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65.82% One Piece: Guardian Angel / Chapter 52: Chapter 52: Long Ring Island

Chapitre 52: Chapter 52: Long Ring Island

After a while of traversing the vast seas the crew started to approach an island. Kai noticed another ship drawing nearer to them and said. "Fuck that. I hated the Foxy arc." As he sent a stream of large winds at the ship causing it to start moving in the opposite direction of the island.

'Crisis averted!' Kai thought as he nodded sagely, feeling extremely proud of his actions. The crew was confused but just ignored Kai as they landed on the island.

Everyone was about to get off the boat when Kai said in an emotionless and dull voice. "You all go ahead. I have something to do."

The crew thought it was weird but left without him. They all walked on the island anyways and eventually walked into someone who was sleeping while standing up.

Luffy bumped into the man accidently waking him up. He felt a shiver run down his spine as the air around the crew turned cold. Even though weather changed quickly on the grand line, this phenomenon was still weird and set off red flags in most of the crews mind.

However, Luffy failed to notice the mysterious events occurring around him and just continued on like normal.

"Woah, who are you?" He asked the man.

The man took off his eye mask and looked down at Luffy. "Huh?" He said.

Robin saw his face and paled. "Ah… no… not you." She said as she fell to her but on the ground.

"Oh, you have surely grown into a fine young woman… Nico Robin." The man said as the crew all got serious and ready to fight in an instant upon seeing Robin's reaction.

"Robin! Do you know him?!" Luffy asked.

"We have met once before." The man, Aokiji answered for Robin.

The crew was curious as to who he was if he could terrify Robin to this extent.

Aokiji saw them all ready for a fight. "Chill out. It's not like I'm here on orders, I'm just out for a walk."

Zoro narrowed his eyes. "Orders?" He inquired and Robin answered him. "The marines, he's an admiral of marine headquarters. There are only three admirals in the marines. It is the second highest rank after the fleet admiral Sengoku."

Aokiji nodded. "Correct. But what do we have here? Another sexy lady. Are you free tonight?" He asked Nami as the rest of the crew was obviously still hostile towards him.

Aokiji noticed and raised his hands. "I told you to chill out, I'm only here for a walk, I just wanted to tell you that… Uhh, what was it again? ... oops, I forgot."

"YOU FORGOT?!" Usopp and Chopper yelled out together.

"Are you sure this is an admiral Robin-chan?" Sanji asked.

Robin nodded while still shaking in fear and Aokiji said. "Woah, don't judge a book by its cover. I always uphold the model of uptight, absolute justice." He lied through his teeth.

What a joke! As if Aokiji upheld absolute justice.

Aokiji then turned to the man who was stuck on stilts. "Do you want to catch up with everyone else?" He asked and the old man nodded. The crew was stunned.

"How could he help him? Isn't it too far away?" Nami asked but Robin confirmed. "No. With his powers, he can do it."

The crew was confused until they followed Aokiji and saw him freeze the ocean solid allowing the man to cross and meet with the rest of the villagers again.

When they saw Aokiji's power they were all shocked. After they calmed down they started playing on the ice.

When they finished, Aokiji said. "You are just like your grandfather, Monkey D. Luffy."

Luffy froze in fear. "G-gramps? Where?" He started shaking and looking around in fear.

"Although you are very different from his other grandson." Aokiji said, causing everyone to raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

Luffy calmed down a bit. "Oh you mean -" His voice cut off even though his lips kept moving as a sound barrier formed around his mouth.

'Fucking idiot' Kai thought as he was watching this scene while still invisible.

Aokiji was too lazy to notice or care about what happened with Luffy and just continued on. "He is very different from you even though he jokes around just like you." Aokiji said before he paused.

"Maybe it would be better if I killed you all right now." He said as he was still in deep thought.

"You guys aren't much right now but you grew at an exponential rate. Also, your little party is especially dangerous because of you… Nico Robin." Aokiji said seriously as he stared Robin in the eyes.

"The bounty on your head does not only reflect your combat abilities but also the threat you pose to the government." Aokiji continued on.

Suddenly someone appeared out of thin air wearing a blue hoodie and dark green pants. He also had a red oni mask on. He hummed and asked in an emotionless voice. "Admiral Aokiji. What's so threatening about the truth?"

Aokiji was shocked at this new appearance. No one else said a thing but Luffy.

"Who are you?" Luffy asked the man who just appeared.

Only to be ignored by everyone. As everyone (competent) other than Aokiji already knew who it was, Usopp and Chopper were still a little confused...

Kai stared down Aokiji after asking his question. He wanted to genuinely know Aokiji's thoughts as he wasn't a bad marine, and he wanted to know more about him. Kai thought he would be a good candidate for future fleet admiral along with Fujitora.

Aokiji thought for a moment before answering. "She has the ability to possibly start a war. That is a threat that should never come to pass."

Kai nodded, it was a completely true and understandable thought process. "True. However, have you ever considered that maybe a war is what the world needs. Look around you, Aokiji. When you visit Mariejois do you think that it is a happy place? How about Sabody? I think you miss the point of what the Devil Child's ability is. It isn't an ability to force people to revolt, it is the ability to learn the truth of history. If that truth is what causes people to wish to revolt that has nothing to do with her, and everything to do with the five elders and celestial dragons."

