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100% Young Justice: UnReal / Chapter 16: Chapter 14 [Special chapter]

Chapitre 16: Chapter 14 [Special chapter]

||3rd POV||

"Before we fight, Can I ask you something?" Lor asked as he casually cracked his knuckles and rubbed his wrists.

Superman stopped walking closer to Lor, indicating his acceptance to answer Lor's question.

"Are you perhaps Kryptonian?"

Superman didn't immediately reply to Lor's question, just looking at Lor for a few seconds before replying.

"Yes, I am."

Lor's eyes burned brighter, on the edge of releasing his heat vision.

"I see. Judging by the symbol on your chest, I can assume you're from the House of El, correct?" Lor once again questioned, his tone eerily turning dark.

"Hm? Right, but what does that have to do with anything?" Superman asked, noticing the dark tone in Lor's voice but deciding not to comment on it.

"You know...Back on Krypton, I came across one of your members." Lor said, his tone turning darker and darker.

"He took something from me, something precious."

"Oh, no..." Kara said, her face turning grim.

"What's wrong? What are they saying?" Batman, noticing Kara's sad tone and sudden change in expression, asked.

His eyes narrowed, not liking how he's not understanding what's going on and being left in the dark.

"It's what Lor's talking about...I know what he's talking about." Kara said, her mood turning low in sadness.

She obviously knew exactly what Lor was talking about.

His mother.

"I see..." Batman glanced at her, deciding not to push any further for now and just ask later when it's just the Justice League alone.

'Kryptonian, huh. Let's see just what you're made off.' Superboy thought, his face spotting a frown as he stared at the two Kryptonian's who were about to face each other.

"Ever since once of you guys took away what I considered precious, I decided that if anyone of you guys were to become my enemy then I'll make sure to deal with you appropriately...."

Lor said mysteriously, not even bothering to register Superman in front of him anymore.

"You mean..." Superman said with a frown, understanding what Lor was getting to.

"Yes, you attack me, I'll attack you harder."

"You take something from me, I'll take something even more precious from you."

"Scheme against me, then I'll make sure you suffer for it."

"You understand what I'm trying to say right?"

"You don't attack a Zod and expect to go scot free, you'll have to pay a price for that."

Lor said nonchalantly, his lazy manner complementing the word's coming out of his mouth.

Superman's frown deepened even further, not liking what Lor just said even a little bit.

"We don't know about that. This battle could very well turn out completely different from what you imagine." Superman said.

Lor glanced at Superman, finally done playing with his hands.

"Oh, trust me. It certainly won't." Lor smirked before suddenly blasting for Superman at an intense speed.


His body turned into a blur as he slammed into Superman, sending him flying back for several meters.

"Ugh!" Superman groaned as he slammed heavily unto the ground, his body bouncing off it before once again falling to the ground.

Just like that, He kept flying for a few more meters before stopping, a little trail being left behind on the ground.


Everyone stared in surprise at the surprising amount of strength Lor just displayed.

None of them expected Lor to be capable of such physical strength especially considering the fact that he just got to earth a few minutes ago.

It's a well known fact that it takes time for Kryptonian's to develop such strength as shown by Kara's situation.

Kara is far less powerful compared to superman despite both of them being Kryptonian's and even being of the same blood.

All because of the fact that Kara has been on earth for a far lesser time compared to Superman so it's quite obvious why she wouldn't be as strong as him.

But seeing someone who has been on earth for an even lesser amount of time compared to Kara, beat back Superman was definitely a shocking revelation.

None of them expected such a thing.

Not even Batman.

Actually, Lor wasn't even this strong back when he was on Krypton. The only reason why he's even displaying such level of strength is simply because of his [Superior Reactive Adaptation and Evolution].

It had already started adapting to Superman's strength and speed the moment he attacked Lor, increasing Lor's strength and speed at immense speed's.

Unfortunately, even if Lor's strength, speed, durability and other physical attributes are being increased at an extremely fast rate, it's not enough to immediately overcome Superman's absurd power.

"Mghh." Superman groaned as he stood up, touching the place where Lor had struck him, his chest.

He turned toward's Lor with a surprised look on his face, obviously surprised at Lor's immense strength.

"How...are you so strong? You shouldn't be considering that you've only been on this planet for less than a day."

