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54.9% RWBY Omniversal Chatroom System / Chapter 55: Clearing the Emergency Quest

Chapitre 55: Clearing the Emergency Quest

Over the world, the past half hour of battle was broadcasted. A news helicopter had come to the battlefield. The invasion of Reincarnates and subsequent massacre was broadcast live to the entire world as the supernatural side of the world was promptly revealed. The Devils of the ORC and Student Council forgoing and kind of secrecy, had put barriers up to protect the school which had been put into lockdown.

The "dripped outta my fucking mind" Vegito stepped forward towards the trio, looking down on them.

"I'mma be a hundred with you chiefs.." He then looked at Chibiusa and pointed at her like he was Edgeworth himself.

"I'mma be taking her with me. Boss wants 'er. You gonna surrender now or do you want this ass whooping?" He then flexed and cracked his knuckles.

~He's got the power of drip.. oh and Vegito's powers too, I guess~ Neo thought and watched Chibiusa immediately get ready to fight him.

"Take care of the other two" Drip Vegito gestured his head to them and took to the skies with Chibiusa.

"Ugh.. Dragonball.." Ruby spat on the ground in disdain.

In the skies, both Chibiusa and Vegito started to pummel the other with their fists. It turned into a dramatic display of punches that sent them through nearby buildings and kicks that cracked the ground. While he was using an incomplete Ultra Instinct, Chibiusa was steadily growing stronger under the Boosted Gear's influence.

She was slowly gaining the upper hand as time passed, but time was not on her side. Vegito's strikes were getting heavier and more damaging. Her muscles were incredibly sore and some were torn and it was only seven minutes in. Yet it felt like an hour had passed. Then, she got an idea.

"Hey, asshole!" She shouted, getting the still cocky Vegito reincarnator's attention.

"Hmm?" He folded his arms, none too worse for wear.

"Why don't we settle this with a good old fashioned DBZ style beam struggle? Oh.. or are you afraid I have a bigger beam than yours?" She directly attacked his pride, hoping he would take the bait.

Little did she know, in his past life, that reincarnator was cursed with a micro-penis. It constantly interfered with his ability to get laid. It was the thing he was mocked for the most. Living his second life, he finally thought he got away from it. He had women who fell for him just by looking at him. He was also a master in bed. And to have that challenged. To have his past 'issue' be brought back by this child. It enraged him. A vein popped in his head as he grinded his teeth.

"He just said you had to be alive.. Didn't say anything about BEING IN PIECES!!" He immediately charged his beam attack.

"Let's settle it like Saiyans then, OVERCOMPENSATOR!" Chibiusa did the same.

Both unleashed wind ripping beams that collided into each other. They were both yelling as they put their all into their attacks. Chibiusa's muscles and clothes tore further but she bit her lip and pushed on. Vegito was struggling too. She had bought enough time to boost herself even further. Chibiusa transfered the boosted power into her beam and Vegito turned Super Saiyan four. Neither beams had overtaken the other and Chibiusa was losing in terms of endurance.

In her tired state, Vegito's beam had overtaken hers and pushed her further into the cracked pavement. Suddenly, she was assisted by Riser, who she herself had saved from being possessed by a reincarnator earlier. He had kept some of their abilities due to his body being possessed by the reincarnator and hit Vegito's back with a giant Phoenix fire roar. Taking his concentration away from Chibiusa, she took that as an opportunity and overtook Vegito's beam by pushing the Boosted Gear further and transfered it into the beam.

He himself had been overtaken now and was wiped from existence. Chibiusa had fallen on her back in exhaustion. Riser flew down and picked her up with a small sigh before flying her back to the ORC.

"This is only because you helped me. And Riser always pays back his debts.." He said while flying her in.

-Start of the fight, Neo-

On Neo's side, she was still at the front of the school, not particularly pleased about the helicopters and cameras. Sighing, she checked the system.

[Two targets remaining until universe stability!]

"Great! I imagine I'll be-" Neo was abruptly cut off by the Ruby Rose reincarnator, who stomped up to her.

"HEY, you. Neo impostor. Where's the harem MC of DxD?" She impatiently asked with a scowl.

"First of all.. Hi kettle, I'm pot! I didn't usurp Neopolitan's body. I got a copy body. You? I'm sure you didn't take Ruby's body.. right?" Neo inquired sarcastically.

"Hmph. What if I did? Girl was too weak. Only the strong survive out in this fucking multiverse" She retorted with all the edge she could muster.

"Ohh boy.. I had a feeling. You're an edgelord that thinks they're above other edgelords. But hey! MAYBE I'm being too judgemental. Why are you here?" Neo asked as amicably as she could.

Ruby slung Crescent Rose over her shoulder and cocked her head.

"Told you. I'm here to kill the harem MC. And take some kid back. But mostly? I'm here because I hate harems!" Ruby joyfully exclaimed, showing off her dragon teeth.