Aokiji thought for a moment. "I see your point, oni man. But just because of what has happened in the past, is it really worth starting a war now? A war that could kill thousands, no millions of people?"

Kai nodded, it was another great point. Kai had a seat on the ground, mirroring Aokiji's pose. "You're right. If they governed properly now then who cares what happened 800 years ago? Except I think both of us know that they DEFINATLY don't govern properly." Kai said as he pointed at Robin.

Aokiji was deep in thought. "Then what do you want to do?" He asked Kai.

Kai immediately responded. "Well a lot has to happen, and none of it will happen immediately. I'm not some dumbass ideologist who thinks that the world will become a better place instantly. A lot of things need to happen, the first and most important is the marines. They are either corrupt bastards or they are brainwashed idiots who follow the ideal of 'absolute justice' like they were god's final words. Just like the red dog, they have become unable to see past labels. They no longer look at someone for who or what THEY are. They just judge people based on the label they carry around, for example, not all pirates are evil and not all marines are saints. Just because someone is called a pirate doesn't tell you what kind of person they are."

Aokiji heard this and continued to think. "I agree with a lot of that, but then again, what is the alternative? A war against the government and marines that you don't even know if you can win? And even if you do win, how can you guarantee a better government with a good leader who won't become corrupt? How can you be sure that even with all the bloodshed you wish to cause, the world will become a better place?"

Kai paused in thought. "I guess I can't give you a guarantee of winning the war or that the next leaders will be perfect. All I can do is make a bet. And I choose to bet on a new era. One where the people have freedom. One where the oppression of the world government doesn't exist. A future where the marines protect people, not enslave and kill them on a whim. A future where people aren't judged based on their race or their names. Where you don't judge a person based on their labels, but based on their actions." Kai said as his eyes started to glow deep blue and a wave of small pressure started to emit from his body.

Aokiji thought for a second, ignoring the small amount of pressure Kai emitted. "That does sound like an admirable world. One I would enjoy living in. But I just don't see how it could happen."

Kai nodded. "I understand. And I don't blame you, I also think you haven't seen the truth of this world. I believe you have been viewing it with a lens. I don't think you know the true depths the government has and will go too in order to achieve their goals. I also believe that no matter how long you marines protect the government, the people will still wish to rebel. Even if it doesn't happen in this generation, it will only happen in the next. Just look at how massive the revolutionary army has already grown, they might start a war with the government at anytime now. That being said, why wait like you suggested? If a war is inevitable. Why continue to suffer under the oppression of the Government and World nobles? We can't stop this war from happening, so why delay any longer and let the people suffer more?"

Aokiji thought about this for a bit and nodded. "You make a good point, oni man. But, I don't think I can agree to this." Aokiji said as he stood up and made a sword out of ice.

He attacked Robin only for his sword to be blocked by Zoro while Sanji attacked from above. Sanji managed to kick the sword out of his hand.

Luffy saw this and charged at Aokiji. "Gomu gomu no bullet!" He yelled as he punched Aokiji in the stomach. As soon as Luffy's hand touched Aokiji it froze solid. Aokiji also grabbed Sanji's leg and Zoro's arm and froze them as well. The three fell on the ground and Aokiji advanced towards Robin at a slow pace, still walking.

"You've got some good friends this time, Nico Robin." He said before he reached a hand out to grab Robin and freeze her.

Suddenly Kai appeared in between the two and caught Aokiji's arm with a haki coated hand. "Tsk, tsk, how cold. Didn't anyone tell you not to hurt a woman?" Kai scolded as he held Aokiji's hand in place.

He swept his leg in a semi circle at Aokiji's ankles as he held his arm in place causing Aokiji to jump up. The moment he jumped Kai smiled. He released Aokiji's hand and punched at his chest with his other arm sending him flying backwards.

"I can't believe you fell for that." He said out loud as Aokiji got up, practically uninjured by Kai's punch.

Aokiji dusted off his shirt as he said. "I don't like to think much during fights, too much work."

Kai laughed. "Wahahaha! That's just like you."

Robin was currently sitting on the ground behind Kai. She looked up at his seemingly large frame in front of her as her eyes eventually landed on his broad shoulders and back. She had tears in her eye's threatening to fall. She had many mixed feelings, she was scared of Aokiji, she was feeling guilty for getting everyone caught up in her issues, she felt like she was the cause of all of the problems, she felt scared that she might be forced to leave the Straw Hats after they all die just like what happened in the past.

But amongst all of that she felt happy, happy that someone was standing toe to toe with an admiral for her, happy that someone cared about her and would protect her no matter the enemy, she felt safe when she looked up at Kai's back, it was an inexplicable feeling of comfort and warmth in her chest.

Luffy got off of the ground first and stopped Zoro and Sanji from attacking again.

"Stop. You guys go back to the boat with everyone and protect them, I'll face this guy." Luffy said seriously and the two of them thought for a moment before they nodded.

Sanji added in. "You can trust the oni mask guy, he's a good person, he's also really strong. Come back alive Luffy."