Superman asked, utter disbelief and surprise written all over his face.

"And why should I answer you? It's obviously none of your business." Lor said as he once again charged at Superman, a smirk on his face as he casually broke the sound barrier.


Superman frowned at Lor's answer, his fists clenched as he too charged at Lor, breaking the sound barrier as well.


Both their figures turned into blurs as they slammed into each other, a shockwave appearing from their clash.


Superman, In a burst of speed, punched Lor in his torso, sending him flying back from him.

Lor immediately positioned his body properly mid air, trying to stop himself from landing on the ground harshly.

He skidded on the ground as his legs left deep trails on the cold ground.

He didn't stop for a second as he immediately blasted back for Superman, his speed even faster than last time.


Superman, not expecting a sudden increase in speed again from Lor, was immediately uppercutted into the sky, a resounding bang echoing across the surrounding.

Superman was launched high into the sky, tumbling and twirling in the sky.

Superman immediately got back his bearings as he stopped himself from twirling in the sky. He looked down to the ground only to be met with another punch to his face.


His head whipped back harshly as he was launched even higher into the sky, a shockwave appearing from Lor's mighty strength.

His strength too had grown even more powerful.


He blasted off toward's Superman, not wanting him to recover and lose his advantage.

Just when Lor was about to slam his fist toward's Superman's back, Superman suddenly turned around and slammed a punch at Lor's face.


Lor was launched back at a high speed as he shot through the skies at a fast speed.

"No way, You can fly too?!"


Just when Lor was about to recover from Superman's abrupt hit, he heard a surprised voice before he was once again hit in the face, causing a shockwave to appear and sending him even further back.

"Ugh..." he groaned as he tried to get rid of his dizziness from Superman's hit, he still wasn't a match for Superman's strength and speed.

The gap between somebody who had been absorbing solar radiation for fourteen years versus someone who had been absorbing solar radiation for at least thirty years wasn't that easy to cross.

Lor might be far stronger than someone who had been absorbing solar radiation for fourteen years but even that wasn't anything compared to someone who had been absorbing for thirty years.

Thankfully, his [Superior Reactive Adaptation and Evolution] ability wasn't anything to scoff at.

He could already feel his strength improving by leaps and bounds every second he faced Superman, it won't be long at all till Lor reaches Superman's level of strength.

He turned toward's Superman who was looking at him, surprise still lingering on his face.

"You're quite strong but unfortunately, that isn't enough to bring me down. I suggest ending this fight and surrendering peacefully, I promise you won't be treated badly at all since you haven't done anything considered bad. Not to mention, you're Kryptonian. Your my kind, I can definitely figure out something for you."

Superman said, trying to put an end to a fight he thought was considerably in his favor, peacefully.

"Do you....actually think that you're the victor among us? Just from this little exchange? If you really think so then you're an even bigger fool than I thought."

Lor said as he once again blasted straight for Superman, his speed far higher than it once was at the start of this fight.

'Not to mention that I need to compensate for the amount of time I've lost. Fighting you will be more than enough to recover it.'


Lor once again punched a surprised Superman who hadn't expected yet again for Lor's strength and speed to increase.

He was blasted back for several meters, a huge shockwave appearing once again.

'I can feel it...' Lor thought as he headed straight for the still disoriented Superman, slamming straight into his torso and sending him even further back.


'My power is growing faster and faster...' Lor caught up to Superman and punched him in the face hard, sending him tumbling back, a massive shockwave occurring.

Lor flew after Superman and punched toward's his face again, only for Superman to then tilt his head to the side, dodging Lor's blow.


He immediately slammed a fist back to Lor's face, pushing Lor back a bit and causing another shockwave to appear.

'I don't even feel that much pain from his blows anymore.' Lor thought as he turned his face back to Superman, not even shaking his head and trying to get rid of his dizziness like he would at the beginning of the fight.

He simply felt like all Superman's blow did was serve to turn his face to the side. Nothing more.


Superman and everybody watching on the ground, widened their eyes at this. Superman was no longer causing damage to Lor!

Batman's eyes narrowed at this sight, he couldn't help but feel something bad at seeing this.

'This is not good.' He thought as he noted to himself to further study Lor's powers and movements when he gets back to the bat cave.

