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First Mission

3rd Person Pov-

It's been 20 days since their graduation, and both Tatsuya and Mikasa were now seriously considering if they should go rogue later or do it now. They were told to learn the basics of fuinjutsu and medical ninjutsu for a month before meeting Tsunade and Mito while training under Sakumo and doing some missions. No one ever told them that they'd be running around the village completing errands. A newly graduated Genin must complete some D rank missions before going on missions outside the village.

Their routine in these 20 days has been learning about fuinjutsu and medical ninjutsu, getting beaten by Sakumo and practising their skills and elemental chakra while learning genjutsu from Hayate.

And now, Mikasa and Tatsuya were in their regular training grounds, waiting for Sakumo to come and beat them up in the name of training. The kids resigned to their fate as Sakumo appeared out of nowhere.

"We have a mission outside the village, pack up and meet me at the main gate in 3 hours," Sakumo said and disappeared.

Tatsuya and Mikasa were looking forward to this very much, they went to Tatsuya's home and informed his father while he packed his stuff inside his inventory.

After some time, they reached the Uchiha clan's compound, walking while holding hands like they usually do. The clansmen who knew Mikasa's attitude towards boys couldn't help but be surprised, while some kids were of course jealous.

They reached Mikasa's home after walking for some time. Entering the house, they moved towards the main hall, a man in his early 40s was reading some scrolls. He was the great elder of the Uchiha clan, Akito Uchiha. Along with him was a woman in her late 30s, who looked similar to Mikoto from the original work, She was Misaka Uchiha, Mikoto's mother.

"You finally decided to come home after 3 weeks?" Akito said. Yes, for the past three weeks, Mikasa was with Tatsuya while sending a new shadow clone to her house regularly. There's no way she could've fooled her father, the clone was just a formality. Akito knew his daughter wasn't stupid, at least Mikasa, so he didn't do anything.

" It's been a while, father," Mikasa said and introduced Tatsuya. Her parents didn't have much of a reaction as their daughter and Tatsuya's relationship was well known, but a smile appeared on Misaka's face when she saw how happy her daughter was next to Tatsuya. The reason why members of the Uchiha clan didn't say anything was that Akito and Fukame were keeping them in check.

" It's nice to meet you, father, mother." Tatsuya said with a smile, looking at Akito and Misaka.

Akito sighed and said, "You two are five for God's sake, forget it, why are you here?"

'Age is just a number, mortal' Tatsuya thought, receiving enlightenment.

"We are going out on a mission with Sakumo-sensei, he said to pack up our stuff and here we are." Mikasa said.

Akito thought that it might be dangerous for a five-year-old to go outside, but since Sakumo was the one going, he wasn't all that worried. Sakumo was one of the few people who didn't look at the Uchiha with fear or hate but as a part of Konoha.

"Be careful." Said Akito.

Mikasa nodded and left. After packing her stuff in her inventory, they ran towards the main gate of the village. Unlike his son, Sakumo is very punctual. The last thing they want is for their training to be doubled because they were late.

After reaching the gate, they were greeted by an angry Sakumo. They prepared for the worst, but he simply said to follow him.

While following Sakumo, Tatsuya looked at his status.

[ Tatsuya Shiba(Host)

Chakra- Low Jonin(Faked as high-level Genin)



(ii)Body replacement technique

(iii)Clone technique

(iv)Transformation technique

(v)Shadow Clone Jutsu

(vi)Lightning Release: Body Enhancement

(vii)Lightning Release: Chidori

(viii)Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation

(ix)Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

(x)Earth Release: Mud Wall

(xi)Water Release: Weather manipulation(F)

(xii)Chakra Hiding Technique

(xiii) Body Flicker Technique

(xiv)Chidori- Variations included


(xvi)Sealess chakra moulding(All 12 basic seals)

(xvii) Mystical Palm Technique

(xviii)Wind Release: Wind Storm


(i)Chakra manipulation


(iii)All elemental affinities

(iv)Kenjutsu (sword techniques)

(v)Fuinjutsu (sealing techniques)- Unawakened


Elemental affinities-






(vi)Yin-Yang- 13%-7%

Natural Energy-11%

Kekkei Genkai-

(i) The Ketsuryūgan.

