The innate skill had the word pure in it. The purer it was, the more understanding it contained. It could evolve all the energy in the world, whether it was blood energy, dharma power, or innate energy. The reason why it could evolve all these was because it contained all these energies.
After a few years, Lin Xuan looked back at innate skills again and had even more different insights. This was the idea of coping with changes, while the corresponding skill followed the principle of coping with changes consistently.
After thinking about it, Lin Xuan still decided to use the innate skills as the basic framework to build a new skill. This was to follow the path that the predecessors had opened up and walk his own path.
It was not just that. Whether it was innate skill, the attributes that they could improve were all pretty simple. Of course, the attributes here were not strength or speed, but essence, energy, and spirit!
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