Jahi PoV
Pushing open the clean set of double doors, Mom grimaced as a wave of warm putrid air burst forth from the inside chambers and enveloped her.
Curling her lip in disgust, Mom opened the doors further before stepping inside, and the rest of us gagged as the scent of rot permeated the air, before I noticed that the interior of the chamber was shrouded in a dull greenish yellow glow.
Following behind her, I tried my best to take shallow breaths, saving myself from the wretched scent of decay that draped itself around the room.
I could hear Anput retching slightly, the scent sensitive Jackalkin - and other Beastkin like her - remaining outside, their noses covered as they looked at the room hatefully.
Adelina - despite being the same as them - stepped inside and ordered Anput to maintain position there, keeping our rear secured.