"Only person with a harem in the school is me, Edgelord. What are you gonna do about it?" Neo asked, taking her proxy form as her aura lit up with sparks.

Ruby's response was a feral grin and a swing of her Crescent Rose. The energy ripped through the air and closed in on Neo, who parried it with the Yamato. Taking the initiative now, Neo stepped in and swung a powerful flourish at Ruby. The blue Devil energy of the sword exploded forth and tore through the ground. Ruby spread her Draconic wings and flew over it, right before it hit. Then, she grinned and took out a five hundred nitro express revolver and shot Neo, who used her enhanced aura to tank the shots while using her maiden powers to create wings and fly up to her.

Taking another shot, she twisted her body away from the last and shot Ruby the moment she retrieved her sniper rifle from her inventory. Ruby, taking this as a challenge, began a dogfight in the sky while aura charged bullets flew all over the battlefield. It got far more intense as they flew around, luckily avoiding the news helicopters nearby as bullets flew everywhere. Neo had to quickly buy more rounds during the fight.

Neo didn't exactly have the edge in ranged battle. If it continued, she'd lose her aura and would be put in a vulnerable state. Ruby was at least a bit faster than her at the moment, thanks to whatever magic she possessed on top of her semblance. Rhongomyniad would miss and Yamato could be dodged, as it was before. So, she did the most logical thing she could think of.

[Purchase All Weapons Mastery for 75,000 shop points?] 

~My sweet horde of shop points.. I'll miss you!~ Neo was tempted to shed a tear but Ruby's swing of her scythe snapped her out of her despair.

"Yes.." Neo sadly agreed as Ruby raised her brow mid swing, only to be caught in a giant blue zone of slashes. It halted all of Ruby's momentum as hundreds of slashes assailed her. She was tanking most of it with Cresent Rose, her aura and semblance but she could barely move freely anymore.

After that, came the .44 caliber rounds from Neo's magnum that was constantly hitting her during her hasty retreat. To finish it off and put the final nail in the coffin, Neo charged her aura and rocketed into her with Rhongomyniad. Slamming the lance into Ruby and pinning her to the street as a giant crater formed from the magical impact. Ruby ended up being skewered by the lance the moment her aura broke. Though she was still alive and her other injuries were healing.

Neo panted and checked on her low aura. It was almost gone now. Ruby then grunted and got her attention, bleeding from her mouth and glaring at Neo.

"Lucky.. hit! You do know I'm a.. dragon though? I don't need aura. I'll be shoving this fucking lance through your face next.." She sputtered out between coughs.

"Oh is that right? It'd be a real shame if.. I dunno.. had a Dragon-killing weapon?" Neo said with a sadistic smile as she pulled Gram from her inventory.

"Oh.. fuck.." Ruby widened her eyes and tried to desperately free herself, but Gram had already been slammed into her heart with an explosive burst of power that shattered the glass from the buildings all around her.

"One down.." Neo wiped the sweat off her head and stumbled back with an accomplished grin.

-Start of the fight, Shirou-

Watching from afar, Shirou watched as the priest had set up his little stand, with a chair in front of it and everything. Looking up at her, he beckoned for her to come closer. Arriving in front of the stand he stood behind it, his dead eyes staring at her. He made no move to attack and just picked up a menu and placed it down in front of her.

Watching his actions warily, she sat down on the seat and opened the menu. The only thing that was there was Spicy Mapo Tofu. Seeing as she looked at the menu he started speaking.

"We are both fans of the Fate universe I assume? Since you are a female Shirou you should know who I am. But for the sake of manners I shall introduce myself. I am Kirei Kotomine" He introduced himself with his hands folded.

"And I'm Shirou Emiya.. now would you mind answering why you aren't attacking me?" Shirou asked with incredible caution. She knew what the original Kotomine was capable of.

To me, it's quite simple. I am a drifter and much like my original, I love to see others in pain. Unlike the original, I do not like to kill, so I settled on a compromise. I sell the famous Spicy Mapo Tofu and in return, I get to see others in pain" He almost cracked a slight smile at that when he reminisced about everyone he fed the spicy tofu to.

"So then why are you here?" Shirou bit back a sigh and asked.

"It's quite simple. The boss offered me a deal I can't refuse. The chance to travel to other worlds to spread my Tofu!" He said and spread out his arms.

An exalted look came across his face for a moment as his eyes slightly lit up.

"But it would be foolish of me to think I could beat you or the Icecream girl over there, let alone the one the boss sent me to fetch. So let's make a deal. What do you say?" He looked at her with both hands rubbing together.

"That depends. What do you have in mind?" Shirou asked with more confusion than wariness in her face now.

"Ever watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?" He asked, cutting the tension away.

"Uh.. I had only watched until the end of part five.." Shirou pondered to herself as she remembered the series.