(ii)?????- Unawakened

(iii)Sharingan- 1 tomoe "Eye of Insight"


9 empty slots



It took Tatsuya a week to 'create' Chidori with the help of his borrowed Ninjutsu talent. As for Rasengan, his chakra control is already the best one can hope for, he 'created' it in two days.

With his chakra control, the more his elemental affinities go up, the more efficiently he can use ninjutsu. He doesn't have a fox with ton of chakra like naruto, at least not now.

As for the yin-yang release, he noticed that he can't actively use it, it enhances the power of his Jutsu automatically. He concluded that to make use of it, he'll need to increase his affinity for it.

'System, show Mikasa's status' Tatsuya thought.

[ Mikasa Uchiha

Chakra- Low Jonin(Faked as a high-level genin)


(i)Body replacement technique

(ii)Clone technique

(iii)Transformation technique

(iv) Shurikenjutsu(C)

(v)Shadow Clone Jutsu

(vi) Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation

(vi) Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

(vii)Wind Release: Wind cutter

(viii)Wind Release: Tornado

(ix)Chakra Hiding Technique

(x)Earth Release: Mud wall

(xi) Body Flicker Technique


(xiii) Mystical Palm Technique

(xiv)Fire Release: Fire Storm


(i)Chakra manipulation


(iii)All elemental affinities


(v)Medical Jutsu- Unawakened

(vi) Kenjutsu (18%)

Elemental affinities-






(vi)Yin-Yang- 8%-3%

Natural Energy-6%

Kekkei Genkai-

(i)Sharingan- 1 tomoe ]

Mikasa told him that it was getting hard to increase her affinity after reaching 50%. It wasn't that it was difficult but more time-consuming.

Her yin release is increasing very fast ever since the training with Hayate.

After travelling for three days, they reached the border of the Land of lightning. Tatsuya finally bothered to ask, "Sakumo-sensei, what's our mission."

'Oh, you remember that we are on a mission? How generous of you.' Sakumo wanted to beat the kid up but decided to do it in the name of training next time. Tatsuya felt something bad was going to happen but didn't pay attention to it.

" It's a backup request from the team stationed in the land of lightning. They were somehow discovered and need backup." Sakumo said.

"Who are the enemies?" Mikasa asked.

" It's the third Raikage's son, A, his strength should be the same as you two, along with 5 Chunin and a sensor Jonin," Sakumo said.

"Aren't they too weak for you to come?" Asked Tatsuya. 'Why would the village send a Kage tier to deal with some chunin and a jonin?'

"This is a trap, they are using the team from Konoha to lure us in, their goal should be to capture the ones who come for the rescue mission to gain intelligence on the village," Sakumo said as he looked angry.

"So what are we gonna do about it?" Tatsuya asked, he didn't wanna jump straight into a trap for some unknown people.

"What do you mean 'we'? The one who's gonna complete this mission is you." Sakumo said with a smirk as Tatsuya regretted asking. He was planning to go home, but a notification stopped him.

[Ding! Kill every member of the ambush party. Leave A traumatized, let both Konoha and Kumo know the power of Ketsuryūgan]

[Reward: Black Lightning]

[Failure: Next quest rewards will be reduced by 50%]

[Accept- Y/N]

'Looks like I need to put on a good show. Yes.'Tatsuya thought as he couldn't help but smile.

Mikasa also got the same notification, she didn't need the reward but still accepted the mission. Since Tatsuya wants it, she'll get it for him.

Tatsuya Pov-

"This will be your first time killing, right?" Sakumo asked, thinking of why I am laughing in a situation like this.

"Indeed, but this is also fun," I said.