Kara's eyes stared at Lor, surprised by his strength.

'Was he ever this strong? Did he have his power's back on Krypton? If so, Why didn't he tell me?' Kara thought as her face turned sad at the thought that Lor didn't trust her enough to tell her.

She really hoped that she was just overthinking thing's and Lor actually trusted her.

Superboy stared at Lor, surprise and amazement etched on his face. He couldn't believe that Lor was that strong.

He thought that Lor would eventually lose against Superman in less than a minute but seeing the battle progress like this...

He wasn't so sure anymore.

He clenched his fists as he eyes burned in anger and envy.

'Why can he fly when I can't?'

'Why can he punch so hard when I can't?'

'Why can he move so fast when I can't?!'

'Why is he so much stronger than I am?!!'


Superboy kicked a nearby large rubble as it crumbled from the force. He gritted his teeth as he stared back at Lor with intense jealousy.

"Hey, calm yourself." Suddenly a voice said from beside him as a hand rested on his shoulder.

He turned to his side as he saw Power Girl looking at him with a concerned face.

He breathed in deeply as he calmed himself down, his raging heart and mind finally calming down.

"Sorry, a bad memory suddenly came to mind." Superboy apologized, coming up with an excuse to hide the real reason for his anger.

Power Girl's face changed into an understanding look as she patted his shoulder's in comfort.

"Hey, it's okay. You know, I got your back if you ever wanna talk about these kinds of things." Power Girl comforted as she tried to show her support for him, in whatever way she could.

She and Superboy had been cloned in Cadmus, as a result, they got to know each other quite easily.

They had similar background's and were cloned for similar reasons to replace their respective heroes.

Superboy was created to replace Superman while Power Girl was created to replace Supergirl should they ever abandon their duties or join the dark side.

Their similar situation and purpose made them hit it off and almost immediately, they became something like siblings.

They had each other backs and was there whenever the other needed it.

Just like siblings would for each other.

Aqualad was also surprised by how strong Lor was, never once did it cross his mind that the symbol of hope would struggle against someone who looks younger than him physically.

Robin too was also surprised and so was Kid Flash, they both had similar thoughts to Aqualad.

Power Girl herself was also very surprised at what she was seeing.

Cadmus had provided her and Superboy information on both Superman and Supergirl so she knew, from what information they provided, how strong they were.

Seeing someone younger than her put up such a fight toward's Superman was something she never imagined.

But above her surprise toward's Lor, she felt something more...

Something she couldn't quite describe.

It felt like she wanted to be next to him? Touch him?

Or maybe get intimate with him? Like what animals did together?

She couldn't quite place a finger on it but whatever she was feeling, it was intense.

Like a raging flame burning hot in her.

It was crazy.


Superman was once again launched away from Lor, his figure tumbling back at extreme speeds.

"You better focus on me, otherwise, you won't even know what hit you when you suddenly find yourself down in the ground, member of El."

Lor's voice woke everybody up from their surprise and thoughts.

He stood in the air, his armor still standing despite several dents on it from Superman's attacks.

His long Crimson-red hair swayed in the hair as he stared at Superman, his eyes cold and emotionless.

Superman shook his head as he stared at Lor, wondering how Lor was suddenly so strong.

His attack just now was far stronger than the one's he had been throwing before now.

Was he holding back up until now? And he just decided to release his full strength due him no longer being able to keep up with him?

Or is he actually weak like he's supposed to be and is just using something to increase his strength so drastically?

Whatever it is, it's making Lor a bigger opponent to defeat now.

Superman decided to take down Lor immediately, not wanting Lor's strength to increase too much to the point he wouldn't be able to handle him anymore.


Superman blasted straight for Lor, his figure disappearing into a blur as he flew straight for Lor.

Lor turned to the side, dodging the fast approaching Superman.

Superman quickly turned around and slammed back towards Lor.


Lor immediately put up an arm block, blocking Superman's attack and causing a massive shockwave to appear.


Lor stood his ground, not moving an inch from Superman's attack as he immediately dropped his guard and punched Superman on his face, sending Superman flying back.


Lor charged straight for Superman, he flew to his side at high speed and instantly sent a punch to Superman's face again, sending him down from the sky and toward's the ground.