They grabbed the rest of the crew and went back to the Merry. Aokiji tried to stop them from taking Robin but Kai interfered by kicking his hand away. Once the crew left Luffy stepped up in front of Aokiji.

"You and me. 1 on 1. Mano a mano! Let's fight Aokiji!" Luffy said as he stood face to face with an admiral.

Kai looked at this and backed off a bit. He nodded at Aokiji and Luffy. "Don't mind me. I won't interfere if you don't want me to, Luffy."

Kai did have a slight knot in his stomach as he had to watch Luffy fight a battle he knew that he stood no chance in, but Kai knew that Luffy needed to fight and lose here. Otherwise the kid would never invent gears or realize he needed to get MUCH stronger.

Luffy started to attack Aokiji only for his attacks to do nothing. They would just go through Aokiji's body as it turned to ice over and over again. He couldn't face a logia right now and even without logia abilities Aokiji was way too strong for the current Luffy to do anything about. After around a minute of 'fighting' Aokiji easily froze Luffy completely.

He raised a foot as if he was going to smash the frozen Luffy into pieces. He looked over to Kai with his foot still in the air and Kai didn't move. Aokiji stomped down missing Luffy.

"You didn't help him?" Aokiji asked Kai.

Kai shook his head. "You didn't even attack him. Why would I help him?"

Aokiji was still confused as to how Kai would even know if he was going to attack. He thought that maybe he just wouldn't have interfered either way and said that to look cool. Kai walked up to Luffy and picked him up.

He turned back to Aokiji and said. "You're one of the good marines. Do me a favour and watch what happens closely from now on. Decide on your own sense of justice without blindly following the marines, see for yourself who are the good guys and who are the bad guys."

Kai walked away and left Aokiji to think on his own. The latter just shrugged after a while of thinking and got on his bike as he rode away on the ocean.

When Kai arrived back at the Merry everyone gasped in shock. Chopper got to work on treating Luffy and the rest asked Kai what happened.

Kai simply said. "Luffy challenged him to a one on one and lost. I did nothing."

The crew was thinking about everything that happened and all the new information. Kai walked away to the back of the boat. He ended up beside a certain person.

"How are you holding up?" He asked Robin who was still going through a myriad of emotions.

After a while she responded. "I'm better now. Thanks."

Kai nodded. "Anytime."

Robin didn't look at him as her eyes were glued to the horizon. "Anytime? That was an admiral and you didn't even hesitate to fight him. Even when you're a marine yourself."

Kai nodded and paused for a bit. "Even though he actually isn't a bad guy, I won't let anyone hurt the people I care about. I'd turn against the world itself if I could save someone I cared for." Kai answered honestly causing Robin to be shocked and have a tear stream down her face.

"Really?" She asked Kai, who smiled.

Kai took a step forward so he was side by side with her and said. "Really. What use is living in a world where the people you care about don't exist in? Even if the world really could magically become a better place where everyone was happy I would never wish for that if the only way to make it possible was to watch the people around me die. I don't care if I become an enemy of the world if I can save someone I wish to save. I'd rather become an evil villain and a devil to the rest of the world."

Robin wiped a tear from her eye. "That's not something a marine should say." She joked.

Kai smiled. "I guess not. Huh. Maybe I should just quit then."

Robin giggled and said. "You did just fight an admiral, maybe you should."

Kai whistled and turned his head. "Admiral? What admiral? I don't see any admirals around here. No way I could have fought one! Are you trying to get me fired?"

Robin smiled and laughed. "Nishishi! Maybe I am? Maybe I'm trying to get you to join the evil Straw Hat pirates?"

Kai gasped and leaned back. "No way! Not those villains! I can't believe this! I need to tell fleet admiral goat man right away!" Kai said as he picked up a den den mushi and pretended to call someone.

"Hello? Goat man? Yeah! I'm being kidnapped by a devil! She wants me to become a pirate! I need backup asap!" Kai pretended to freak out and Robin laughed again. "Nishishishi! I still can't believe you call him goat man."

Kai chuckled. "Did I tell you? He actually already got a goat! What a guy."

Robin laughed. "Nishishi! He actually got one? That's hilarious. I sure hope it doesn't die soon."

Kai smiled. "Me too."

The duo continued joking around and talking before Robin asked Kai seriously. "Were you serious about what you talked to Aokiji about back there?"

Kai hesitated. His eyes wavered and became uncertain. "Yes. But I don't know if I can do it. Or what I should do. I don't know if I should wait for the future or start trying to help people now, even though I know that would jeopardize the future and lessen our chances of saving this world."

When he said this his eyes started to depict someone who was scared to take action and unsure of himself. Someone who was like a little boy who couldn't stand up for himself when he was being abused. His demeanor he had earlier when he was going toe to toe with Aokiji was gone along with the pressure he emitted in the moment he started talked about freedom disappearing. His eyes had gone back to how they usually were as they stopped glowing.

Robin didn't notice any of this in his eyes as she responded. "Don't worry too much about it. I think it's a great thing to think about either way."

That was the extent of their talk about this issue as they kept talking alone for a while about random things before joining the crew again.

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