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48.51% One Piece: Reborn as Enel / Chapter 147: Tontatta Land, Allies and Departure

Chapitre 147: Tontatta Land, Allies and Departure

____________ POV Narration____________

Robin and Larthy's time together was cut short, as Robin went off to rest and Larthy was stuck coordinating the move alongside Sabo and Belo Betty.

Dragon was still in the Throne Room, but he already told everyone to start preparing to move.

It wasn't exactly a hard choice to make, especially after Enel vouched that it was a relatively safe place, and quite hard to reach without Enel.

The only reason Enel could actually find the islands now was because of a Vivre card, so most other people wouldn't have been able to do anything to find it... Unless it drifted somewhere wrong.

But Enel was hopeful that the engine was successful enough to allow them to adjust their course at least occasionally.

After all, his mechanical genius was only matched and surpassed by a few in that world.

The meeting room was still lively, debating how to approach the Neo Marines and how to convince them to join their side.

The obvious response was for Akainu to simply pay them a visit. Despite his reluctance to the idea of inviting them into the fold with the Revolutionaries, it still remained the most logical course of action.

But there was always the possibility of the Government having spies in the Neo Marines, so simply showing up would certainly not be a good thing.

Akainu and the others had already decided that it would be a better choice to hide until actually striking against the World Government.

In the end, it was up to Enel to contact them after they successfully settled on the Sky Islands.

The Lightning Emperor was a bit annoyed about that task being delegated to him, but he figured he'd think more about it when the time came.

The more pressing matter was actually returning to the Sky Islands in a timely manner and covertly.

This time, they would all travel in one large convoy, so they would certainly get noticed if they flew above any large islands.

Therefore, Dragon and the rest ended up mapping out a route to skirt around and avoid going above any outpost or island.

Akainu was nice enough to share his knowledge of all hidden navy bases. He didn't particularly mind helping, after all, they now all had a common enemy.

The rest of the process went rather smoothly, and the meeting ended on a high note with everyone being put to work, except Enel.

Robin's reunion with Enel was rather strange, with Robin being quite silent the entire time. They met while in a group, so neither of them really spoke to the other in depth.

She did voice her concern for his missing arm, but Enel did just wave it off with his only arm.

The two of them didn't really get a quiet moment together for the rest of their time on Dressrosa. Enel was just as tired as Robin, and they still had work to do.

The Lightning Emperor was to rest for a day, then they would start their journey towards the Sky Islands.

So, the rest day was spent with him mostly asleep in a random room of the Palace.

Oven did have a more eventful time in Dressrosa though.

Despite the marines and revolutionaries being somewhat wary around him and keeping an eye on him, the royal family was rather happy to see him drop by.

That was especially true for the two princesses and Kyros. They all still remembered Oven taking down Diamante in an instant, and even allowing Kyros to finish him off.

It was a rather unforgettable moment, especially for the one-legged former gladiator, as it reminded him of his weakness at that time.

The two of them also got to spar, with Oven coming out on top this time as well.

His use of his prosthetic arm and leg was rather swift, he was able to take Kyros by surprise with both his expandable blade and cannon arm.

Oven didn't actually shoot him with a Buggy Ball though, as he didn't want to cause too much damage to their surroundings.

He also didn't have an endless supply of them, so he needed to use them more sparingly. Contacting the Clown Warlord for more was annoying.

Overall, Oven may have won, but it was not as decisive as their previous spars, with Kyros actually managing to get some hits in before losing.

Granted, the Sweet Commander didn't use his fruit at all in the bout, but it was still proof that Kyros had grown quite a bit.

The two of them only got to spar twice before Enel was ready for the journey though, so Kyros didn't get much time to improve in said spars, though he did learn plenty from them.

They also talked a bit about trying to get Enel a prosthetic as well.

Oven already had schematics for complicated ones, and he had plenty of plans and additions that he could make to fit Enel's overall fighting style. Obviously with the aid of the mechanics and engineers of the Big Mom Pirates.

But Enel didn't seem too keen on the idea just yet.

His lack of arm didn't really hinder him in his day-to-day activities thanks to his earlobes and Seimei Kikan, but that didn't mean he wouldn't eventually look for a prosthetic arm.

He just wanted to look for the right materials and design one himself in time. He didn't feel the need to rush it and he didn't really feel like it was a good time, what with him being as busy as he was.

At least those were the reason that Enel gave the two of them.

But the most important part was that he couldn't quite bring himself to put on a mechanical arm. It simply didn't feel all that natural yet.