Superman stopped himself from crashing to the ground as he immediately flew back towards Lor.

Lor dodged to the side, letting Superman fly by him before reaching out to Superman's cape before he could fly any further.

He grabbed the cape and pulled back, halting Superman and pulling him back toward's Lor.

'No capes. Even if you have one, the least you could do is not let your enemy use it against you.'


Lor immediately slammed a knee to Superman's torso, a massive shockwave appearing from the blow.

Superman's body was lifted a little to the sky but Lor swiftly lifted both his hands up before slamming them down on Superman's back, sending him crashing down to the ground like a comet.


Superman crashed to the ground almost instantly, a resounding boom echoing across the surrounding's, accompanied by a large cloud of dust appearing where he landed.

The cloud of dust eventually dispersed, revealing a large crater.

From Lor's point of view, the crater was enormous and had a huge depth, encompassing a few dozen meter's.

No doubt that last attack was powerful.


Lor blasted straight for Superman, wanting to capitalize on his advantage and not waste this chance.

The fight was far from over after all.


His figure became blurry as he shot down from the sky, heading straight for the deepest part of the crater.

He crashed into it, a loud boom appearing as proof of that.


For a few second's, no sound was heard again as everyone stared intently at the crater, waiting to see who would come out from it.

It didn't take long before their wish finally came true.


A compelling silence surrounded the area before a loud band was heard as a figure shot up from the crater at high speed.

It stayed in the air for a few seconds before falling to the ground harshly, surrounded by debris and rubbles from the fight.


Another figure shot out of the crater before it stopped in the sky, staring at the figure buried in the debris.

The figure in the debris slowly stood up, patting and dusting off all the small rubbles on it's armor.

This figure in the debris was Lor.

He stared back at Superman who was watching him with eyes glowing red in anger.

He knew Superman was finally taking things seriously.

Up unto now, all Lor had been fighting was nothing more than a restrained Superman.

A Superman who was holding back.

Usually, Superman would defeat enemies with just this much strength and nobody had forced him to use his full strength up until now.

Only in the comics or some animations did he ever use his full strength against foe's who were worth it.

Worth him going full power against.

But it seems Lor had forced him to do just that. He had forced him to finally stop holding back and unleash his full strength.

And he was really hoping Lor was capable of taking it.

"I'm done playing games with you. If you won't surrender willingly...

Then I'll just have to force you."

Superman said as his eyes glowed brighter, ready to release his heat vision.

Lor stood among the debris, watching Superman with emotionless eyes.

Not a single trace of fear to be found on his face.

"Force me? Pfft." Lor let out a small burst of laughter, a trace of amusement and mockery on his face.

"Sure..." he spread his arms wide open, provoking Superman to attack him.

"Why don't you come force me right here?"


Superman blasted straight for Lor, not bothering to exchange word's with Lor any longer.

He was just a few meter's away from attacking Lor when suddenly, a figure appeared in between him and Lor.

Donning a red cape with golden accents, the figure stood valiantly with their arms spread open.

"Kal, stop!!" Supergirl yelled at Superman.


Superman, surprised to see Kara suddenly in front of him, instantly stopped moving, a small boom and gust of wind appearing from his sudden change of speed.

He stopped right in front of her, looking down at her with worry.

"Kara! What were you thinking suddenly jumping in like that? I could have accidentally hit you." Superman said in worry, seemingly forgotten about his match with Lor and focusing all his attention on Kara.

Lor frowned at this, he was ready to battle Superman to get the maximum benefit he could from fighting him.

But now, it seems that won't be possible.

"Don't hurt him Kal! You've gone too far with this battle already! Just take a look at your surrounding's, you've done enough damage already."

Kara said, completely ignoring Superman's question and coming up with an excuse for Superman to not hurt Lor.

She could see Superman was finally taking things seriously and didn't want to risk Lor getting hurt.

Even if there was a small chance of Lor possibly being able to take care of himself even when going against Superman at full strength, she knew there was no way Lor would come out unscathed.

Just that possibility of Lor getting hurt immediately made her rush to stop Superman, she simply couldn't bear to see Lor hurt.

She was also worried that she would do something bad if she saw Lor hurt.

She definitely doesn't want to imagine just what could possibly happen.

Superman took a look at his surrounding's, seeing all the destruction from just the mere shockwave of their fight.

