Ivo returned Tucano's smile with relief. "I'm sure I'll think of something."
He had no idea actually. But they had bigger concerns at the moment. He would have plenty of time to come up with a codename if they survived this.
"Try to get word to everyone you can," Davi told Tucano. "And tell them to do the same, hopefully we'll have enough people here. Tell them we have guns at Maguari's place, and when the time is right will launch an assault on Batalhão's base."
"How will we know when it's time?" Tucano asked.
Yunmi interjected. "I can hack into the the school PA system. It's really simple, outdated, tech. I can make the bell ring loudly and for a long time. You think that would be loud enough to be overheard at a distance?"
Tucano see-sawed his hand. "From here, yeah. We're close enough to the school that we can still hear the bell, but any further and that won't work."
Ivo: I personally think a giant middle finger would be more appropriate as a sign.
Alina: Flipping off our comrades?
Ivo: no, Batalhão
Davi: except the signal is not for them
Ivo: nevermind, none of you understand my genius.