He hadn't even properly come to terms with losing the damn thing, going ahead and replacing it just felt wrong...

'I'll start designing it in my free time... But I'll build and attach it whenever I feel like doing so. No need to rush into things.'

The Revolutionary Army also made a few new friends while hiding underneath Dressrosa. Namely, they befriended the Tontatta Kingdom.

The dwarves also had been living underneath Dressrosa for a while.

Viola was actually also on friendly terms with them, so it wasn't hard to convince them to share some space with the Revolutionaries.

The dwarves were quite friendly and easy to get along with, so most revolutionaries enjoyed their presence, and they all became friends rather quickly.

Enel had somewhat forgotten about them when he had first visited Dressrosa.

He remembered enough not to kill them alongside the SMILE Factory, but not enough to approach them after the whole incident was over.

But his interest in One Piece was mostly related to its lore and history, so minor characters were usually not at the forefront of his mind, and his knowledge was rather limited for those he didn't pay attention to.

In a casual conversation, Enel finally remembered the ability of the Dwarf Princess, Mansherry, who had eaten the Heal Heal fruit.

Scouring his mind a bit, he realised that she would be a rather useful ally if kept away from the frontlines.

Her ability couldn't restore his arm or earlobe, sure, but for most injuries, she could heal them instantly.

Therefore, Enel decided to pay them a visit before finally departing from Dressrosa. Viola was by his side, as she also felt like visiting some of her friends there.

Mansherry was the first to spot them. She looked just as the original story had portrayed her.

Long blonde locks flowing down her back, large blue eyes shining in the light and a small pointy nose. She was also wearing her usual pure white dress.

She immediately perked up when seeing Enel and Viola, especially him. Certainly, because he had been the one to rescue them from Doflamingo's tyranny.

And her father Gancho, the king of Tontatta, was rather eager to greet them as well.

The small old man had a thick and long white beard, coupled with long and flowing white hair. He was wearing pink-rimmed glasses and using a walking stick.

He also wore a somewhat regal robe and a large crown. Enel laughed inwardly for a bit, as he realised the old dwarf looked like a chess piece.

"Our Benefactor has arrived! All greet Eneland!" The king said with a joyous tone, Enel raised an eyebrow as he started thinking about the nickname he had just received.

The dwarves instantly rejoiced, swarming around the one-armed emperor and princess as they both couldn't help but smile warmly at their enthusiasm.

"It's rare one gets such a nice greeting..." Enel said as he crouched down a bit, and sat on the ground, wanting to be a bit closer to the king's level. It only felt respectful that way.

Viola did the same, sitting by his side as some of the Dwarves climbed on her lap.

"Well, this is the first time you have come to see us... Truly a joyous occasion, for us to finally get to thank our benefactor." The old dwarven king said as he stood in front of his people, his daughter by his side.

"Joyous indeed! I'm glad to see that all of you are healthy." Viola said as some of the Dwarven children played in her long hair.

"Oh, Princess Viola, it is always a pleasure to see you around. You should visit us more often, truly." The dwarven king said as he walked a bit closer to the two guests.

Mansherry followed by her father's side, looking up at Enel with awe in her eyes. Many of the Dwarves were similar to her in their reactions.

They had after all titled him a hero. Even giving him a special nickname, turning his name into something similar to their hero Mont Blanc Noland.

"Eneland, I shall say this now. We, the people of Tontatta Kingdom are in your debt. We truly thank you for saving us all."

"I didn't do all that much really. I only did it on a whim as well. It does feel surreal, to see so many lives affected by my actions..." Enel scratched the back of his head with an earlobe as he pondered on how many lives he had saved in his journey, and how many he had doomed.

He could only sigh as he thought of that. Shaking that train of thought away almost instantly.

The world of One Piece was never a kind one in the first place, no one was truly safe in that world, and such thoughts would only slow him down.

The one-armed emperor then extended his hand, placing his palm in front of the small royal family, allowing them to step on it and raising them at eye level.

"Humble as well, truly a great hero!" Gancho said as he stroked his long beard. Mancherry by his side nodded, her golden locks swaying a bit as she looked up with sparkling eyes, then, she froze for a second.

"Eneland, are you injured?!" She asked in a panic, finally noticing the bandages covering parts of Enel's body.

"Well, I was in a scuffle recently. Nothing major now, just waiting for all the wounds to close up is all..." Enel said with a smile, looking at the small princess as he spoke.

Mansherry seemed to bring her hands together in a praying motion when she heard that. Tears even started falling from her large blue eyes.