Just the sight made his heart clench in pain and worry at the people who could have been possibly hurt.

He turned back towards Kara, his face filled with sadness and shame.

"You're right Kara, thanks for telling me."

Kara nodded her head at his apology, inwardly releasing a sigh for being able to stop Superman.

"It's okay, just don't be so careless next time. Now, apologize to Lor."

Kara said softly before causally ordering Superman to apologize to Lor.

Superman and everyone's face dropped at Kara's word's, surprised at her sudden demand.

Superman especially, he wondered why he had to apologize.

"Why? I didn't do anything wrong." Superman said, confusion etched on his face.

"You attacked him first remember? If you hadn't jumped to conclusions, then this wouldn't have happened in the first place so apologize. That's the least you could do for attacking an innocent person."

Kara said as she nodded her head with a smile, seemingly satisfied with her own explanation.

In truth, she just wanted Kal to apologize for attacking Lor. She didn't care about herself but Lor's safety and happiness was the most important thing in her mind.

You could burn her and beat her to death and she wouldn't mind if it could somehow benefit Lor.

That's just how crazy she is for Lor.

Superman released a sigh at Kara's word's, finding sense in her word's.

Indeed, if he hadn't been so hasty, thinking that Kara was in danger then this wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Everything would have gone smoothly and he would have conversed peacefully with Lor, all these destruction and fighting wouldn't have had even a chance to occur.

He walked towards Lor, slowly but steady. This time, not wanting to attack Lor but to simply apologize.

He stopped in front of Lor as everybody watched from the side, wanting to see how this plays out.

"Ahem...I'm sorry for attacking you out of the blue like that. It was a mistake and misunderstanding on my part, I hope you can forgive me and put aside our differences."

Superman said sincerely, a truly apologetic look on his face.

Superman was truly a good person in heart. He was someone who had the well-being of everyone in mind.

The only reason he acted like that was simply because he let his overprotectiveness for Kara get the best of him.

Seeing that he was truly the one at fault, he naturally put aside his conflict with Lor aside and apologized, No longer upset with Lor.

He stretched out his arm for a handshake, trying to show how sincere he was.

"...." Lor stared at Superman's hand for a few second's, He released a sigh before reluctantly shaking it.

It was a shame that he couldn't continue fighting Superman but it's not like he can't fight him again.

He simply needs to request for another match or fight someone else who can make him stronger.

All in all, the benefits Lor got from fighting Superman were enormous and although there wasn't enough time to get all the benefits he could, the amount he just got is more than enough...

For now.

Lor chose not to fight Superman anymore simply because he knew that if he kept on fighting then he would be making enemies with everyone here. It's not that he's afraid or concerned that he won't be able to take them all.

He simply didn't want to make enemies unnecessarily. Simply going around and making enemies isn't the way to go.

His time as a General taught him that.

If you can have them as your allies, why make them into your enemies?

But that doesn't mean Lor would do all he could to keep them as his allies, he won't go out of his way to impress them or convince them that he's their ally.

Like a dog would.

He'll only do the bare minimum to maintain friendly relations with them, if they still turn out as enemies despite that...

Then Lor wouldn't mind destroying them.

He's someone who'll try not to make enemies left and right but that doesn't mean he'll hold himself back at every turn to make sure everyone's an ally.

He's not so weak as to rely on others so much. He'll make sure to remind the Justice League of that while he's here.

He's not their servant or someone they can send on whatever mission they want.

If he wants, he'll go to the mission if it interests him or could benefit him or Ariella in some way. He won't go just because they want him to.

If they try to abuse this chance that Lor is giving them then he won't mind canceling it and at that point, they would be nothing more than enemies and people with different views.

Not to mention, Lor still wants to relax and grow in power at the same time in a leisure pace.

Since he's not in a rush to reach his goal of becoming a Tier 1-A, he might as well enjoy his time here while he still can.

'Live your life to the fullest while coming out strong.'

'That's what God would want for me. Having to deal with enemies who just keep popping up due to me being arrogant or stupid won't give me the type of life I want, would it?'

'Of course, it wouldn't.' Lor shook his head with a small smile before a hand then slammed into his back.


"Nice fight out there man! You're really powerful aren't you?" A loud voice said from beside Lor, seemingly surprised and happy.