"Just don't mess this up. If someone you can't handle appears, I'll help out." Sakumo said and disappeared.

"Let's go," I said while looking at Mikasa who nodded.

After travelling for another day, we reached the hideout of the ones we are supposed to rescue. The hideout was a cave in the corner of a valley.

After entering the cave, we were greeted by a man with white eyes, veins popping out around the end of each eye. 'A Hyuga' I thought as the man frowned. Even with Byakugan, he couldn't see through our chakra hiding technique which utilises natural energy.

"Why did the village only send two Genins when we informed them about the strength of our enemies" The Hyuga lost all hope.

I didn't say anything while he was accepting his fate and suddenly appeared in front of him with my sword on his neck. He was visibly shaken by the sudden development.

He realised that the situation wasn't what he guessed and hurriedly said, "I apologise, my name is Hyuga Shinso, leader of the team."

"Shiba Tatsuya"

"Uchiha Mikasa"

Shinso recognized our names, the youngest to pass the Academy ever since it was established, the rumours in the village even called us the next Hashirama and Madara.

"How many of you can fight?" Mikasa asked glancing at the end of the cave, a total of four people sitting there. Two of them were the same age as Shinso, one was a guy with a heavy beard and green jumpsuit, he was the eternal Genin- Might Dai, the one who reduced the seven ninja swordsman of the mist by half and the other was a fairly thin guy with blonde hair while the other two were around 15 years old, Genins.

"The two of us can fight," Shinso said while looking at his fellow Chunin. The Genins thought that they'll be left behind but my next words surprised them.

"I see, then you three will protect the kids while we deal with those pests. Don't interfere or I'll kill you before they do." I said as I once again held Mikasa's hand before leaving. The five of them reluctantly followed.

The moment we left the valley, seven figures appeared, the one leading them was a fairly tall kid with dark skin and a muscular build, looking the same age as Shinso, but was 11 years old, A, who'll be the Fourth Raikage.

A and the one standing next to him were the only Jonin, the rest of them were Chunin. The one standing next to A was a sensor, so his combat ability should be of an average Jonin.

"Only two kids? Is Konoha looking down on us?" A was angry about the fact that Konoha dared to send two kids for the rescue operation. This wasn't prepared by the Third Raikage, A did it on his own to get his father's attention, but it wasn't worth it.

"A-sama, let me deal with those two kids, while the boy is worthless, we can at least enjoy the-" before the sensor could finish his words, I held him by the neck, bringing him down to his knees. 'A' was visibly shocked as he didn't even notice my movements but before he could do anything, Mikasa appeared between me and A with her Sharingan opened.

I looked at A while my eyes turned into the Ketsuryūgan. He frowned, 'This is bad, I need to do some-'


Before A could finish his thought, he heard a scream full of pain and agony. It was the sensor that was now rolling on the ground while screaming, begging for it to stop.

While I was grabbing his neck, I used a bit of my chakra to take control of his blood, now his body was being messed up as blood collected in every part of his body, expanding his organs to the point where they were about to explode, crushing every muscle in his body. Every nerve in his body was feeling like he was being stabbed inside out.

Blood started to flow out of his eyes and ears, he wasn't able to speak anymore as all he could do was cry in agony. 'While this is fun, I need to test some things out '

I brought my hand forward, while the 'Test subject' started floating in the air. Everyone was silent at this scene. This was a test to confirm whether or not I can fly by manipulating the blood inside my body. I couldn't just pick someone as a test subject in Konoha as I know there are at least two people who were watching me ever since the meeting, and I won't try something like this directly on myself.

My hand moved back to its original position as the test subject now floated right in front of me while I said, "If you don't want another round of hell, tell me how did you guys find out about the team Konoha sent, I know you're conscious so don't try to buy time."

The test subject didn't have any resistance at all and answered, "I-It was the blonde man from the team, he contacted us i-in advance."

"Mikasa," I said as she disappeared before capturing the blonde man, rendering him unconscious with her Sharingan.

