Standing at the door was a towering woman around Jahi's height, her grayish green skin shining in the light of the early morning as she smirked at all of us.
Sharp eyebrows nested over a pair of hawkish eyes, while her slightly pointed nose added to the air of arrogance surrounding her as she almost stared down at us, like she was superior.
Her thin lips were pulled into a prideful smirk that revealed her pearly white teeth, and the woman chuckled as she licked her lips slightly.
Raking her pale green gaze over each of us, Nirinia nodded slightly to herself, making her ornamented hair jingle slightly.
Contrasting her pale green eyes was a long mane of reddish black hair, various silver and gold rings and clasps holding parts of her hair into tight ropes, while various gemstones studded the larger pieces of jewelry.