Lor turned to the person who he assumed hit him and saw Shazam standing there with a bright smile and a hand still on his back.

"Hahaha! It's alright if you don't wanna answer, I get it. Hahaha" Shazam laughed even more when he saw Lor didn't answer his question and just kept patting the back of Lor's armor, his laughter attracting the other adults and teenagers towards Lor.

"Indeed, that was a splendid match warrior. Call me impressed." A beautiful feminine voice said from behind Lor.

Lor turned toward's the voice, his back turned toward's a place where no one was behind him.

He didn't want anybody behind him since they could possibly attack him from behind while his guard was down.

He saw a tall and fair-skinned woman with straight waist-length black hair, blue eyes, and broad shoulders.

She was extremely beautiful and attractive in appearance, sporting a slender and athletic frame with a well-toned yet muscular build as well as a curvaceous body.

It was quite obvious that she trained extensively every day to have that kind of body.

She was wearing a strapless red bustier held up by a brace of gold resembling two W's along with a large golden belt and blue briefs with five white stars on them.

She had on red boots with a white stripe on the front side. She also had on silver bracelets around her wrists, red star earrings, and wears a golden diadem with a red star on her forehead.

A golden lasso was also hanging from her belt.

This was Diana Prince AKA Wonder Woman.


She reached out with her hand towards Lor, hoping for a handshake.

Lor, who had already separated his hand from Superman, reached out and shook it.

The moment Wonder Woman shook Lor's hand, she felt a shiver run through her body.

'W-What?' Diana's eyes widened in shock for a split second before returning back to normal, trying to act like nothing happened.

"The name I'm most recognized by is Wonder Woman, it's a pleasure meeting a warrior such as yourself. I hope we can spar once we have the chance."

Wonder Woman kept speaking, doing the part of what she considered normal.

Lor nodded his head at her word's, inwardly deciding to ignore and not accept her proposal.

Wonder Woman might be strong when compared to normal people and the vast majority of villains out there.

But ultimately, in the grand scheme of things, she wasn't much at all.

She wasn't even as strong as him physically and she had no other powers she could use against him that could cause him problems.

Maybe if she had her divine powers like her comic counterpart then maybe she could be of some use but he doubted her Young Justice counterpart had that power.

If he is wrong and she actually has her divine power's and she just didn't use it in season one then cool but as she is now, she can't provide him anything.

"Good, Goodbye young warrior. We shall meet again." Wonder Woman retrieved her hand and walked away, still keeping the act of everything being normal.

The reason why Wonder Woman acted like that was because when she made contact with Lor, she felt an intense feeling she thought she wouldn't have ever again.

It was an intense reaction from her body towards Lor. Like something was calling her towards him.

Her heart suddenly started beating fast, an unknown feeling spread all over her and she suddenly felt like Lor was more attractive than he already was.

She didn't know why this suddenly happened but she immediately pushed it down, already deciding that something wrong must have happened to her body.

She decided to push down this...intense feeling in her heart and investigate it later. For now, she should keep up her act.

Thankfully, it seems no one noticed and she had been careful enough in hiding it.

Wonder Woman thought she had been careful in not letting anyone know that something strange had happened but she was wrong.

Three people were able to catch on to her slight irregularity.

Batman saw her eyebrows raise in shock for a second before retracting back to normal, such a thing couldn't escape his eyes and he immediately narrowed his eyes again.

He was someone who was an expert in reading people's expression and as a result, could recognize her shock.

He knew something had happened.

He decided to ask her about it during the meeting.

Superman was the second person who noticed her expression.

He raised his right eyebrow at her before resolving to ask her about it later on in the meeting, like Batman.

The third person was Lor.

He was someone who had been trained on all kinds of things by his father.

Figuring out an irregularity in someone was as easy as breathing for him.

He noticed that the moment she touched him, that's when something happened.

He looked at his hand as he thought to himself.

'Is there something wrong with me? Or did she do something I'm not aware of? Whatever it is, I'll check my status later on for anything on me just incase she did something.'

Lor nodded to himself as he dropped his hand down.

"It's good you guys stopped, otherwise, who knows how much damage you both could have caused. For now, we should head to the headquarters."

