her head up. Freeing her airway and letting her gasp and breath desperately.

Poor lady had gone a little blue from the lack of oxygen. Looking at Serilda, so ruined with his cum flowing from her mouth and nose, he couldn't help but smirk with pride. She looked so beautiful when painted by him.

'Painted... hmm, we should still have some time before they come back.' Licking his lip hungrily, he stood up. Freeing his tails from his burdens, but still using them for balance because of his shaky legs.

Alistair smiled lustfully at the beauty that looked up with confusion :"Auntie, after doing that with Natasha, where she calls it me using her throat, she lets me do," Reaching down, he grabbed her breasts and positioned his still fully erect cock between them :"This."

He didn't even wait for a confirmation. Already knowing the answer if her lust blown eyes were anything to go by. Taking a hold of her tits, he caused her to moan before slowly beginning to fuck them.

The sensation and pressure of her breasts was nothing short of heavenly. He couldn't help but squeeze them together even harder, putting even more amazing pressure on his member as he picked up the pace.

Getting a perverted idea, he smiled lustfully as he brought his tails to replace his hands. Both of them coiled around her breasts, trapping them within as Alistair used her tits like a fleshligh, making her moan even louder at the dirty action.

With his hands free, one of them went to fool around with her nipples, while the other grabbed a hold of her head again. It pushed her down, forcing her to take his dick into her mouth again. The view was simply filthy in the most beautiful way.

Such a gorgeous woman was letting him use her tits however he wanted as she worshiped his cock meanwhile. His tails, grasping her tits harsh enough to not let them escape, moved them up and down at the same time he fucked them, giving him even more pleasure.

As he fucked her tits and mouth with almost no regards to her, Serilda had several orgasms herself before he felt his high approaching once again. Grabbing her nipples and squeezing harshly, he gave a forceful thrust before painting her face, hair and chest with his seed, triggering another orgasm for her at being marked.

Thick ropes of cum shot one after another, showering her as if she was having a bucket spill on her. The volume was so much she came yet again just from the thick, dominant smell of dragon cum filling the shower and enveloping her.

Panting, Alistair smiled lustfully with lust blown eyes :"Thank you for the "shower", auntie~. I hope you'll help me again if Natasha's busy."

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