Enel's smile became a bit strained when seeing that. Viola noticed that and smiled a bit.

'He still has no idea what to do when a girl starts crying...'

But Enel's suffering didn't last long thankfully, as Mansherry's tears gained a golden glow, one of them touching Enel's palm rather quickly.

The Emperor's eyes widened as he felt that same golden light envelop him. Immediately, he felt his body being rejuvenated.

"Thank you, princess Masherry..." Enel said as he cracked his neck a bit sighing as he stretched his abdomen, the bandages on him falling altogether, revealing his healed and slightly scarred body.

Of course, his hand hadn't magically returned. As Masherry's ability couldn't just regrow limbs. But at least all of his wounds were now closed up.

"It is my pleasure to help you, Eneland." The small princess bowed a bit, wiping her teary eyes as she did so.

Enel simply shook his head, slowly moving his earlobes around as well, as dwarven children tried to climb on top of his head using them. Only one was easy to reach though, as the other was quite a bit shorter still.

"Your ability is powerful... In the future, will you provide your assistance if I am to need it?" Enel asked the dwarven princess as he sighed.

Masherry's little eyes widened slightly, she then looked at her father, who was also having a similar reaction.

"Well, Eneland..." The old king was the one that decided to respond, as it was something concerning his daughter's safety.

"We are still indebted to you, be it now or in the future, you will always have the full support of my people. I am sure the Riku family would say the same." The Dwarven King said with a kind smile, hidden in his white beard.

"I am inclined to agree. I doubt father or Kyros would refuse to provide you assistance under any circumstance.

Especially after learning of the situation with the World Government..." Viola's eyes seemed a bit darker at that last part, but Enel decided to ignore that.

'I guess it's natural for the Riku family to hold some disdain for the World Government... Especially since they received no support with Doflamingo in the past.

Though that was also because the Warlord was turning all the agents and marines sent here into puppets, and everyone forgot them...'

Enel simply shook his head, deciding not to give the matter any more thought.

"I am glad to hear that I have allies here as well... I thank you for your hospitality as well, though I must take my leave..."

Enel ended the conversation with a confident grin, as he slowly placed the Dwarven Royalty on the ground in front of him, and the other small dwarves all climbed down from his body.

"Already?" Mansherry asked as she looked up at him, her small rosy cheeks puffing up in a pout.

"Well, I had only come here to make your acquaintance... I must leave soon, but we will meet again in the future." Enel then got up, slowly dusting himself off as he stretched his newly healed body a bit more.

"Hmm... Well, I am glad to have finally seen our saviour. Though this meeting was brief." The Dwarven King nodded, understanding the situation slightly, as he was informed by a few revolutionaries already.

"I'll stay here a bit more, Enel. I wish you an easy journey." Viola said as she looked up at Enel, smiling slightly as the somewhat awkward atmosphere between them had already vanished.

"Of course, take care, Princess Viola." Enel bowed a bit, his tone mocking her a bit as he did so.

"You as well, Eneland..." Viola responded immediately, grinning as she did so.

Enel then vanished in a flash of blue light.

'God... I hope that name doesn't catch on...'

Meanwhile, all of the Revolutionaries were already embarked, waiting on his order to lead them to the island.

Enel appeared at the docks with a smile, his metallic bracelet shaking a bit as it expanded in front of him and turned into a massive Viking ship, resting on the stone dock.

Dragon also appeared by his side, his eyes scanning the island as he nodded to the Emperor beside him.

"TO THE SKY ISLANDS!" Dragon's voice reached all of his men, the Marines also arriving on the deck of Enel's ship.

Oven arrived just a few seconds later, as he jumped onto Enel's ship and waved at Kyros and Rebecca in the distance.

Enel nodded when seeing that everyone was gathered, he reeved up the engines of his ship. Quickly taking to flight, his destination set, following the Vivre Card that Garp had given him.

'I can't help but feel a bit eager, and perhaps a bit anxious, to reach the Sky Islands... I'm sure a lot has happened during my absence...'

Unbeknownst to him, the Sky Islands now were more akin to a Sky Archipelago...


Hope you liked the chapter! And a happy new year, btw! I'll try to bring us back to more regular uploads now that I am feeling slightly better.

I might also quit my job soon and just focus on writing full-time from now on, which is a pretty big move that I'm kinda mentioning as a sidenote now that I think about it

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster(Vegan Cult) on Patre_on, you'd also get 10 chapters in advance (or 5 depending on tier)

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