Batman stepped forward and said, taking control of the situation so that it can move forward.

"Indeed, we should head back to the headquarters. We still have a lot to discuss." Superman said, indicating about the teenager's and Lor.

"Then let's take them to our old hideout, it's location might have been compromised but it still has it's uses." Flash suggested.

Everyone nodded as they started moving towards Mount Justice.

"Excuse me, I still have something to get." Lor suddenly said.

They turned to Lor only to see him already flying towards the location of where his ship crashed.

The teenager's had a confused look on their face as they wondered what Lor was doing going back to the ship.

The Justice League would take care of it so why would he go back for it?

The thought that Lor was going back to retrieve the entire ship and get a certain someone out didn't cross their mind's.

After all, it's already a surprise that another Kryptonian survived despite the planet being destroyed.

What were the odds of another Kryptonian surviving the planet too?

And they didn't think that Lor was capable of storing a ship as large as that. Kryptonian's were known for being strong only when it came to their body and the various abilities they showed.

There had never been anyone else who had other powers except the ones that have already been seen.

The adults and teenagers followed him, wanting to see what he was trying to do.

Kara didn't know why but she had a bad feeling, like she didn't like was gonna happen.

She immediately flew after him to catch up with him.

When the adults and teenagers reached where Lor's ship crashed, they saw Kara standing next to Lor, about to ask him a question.

"Lor, why are we back here? Did you perhaps leave something back in there."

Lor turned to her and smiled, he brought his hand up and petted her head.

"No, I didn't forget anything. I simply came to get someone I brought along with me. She's been unconscious ever since we got here, that's why you don't see her now."

The moment Kara heard that, she couldn't help but feel her sense of foreboding grow stronger. Her heart started beating faster as her mind surged toward's the only person Lor would be talking about.

'Don't tell me...'

"Don't worry, I'll be right back." Lor said as he turned into a blur that rushed toward's the ship.

A side of the ship automatically parted a way for him as he plunged into it, the side automatically closing back after his entry.

"No...don't go..." Kara muttered as she stared at ship with a pained face.

She finally realized who Lor was talking about.

It was her worst enemy.

'Please, let me be wrong. Please, let me be wrong.' Kara said to herself as she silently prayed that she was wrong.

Everyone watched as they stood behind Kara, having a discussion of their own.

"So what were they talking about?" Batman asked, directing his question to Superman.

Superman stared at the ship, complete surprise etched on his face.

"They were talking...about another Kryptonian..."


"No way, another Kryptonian?!" Kid Flash yelled, his face full of surprise.

Not just him, everyone else had a surprised expression.

"But how is it that another one survived? Are you absolutely sure they all died Superman?" Batman asked, suspicion written all over his face.

"Yes, I'm sure they all died. Apparently, he brought someone with him before the planet was destroyed. I don't know who it is but he's about to bring the person out."

Superman nodded his head, indicating his belief in the Kryptonian's being wiped out.

"I see, so he brought someone with him huh. Let's wait to see who it is and decide what we do from there."

Wonder Woman commented, a sudden feeling of jealousy rising in her heart but she immediately crushed it before it could cloud her judgment.

She didn't know why these feelings were suddenly popping out of nowhere but since they were still weak, she could handle them.

'Eventually, I'll figure out the root cause and crush that too.' Wonder Woman thought to herself, ready to overcome what she thought was another obstacle in her path.

Maybe it was a test from the God's, she thought.

After waiting for a few more seconds, the side where Lor went through to enter the ship, opened and revealed a person stepping out.

The person seemed to be carrying someone on their arms, carefully moving forward so as to not wake up the person in his arms.

The person walking forward was Lor and he was carrying a blonde haired beautiful girl.


The girl had a peaceful expression on her face with a small lewd smile on her face.

She seemed to be enjoying her sleep, whatever it was.

'Rao, please no.'

She had on a tight fitting black skin suit that hung tightly to her body, emphasizing her large but firm curves.

'Why...Why did you have to be here?'

"Kara, I want you to meet our beloved friend..."

'Why didn't you just stay dead huh? Like you were supposed to be huh?...I guess you really won't leave him, won't you…'




Chapter 14, done!

Phew, finally done!

Sorry it took so long for me to post, this chapter got way too long somehow but I still kept my promise.

