Sienna Point Of View.
Lunch with Valentina and cutie Agustin was so amusing, Mr. Giant left us to attend an important meeting. It is what he says, Important but I know better. He is always avoiding me these days.
Val's son is so cute. He surely is a mamma's boy. His heart melting smiles are giving me baby fever. He even speaks fluently in a language that only he can understand. He is so chubby that his cheeks dance whenever he moves his face.
Something of this cutie pie reminds me of Mr. Giant. He has the same Bianchi eyes.
Why...? Why? I always think of Mr. Giant.
Anything and everything of this world reminds me of him.
I am not angry towards him. In fact I am angry on myself that I am ready to accept him when he apologizes.
But why the hell I think he would apologize to me?
According to him I am his merchandise, he bought me for pleasure and I gave him what he wanted.Then why I think he would care for my feelings?