"P-please let me go" The floating man begged.

"Sure," I said with a smile as his expression brightened before I continued, "Go to hell," I said before all the blood from his body came out of his ears and eyes, he screamed for about 10 seconds before dying with a twisted expression.

'The more I use it, the more I like it.' I thought as I looked at a ball made of blood floating right above the dried up corpse with a smile.

Everyone including A and Shinso were petrified after seeing my masterpiece. Some Chunins were shaking.

"Mikasa, deal with the cannon fodder." Mikasa nodded and a fireball escaped her mouth and headed toward the petrified Chunin. Dealing with five of them wasn't hard for her, but bothersome.

The only reason I was able to deal with the Sensor was that he let his guard down, and he was the best target for me to torture. Sensors don't have high pain tolerance so his screams were loud enough to scare A. I could've killed A but killing the Raikage's son isn't something I can afford right now.

I turned towards the fearful A, 'Alright, he's scared from that farce, must be his first time seeing something like this, now for the final push'

Lightning chakra condensed in my right arm while the sound of birds chirping could be heard.


It didn't take long for A to realise the difference in power between us. His lightning release chakra armour was very weak, Chidori was able to cut through it like butter. Mikasa arrived next to me after dealing with the five Chunins. A was on the ground, panting heavily, I raised my hand and looked at him with a smile and said, "Farewell, A"

*Thud* A passed out before I got a notification.

[Quest Completed]

[Reward: Black Lightning]

I walked towards Shinso and the others who tied the blonde man with a rope, he was still under Mikasa's genjutsu so he won't be leaving anytime soon.

"Let's go" I said.

"What about him?" Shinso asked, looking at A.

"Do you want to kill him and start a war between the two villages?" Mikasa said as she looked at Shinso.

"We can't kill him even if we want to, the only reason we're still alive is because of Sakumo-sensei. Isn't that right?" I said looking past Shinso and the others.

A tall man with the same features as A, but long blonde hair and beard, and an oppressive aura. 'The third Raikage. Probably the strongest person alive right now if you exclude the cockroach-like Madara.' He looked at me with an amused expression, it looks like I piqued his interest.

"Aren't you a good actor?" He said with a smirk. Anyone with some experience can guess what kind of 'show' I planned today.

"I just gave your son PTSD, are you sure you don't want to kill me?" I said while pointing my finger towards the still unconscious A.

"He was getting on his high horses lately, he should learn a lesson like this, and if he can't even overcome something like this then he doesn't deserve the position of Raikage." He said with a serious expression.

"Fair enough, so what do you want?" I was confident he didn't want to kill me, or Sakumo would've popped up by now. And the Raikage also knows about Sakumo being here, so he won't move recklessly.

"What's your name?" He asked looking at me and then turning towards Mikasa.

"Uchiha Mikasa"

"Shiba Tatsuya"

We replied.

"I see." He said before picking up the bod- I mean the unconscious A.

"Are all Kage as laid back as you?" I asked with a smile.

"No. If it was Onoki, he would've done everything he can to kill you, even with that guy protecting you. I am not doing it because I want to fight you after you grow up" He laughed before disappearing.

'Yup, every Kage is insane in their own right.

A Gambler, a kid with daddy issues, an old man with PTSD, a single hag, a ni- muscle head. Let's not think about it anymore' I stopped thinking about it, realising that my N-word pass expired with my death.

{A/N- It's a joke.}

"Let's go" I said to everyone. Except for Mikasa, all of them were looking at me like I am some sort of maniac.

'Who the hell talks to one of the strongest Kage like he is your childhood friend?' was what they were thinking.

After running for about an hour, Sakumo popped up. He was probably making sure no one followed us. Even if the Raikage said he didn't plan to kill us, who can guarantee that?



3069 words.


I tried writing something a bit different, IDK how it is tho.

I didn't know much about the third Raikage so I decided to go with something similar to the second tsuchikage, the goofy one with a thin moustache.

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