It's like every chapter somehow wants to be more than 5000 word's.

Every time I write a chapter, I find myself easily writing more than 2000 words and getting so close to writing more than 5000.

It's like the chapters don't want to be so low so they keep manipulating me...

Keeping my mind focused on what I'm writing till when I write at least 5000 word's. That's when I'll snap out of it.

But by then it'll be too late, I'll have to keep writing to find a good spot to end the chapter.

And that spot will probably not be found until 3000 more word's later.

Like what happened with this chapter.

It's kinda scary a little...

Sorry about that dark thought, in this chapter, we saw a very interesting fight between Lor and Superman and we got to finally see Lor's power in more detail.

The reason why Lor didn't instantly adapt to Superman's strength was because the difference between them was IMMENSE.

Like crazy big.

Superman is by far stronger than Lor currently, hence why it took such a long time for Lor to finally start competing with Superman.

Now, some of you may say 'but wasn't doomsday able to adapt and beat superman till he was a bloody pulp? How come Lor isn't capable of doing that despite having the higher level of doomsday's ability?'

Well, doomsday isn't actually that much weaker than Superman in strength.

He's not as strong as Superman but is still far stronger than Lor.

The difference between him and Superman isn't as much as the difference between Superman and Lor hence why Doomsday was able to adapt to Superman's strength almost instantly while Lor is closing in on Superman's strength fast and will eventually overtake him.

Do keep in mind that Lor did NOT lose that match with Superman, it was cut off by Kara.

If Superman and Lor kept fighting then the person who would eventually lose would be Superman, no doubt about that.

Not to mention, Lor didn't go all out on Superman. He didn't use his magic, or the full potential of his [Superior Reactive Adaptation and Evolution] ability.

If Lor really did use all that then Superman would have been absolutely snapped to dust. Literally.

Lor didn't use his magic simply because his goal for fighting Superman wasn't to beat him and show who's superior but to adapt as much as he could to his strength to make up for the time he lost.

Beating Superman to the ground would do the opposite of what he wants, hence why he kept fighting with Superman, drawing the battle so that he can keep adapting.

Hope that explains why Lor didn't immediately adapt to his strength or just beat superman down.

Also, for those who might say i nerfed Superman...

I didn't. Young justice Superman is extremely weak compared to other animations or his comic counterpart.

If anything, I made him a tad bit stronger. He really is weak but that's only compared to his other counterparts, he's still powerful in the young justice universe.

Anyways, on to the next. It might seem that another person has got the hots for Lor but isn't aware of it.

Wonder Woman, Just like with Power Girl, doesn't love Lor, it's simply high attraction. That's it.

And...we finally get to see Ariella. Some of y'all were wondering where Ariella was, lol.

Kara seems to also be frustrated with Ariella just by her mere presence, imagine her reaction when she finds out they're dating.

It's gonna be a bloodbath that day, I swear to God.


This chapter like I said, is pretty long. I originally promised not to make another special chapter until at least 5 or 10 chapters but something came up and I had to release a special chapter for you guys.

7221 word's.

It's long, way longer than the last chapter but not as long as my previous ones.

The reason I made a special chapter for you guys is because...

Tomorrow my summer ends and school resumes.

Yes, I need to go to school and as a result, I can't make a chapter for you guys for the next 4 days.

I need to focus during that time since something important is usually said during those times and I need to get used to the changes that took place.

So focusing on this story while doing that is gonna be tough.

I can still make chapters for y'all, I just can't make one as fast as I usually can simply because school has started now.

But no worries, it's only for the next 4 days. After that, I'll release a chapter for you guys and maybe, I'll finally be able to make chapters as fast i usually can while focusing on school.

The story is not dropped and will keep running after the next 4 days.

Sorry about this, school really screwed me this time.

*Sigh* and that's why i hate school...

So frustrating and troublesome.

Whatever, anyways, tell me what y'all think about this chapter. I hope it's good for y'all.

Next chapter is gonna be a reaction chapter from the Justice league and some other stuffs.

Wish me luck.

Anyways, school finally starts and I'm so not ready or even mentally prepared for it but I guess it is what it is.

*sigh* it's gonna feel so weird when I walk on those hallways.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did.

I'll see y'all next chapter.

Peace ✌️

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