"Terence T.D'Arby's stand, Atum, was given to me. So, I can use this power to wager like he did. If you can eat an entire bowl of my Spicy Mapo tofu I will leave. No fight, no struggle. However! If you lose? I gain your soul and all the abilities you possess as my own. Deal?" He shot her a challenging, Jojo-styled 'menacing' smile.

"That doesn't seem to be the Fairest of wagers but… Alright, I'll do it. Serve me your spiciest bowl old man!" Shirou planted her hands on his cart and returned his expression back at him.

His smile grew ever so slightly bigger. While waiting for the food to be done, he handed Shirou a glass of water while she watched the fights happening.

It was only after Chibiusa was down and out for the count did the food finished being made. The spicy smell coming off it made Shirou sweat. But she refused to back down here.

"Your food is ready madam, I do hope you enjoy it" He rubbed under his nose and proudly stated.

He took a seat beside her with his own bowl and started on it right away. Shirou had taken the food in front of her and stared at it for a second before tracing a big, cordless blender right there. She dumped all her food into it, to the surprise of Kirei she also dumped water inside as well. Then, she slammed the lid on and started it up with a scheming grin.

"Neat trick with the water old man.. but it wouldn't work on me, putting capsaicin in the water though was a brilliant idea too bad my nose could detect it!" Shirou stood up and revealed his 'evil' scheme.

He paused while he was looking at the tofu, only to turn and smile at her.

"All Shirou's have incredibly good noses. The last one I happened upon didn't detect it. But that begs the question why add it to the blender?" He asked, perplexed.

Shirou took the blender and poured the liquid into a plastic water bottle, and filled up another half one.

"Well it will take a second or two for the spice to kick in, and if people can down whole watter bottles full of water then I can do it with the diluted Mapo tofu!" She then gulped and picked up both bottles nervously.

And she did just that. Sighing in defeat, Kirei finished his food before cleaning up and leaving. Though not before saying goodbye to the young Emiya and revelling in her pain and writhing on the ground as he left.

Walking back to the ORC Shirou was grateful for Avalon healing her taste buds, even if she hates the feeling of her tongue being blasted with what was essentially extreme hot sauce. Then, she met up with Neo on the way back.

"So.. what the fuck was with the cook-off? Was he just not a fighter or what?" Neo glared at Shirou, who looked the most untouched out of them all.

She asked and met back up where Chibiusa was laying. The ORC there already with the Student Council arriving there shortly after. The Student Council's president, Sona was just staring at the spectacle outside in awe and horrible realization at the work she'd have to do later. Erasing all this would be a nightmare.

"He was just a man looking for pleasure. He revels in the pain of others and I would consider him a lesser evil.. if not for the stakes of taking his challenge. Which was my poor tongue.. I think I sweat and cried most of the water in my body.." Shirou groaned.

Neo pat Shiro's back as they entered into the room, where a bathtub had been brought and Chibiusa was submerged in. She was bathing in Phoenix Tears with Riser throwing away multiple glass bottles. Shirou sighed but traced Avalon before putting it into the water and onto Chibiusa's body.

"Well this trip was.. fun. Felt like I was running a marathon with a hundred and eighty five degree fever while on acid.. WHILE chugging Monster. But yes, this was fun" Neo nodded and felt her arm being grabbed by Rias, who looked at her pleadingly. Then she was held onto by Akeno, Koneko and Kiba. All dogpiling the four foot nine girl and covering her.

"What are you doing..?" Neo managed to mumble out despite being covered in bodies.

"Please don't leave us with her.." She pleaded while clutching onto her like a lifeline.

"You uh.. want them, Shirou?" Neo asked through the pile of people on her.

"You either take them, or we leave them here in this universe. We don't plan to stay long" She responded, looking at the Neo, who was smothered in Rias' chest.

Then, under the pile of bodies, a portal opens up. Saluting, Neo sinks into the portal while the ORC yelled in confusion. Before the portal could close, Shirou grabbed a nearby box and stuffed Gasper into it before throwing it into the closing portal.

"No! You take them all you broke ass Mom!" Shirou said and heard a grunt as the box was thrown in.

Before they knew it, the portal closed and they were ejected back into the DWMA entrance. Under the pile of sexy Devils, Kiba and Gasper, Neo groaned. She pulled herself out of the pile and took a deep breath.

"We finally escaped that madness.. Thank you, Miss Neo!" Rias hugged her waist.

"I kinda got stuck with you all but.. sure! But before you say anything about escaping madness.. Wanna look up?" Neo smiled down at her and pointed up at the dark sky.

Looking up, Rias saw a crescent moon with a giant face and bloody smile. She was on the verge of crying once again.

Saeko_Kaburagi Saeko_Kaburagi

End of the crossover! Good stuff came out of it and it was fun on my end. Thanks for reading!

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